From 02a4f5a3831cc321cb449c9de6052a330498d5d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tobias Hintze
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 21:46:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] remove duplicate boot_editor.js; start shutdown impl
js/boot_editor.js | 422 ---------------------------------------
js/editor/boot_editor.js | 21 +-
js/office.js | 4 +-
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 430 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 js/boot_editor.js
diff --git a/js/boot_editor.js b/js/boot_editor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afa1652e5..000000000
--- a/js/boot_editor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 KO GmbH
- *
- * @licstart
- * The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * (GNU AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version. The code is distributed
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AGPL for more details.
- *
- * As additional permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7, you
- * may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
- * that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
- * section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
- * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
- *
- * As a special exception to the AGPL, any HTML file which merely makes function
- * calls to this code, and for that purpose includes it by reference shall be
- * deemed a separate work for copyright law purposes. In addition, the copyright
- * holders of this code give you permission to combine this code with free
- * software libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL. You may copy and
- * distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU AGPL for this code
- * and the LGPL for the libraries. If you modify this code, you may extend this
- * exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to do so.
- * If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
- * version.
- *
- * This license applies to this entire compilation.
- * @licend
- * @source:
- * @source:
- */
- * bootstrap the editor in different ways.
- * this file is meant to be included from HTML and used
- * by users who do not want to know much about the inner
- * complexity.
- * so we need to make it really easy.
- *
- * including this file will result in the namespace/object
- * "webodfEditor" to be available from the HTML side.
- * calling webodfEditor.boot() will start the editor.
- * the method can also take some parameters to specify
- * behaviour. see documentation of that method.
- *
- */
-/*global runtime, require, document, alert, gui, window, SessionList, SessionListView, FileReader, Uint8Array */
-// define the namespace/object we want to provide
-// this is the first line of API, the user gets.
-var webodfEditor = (function () {
- "use strict";
- var editorInstance = null,
- booting = false,
- loadedFilename;
- /**
- * wait for a network connection through nowjs to establish.
- * call the callback when done, when finally failed, or
- * when a timeout reached.
- * the parameter to the callback is a string with the possible
- * values:
- * "unavailable", "timeout", "ready"
- *
- * @param {!function(!string)} callback
- * @return {undefined}
- */
- function waitForNetwork(callback) {
- var net = runtime.getNetwork(), accumulated_waiting_time = 0;
- function later_cb() {
- if (net.networkStatus === "unavailable") {
- runtime.log("connection to server unavailable.");
- callback("unavailable");
- return;
- }
- if (net.networkStatus !== "ready") {
- if (accumulated_waiting_time > 8000) {
- // game over
- runtime.log("connection to server timed out.");
- callback("timeout");
- return;
- }
- accumulated_waiting_time += 100;
- runtime.getWindow().setTimeout(later_cb, 100);
- } else {
- runtime.log("connection to collaboration server established.");
- callback("ready");
- }
- }
- later_cb();
- }
- /**
- * extract document url from the url-fragment
- *
- * @return {?string}
- */
- function guessDocUrl() {
- var pos, docUrl = String(document.location);
- // If the URL has a fragment (#...), try to load the file it represents
- pos = docUrl.indexOf('#');
- if (pos !== -1) {
- docUrl = docUrl.substr(pos + 1);
- } else {
- docUrl = "welcome.odt";
- }
- return docUrl || null;
- }
- function fileSelectHandler(evt) {
- var file, files, reader;
- files = ( && ||
- (evt.dataTransfer && evt.dataTransfer.files);
- function onloadend() {
- if (reader.readyState === 2) {
- runtime.registerFile(, reader.result);
- loadedFilename =;
- editorInstance.loadDocument(;
- }
- }
- if (files && files.length === 1) {
- file = files[0];
- reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onloadend = onloadend;
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
- } else {
- alert("File could not be opened in this browser.");
- }
- }
- function enhanceRuntime() {
- var openedFiles = {},
- read =,
- getFileSize = runtime.getFileSize;
- = function (path, offset, length, callback) {
- var array;
- if (openedFiles.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
- array = new Uint8Array(openedFiles[path], offset, length);
- callback(undefined, array);
- } else {
- return read(path, offset, length, callback);
- }
- };
- runtime.getFileSize = function (path, callback) {
- if (openedFiles.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
- return callback(openedFiles[path].byteLength);
- } else {
- return getFileSize(path, callback);
- }
- };
- runtime.registerFile = function (path, data) {
- openedFiles[path] = data;
- };
- }
- function createFileLoadForm() {
- var form = document.createElement("form"),
- input = document.createElement("input");
- form.appendChild(input);
- = "none";
- = "fileloader";
- input.setAttribute("type", "file");
- input.addEventListener("change", fileSelectHandler, false);
- document.body.appendChild(form);
- }
- function load() {
- var form = document.getElementById("fileloader");
- if (!form) {
- enhanceRuntime();
- createFileLoadForm();
- form = document.getElementById("fileloader");
- }
- }
- function save() {
- editorInstance.saveDocument(loadedFilename);
- }
- /**
- * create a new editor instance, and start the editor with
- * the given document.
