зеркало из https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed.git
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -927,6 +927,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Attachments folder" : "Složka s přílohami",
"Privacy" : "Soukromí",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Sdílet mé oznámení o přečtení a zobrazit oznámení o přečtení ostatních",
"Sounds" : "Zvuky",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Přehrát zvuky oznámení když se připojí nebo odpojí účastník",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Z důvodu omezení výrobce, v Safari prohlížeči a na iPadech a iPhonech nemohou být zvuky přehrány.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Klávesové zkratky",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Pohybujte se po Talk rychleji pomocí těchto pohotových klávesových zkratek",
"Focus the chat input" : "Zaměřit okno psaní chatu",
@ -939,6 +942,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Space bar" : "Mezerník",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Klepněte a mluvte nebo klepněte pro ztlumení",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Hlásit se nebo přestat",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Selhalo uložení nastavení zvuků",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Zvolte do které složky by přílohy měly být uloženy.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Vyberte umístění pro přílohy",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Chyba při nastavování složky pro přílohy",
@ -925,6 +925,9 @@
"Attachments folder" : "Složka s přílohami",
"Privacy" : "Soukromí",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Sdílet mé oznámení o přečtení a zobrazit oznámení o přečtení ostatních",
"Sounds" : "Zvuky",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Přehrát zvuky oznámení když se připojí nebo odpojí účastník",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Z důvodu omezení výrobce, v Safari prohlížeči a na iPadech a iPhonech nemohou být zvuky přehrány.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Klávesové zkratky",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Pohybujte se po Talk rychleji pomocí těchto pohotových klávesových zkratek",
"Focus the chat input" : "Zaměřit okno psaní chatu",
@ -937,6 +940,7 @@
"Space bar" : "Mezerník",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Klepněte a mluvte nebo klepněte pro ztlumení",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Hlásit se nebo přestat",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Selhalo uložení nastavení zvuků",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Zvolte do které složky by přílohy měly být uloženy.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Vyberte umístění pro přílohy",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Chyba při nastavování složky pro přílohy",
@ -927,6 +927,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Attachments folder" : "Ordner für Anhänge",
"Privacy" : "Datenschutz",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Ihren Lesestatus teilen und den Lesestatus von anderen anzeigen",
"Sounds" : "Töne",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Spielen Sie Töne ab, wenn Teilnehmer einem Anruf beitreten oder ihn verlassen",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Aufgrund technischer Einschränkungen des Herstellers können derzeit keine Töne in Safari-Browsern sowie iPad- und iPhone-Geräten abgespielt werden.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Tastaturkürzel",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Beschleunigen Sie Ihr Gesprächserlebnis mit diesen Schnell-Verknüpfungen.",
"Focus the chat input" : "Chat-Eingabe in den Vordergrund",
@ -939,6 +942,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Space bar" : "Leertaste",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Zum Sprechen oder Stummschalten drücken",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Hand heben oder herunternehmen",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Toneinstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Bitte auswählen, in welchen Ordner die Anhänge gespeichert werden sollen.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Speicherort für Anhänge auswählen",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Fehler beim Festlegen des Ordners für Anhänge",
@ -925,6 +925,9 @@
"Attachments folder" : "Ordner für Anhänge",
"Privacy" : "Datenschutz",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Ihren Lesestatus teilen und den Lesestatus von anderen anzeigen",
"Sounds" : "Töne",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Spielen Sie Töne ab, wenn Teilnehmer einem Anruf beitreten oder ihn verlassen",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Aufgrund technischer Einschränkungen des Herstellers können derzeit keine Töne in Safari-Browsern sowie iPad- und iPhone-Geräten abgespielt werden.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Tastaturkürzel",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Beschleunigen Sie Ihr Gesprächserlebnis mit diesen Schnell-Verknüpfungen.",
"Focus the chat input" : "Chat-Eingabe in den Vordergrund",
@ -937,6 +940,7 @@
"Space bar" : "Leertaste",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Zum Sprechen oder Stummschalten drücken",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Hand heben oder herunternehmen",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Toneinstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Bitte auswählen, in welchen Ordner die Anhänge gespeichert werden sollen.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Speicherort für Anhänge auswählen",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Fehler beim Festlegen des Ordners für Anhänge",
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You were invited to a <strong>conversation</strong> or had a <strong>call</strong>" : "Du ble invitert til et <strong>samtale</strong>, eller fikk et <strong>anrop</strong>",
"Talk" : "Samtale",
"Guest" : "Gjest",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "Velkommen til Nextcloud Talk!\nI denne samtalen vil vi informere deg om Nextcloud Talks nye funksjoner.",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Microsoft Edge og Safari kan nå bli benyttet for å delta i lyd- og videosamtaler",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Du kan nå nevne gjester i chat'n",
"Talk updates ✅" : "Talk oppdateringer ✅",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"You were invited to a <strong>conversation</strong> or had a <strong>call</strong>" : "Du ble invitert til et <strong>samtale</strong>, eller fikk et <strong>anrop</strong>",
"Talk" : "Samtale",
"Guest" : "Gjest",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "Velkommen til Nextcloud Talk!\nI denne samtalen vil vi informere deg om Nextcloud Talks nye funksjoner.",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Microsoft Edge og Safari kan nå bli benyttet for å delta i lyd- og videosamtaler",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Du kan nå nevne gjester i chat'n",
"Talk updates ✅" : "Talk oppdateringer ✅",
@ -927,6 +927,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Attachments folder" : "Katalog z załącznikami",
"Privacy" : "Prywatność",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Udostępnij mój status odczytu i pokaż innym",
"Sounds" : "Dźwięki",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Odtwarzaj dźwięki, gdy uczestnicy dołączają do połączenia lub je opuszczają",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Obecnie nie można odtwarzać dźwięków w przeglądarce Safari oraz na urządzeniach iPad i iPhone ze względu na ograniczenia techniczne producenta.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Skróty klawiaturowe",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Przyspiesz korzystanie z Talka dzięki szybkim skrótom.",
"Focus the chat input" : "Skoncentruj się na rozmowie",
@ -939,6 +942,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Space bar" : "Spacja",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Naciśnij, aby mówić lub naciśnij, aby wyciszyć",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Podnieś lub opuścić rękę",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawienia dźwięków",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Wybierz, w którym katalogu mają być zapisywane załączniki.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Wybierz lokalizację dla załączników",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Błąd podczas ustawiania katalogu dla załącznika",
@ -925,6 +925,9 @@
"Attachments folder" : "Katalog z załącznikami",
"Privacy" : "Prywatność",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Udostępnij mój status odczytu i pokaż innym",
