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Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

"a conversation" : "一个对话",
"(Duration %s)" : "(持续时间 %s",
"You attended a call with {user1}" : "您参加了{user1}的通话",
"_%n guest_::_%n guests_" : ["%n位访客"],
"You attended a call with {user1} and {user2}" : "您参加了{user1}和{user2}的通话",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3}" : "您参加了{user1}{user2}和{user3} 的通话",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4}" : "您参加了{user1}{user2}{user3}和{user4}的通话",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5}" : "您参加了{user1}{user2}{user3}{user4}和{user5}的通话",
"_%n other_::_%n others_" : ["%n其它"],
"{actor} invited you to {call}" : "{actor}邀请您加入{call}",
"You were invited to a <strong>conversation</strong> or had a <strong>call</strong>" : "您被邀请加入一个<strong>对话</strong>或一个<strong>通话</strong>",
"Other activities" : "其他活动",
"Talk" : "通话",
"Guest" : "访客",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Microsoft Edge和Safari浏览器现可用于参与音视频通话",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and cannot be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- 一对一的对话现在是持久性的,并且不会意外地变成群组对话。另外,当其中一个参与者离开对话时,对话不会被自动删除。只有当双方都离开时,对话才会从服务器上删除",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- 您可以在聊天中输入 \"@all\" 以通知所有参与者",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "- 您可以使用 \"向上\" 键重复输入您的上一条消息",
"- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "- 通话应用现在可以支持命令了,将 \"/help\" 作为聊天消息发出以查看您的管理员是否配置了一些命令",
"- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "- 您可以使用项目来在对话、文件和其他项目间创建快速链接",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "-您现在可以在聊天中提及访客",
"- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait" : "- 对话现在可以设置一个大厅。 这将使主持人可以加入聊天并开始通话以准备会议,而用户和访客则必须等待",
"- You can now directly reply to messages giving the other users more context what your message is about" : "- 您现在可以直接回复邮件,为其他用户提供更多有关您的邮件内容的背景信息",
"- Searching for conversations and participants will now also filter your existing conversations, making it much easier to find previous conversations" : "- 现在,搜索对话和参与者也将过滤您现有的对话,使查找以前的对话更加容易",
"- You can now add custom user groups to conversations when the circles app is installed" : "- 现在,您可以在安装圈子应用后将自定义用户组添加到对话中",
"- Check out the new grid and call view" : "- 体验一下新的排列和通话界面",
"- You can now upload and drag'n'drop files directly from your device into the chat" : "- 您现在可以从您的设备上传或拖拽文件到一场对话",
"- Shared files are now opened directly inside the chat view with the viewer apps" : "- 分享文件现在可以直接从聊天界面使用查看应用打开",
"- You can now search for chats and messages in the unified search in the top bar" : "- 您现在可以在顶栏中的统一搜索框搜索聊天和消息",
"- Spice up your messages with emojis from the emoji picker" : "- 用从表情选择器挑选来的表情符号为您的消息加点料",
"- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call" : "- 您现在可以在通话时切换您的摄像头和麦克风",
"- Give your conversations some context with a description and open it up so logged in users can find it and join themselves" : "- 给你的对话提供一些背景和描述,并打开它,以便登录用户可以找到它并加入他们自己",
"- See a read status and send failed messages again" : "- 查看阅读状态,并再次发送失败的消息",
"- Raise your hand in a call with the R key" : "- 在通话中按 R 键举手",
"- Join the same conversation and call from multiple devices" : "- 加入同一对话并从多个设备进行呼叫",
"- Send voice messages, share your location or contact details" : "- 发送语音消息,分享您的位置或联系方式",
"- Add groups to a conversation and new group members will automatically be added as participants" : "- 在对话中加入群组,群组成员会自动被添加为参与者",
"- A preview of your audio and video is shown before joining a call" : "- 加入通话前会显示音视频预览",