- *
- * @param {!string} docUrl
- * @param {?Object} editorOptions
- * @param {?function(!Object)} editorReadyCallback
- */
- function createLocalEditor(docUrl, editorOptions, editorReadyCallback) {
- var pos;
- booting = true;
- editorOptions = editorOptions || {};
- editorOptions.memberid = "localuser";
- editorOptions.loadCallback = load;
- editorOptions.saveCallback = save;
- runtime.assert(docUrl, "docUrl needs to be specified");
- runtime.assert(editorInstance === null, "cannot boot with instanciated editor");
- document.getElementById("mainContainer").style.display = "";
- document.dojoAnchor.require({}, ["webodf/editor/Editor"],
- function (Editor) {
- runtime.assert(Editor!==undefined, "requiring does not work.");
- editorInstance = new Editor(editorOptions);
- editorInstance.initAndLoadDocument(docUrl, function (editorSession) {
- editorSession.sessionController.setUndoManager(new gui.TrivialUndoManager());
- editorSession.startEditing();
- editorReadyCallback(editorInstance);
- });
- }
- );
- }
- /**
- * assume the network connection is established, create a new editor instance,
- * and start the editor on the network.
- *
- * @param {!string} sessionId
- * @param {!string} userid
- * @param {?string} token
- * @param {?Object} editorOptions
- * @param {?function(!Object)} editorReadyCallback
- */
- function createNetworkedEditor(sessionId, userid, token, editorOptions, editorReadyCallback) {
- runtime.assert(sessionId, "sessionId needs to be specified");
- runtime.assert(editorInstance === null, "cannot boot with instanciated editor");
- editorOptions = editorOptions || {};
- editorOptions.memberid = userid + "___" +;
- editorOptions.networked = true;
- editorOptions.networkSecurityToken = token;
- require({ }, ["webodf/editor/Editor"],
- function (Editor) {
- // TODO: the networkSecurityToken needs to be retrieved via now.login
- // (but this is to be implemented later)
- editorInstance = new Editor(editorOptions);
- // load the document and get called back when it's live
- editorInstance.loadSession(sessionId, function (editorSession) {
- editorSession.startEditing();
- editorReadyCallback(editorInstance);
- });
- }
- );
- }
- /**
- * start the login process by offering a login/password prompt.
- * the login is validated via nowjs namespace.
- * on success a list of sessions is offered.
- * when the user selects a session the callback is called
- * with the sessionId as parameter
- *
- * @param {!function(!string, !string, ?string)} callback
- * @returns {undefined}
- */
- function startLoginProcess(callback) {
- var userid, token,
- net = runtime.getNetwork();
- booting = true;
- runtime.assert(editorInstance === null, "cannot boot with instanciated editor");
- function enterSession(selectedSessionId) {
- document.getElementById("sessionListContainer").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("mainContainer").style.display = "";
- callback(selectedSessionId, userid, token);
- }
- function showSessions() {
- var sessionListDiv = document.getElementById("sessionList"),
- sessionList = new SessionList(net),
- sessionListView = new SessionListView(sessionList, sessionListDiv, enterSession);
- // hide login view
- document.getElementById("loginContainer").style.display = "none";
- // show session list
- document.getElementById("sessionListContainer").style.display = "";
- }
- function loginSuccess(userData) {
- runtime.log("connected:" + userData.full_name);
- userid = userData.uid;
- token = userData.securityToken || null;
- showSessions();
- }
- function loginFail(result) {
- alert("Login failed: " + result);
- }
- function onLoginSubmit() {
- net.login(document.loginForm.login.value, document.loginForm.password.value, loginSuccess, loginFail);
- // block the submit button, we already dealt with the input
- return false;
- }
- // bring up the login form
- document.loginForm.Submit.onclick = onLoginSubmit;
- document.getElementById("loginContainer").style.display = "";
- }
- /**
- * make a guess about the document (# in URL)
- * also guess about local/collaborative (depending on nowjs)
- *
- * @param {?Object} args
- *
- * args:
- *
- * collaborative: if set to true: connect to the network and start a
- * collaborative editor. in that case the document url
- * is ignored. and user needs to select a session.