"Sounds" : "Dźwięki",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "Odtwarzaj dźwięki, gdy uczestnicy dołączają do połączenia lub je opuszczają",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Obecnie nie można odtwarzać dźwięków w przeglądarce Safari oraz na urządzeniach iPad i iPhone ze względu na ograniczenia techniczne producenta.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Skróty klawiaturowe",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Przyspiesz korzystanie z Talka dzięki szybkim skrótom.",
"Focus the chat input" : "Skoncentruj się na rozmowie",
@ -937,6 +940,7 @@
"Space bar" : "Spacja",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Naciśnij, aby mówić lub naciśnij, aby wyciszyć",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Podnieś lub opuścić rękę",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawienia dźwięków",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "Wybierz, w którym katalogu mają być zapisywane załączniki.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Wybierz lokalizację dla załączników",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Błąd podczas ustawiania katalogu dla załącznika",
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Talk" : "通话",
"Guest" : "访客",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "欢迎来到 Nextcloud 通话应用!\n在此会话中您将了解关于 Nextcloud 通话应用的可用新特性。",
"New in Talk %s" : "Talk %s 中的新功能",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Microsoft Edge和Safari浏览器现可用于参与音视频通话",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and can not be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- 一对一会话现在是永久的了,再也不会不小心被转成分组会话。另外,当一个参与者离开会话时,会话不再会被自动删除。只有当两个参与者都离开时,会话才会被从服务器上删除",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- 您可以在聊天中输入 \"@all\" 以通知所有参与者",
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call" : "您现在可以在通话时切换您的摄像头和麦克风",
"- Give your conversations some context with a description and open it up so logged in users can find it and join themselves" : "- 给你的对话提供一些背景和描述,并打开它,以便登录用户可以找到它并加入他们自己",
"- See a read status and send failed messages again" : "-查看阅读状态,并再次发送失败的消息",
"- Raise your hand in a call with the R key" : "_ 在通话中按 R 键举手",
"There are currently no commands available." : "当前没有命令可用。",
"The command does not exist" : "此命令不存在",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "执行命令时出错。请通知管理员检查日志。",
@ -62,7 +64,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{actor} locked the conversation" : "{actor} 锁定了会话",
"You locked the conversation" : "您锁定了会话",
"An administrator locked the conversation" : "一位管理员锁定了会话",
"{actor} limited the conversation to the current participants" : "{actor} 将会话限于当前参与者",
"You limited the conversation to the current participants" : "你将对话限制在当前参与者范围内",
"An administrator limited the conversation to the current participants" : "管理员将会话限于当前参与者",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered users" : "{actor} 向注册用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered users" : "你向注册用户开放了对话",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered users" : "管理员向注册用户开放了对话",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "{actor} 向注册和来宾程序用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "你向注册和来宾程序用户开放了对话",
@ -112,6 +118,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "您共享了一个不再可用的文件",
"{actor} set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats." : "{actor} 设置了 Matterbridge 以将此对话与其他对话同步。",
"You set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats." : "你设置了 Matterbridge 以将此对话与其他对话同步",
"{actor} updated the Matterbridge configuration." : "{actor} 更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You updated the Matterbridge configuration." : "你更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"{actor} removed the Matterbridge configuration." : "{actor} 删除了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You removed the Matterbridge configuration." : "你删除了 Matterbridge 配置。",
"{actor} started Matterbridge." : "{actor} 启动了 Matterbridge",
"You started Matterbridge." : "你启动了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} stopped Matterbridge." : "{actor} 停止了 Matterbridge",
"You stopped Matterbridge." : "你停止了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} deleted a message" : "{actor} 删除了一条信息",
"You deleted a message" : "你删除了一条信息",
"Message deleted by author" : "消息被作者删除了",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "消息被 {actor} 删除了",
"Message deleted by you" : "消息被你删除了",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (访客)",
"_Call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_Call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["与%n访客通话(时长 {duration})"],
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1} 和 {user2} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
@ -121,6 +140,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Talk to %s" : "和 %s 说话",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "文件未共享,或没有共享给用户",
"No account available to delete." : "没有帐户可以删除。",
"No image file provided" : "未提供图像文件",
"File is too big" : "文件太大",
"Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件",
"Invalid image" : "无效图片",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "发生了一个错误。请联系你的管理员。",
"Talk mentions" : "通话提及",
"Write to conversation" : "向会话写入",
"Writes event information into a conversation of your choice" : "将事件信息写入您选择的会话",
@ -129,11 +154,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Conversation invitation" : "会话邀请",
"Click the button below to join." : "点击下面按钮加入。",
"Join »%s«" : "加入 »%s«",
"You can also dial-in via phone with the following details" : "你也可以通过电话拨号,详情如下 ",
"Dial-in information" : "拨号信息",
"Meeting ID" : "会议ID",
"Your PIN" : "你的 PIN 码",
"Password request: %s" : "密码请求: %s",
"Private conversation" : "私有会话",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "已删除用户(%s)",
"{user} in {call}" : "{call} 中的 {user}",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "删除了 {call} 中的用户",
"{guest} (guest) in {call}" : "{guest} (guest) 位于 {call}",
"Guest in {call}" : "在 {call} 中的访客",
"{user} sent you a private message" : "{user} 给您发了一条私信",
"{user} sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{user} 在会话 {call} 中发了一条消息",
@ -155,6 +185,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Join call" : "加入通话",
"{user} invited you to a group conversation: {call}" : "{user} 邀请您加入一个小组会话: {call}",
"Answer call" : "接听通话",
"{user} would like to talk with you" : "{user} 想和你讲话",
"Call back" : "回拨",
"You missed a call from {user}" : "您错过了来自 {user} 的一个通话",
"A group call has started in {call}" : "已在 {call} 小组中开始通话",
@ -236,6 +267,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Belize" : "伯利兹",
"Canada" : "加拿大",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "科科斯(基林)群岛",
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" : "刚果民主共和国",
"Central African Republic" : "中非共和国",
"Congo" : "刚果",
"Switzerland" : "瑞士",
@ -453,6 +485,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "离开此页面也将中断 {conversation} 中的通话",
"Leave call" : "离开通话",
"Stay in call" : "保持通话",
"Duplicate session" : "重复会话 ",
"Discuss this file" : "讨论此文件",
"Share this file with others to discuss it" : "与他人共享此文件以讨论它",
"Share this file" : "共享此文件",
@ -499,11 +532,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All messages" : "全部消息",
"@-mentions only" : "仅被 @ 提及的消息",
"Off" : "关闭",
"Hosted high-performance backend" : "托管的高性能后端",
"Our partner Struktur AG provides a service where a hosted signaling server can be requested. For this you only need to fill out the form below and your Nextcloud will request it. Once the server is set up for you the credentials will be filled automatically. This will overwrite the existing signaling server settings." : "我们的合作伙伴 Struktur AG 提供了一种可以请求托管信号传递服务器的服务。为此,你只需要填写下面的表单,然后 Nextcloud 就会请求它。一旦为你设置好服务器,凭据将被自动填写。这将覆盖现有的信号服务器设置。",
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "此Nextcloud实例的URL",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户全名",
"Name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户名",
"E-mail of the user" : "用户的电子邮箱地址",
"Language" : "语言",
"Country" : "国家",
"Request signaling server trial" : "请求信号服务器试用",
"You can see the current status of your hosted signaling server in the following table." : "您可在以下表格中查看您托管的发信服务器的当前状态。",
"Status" : "状态",
"Created at" : "生成在",
@ -519,14 +556,27 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The trial could not be requested. Please try again later." : "无法请求测试。请稍后重试。",
"The account could not be deleted. Please try again later." : "账号无法删除。请稍后重试。",
"_%n user_::_%n users_" : ["%n 个用户"],
"Matterbridge integration" : "Matterbridge 集成",
"Enable Matterbridge integration" : "启用 Matterbridge 集成",
"Downloading …" : "下载中 …",
"Install Talk Matterbridge" : "安装 Talk Matterbridge",