"- You can now blur your background in the newly designed call view" : "- 你现在可以在新设计的通话视图中模糊你的背景",
"- Moderators can now assign general and individual permissions to participants" : "- 主持人现在可以为参与者分配一般和单独权限",
"- In the sidebar you can now find an overview of the latest shared items" : "- 现在您可以在侧边栏中找到最近已分享项目的概况",
"- Use a poll to collect the opinions of others or settle on a date" : "- 使用投票搜集他人意见或确定日期",
"- Configure an expiration time for chat messages" : "- 配置聊天消息的过期时间",
"- Start calls without notifying others in big conversations. You can send individual call notifications once the call has started." : "- 在不通知他人的情況下开始通话。通话开始后,您可以发送单独的通话通知。",
"- Send chat messages without notifying the recipients in case it is not urgent" : "- 在不紧急的情況下发送聊天消息而不通知收讯人",
"- Emojis can now be autocompleted by typing a \":\"" : "- 表情符号现在可以通过输入“:”自动完成",
"- Link various items using the new smart-picker by typing a \"/\"" : "- 通过输入“/”来使用新的智能选择器链接各种项目",
"- Moderators can now create breakout rooms (requires the external signaling server)" : "- 主持人现在可以建立分组讨论室(需要外部的信令服务器)",
"- Calls can now be recorded (requires the external signaling server)" : "- 通话现在可以录制了(需要外部的信令服务器)",
"- Conversations can now have an avatar or emoji as icon" : "- 对话现在可以使用头像或者表情符号来作为图标",
"- Virtual backgrounds are now available in addition to the blurred background in video calls" : "- 视频通话除了模糊背景外,现在也可以使用虚拟背景了",
"- Reactions are now available during calls" : "- 现在可以在通话期间做出回应",
"- Typing indicators show which users are currently typing a message" : "- 输入指示器显示目前正在输入的用户",
"- Groups can now be mentioned in chats" : "- 现在可以在聊天中提及群组",
"- Call recordings are automatically transcribed if a transcription provider app is registered" : "- 如果注册了提供文字转写的应用程序,通话录制会自动转写",
"- Chat messages can be translated if a translation provider app is registered" : "- 如果注册了提供翻译的应用程序,则可以翻译聊天消息",
"There are currently no commands available." : "当前没有命令可用。",
"The command does not exist" : "此命令不存在",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "执行命令时出错。请通知管理员检查日志。",
"Talk updates ✅" : "通话应用更新 ✅",
"Reaction deleted by author" : "回应被作者删除",
"{actor} created the conversation" : "{actor}创建了对话",
"You created the conversation" : "您创建了对话",
"An administrator created the conversation" : "管理员创建了这个对话",
"{actor} renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "{actor}将对话“%1$s”重命名为了“%2$s”",
"You renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "您将对话 \"%1$s\" 重命名为 \"%2$s\"",
"An administrator renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "一位管理员将对话从“%1$s”重命名为“%2$s”",
"{actor} set the description" : "{actor} 设置了描述",
"You set the description" : "你设置了描述",
"An administrator set the description" : "一名管理员设置了描述",
"{actor} removed the description" : "{actor} 移除了描述",
"You removed the description" : "您移除了描述",
"An administrator removed the description" : "一位管理员移除了描述",
"{actor} started a call" : "{actor} 开始了一个通话",
"You started a call" : "您开始了一个通话",
"{actor} joined the call" : "{actor} 加入了通话",
"You joined the call" : "您加入了通话",
"{actor} left the call" : "{actor} 离开了通话",
"You left the call" : "您离开了通话",
"{actor} unlocked the conversation" : "{actor}解锁了对话",
"You unlocked the conversation" : "您解锁了对话",
"An administrator unlocked the conversation" : "一位管理员解锁了对话",
"{actor} locked the conversation" : "{actor}锁定了对话",
"You locked the conversation" : "您锁定了对话",
"An administrator locked the conversation" : "一位管理员锁定了对话",
"{actor} limited the conversation to the current participants" : "{actor}将对话限于当前参与者",