- *
- * if set to the string "auto": it will try the above
- * but fall back to non-collaborative mode [default]
- *
- * docUrl: if given it is used as the url to the document to load
- *
- * callback: callback to be called as soon as the document is loaded
- *
- */
- function boot(args) {
- var editorOptions = {}, loginProcedure = startLoginProcess;
- runtime.assert(!booting, "editor creation already in progress");
- args = args || {};
- if (args.collaborative === undefined) {
- args.collaborative = "auto";
- } else {
- args.collaborative = String(args.collaborative).toLowerCase();
- }
- if (args.docUrl === undefined) {
- args.docUrl = guessDocUrl();
- }
- if (args.saveCallback) {
- editorOptions.saveCallback = args.saveCallback;
- }
- if (args.cursorAddedCallback) {
- editorOptions.cursorAddedCallback = args.cursorAddedCallback;
- }
- if (args.cursorRemovedCallback) {
- editorOptions.cursorRemovedCallback = args.cursorRemovedCallback;
- }
- if (args.registerCallbackForShutdown) {
- editorOptions.registerCallbackForShutdown = args.registerCallbackForShutdown;
- } else {
- editorOptions.registerCallbackForShutdown = function (callback) {
- window.onunload = callback;
- };
- }
- if (args.loginProcedure) {
- loginProcedure = args.loginProcedure;
- }
- // start the editor with network
- function handleNetworkedSituation() {
- loginProcedure(function (sessionId, userid, token) {
- createNetworkedEditor(sessionId, userid, token, editorOptions, function (ed) {
- if (args.callback) {
- args.callback(ed);
- }
- }
- );
- });
- }
- // start the editor without network
- function handleNonNetworkedSituation() {
- createLocalEditor(args.docUrl, editorOptions, function (editor) {
- if (args.callback) {
- args.callback(editor);
- }
- });
- }
- if (args.collaborative === "auto") {
- runtime.log("detecting network...");
- waitForNetwork(function (state) {
- if (state === "ready") {
- runtime.log("... network available.");
- handleNetworkedSituation();
- } else {
- runtime.log("... no network available (" + state + ").");
- handleNonNetworkedSituation();
- }
- });
- } else if ((args.collaborative === "true") ||
- (args.collaborative === "1") ||
- (args.collaborative === "yes")) {
- runtime.log("starting collaborative editor.");
- waitForNetwork(function (state) {
- if (state === "ready") {
- handleNetworkedSituation();
- }
- });
- } else {
- runtime.log("starting local editor.");
- handleNonNetworkedSituation();
- }
- }
- // exposed API
- return { boot: boot };
diff --git a/js/editor/boot_editor.js b/js/editor/boot_editor.js
index ae13db5fc..6f10a2456 100644
--- a/js/editor/boot_editor.js
+++ b/js/editor/boot_editor.js
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ var webodfEditor = (function () {
"use strict";
var editorInstance = null,
- booting = false,
- loadedFilename;
+ running = false,
+ loadedFilename = null;
* wait for a network connection through nowjs to establish.
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ var webodfEditor = (function () {
function createLocalEditor(docUrl, editorOptions, editorReadyCallback) {
var pos;
- booting = true;
+ running = true;
editorOptions = editorOptions || {};
editorOptions.memberid = "localuser";
editorOptions.loadCallback = load;
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ var webodfEditor = (function () {
var userid, token,
net = runtime.getNetwork();
- booting = true;
+ running = true;
runtime.assert(editorInstance === null, "cannot boot with instanciated editor");
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ var webodfEditor = (function () {
function boot(args) {
var editorOptions = {}, loginProcedure = startLoginProcess;
- runtime.assert(!booting, "editor creation already in progress");
+ runtime.assert(!running, "editor creation already in progress");
args = args || {};
@@ -415,7 +415,16 @@ var webodfEditor = (function () {
+ function shutdown() {
+ running = false;
+ editorInstance = null;
+ loadedFilename = null;
+ }
// exposed API
- return { boot: boot };
+ return {
+ boot: boot,
+ shutdown: shutdown
+ };
diff --git a/js/office.js b/js/office.js
index ccf98c202..2287b6f1c 100644
--- a/js/office.js
+++ b/js/office.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ var officeMain = {
alert("WebODF Editor not yet initialized...");
- OC.addScript('office', 'boot_editor').done(function() {
+ OC.addScript('office', 'editor/boot_editor').done(function() {
var doclocation = fileDownloadPath(dir, file);
// fade out files menu and add odf menu
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ var officeMain = {
bodyelement.className.replace(' claro', '');
+ webodfEditor.shutdown();
- is_editor_shown = false;