"Installed version: {version}" : "已安装版本:{version}",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}." : "你可以安装 Matterbridge 来把 Nextcloud Talk 和其他一些服务相连,更多细节请访问它们的 {linkstart1}GitHub 页面{linkend}。下载和安装这个应用程序可能需要一段时间。如果超时了,请手动安装它,网址为 {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}。",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "Matterbridge 二进制文件的权限不正确。请确认 Matterbridge 二进制文件属于正确的用户,并且可以被执行。你可以在 \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\" 找到二进制文件",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "找不到 Matterbridge 二进制文件或无法执行。",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "你也可以通过 config 手动设置 Matterbridge 二进制文件的路径。更多信息请查阅 {linkstart}Matterbridge 集成文档{linkend}",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "安装 Matterbridge 应用程序时发生错误。",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "安装 Talk Matterbridge 时出错。请手动安装。",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "执行 Matterbridge 二进制文件失败。",
"SIP configuration" : "SIP 配置",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "SIP 配置只在高性能后端上可用",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "限制 SIP 配置",
"Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "只有以下群组的用户可以在自己主持的会话中开启 SIP",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "启用 SIP 配置",
"Shared secret" : "共享的密钥",
"This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "这些信息会在邀请邮件中发送,也会在侧边栏中显示给所有参与者。 ",
"Phone number (Country)" : "电话号码(国家)",
"High-performance backend URL" : "高性能后端 URL",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "验证SSL证书",
"Delete this server" : "删除此服务器",
"Status: Checking connection" : "状态:正在检查连接",
@ -535,6 +585,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "错误:服务器没有回复正确的JSON",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "错误:服务器回复:{error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "错误:发生未知错误",
"High-performance backend" : "高性能后端 ",
"Saved" : "已保存",
"Add a new server" : "添加新服务器",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部发信服务器。若使用内部发信服务器请留空。",
@ -544,16 +595,27 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"STUN server URL" : "STUN 服务器 URL",
"STUN servers" : "STUN 服务器",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN 服务器用以探测路由器下的参与者的公网 IP 地址。",
"TURN server schemes" : "TURN 服务器 scheme",
"{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} 和 {option2}",
"{option} only" : "仅 {option} ",
"TURN server URL" : "TURN 服务器URL",
"TURN server secret" : "TURN 服务器密码",
"TURN server protocols" : "TURN 服务器协议",
"{schema} scheme must be used with a domain" : "{schema} 协议必须与域名一起使用",
"OK: Successful ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "OK:TURN服务器成功返回ICE候选",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN服务器没有返回可用的ICE候选",
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "测试TURN服务器是否返回ICE候选",
"Test this server" : "测试此服务器",
"TURN servers" : "TURN 服务器",
"A TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall. If individual participants can not connect to others a TURN server is most likely required. See {linkstart}this documentation{linkend} for setup instructions." : "TURN 服务器用于代理来自防火墙后面的参与者的流量。如果个别参与者不能与其他参与者连接,则很可能需要一个 TURN 服务器。设置步骤见 {linkstart}这个文档{linkend}",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName} 举手了",
"A participant raised their hand." : "一名参与者设举手了",
"Previous page of videos" : "视频上一页 ",
"Next page of videos" : "视频下一页",
"Collapse stripe" : "折叠条纹",
"Expand stripe" : "展开条纹",
"Copy link" : "复制链接",
"Connecting …" : "连接中 …",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "等待其他人加入通话 ...",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "您可以在侧栏的参与者选项卡中邀请其他人",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "您可以在侧边栏的参与者标签中邀请其他人或共享此链接以邀请其他人!",
@ -564,8 +626,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share a single window" : "共享一个窗口",
"Show your screen" : "显示您的屏幕",
"Stop screensharing" : "停止屏幕共享",
"Lower hand (r)" : "放下手 (r)",
"More actions" : "更多操作 ",
"Settings" : "设置",
"Dismiss" : "忽略",
"Raise hand (r)" : "举起手 (r)",
"No audio" : "无音频",
"Mute audio (m)" : "静音(m)",
"Unmute audio (m)" : "取消静音(m)",
@ -580,11 +645,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable video. Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "启用视频。当您第一次启用视频时您的连接将会被短暂中断",
"Screensharing options" : "屏幕共享选项",
"Enable screensharing" : "启用屏幕共享",
"Bad sent video and screen quality." : "发送的视频和屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent screen quality." : "发送的屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent video quality." : "发送的视频质量不好",
"Bad sent audio, video and screen quality." : "发送的音频、视频和屏幕质量不好。 ",
"Bad sent audio and screen quality." : "发送的音频和屏幕质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio and video quality." : "发送的音频和视频质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio quality." : "发送的音频质量不好",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你。为了改善这种情况,尝试在做屏幕分享时禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你的屏幕。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,尝试在做屏幕分享时禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你的屏幕。为了改善这种情况,请禁用你的屏幕共享。",
"Disable screenshare" : "禁用屏幕共享",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,请禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you." : "你的网络连接或计算机处于繁忙状态,其他与会者可能无法理解你的意思。",
"Screen sharing is not supported by your browser." : "您的浏览器不支持屏幕共享。",
@ -595,43 +668,133 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome to share your screen." : "请使用不同的浏览器例如 Firefox 或 Chrome 来共享您的屏幕。",
"An error occurred while starting screensharing." : "开始屏幕共享时发生错误。",
"Back" : "返回",
"Access to camera was denied" : "对摄像头的访问被拒绝",
"Error while accessing camera: it is likely in use by another program" : "访问摄像头时出现错误:它可能正在被另一个程序使用",
"Error while accessing camera" : "访问摄像头时出错",
"You have been muted by a moderator" : "您已被主持人静音",
"You" : "您",
"Show screen" : "显示屏幕",
"Mute" : "静音",
"Stop following" : "取消关注",
"Conversation messages" : "会话消息",
"Post message" : "发送消息",
"You need to be logged in to upload files" : "您需要登录以上传文件",
"This conversation is read-only" : "此对话是只读的 ",
"Drop your files to upload" : "拖放您的文件以上传",
"Call in progress" : "通话中...",
"Favorite" : "收藏",
"Conversation settings" : "会话设置",
"Chat notifications" : "聊天通知",
"Guests access" : "来宾访问",
"Meeting settings" : "会议设置",
"Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge ",
"Danger zone" : "危险区域",
"Be careful, these actions cannot be undone." : "小心,这些操作无法被撤销。",
"Leave conversation" : "离开会话",
"Delete conversation" : "删除会话",
"You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "在您离开会话之前您需要推举一位新的主持人。",
"Do you really want to delete \"{displayName}\"?" : "你是否真的要删除“{displayName}”?",
"Error while deleting conversation" : "删除对话时出错 ",
"Allow guests to use a public link to join this conversation." : "允许来宾使用公共链接来加入这个对话。",
"Allow guests" : "允许来宾",
"Set a password to restrict who can use the public link." : "设置密码来限制谁可以使用公共链接。",
"Password protection" : "密码保护",
"Enter a password" : "输入密码",
"Save password" : "保存密码",
"Copy conversation link" : "复制对话链接",
"Resend invitations" : "重新发送邀请",
"Conversation password has been saved" : "会话密码已保存",
"Conversation password has been removed" : "会话密码已被删除 ",
"Error occurred while saving conversation password" : "保存对话密码时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred while allowing guests" : "允许来宾时发生错误",
"Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "禁止来宾时发生错误",
"Invitations sent" : "邀请已发送",
"Error occurred when sending invitations" : "发送邀请时发生错误 ",
"Open conversation to registered users" : "向注册用户开放对话 ",
"This conversation will be shown in search results" : "这个对话将在搜索结果中显示 ",
"Also open to guest app users" : "同样对来宾用户开放",
"Error occurred when opening or limiting the conversation" : "开放或限制对话时发生错误",
"Enabling the lobby only allows moderators to post messages." : "启用只允许版主发布信息的大厅。",
"This will also remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "这也会从正在进行的呼叫中删除非版主人员。",
"Enable lobby" : "启用休息室",
"After the time limit the lobby will be automatically disabled." : "超过时间限制后,大厅将被自动关闭。",
"Meeting start time" : "会议开始时间",
"Start time (optional)" : "开始时间(可选)",
"Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "将对话限制为版主时发生错误",
"Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "向所有人开放对话时发生错误",
"Start time has been updated" : "开始时间已更新",
"Error occurred while updating start time" : "更新开始时间时发生错误 ",
"Locking the conversation prevents anyone to post messages or start calls." : "锁定会话可以防止任何人发布消息或开始呼叫。",
"This will also terminate the ongoing call." : "这也将终止正在进行的通话。",
"Lock conversation" : "锁定会话",
"Error occurred when locking the conversation" : "锁定会话时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred when unlocking the conversation" : "解锁对话时发生错误 ",
"Save" : "保存",
"Edit" : "编辑",
"More information" : "更多信息",
"Delete" : "删除",
"You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "你可以使用 Matterbridge 桥接来自各种即时消息传递系统的频道。",
