# ShareListing This app allows generating reports of shares on the system. ## Usage ### Command ```sh ./occ sharing:list [-u|--user [USER]] [-p|--path [PATH]] [-t|--token [TOKEN]] [-f|--filter [FILTER]] [-o|--output FORMAT] ``` Without options, the command yields the unfiltered list of all shares.\ With options, the list is narrowed down using the filters set. ### Options * `-u [USER]` or `--user [USER]`\ List only shares of the given user. * `-p [PATH]` or `--path [PATH]`\ List only shares within the given path. * `-t [TOKEN]` or `--token [TOKEN]`\ List only shares that use a token that (at least partly) matches the argument. * `-f [FILTER]` or `--filter [FILTER]`\ List only shares where the TYPE matches the argument.\ Possible values for the filter argument: {owner, initiator, recipient} * `-o FORMAT` or `--output FORMAT`\ Set the output format (json or csv, default is json). ## Examples To better illustrate how the app work see the examples below: ### Example 1 Listing all shares user0 is a participant in (be it owner, initiator or recipient): `./occ sharing:list --user user0` ```json [ { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:26+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user1" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:34:58+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F2", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:35:02+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:43+00:00", "permissions": 1, "path": "\/F1\/SF1", "type": "link", "token": "eoT8kF5B9jtmMda" } ] ``` ### Example 2 Listing all shares user0 is a participant in (be it owner, initiator or recipient) limited to the path `F1` `./occ sharing:list --user user0 --path F1` ```json [ { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:26+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user1" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:35:02+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:43+00:00", "permissions": 1, "path": "\/F1\/SF1", "type": "link", "token": "eoT8kF5B9jtmMda" } ] ``` ### Example 3 List all info about all shares `./occ sharing:list` ```json [ { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:34:58+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F2", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:35:02+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:26+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user1" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:43+00:00", "permissions": 1, "path": "\/F1\/SF1", "type": "link", "token": "eoT8kF5B9jtmMda" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:26+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user1" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:34:58+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F2", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "admin", "time": "2018-04-24T07:35:02+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user0" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:43+00:00", "permissions": 1, "path": "\/F1\/SF1", "type": "link", "token": "eoT8kF5B9jtmMda" } ] ``` #### Example 4 List all shares that user0 is the initiator of in the path F1 (of that user). `./occ sharing:list --user user0 --path F1 --filter initiator` ```json [ { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:26+00:00", "permissions": 31, "path": "\/F1", "type": "user", "recipient": "user1" }, { "owner": "admin", "initiator": "user0", "time": "2018-04-24T08:29:43+00:00", "permissions": 1, "path": "\/F1\/SF1", "type": "link", "token": "eoT8kF5B9jtmMda" } ] ```