Signed-off-by: Julius Härtl <>
This commit is contained in:
Julius Härtl 2021-05-17 11:56:11 +02:00
Родитель 8029f00da0
Коммит 41bfb5a7c8
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4C614C6ED2CDE6DF
2 изменённых файлов: 71 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -267,4 +267,26 @@ class WopiContext implements Context {
Assert::assertNotEquals($current, $previous);
* @Given /^Collabora saves the content of "([^"]*)" as "([^"]*)"$/
public function collaboraSavesTheFileAs($source, $newName) {
$file = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(fopen($source, 'r'));
$client = new Client();
$options = [
'body' => $file,
'headers' => [
'X-LOOL-WOPI-Timestamp' => $this->checkFileInfoResult['LastModifiedTime'],
'X-WOPI-SuggestedTarget' => $newName,
'X-WOPI-Override' => 'PUT_RELATIVE',
try {
$this->response = $client->post($this->getWopiEndpointBaseUrl() . 'index.php/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/' . $this->fileId . '?access_token=' . $this->wopiToken, $options);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
$this->response = $e->getResponse();

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@ -269,3 +269,52 @@ Feature: WOPI
| UserFriendlyName | user1-displayname |
And checkFileInfo "UserCanWrite" is true
And TemplateSource is set
Scenario: Save as
Given as user "user1"
And User "user1" uploads file "./../assets/template.odt" to "/file-origin.odt"
Then User "user1" opens "/file-origin.odt"
And Collabora fetches and receives the following in the checkFileInfo response
| BaseFileName | file-origin.odt |
| OwnerId | user1 |
| UserId | user1 |
| UserFriendlyName | user1-displayname |
And checkFileInfo "UserCanWrite" is true
And Collabora saves the content of "./../assets/template.ods" as "saveas.odt"
And the WOPI HTTP status code should be "200"
Then User "user1" opens "/saveas.odt"
And Collabora fetches and receives the following in the checkFileInfo response
| BaseFileName | saveas.odt |
| OwnerId | user1 |
| UserId | user1 |
| UserFriendlyName | user1-displayname |
And Collabora downloads the file
And Collabora downoads the file and it is equal to "./../assets/template.ods"
Scenario: Save as different user
Given as user "user1"
And User "user1" uploads file "./../assets/template.odt" to "/file-origin.odt"
And as "user1" create a share with
| path | /file-origin.odt |
| shareType | 0 |
| shareWith | user2 |
| permissions | 31 |
Then User "user2" opens "/file-origin.odt"
And Collabora fetches and receives the following in the checkFileInfo response
| BaseFileName | file-origin.odt |
| OwnerId | user1 |
| UserId | user2 |
| UserFriendlyName | user2-displayname |
And Collabora saves the content of "./../assets/template.ods" as "/saveas.odt"
And the WOPI HTTP status code should be "200"
Then User "user2" opens "/saveas.odt"
And Collabora fetches and receives the following in the checkFileInfo response
| BaseFileName | saveas.odt |
| OwnerId | user2 |
| UserId | user2 |
| UserFriendlyName | user2-displayname |
And Collabora downloads the file
And Collabora downoads the file and it is equal to "./../assets/template.ods"