"More info on Matterbridge" : "更多关于 Matterbridge 的信息",
"Enable bridge" : "启用桥接",
"Show Matterbridge log" : "显示 Matterbridge 日志",
"Nextcloud URL" : "Nextcloud URL ",
"Nextcloud user" : "Nextcloud 用户",
"User password" : "使用密码",
"Talk conversation" : "Talk 会话",
"Matrix server URL" : "Matrix 服务器 URL",
"Matrix channel" : "Matrix 频道",
"Mattermost server URL" : "Mattermost 服务器 URL",
"Mattermost user" : "Mattermost 用户",
"Team name" : "团队名称",
"Channel name" : "频道名称",
"Rocket.Chat server URL" : "Rocket.Chat 服务器 URL",
"User name or e-mail address" : "用户名或电子邮件地址",
"Password" : "密码",
"Rocket.Chat channel" : "Rocket.Chat 频道",
"Zulip server URL" : "Zulip 服务器 URL",
"Bot user name" : "机器人用户名",
"Bot API key" : "机器人 API 密钥",
"Zulip channel" : "Zulip 频道",
"API token" : "API 令牌",
"Slack channel" : "Slack 频道",
"Server ID or name" : "服务器 ID 或名称",
"Channel ID or name" : "频道 ID 或 名称",
"Channel" : "频道",
"Login" : "登录",
"Chat ID" : "聊天 ID",
"IRC server URL (e.g. chat.freenode.net:6667)" : "IRC 服务器 URL ( 如:chat.freenode.net:6667 )",
"Nickname" : "昵称",
"Connection password" : "连接密码",
"IRC channel" : "IRC 频道",
"Channel password" : "频道密码",
"NickServ nickname" : "NickServ 昵称",
"NickServ password" : "NickServ 密码",
"Use TLS" : "使用 TLS",
"Use SASL" : "使用 SASL",
"Skip TLS verification" : "跳过 TLS 验证",
"Tenant ID" : "租户 ID",
"Client ID" : "客户端 ID",
"Team ID" : "团队 ID",
"Thread ID" : "帖子 ID",
"XMPP/Jabber server URL" : "XMPP/Jabber 服务器 URL",
"MUC server URL" : "MUC 服务器 URL",
"Jabber ID" : "Jabber ID ",
"Add new bridged channel to current conversation" : "向当前对话添加新的桥接通道",
"unknown state" : "未知状态",
"running" : "运行中",
"not running, check Matterbridge log" : "未在运行,检查 Matterbridge 日志",
"not running" : "未在运行",
"Bridge saved" : "网桥已保存",
"Set the notification level for the current conversation. This will affect only the notifications you receive." : "设置当前对话的通知级别。这将只影响你收到的通知。",
"Allow participants to join from a phone." : "允许与会者通过电话加入。 ",
"Enable SIP dial-in" : "启用 SIP 拨号",
"SIP dial-in is now enabled" : "启用了 SIP 拨号 ",
"SIP dial-in is now disabled" : "禁用了 SIP 拨号",
"Error occurred when enabling SIP dial-in" : "启用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "禁用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Conversation \"{conversationName}\"" : "会话 \"{conversationName}\"",
"Settings for conversation \"{conversationName}\"" : "会话 \"{conversationName}\" 的设置",
"Mark as read" : "标为已读",
"Remove from favorites" : "从收藏夹移除",
"Add to favorites" : "添加到收藏夹",
"Joining conversation …" : "正在加入会话...",
@ -644,6 +807,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No search results" : "无搜索结果",
"Groups" : "分组",
"Circles" : "圈子",
"Talk settings" : "Talk 设置",
"Users, groups and circles" : "用户、群组和圈子",
"Users and groups" : "用户和群组",
"Users and circles" : "用户和圈子",
@ -662,6 +826,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Choose a password" : "选择一个密码",
"Search participants" : "搜索参与者",
"Conversation name" : "会话名称",
"Allow guests to join via link" : "允许来宾通过链接加入",
"Search conversations or users" : "搜索会话或用户",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "您当前正在休息室等待。",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby. This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "您当前正在休息室等待。此会议预定于 {startTime} 开始",
@ -677,21 +842,35 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No camera available" : "摄像头不可用",
"Select camera" : "选择摄像头",
"Reply" : "回复",
"Reply privately" : "私下回复",
"Copy message link" : "复制消息链接",
"Mark as unread" : "标为未读",
"Unread messages" : "未读消息",
"Sending message" : "正在发送消息",
"Message sent" : "消息已发送",
"Message read by everyone who shares their reading status" : "消息被每个分享他们阅读状态的人读取",
"Failed to send the message. Click to try again" : "消息发送失败 - 点击重试",
"Not enough free space to upload file" : "没有足够的空间上传文件",
"You can not send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "你目前不能向此会话发送消息",
"Deleting message" : "正在删除消息",
"Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" : "消息已成功删除,但已配置了 Matterbridge,消息可能已分发到其他服务",
"Message deleted successfully" : "成功删除了消息",
"Message could not be deleted because it is too old" : "消息太旧,无法删除",
"Only normal chat messages can be deleted" : "只能删除正常的聊天消息 ",
"An error occurred while deleting the message" : "删除消息时发生错误 ",
"Message link copied to clipboard." : "消息链接已复制到剪贴板。",
"{stack} in {board}" : "{stack} 于 {board}",
"Deck Card" : "Deck 卡片",
"Remove" : "移除",
"[Unknown username]" : "[未知用户名]",
"Scroll to bottom" : "滚动到底部",
"Today" : "今天",
"Yesterday" : "昨天",
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate},{absoluteDate}",
"Share files to the conversation" : "共享文件到会话",
"Upload new files" : "上传新文件",
"Share from Files" : "从文件共享",
"Add emoji" : "添加 emoji",
"Send message" : "发送消息",
"File to share" : "要共享的文件",
"This conversation has been locked" : "此会话已锁定",
@ -704,11 +883,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Edit conversation description" : "编辑会话描述",
"Description" : "描述",
"The description must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "描述长度必须小于或等于 {maxLength} 个字符。你当前的文本长度是 {charactersCount} 个字符",
"Disable lobby" : "禁用休息室",
"moderator" : "主持人",
"guest" : "访客",
"Dial-in PIN" : "拨号 PIN 码",
"Demote from moderator" : "取消主持人",
"Promote to moderator" : "提升为主持人",
"Resend invitation" : "重新发送邀请",
"Remove participant" : "移除参与者",
"Settings for participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者 \"{user}\" 的设置",
"Add participant \"{user}\"" : "添加参与者\"{user}\"",
"Participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者\"{user}\" ",
"Joined with audio" : "通过音频加入",
"Joined with video" : "通过视频加入",
"Joined via phone" : "通过电话加入",
"Raised their hand" : "举起了他们的手",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}." : "邀请已发送至 {actorId}",
"Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "无法发送邀请到 {actorId}",
"Add users" : "添加用户",
"Add groups" : "添加分组",
"Add emails" : "添加电子邮件",
@ -723,46 +914,86 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add other sources" : "添加其他来源",
"Participants" : "参与者",
"Search or add participants" : "搜索或添加参与者",
"An error occurred while adding the participants" : "添加参与者时发生错误 ",
"An error occurred while fetching the participants" : "获取参与者时出错",
"Add a description for this conversation" : "为这个对话添加一个描述 ",
"Chat" : "聊天",
"Details" : "详情",
"Error while updating conversation description" : "更新会话描述时出错 ",
"Meeting ID: {meetingId}" : "会议 ID:{meetingId}",
"Your PIN: {attendeePin}" : "你的 PIN 码:{attendeePin}",
"Display name: " : "显示名称:",
"Choose devices" : "选择设备",
"Attachments folder" : "附件文件夹",
"Privacy" : "隐私",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "共享我的阅读状态,并显示其他人的阅读状态",
"Sounds" : "声音",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "当参与者加入或离开时播放声音 ",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由于制造商的技术限制,目前不能在 Safari 浏览器、iPad 和 iPhone 设备上播放声音。",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "键盘快捷方式",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "用这些快捷键加快你的 Talk 体验。",
"Focus the chat input" : "聚焦聊天输入",
"Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "取消对聊天输入的聚焦以使用快捷方式",
"Fullscreen the chat or call" : "将聊天或通话进行全屏",
"Search" : "搜索",
"Shortcuts while in a call" : "通话时的快捷方式",
"Video on and off" : "视频开和关",
"Microphone on and off" : "麦克风开和关",
"Space bar" : "空格键",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "按键通话或静音",
"Raise or lower hand" : "举起手或放下手",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "保存声音设置失败",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "选择应在哪个文件夹中保存附件。",
"Select location for attachments" : "选择附件的位置 ",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "设置附件文件夹时出错",
"Your privacy setting has been saved" : "你的隐私设置已保存",
"Error while setting read status privacy" : "设置读取状态隐私时发生错误 ",
"Start call" : "开始通话",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call." : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,您需要重新加载页面才能开始或加入一个通话。",
"You will be able to join the call only after a moderator starts it." : "您只有在主持人开始一个通话之后才能加入通话。",
"Conversation actions" : "会话操作",
"Toggle fullscreen" : "切换全屏",
"Go to file" : "前往文件",
"Rename conversation" : "重命名会话",
"Mute others" : "降低其他人的声音",
"Exit fullscreen (f)" : "退出全屏(f)",
"Fullscreen (f)" : "全屏(f)",
"Speaker view" : "扬声器视图",
"Grid view" : "网格视图",
"Send" : "发送",
"Add more files" : "添加更多文件",
"No unread mentions" : "无未读的提及",
"Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" : "跟您的朋友和同事打个招呼!",
"Start a conversation" : "发起会话",
"You were mentioned" : "你被提到了",
"Message without mention" : "没有“提到”的消息",
"Mention myself" : "提到我自己",
"Mention room" : "提到聊天室",
"The conversation does not exist" : "该对话不存在",
"Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "加入对话或开始新的对话!",
"No conversations found" : "未找到会话",
"Select conversation" : "选择会话",
"Link to a conversation" : "链接到一个会话",
"You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "你在另一个窗口或设备上加入了对话。Nextcloud Talk 目前不支持这个功能,所以这个会话被关闭了。",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "加入一个会话或开始新会话",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>." : "Deck 卡片已被张贴到所选的 <a href=\"{link}\">会话</a>",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation." : "将 Deck 卡片发送到会话时发生了一个错误。",
"Post to a conversation" : "发布到一个会话中",
"Post to conversation" : "发布到会话中",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud Talk 并不完全支持你使用的浏览器。请使用最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、谷歌 Chrome、Opera 或 Apple Safari 浏览器。",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,请重新加载页面",
"Do not disturb" : "请勿打扰",
"Away" : "离开",
"Nextcloud is in maintenance mode, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud处于维护模式,请重新加载页面",
"Error while sharing file" : "共享文件时出错",
"Failed to join the conversation. Try to reload the page." : "无法加入会话。尝试重新加载页面。 ",
"You are trying to join a conversation while having an active session in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk. What do you want to do?" : "你正在尝试加入会话,同时在另一个窗口或设备中有活动会话。Nextcloud Talk 目前不支持这一功能。你想做什么?",
"Join here" : "点此加入",
"Leave this page" : "离开此页面",
"Not enough free space to upload file \"{fileName}\"" : "没有足够空间来上传文件 \"{fileName}\"",
"Error while uploading file \"{fileName}\"" : "上传文件 \"{fileName}\" 时出错",
"Sending signaling message has failed." : "发送信令消息失败。",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Trying to reconnect." : "与信号服务器失去连接。正尝试重新连接",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Try to reload the page manually." : "与信号服务器失去连接。尝试手动重新加载页面。",
"Establishing signaling connection is taking longer than expected …" : "建立发信连接的时长超出预期...",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying …" : "无法建立发信连接。重试中...",
@ -810,14 +1041,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add participants to the conversation" : "添加参与者到会话",
"Projects" : "项目",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call" : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,您需要重新加载页面才能开始或加入一个通话。",
"Use speaker view" : "使用扬声器视图",
"Share link" : "共享链接",
"Too many videos to fit in the window. Maximize the window or switch to \"speaker view\" for a better experience." : "视频太多,窗口放不下。最大化窗口或切换到“扬声器视图”,以获得更好的体验。",
"Select a conversation to add to the project" : "选择一个会话来加入项目",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud Talk 并不完全支持你使用的浏览器。请使用最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、谷歌 Chrome、Opera 或 Apple Safari 浏览器。 ",
"Error while uploading file" : "上传文件时出错",
"New in Talk 10" : "Talk 10 中的新功能",
"Bridge with other services" : "与其他服务连接 ",
"More info on Matterbridge." : "有关 Matterbridge 的更多信息",
"Enabled" : "已启用",
"Show matterbridge log" : "显示 Matterbridge 日志 ",
"Add new bridged channel" : "添加新的桥接通道 ",
"turn: and turns:" : "turn: 和 turns:",
"turn: only" : "仅 turn:",
"turns: only" : "仅 turns:",
"turns: scheme must be used with a domain" : "turns:scheme 必须与域名一起使用",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for UDP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 UDP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for TCP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 TCP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选"
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for TCP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 TCP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选",
"Lower hand" : "放下手 ",
"Raise hand" : "举起手 "
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"Talk" : "通话",
"Guest" : "访客",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "欢迎来到 Nextcloud 通话应用!\n在此会话中您将了解关于 Nextcloud 通话应用的可用新特性。",
"New in Talk %s" : "Talk %s 中的新功能",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Microsoft Edge和Safari浏览器现可用于参与音视频通话",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and can not be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- 一对一会话现在是永久的了,再也不会不小心被转成分组会话。另外,当一个参与者离开会话时,会话不再会被自动删除。只有当两个参与者都离开时,会话才会被从服务器上删除",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- 您可以在聊天中输入 \"@all\" 以通知所有参与者",
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
"- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call" : "您现在可以在通话时切换您的摄像头和麦克风",
"- Give your conversations some context with a description and open it up so logged in users can find it and join themselves" : "- 给你的对话提供一些背景和描述,并打开它,以便登录用户可以找到它并加入他们自己",
"- See a read status and send failed messages again" : "-查看阅读状态,并再次发送失败的消息",
"- Raise your hand in a call with the R key" : "_ 在通话中按 R 键举手",
"There are currently no commands available." : "当前没有命令可用。",
"The command does not exist" : "此命令不存在",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "执行命令时出错。请通知管理员检查日志。",
@ -60,7 +62,11 @@
"{actor} locked the conversation" : "{actor} 锁定了会话",
"You locked the conversation" : "您锁定了会话",
"An administrator locked the conversation" : "一位管理员锁定了会话",
"{actor} limited the conversation to the current participants" : "{actor} 将会话限于当前参与者",
"You limited the conversation to the current participants" : "你将对话限制在当前参与者范围内",
"An administrator limited the conversation to the current participants" : "管理员将会话限于当前参与者",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered users" : "{actor} 向注册用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered users" : "你向注册用户开放了对话",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered users" : "管理员向注册用户开放了对话",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "{actor} 向注册和来宾程序用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "你向注册和来宾程序用户开放了对话",
@ -110,6 +116,19 @@
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "您共享了一个不再可用的文件",
"{actor} set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats." : "{actor} 设置了 Matterbridge 以将此对话与其他对话同步。",
"You set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats." : "你设置了 Matterbridge 以将此对话与其他对话同步",
"{actor} updated the Matterbridge configuration." : "{actor} 更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You updated the Matterbridge configuration." : "你更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"{actor} removed the Matterbridge configuration." : "{actor} 删除了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You removed the Matterbridge configuration." : "你删除了 Matterbridge 配置。",
"{actor} started Matterbridge." : "{actor} 启动了 Matterbridge",
"You started Matterbridge." : "你启动了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} stopped Matterbridge." : "{actor} 停止了 Matterbridge",
"You stopped Matterbridge." : "你停止了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} deleted a message" : "{actor} 删除了一条信息",
"You deleted a message" : "你删除了一条信息",
"Message deleted by author" : "消息被作者删除了",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "消息被 {actor} 删除了",
"Message deleted by you" : "消息被你删除了",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (访客)",
"_Call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_Call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["与%n访客通话(时长 {duration})"],
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1} 和 {user2} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
@ -119,6 +138,12 @@
"Talk to %s" : "和 %s 说话",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "文件未共享,或没有共享给用户",
"No account available to delete." : "没有帐户可以删除。",
"No image file provided" : "未提供图像文件",
"File is too big" : "文件太大",
"Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件",
"Invalid image" : "无效图片",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "发生了一个错误。请联系你的管理员。",
"Talk mentions" : "通话提及",
"Write to conversation" : "向会话写入",
"Writes event information into a conversation of your choice" : "将事件信息写入您选择的会话",
@ -127,11 +152,16 @@
"Conversation invitation" : "会话邀请",
"Click the button below to join." : "点击下面按钮加入。",
"Join »%s«" : "加入 »%s«",
"You can also dial-in via phone with the following details" : "你也可以通过电话拨号,详情如下 ",
"Dial-in information" : "拨号信息",
"Meeting ID" : "会议ID",
"Your PIN" : "你的 PIN 码",
"Password request: %s" : "密码请求: %s",
"Private conversation" : "私有会话",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "已删除用户(%s)",
"{user} in {call}" : "{call} 中的 {user}",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "删除了 {call} 中的用户",
"{guest} (guest) in {call}" : "{guest} (guest) 位于 {call}",
"Guest in {call}" : "在 {call} 中的访客",
"{user} sent you a private message" : "{user} 给您发了一条私信",
"{user} sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{user} 在会话 {call} 中发了一条消息",
@ -153,6 +183,7 @@
"Join call" : "加入通话",
"{user} invited you to a group conversation: {call}" : "{user} 邀请您加入一个小组会话: {call}",
"Answer call" : "接听通话",
"{user} would like to talk with you" : "{user} 想和你讲话",
"Call back" : "回拨",
"You missed a call from {user}" : "您错过了来自 {user} 的一个通话",
"A group call has started in {call}" : "已在 {call} 小组中开始通话",
@ -234,6 +265,7 @@
"Belize" : "伯利兹",
"Canada" : "加拿大",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "科科斯(基林)群岛",
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" : "刚果民主共和国",
"Central African Republic" : "中非共和国",
"Congo" : "刚果",
"Switzerland" : "瑞士",
@ -451,6 +483,7 @@
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "离开此页面也将中断 {conversation} 中的通话",
"Leave call" : "离开通话",
"Stay in call" : "保持通话",
"Duplicate session" : "重复会话 ",
"Discuss this file" : "讨论此文件",
"Share this file with others to discuss it" : "与他人共享此文件以讨论它",
"Share this file" : "共享此文件",
@ -497,11 +530,15 @@
"All messages" : "全部消息",
"@-mentions only" : "仅被 @ 提及的消息",
"Off" : "关闭",
"Hosted high-performance backend" : "托管的高性能后端",
"Our partner Struktur AG provides a service where a hosted signaling server can be requested. For this you only need to fill out the form below and your Nextcloud will request it. Once the server is set up for you the credentials will be filled automatically. This will overwrite the existing signaling server settings." : "我们的合作伙伴 Struktur AG 提供了一种可以请求托管信号传递服务器的服务。为此,你只需要填写下面的表单,然后 Nextcloud 就会请求它。一旦为你设置好服务器,凭据将被自动填写。这将覆盖现有的信号服务器设置。",
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "此Nextcloud实例的URL",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户全名",
"Name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户名",
"E-mail of the user" : "用户的电子邮箱地址",
"Language" : "语言",
"Country" : "国家",
"Request signaling server trial" : "请求信号服务器试用",
"You can see the current status of your hosted signaling server in the following table." : "您可在以下表格中查看您托管的发信服务器的当前状态。",
"Status" : "状态",
"Created at" : "生成在",
@ -517,14 +554,27 @@
"The trial could not be requested. Please try again later." : "无法请求测试。请稍后重试。",
"The account could not be deleted. Please try again later." : "账号无法删除。请稍后重试。",
"_%n user_::_%n users_" : ["%n 个用户"],
"Matterbridge integration" : "Matterbridge 集成",
"Enable Matterbridge integration" : "启用 Matterbridge 集成",
"Downloading …" : "下载中 …",
"Install Talk Matterbridge" : "安装 Talk Matterbridge",
"Installed version: {version}" : "已安装版本:{version}",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}." : "你可以安装 Matterbridge 来把 Nextcloud Talk 和其他一些服务相连,更多细节请访问它们的 {linkstart1}GitHub 页面{linkend}。下载和安装这个应用程序可能需要一段时间。如果超时了,请手动安装它,网址为 {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}。",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "Matterbridge 二进制文件的权限不正确。请确认 Matterbridge 二进制文件属于正确的用户,并且可以被执行。你可以在 \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\" 找到二进制文件",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "找不到 Matterbridge 二进制文件或无法执行。",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "你也可以通过 config 手动设置 Matterbridge 二进制文件的路径。更多信息请查阅 {linkstart}Matterbridge 集成文档{linkend}",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "安装 Matterbridge 应用程序时发生错误。",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "安装 Talk Matterbridge 时出错。请手动安装。",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "执行 Matterbridge 二进制文件失败。",
"SIP configuration" : "SIP 配置",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "SIP 配置只在高性能后端上可用",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "限制 SIP 配置",
"Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "只有以下群组的用户可以在自己主持的会话中开启 SIP",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "启用 SIP 配置",
"Shared secret" : "共享的密钥",
"This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "这些信息会在邀请邮件中发送,也会在侧边栏中显示给所有参与者。 ",
"Phone number (Country)" : "电话号码(国家)",
"High-performance backend URL" : "高性能后端 URL",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "验证SSL证书",
"Delete this server" : "删除此服务器",
"Status: Checking connection" : "状态:正在检查连接",
@ -533,6 +583,7 @@
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "错误:服务器没有回复正确的JSON",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "错误:服务器回复:{error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "错误:发生未知错误",
"High-performance backend" : "高性能后端 ",
"Saved" : "已保存",
"Add a new server" : "添加新服务器",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部发信服务器。若使用内部发信服务器请留空。",
@ -542,16 +593,27 @@
"STUN server URL" : "STUN 服务器 URL",
"STUN servers" : "STUN 服务器",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN 服务器用以探测路由器下的参与者的公网 IP 地址。",
"TURN server schemes" : "TURN 服务器 scheme",
"{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} 和 {option2}",
"{option} only" : "仅 {option} ",
"TURN server URL" : "TURN 服务器URL",
"TURN server secret" : "TURN 服务器密码",
"TURN server protocols" : "TURN 服务器协议",
"{schema} scheme must be used with a domain" : "{schema} 协议必须与域名一起使用",
"OK: Successful ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "OK:TURN服务器成功返回ICE候选",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN服务器没有返回可用的ICE候选",
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "测试TURN服务器是否返回ICE候选",
"Test this server" : "测试此服务器",
"TURN servers" : "TURN 服务器",
"A TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall. If individual participants can not connect to others a TURN server is most likely required. See {linkstart}this documentation{linkend} for setup instructions." : "TURN 服务器用于代理来自防火墙后面的参与者的流量。如果个别参与者不能与其他参与者连接,则很可能需要一个 TURN 服务器。设置步骤见 {linkstart}这个文档{linkend}",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName} 举手了",
"A participant raised their hand." : "一名参与者设举手了",
"Previous page of videos" : "视频上一页 ",
"Next page of videos" : "视频下一页",
"Collapse stripe" : "折叠条纹",
"Expand stripe" : "展开条纹",
"Copy link" : "复制链接",
"Connecting …" : "连接中 …",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "等待其他人加入通话 ...",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "您可以在侧栏的参与者选项卡中邀请其他人",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "您可以在侧边栏的参与者标签中邀请其他人或共享此链接以邀请其他人!",
@ -562,8 +624,11 @@
"Share a single window" : "共享一个窗口",
"Show your screen" : "显示您的屏幕",
"Stop screensharing" : "停止屏幕共享",
"Lower hand (r)" : "放下手 (r)",
"More actions" : "更多操作 ",
"Settings" : "设置",
"Dismiss" : "忽略",
"Raise hand (r)" : "举起手 (r)",
"No audio" : "无音频",
"Mute audio (m)" : "静音(m)",
"Unmute audio (m)" : "取消静音(m)",
@ -578,11 +643,19 @@
"Enable video. Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "启用视频。当您第一次启用视频时您的连接将会被短暂中断",
"Screensharing options" : "屏幕共享选项",
"Enable screensharing" : "启用屏幕共享",
"Bad sent video and screen quality." : "发送的视频和屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent screen quality." : "发送的屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent video quality." : "发送的视频质量不好",
"Bad sent audio, video and screen quality." : "发送的音频、视频和屏幕质量不好。 ",
"Bad sent audio and screen quality." : "发送的音频和屏幕质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio and video quality." : "发送的音频和视频质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio quality." : "发送的音频质量不好",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你。为了改善这种情况,尝试在做屏幕分享时禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你的屏幕。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,尝试在做屏幕分享时禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你的屏幕。为了改善这种情况,请禁用你的屏幕共享。",
"Disable screenshare" : "禁用屏幕共享",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,请禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you." : "你的网络连接或计算机处于繁忙状态,其他与会者可能无法理解你的意思。",
"Screen sharing is not supported by your browser." : "您的浏览器不支持屏幕共享。",
@ -593,43 +666,133 @@
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome to share your screen." : "请使用不同的浏览器例如 Firefox 或 Chrome 来共享您的屏幕。",
"An error occurred while starting screensharing." : "开始屏幕共享时发生错误。",
"Back" : "返回",
"Access to camera was denied" : "对摄像头的访问被拒绝",
"Error while accessing camera: it is likely in use by another program" : "访问摄像头时出现错误:它可能正在被另一个程序使用",
"Error while accessing camera" : "访问摄像头时出错",
"You have been muted by a moderator" : "您已被主持人静音",
"You" : "您",
"Show screen" : "显示屏幕",
"Mute" : "静音",
"Stop following" : "取消关注",
"Conversation messages" : "会话消息",
"Post message" : "发送消息",
"You need to be logged in to upload files" : "您需要登录以上传文件",
"This conversation is read-only" : "此对话是只读的 ",
"Drop your files to upload" : "拖放您的文件以上传",
"Call in progress" : "通话中...",
"Favorite" : "收藏",
"Conversation settings" : "会话设置",
"Chat notifications" : "聊天通知",
"Guests access" : "来宾访问",
"Meeting settings" : "会议设置",
"Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge ",
"Danger zone" : "危险区域",
"Be careful, these actions cannot be undone." : "小心,这些操作无法被撤销。",
"Leave conversation" : "离开会话",
"Delete conversation" : "删除会话",
"You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "在您离开会话之前您需要推举一位新的主持人。",
"Do you really want to delete \"{displayName}\"?" : "你是否真的要删除“{displayName}”?",
"Error while deleting conversation" : "删除对话时出错 ",
"Allow guests to use a public link to join this conversation." : "允许来宾使用公共链接来加入这个对话。",
"Allow guests" : "允许来宾",
"Set a password to restrict who can use the public link." : "设置密码来限制谁可以使用公共链接。",
"Password protection" : "密码保护",
"Enter a password" : "输入密码",
"Save password" : "保存密码",
"Copy conversation link" : "复制对话链接",
"Resend invitations" : "重新发送邀请",
"Conversation password has been saved" : "会话密码已保存",
"Conversation password has been removed" : "会话密码已被删除 ",
"Error occurred while saving conversation password" : "保存对话密码时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred while allowing guests" : "允许来宾时发生错误",
"Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "禁止来宾时发生错误",
"Invitations sent" : "邀请已发送",
"Error occurred when sending invitations" : "发送邀请时发生错误 ",
"Open conversation to registered users" : "向注册用户开放对话 ",
"This conversation will be shown in search results" : "这个对话将在搜索结果中显示 ",
"Also open to guest app users" : "同样对来宾用户开放",
"Error occurred when opening or limiting the conversation" : "开放或限制对话时发生错误",
"Enabling the lobby only allows moderators to post messages." : "启用只允许版主发布信息的大厅。",
"This will also remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "这也会从正在进行的呼叫中删除非版主人员。",
"Enable lobby" : "启用休息室",
"After the time limit the lobby will be automatically disabled." : "超过时间限制后,大厅将被自动关闭。",
"Meeting start time" : "会议开始时间",
"Start time (optional)" : "开始时间(可选)",
"Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "将对话限制为版主时发生错误",
"Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "向所有人开放对话时发生错误",
"Start time has been updated" : "开始时间已更新",
"Error occurred while updating start time" : "更新开始时间时发生错误 ",
"Locking the conversation prevents anyone to post messages or start calls." : "锁定会话可以防止任何人发布消息或开始呼叫。",
"This will also terminate the ongoing call." : "这也将终止正在进行的通话。",
"Lock conversation" : "锁定会话",
"Error occurred when locking the conversation" : "锁定会话时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred when unlocking the conversation" : "解锁对话时发生错误 ",
"Save" : "保存",
"Edit" : "编辑",
"More information" : "更多信息",
"Delete" : "删除",
"You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "你可以使用 Matterbridge 桥接来自各种即时消息传递系统的频道。",
"More info on Matterbridge" : "更多关于 Matterbridge 的信息",
"Enable bridge" : "启用桥接",
"Show Matterbridge log" : "显示 Matterbridge 日志",
"Nextcloud URL" : "Nextcloud URL ",
"Nextcloud user" : "Nextcloud 用户",
"User password" : "使用密码",
"Talk conversation" : "Talk 会话",
"Matrix server URL" : "Matrix 服务器 URL",
"Matrix channel" : "Matrix 频道",
"Mattermost server URL" : "Mattermost 服务器 URL",
"Mattermost user" : "Mattermost 用户",
"Team name" : "团队名称",
"Channel name" : "频道名称",
"Rocket.Chat server URL" : "Rocket.Chat 服务器 URL",
"User name or e-mail address" : "用户名或电子邮件地址",
"Password" : "密码",
"Rocket.Chat channel" : "Rocket.Chat 频道",
"Zulip server URL" : "Zulip 服务器 URL",
"Bot user name" : "机器人用户名",
"Bot API key" : "机器人 API 密钥",
"Zulip channel" : "Zulip 频道",
"API token" : "API 令牌",
"Slack channel" : "Slack 频道",
"Server ID or name" : "服务器 ID 或名称",
"Channel ID or name" : "频道 ID 或 名称",
"Channel" : "频道",
"Login" : "登录",
"Chat ID" : "聊天 ID",
"IRC server URL (e.g. chat.freenode.net:6667)" : "IRC 服务器 URL ( 如:chat.freenode.net:6667 )",
"Nickname" : "昵称",
"Connection password" : "连接密码",
"IRC channel" : "IRC 频道",
"Channel password" : "频道密码",
"NickServ nickname" : "NickServ 昵称",
"NickServ password" : "NickServ 密码",
"Use TLS" : "使用 TLS",
"Use SASL" : "使用 SASL",
"Skip TLS verification" : "跳过 TLS 验证",
"Tenant ID" : "租户 ID",
"Client ID" : "客户端 ID",
"Team ID" : "团队 ID",
"Thread ID" : "帖子 ID",
"XMPP/Jabber server URL" : "XMPP/Jabber 服务器 URL",
"MUC server URL" : "MUC 服务器 URL",
"Jabber ID" : "Jabber ID ",
"Add new bridged channel to current conversation" : "向当前对话添加新的桥接通道",
"unknown state" : "未知状态",
"running" : "运行中",
"not running, check Matterbridge log" : "未在运行,检查 Matterbridge 日志",
"not running" : "未在运行",
"Bridge saved" : "网桥已保存",
"Set the notification level for the current conversation. This will affect only the notifications you receive." : "设置当前对话的通知级别。这将只影响你收到的通知。",
"Allow participants to join from a phone." : "允许与会者通过电话加入。 ",
"Enable SIP dial-in" : "启用 SIP 拨号",
"SIP dial-in is now enabled" : "启用了 SIP 拨号 ",
"SIP dial-in is now disabled" : "禁用了 SIP 拨号",
"Error occurred when enabling SIP dial-in" : "启用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "禁用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Conversation \"{conversationName}\"" : "会话 \"{conversationName}\"",
"Settings for conversation \"{conversationName}\"" : "会话 \"{conversationName}\" 的设置",
"Mark as read" : "标为已读",
"Remove from favorites" : "从收藏夹移除",
"Add to favorites" : "添加到收藏夹",
"Joining conversation …" : "正在加入会话...",
@ -642,6 +805,7 @@
"No search results" : "无搜索结果",
"Groups" : "分组",
"Circles" : "圈子",
"Talk settings" : "Talk 设置",
"Users, groups and circles" : "用户、群组和圈子",
"Users and groups" : "用户和群组",
"Users and circles" : "用户和圈子",
@ -660,6 +824,7 @@
"Choose a password" : "选择一个密码",
"Search participants" : "搜索参与者",
"Conversation name" : "会话名称",
"Allow guests to join via link" : "允许来宾通过链接加入",
"Search conversations or users" : "搜索会话或用户",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "您当前正在休息室等待。",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby. This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "您当前正在休息室等待。此会议预定于 {startTime} 开始",
@ -675,21 +840,35 @@
"No camera available" : "摄像头不可用",
"Select camera" : "选择摄像头",
"Reply" : "回复",
"Reply privately" : "私下回复",
"Copy message link" : "复制消息链接",
"Mark as unread" : "标为未读",
"Unread messages" : "未读消息",
"Sending message" : "正在发送消息",
"Message sent" : "消息已发送",
"Message read by everyone who shares their reading status" : "消息被每个分享他们阅读状态的人读取",
"Failed to send the message. Click to try again" : "消息发送失败 - 点击重试",
"Not enough free space to upload file" : "没有足够的空间上传文件",
"You can not send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "你目前不能向此会话发送消息",
"Deleting message" : "正在删除消息",
"Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" : "消息已成功删除,但已配置了 Matterbridge,消息可能已分发到其他服务",
"Message deleted successfully" : "成功删除了消息",
"Message could not be deleted because it is too old" : "消息太旧,无法删除",
"Only normal chat messages can be deleted" : "只能删除正常的聊天消息 ",
"An error occurred while deleting the message" : "删除消息时发生错误 ",
"Message link copied to clipboard." : "消息链接已复制到剪贴板。",
"{stack} in {board}" : "{stack} 于 {board}",
"Deck Card" : "Deck 卡片",
"Remove" : "移除",
"[Unknown username]" : "[未知用户名]",
"Scroll to bottom" : "滚动到底部",
"Today" : "今天",
"Yesterday" : "昨天",
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate},{absoluteDate}",
"Share files to the conversation" : "共享文件到会话",
"Upload new files" : "上传新文件",
"Share from Files" : "从文件共享",
"Add emoji" : "添加 emoji",
"Send message" : "发送消息",
"File to share" : "要共享的文件",
"This conversation has been locked" : "此会话已锁定",
@ -702,11 +881,23 @@
"Edit conversation description" : "编辑会话描述",
"Description" : "描述",
"The description must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "描述长度必须小于或等于 {maxLength} 个字符。你当前的文本长度是 {charactersCount} 个字符",
"Disable lobby" : "禁用休息室",
"moderator" : "主持人",
"guest" : "访客",
"Dial-in PIN" : "拨号 PIN 码",
"Demote from moderator" : "取消主持人",
"Promote to moderator" : "提升为主持人",
"Resend invitation" : "重新发送邀请",
"Remove participant" : "移除参与者",
"Settings for participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者 \"{user}\" 的设置",
"Add participant \"{user}\"" : "添加参与者\"{user}\"",
"Participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者\"{user}\" ",
"Joined with audio" : "通过音频加入",
"Joined with video" : "通过视频加入",
"Joined via phone" : "通过电话加入",
"Raised their hand" : "举起了他们的手",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}." : "邀请已发送至 {actorId}",
"Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "无法发送邀请到 {actorId}",
"Add users" : "添加用户",
"Add groups" : "添加分组",
"Add emails" : "添加电子邮件",
@ -721,46 +912,86 @@
"Add other sources" : "添加其他来源",
"Participants" : "参与者",
"Search or add participants" : "搜索或添加参与者",
"An error occurred while adding the participants" : "添加参与者时发生错误 ",
"An error occurred while fetching the participants" : "获取参与者时出错",
"Add a description for this conversation" : "为这个对话添加一个描述 ",
"Chat" : "聊天",
"Details" : "详情",
"Error while updating conversation description" : "更新会话描述时出错 ",
"Meeting ID: {meetingId}" : "会议 ID:{meetingId}",
"Your PIN: {attendeePin}" : "你的 PIN 码:{attendeePin}",
"Display name: " : "显示名称:",
"Choose devices" : "选择设备",
"Attachments folder" : "附件文件夹",
"Privacy" : "隐私",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "共享我的阅读状态,并显示其他人的阅读状态",
"Sounds" : "声音",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "当参与者加入或离开时播放声音 ",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由于制造商的技术限制,目前不能在 Safari 浏览器、iPad 和 iPhone 设备上播放声音。",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "键盘快捷方式",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "用这些快捷键加快你的 Talk 体验。",
"Focus the chat input" : "聚焦聊天输入",
"Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "取消对聊天输入的聚焦以使用快捷方式",
"Fullscreen the chat or call" : "将聊天或通话进行全屏",
"Search" : "搜索",
"Shortcuts while in a call" : "通话时的快捷方式",
"Video on and off" : "视频开和关",
"Microphone on and off" : "麦克风开和关",
"Space bar" : "空格键",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "按键通话或静音",
"Raise or lower hand" : "举起手或放下手",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "保存声音设置失败",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "选择应在哪个文件夹中保存附件。",
"Select location for attachments" : "选择附件的位置 ",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "设置附件文件夹时出错",
"Your privacy setting has been saved" : "你的隐私设置已保存",
"Error while setting read status privacy" : "设置读取状态隐私时发生错误 ",
"Start call" : "开始通话",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call." : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,您需要重新加载页面才能开始或加入一个通话。",
"You will be able to join the call only after a moderator starts it." : "您只有在主持人开始一个通话之后才能加入通话。",
"Conversation actions" : "会话操作",
"Toggle fullscreen" : "切换全屏",
"Go to file" : "前往文件",
"Rename conversation" : "重命名会话",
"Mute others" : "降低其他人的声音",
"Exit fullscreen (f)" : "退出全屏(f)",
"Fullscreen (f)" : "全屏(f)",
"Speaker view" : "扬声器视图",
"Grid view" : "网格视图",
"Send" : "发送",
"Add more files" : "添加更多文件",
"No unread mentions" : "无未读的提及",
"Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" : "跟您的朋友和同事打个招呼!",
"Start a conversation" : "发起会话",
"You were mentioned" : "你被提到了",
"Message without mention" : "没有“提到”的消息",
"Mention myself" : "提到我自己",
"Mention room" : "提到聊天室",
"The conversation does not exist" : "该对话不存在",
"Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "加入对话或开始新的对话!",
"No conversations found" : "未找到会话",
"Select conversation" : "选择会话",
"Link to a conversation" : "链接到一个会话",
"You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "你在另一个窗口或设备上加入了对话。Nextcloud Talk 目前不支持这个功能,所以这个会话被关闭了。",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "加入一个会话或开始新会话",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>." : "Deck 卡片已被张贴到所选的 <a href=\"{link}\">会话</a>",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation." : "将 Deck 卡片发送到会话时发生了一个错误。",
"Post to a conversation" : "发布到一个会话中",
"Post to conversation" : "发布到会话中",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud Talk 并不完全支持你使用的浏览器。请使用最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、谷歌 Chrome、Opera 或 Apple Safari 浏览器。",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,请重新加载页面",
"Do not disturb" : "请勿打扰",
"Away" : "离开",
"Nextcloud is in maintenance mode, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud处于维护模式,请重新加载页面",
"Error while sharing file" : "共享文件时出错",
"Failed to join the conversation. Try to reload the page." : "无法加入会话。尝试重新加载页面。 ",
"You are trying to join a conversation while having an active session in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk. What do you want to do?" : "你正在尝试加入会话,同时在另一个窗口或设备中有活动会话。Nextcloud Talk 目前不支持这一功能。你想做什么?",
"Join here" : "点此加入",
"Leave this page" : "离开此页面",
"Not enough free space to upload file \"{fileName}\"" : "没有足够空间来上传文件 \"{fileName}\"",
"Error while uploading file \"{fileName}\"" : "上传文件 \"{fileName}\" 时出错",
"Sending signaling message has failed." : "发送信令消息失败。",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Trying to reconnect." : "与信号服务器失去连接。正尝试重新连接",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Try to reload the page manually." : "与信号服务器失去连接。尝试手动重新加载页面。",
"Establishing signaling connection is taking longer than expected …" : "建立发信连接的时长超出预期...",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying …" : "无法建立发信连接。重试中...",
@ -808,14 +1039,25 @@
"Add participants to the conversation" : "添加参与者到会话",
"Projects" : "项目",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call" : "Nextcloud Talk已更新,您需要重新加载页面才能开始或加入一个通话。",
"Use speaker view" : "使用扬声器视图",
"Share link" : "共享链接",
"Too many videos to fit in the window. Maximize the window or switch to \"speaker view\" for a better experience." : "视频太多,窗口放不下。最大化窗口或切换到“扬声器视图”,以获得更好的体验。",
"Select a conversation to add to the project" : "选择一个会话来加入项目",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud Talk 并不完全支持你使用的浏览器。请使用最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、谷歌 Chrome、Opera 或 Apple Safari 浏览器。 ",
"Error while uploading file" : "上传文件时出错",
"New in Talk 10" : "Talk 10 中的新功能",
"Bridge with other services" : "与其他服务连接 ",
"More info on Matterbridge." : "有关 Matterbridge 的更多信息",
"Enabled" : "已启用",
"Show matterbridge log" : "显示 Matterbridge 日志 ",
"Add new bridged channel" : "添加新的桥接通道 ",
"turn: and turns:" : "turn: 和 turns:",
"turn: only" : "仅 turn:",
"turns: only" : "仅 turns:",
"turns: scheme must be used with a domain" : "turns:scheme 必须与域名一起使用",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for UDP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 UDP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for TCP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 TCP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选"
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned for TCP by the TURN server" : "错误:TURN 服务器的 TCP 未返回可用的 ICE 候选",
"Lower hand" : "放下手 ",
"Raise hand" : "举起手 "
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Conversation not found" : "未找到對話",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "已和這房間分享了路徑",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "使用 WebRTC 進行聊天,視頻和音頻會議",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "使用 WebRTC 來聊天和進行音視頻會議\n\n* 💬 **集成聊天功能! ** Nextcloud Talk 提供了簡單的文本聊天功能。允許您從您的Nextcloud中分享文件和提及其他參與者。\n* 👥 **進行私人,小組,公開以及受密碼保護的通話! ** 只要邀請某人,某個分組或者發送公開邀請鏈接來發起通話。\n* 💻 **屏幕共享! ** 向您的通話參與者共享您的屏幕。要使用此功能,您只需要使用Firefox 52 (或更新), 最新的Edge 或者Chrome 49 (或更新) [Chrome擴展](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo /kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **與其他 Nextcloud 應用程式的整合** 比如文件、聯繫人和看板應用。更多的集成正在路上。\n\n在 [後續版本](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/)中的工作:\n* ✋ [聯合雲通話](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), 與在其他 Nextcloud 上的人通話",
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "離開頁面導航將使通話保留在 {conversation} 中",
"Leave call" : "離開通話",
"Stay in call" : "保持通話",
@ -926,6 +927,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Attachments folder" : "附件資料夾",
"Privacy" : "私隱",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "分享我的閱讀狀態並顯示其他人的閱讀狀態",
"Sounds" : "聲音 ",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "參與者加入或離開通話時播放聲音",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由於製造商的技術限制,當前無法在 Safari 瀏覽器以及 iPad 和 iPhone 裝置中播放聲音。",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "快速鍵",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "這些快速捷徑可加快您的 Talk 體驗。",
"Focus the chat input" : "關注聊天輸入字段",
@ -938,6 +942,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Space bar" : "空白鍵",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "一鍵通話或靜音",
"Raise or lower hand" : "舉或放下手",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "聲音設定儲存失敗",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "選擇應在其中保存附件的資料夾。",
"Select location for attachments" : "選擇附件的位置",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "設置附件資料夾時出錯",
@ -479,6 +479,7 @@
"Conversation not found" : "未找到對話",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "已和這房間分享了路徑",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "使用 WebRTC 進行聊天,視頻和音頻會議",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 52 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 49 (or newer) with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "使用 WebRTC 來聊天和進行音視頻會議\n\n* 💬 **集成聊天功能! ** Nextcloud Talk 提供了簡單的文本聊天功能。允許您從您的Nextcloud中分享文件和提及其他參與者。\n* 👥 **進行私人,小組,公開以及受密碼保護的通話! ** 只要邀請某人,某個分組或者發送公開邀請鏈接來發起通話。\n* 💻 **屏幕共享! ** 向您的通話參與者共享您的屏幕。要使用此功能,您只需要使用Firefox 52 (或更新), 最新的Edge 或者Chrome 49 (或更新) [Chrome擴展](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo /kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol).\n* 🚀 **與其他 Nextcloud 應用程式的整合** 比如文件、聯繫人和看板應用。更多的集成正在路上。\n\n在 [後續版本](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/)中的工作:\n* ✋ [聯合雲通話](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), 與在其他 Nextcloud 上的人通話",
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "離開頁面導航將使通話保留在 {conversation} 中",
"Leave call" : "離開通話",
"Stay in call" : "保持通話",
@ -924,6 +925,9 @@
"Attachments folder" : "附件資料夾",
"Privacy" : "私隱",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "分享我的閱讀狀態並顯示其他人的閱讀狀態",
"Sounds" : "聲音 ",
"Play sounds when participants join a call or leave it" : "參與者加入或離開通話時播放聲音",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由於製造商的技術限制,當前無法在 Safari 瀏覽器以及 iPad 和 iPhone 裝置中播放聲音。",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "快速鍵",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "這些快速捷徑可加快您的 Talk 體驗。",
"Focus the chat input" : "關注聊天輸入字段",
@ -936,6 +940,7 @@
"Space bar" : "空白鍵",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "一鍵通話或靜音",
"Raise or lower hand" : "舉或放下手",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "聲音設定儲存失敗",
"Choose in which folder attachments should be saved." : "選擇應在其中保存附件的資料夾。",
"Select location for attachments" : "選擇附件的位置",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "設置附件資料夾時出錯",
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