"You limited the conversation to the current participants" : "你将对话限制在当前参与者范围内",
"An administrator limited the conversation to the current participants" : "管理员将对话限于当前参与者",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered users" : "{actor} 向注册用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered users" : "你向注册用户开放了对话",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered users" : "管理员向注册用户开放了对话",
"The conversation is now open to everyone" : "此对话现在对所有人开放",
"{actor} opened the conversation to everyone" : "{actor}将对话开放给所有人",
"You opened the conversation to everyone" : "您将对话开放给所有人",
"{actor} restricted the conversation to moderators" : "{actor}将对话限制到与主持人之间",
"You restricted the conversation to moderators" : "你将对话限制到与主持人之间",
"{actor} started breakout rooms" : "{actor}开始了分组讨论室",
"You started breakout rooms" : "您开始了分组讨论室",
"{actor} stopped breakout rooms" : "{actor}停止了分组讨论室",
"You stopped breakout rooms" : "您停止了分组讨论室",
"{actor} allowed guests" : "{actor} 允许了访客加入",
"You allowed guests" : "您允许了访客加入",
"An administrator allowed guests" : "一位管理员允许了访客",
"{actor} disallowed guests" : "{actor} 禁止了访客加入",
"You disallowed guests" : "您禁止了访客加入",
"An administrator disallowed guests" : "一位管理员禁止了访客",
"{actor} set a password" : "{actor} 设置了一个密码",
"You set a password" : "您设置了一个密码",
"An administrator set a password" : "一位管理员设置了口令",
"{actor} removed the password" : "{actor} 移除了密码",
"You removed the password" : "您移除了密码",
"An administrator removed the password" : "一位管理员移除了口令",
"{actor} added {user}" : "{actor} 添加了 {user}",
"You joined the conversation" : "您加入了对话",
"{actor} joined the conversation" : "{actor}加入了对话",
"You added {user}" : "您添加了 {user}",
"{actor} added you" : "{actor} 添加了您",
"An administrator added you" : "一位管理员添加了您",
"An administrator added {user}" : "一位管理员添加了 {user}",
"You left the conversation" : "您离开了对话",
"{actor} left the conversation" : "{actor}离开了对话",
"{actor} removed {user}" : "{actor} 移除了 {user}",
"You removed {user}" : "您移除了 {user}",
"{actor} removed you" : "{actor} 移除了您",
"An administrator removed you" : "一位管理员移除了您",
"An administrator removed {user}" : "一位管理员移除了 {user}",
"{federated_user} accepted the invitation" : "{federated_user} 接受了邀请",
"{actor} removed {federated_user}" : "{actor} 移除了{federated_user}",
"You removed {federated_user}" : "您移除了 {federated_user}",
"An administrator removed {federated_user}" : "管理员移除了 {federated_user}",
"{federated_user} declined the invitation" : "{federated_user} 拒绝了邀請",
"{actor} added group {group}" : "{actor} 添加了小组 {group}",
"You added group {group}" : "你添加了小组 {group}",
"An administrator added group {group}" : "一名管理员添加了小组 {group}",
"{actor} removed group {group}" : "{actor} 删除了小组 {group}",
"You removed group {group}" : "你删除了小组 {group}",
"An administrator removed group {group}" : "一名管理员删除了小组 {group}",
"{actor} added circle {circle}" : "{actor} 添加了圈子 {circle}",
"You added circle {circle}" : "你添加了圈子 {circle}",
"An administrator added circle {circle}" : "一名管理员添加了圈子 {circle}",
"{actor} removed circle {circle}" : "{actor} 删除了圈子 {circle}",
"You removed circle {circle}" : "你删除了圈子 {circle}",
"An administrator removed circle {circle}" : "一名管理员删除了圈子 {circle}",
"{actor} promoted {user} to moderator" : "{actor}将{user}提升为主持人",
"You promoted {user} to moderator" : "您将{user}提升为主持人",
"{actor} promoted you to moderator" : "{actor}提升您为主持人",
"An administrator promoted you to moderator" : "一位管理员将您提升为主持人",
"An administrator promoted {user} to moderator" : "一位管理员将{user}提升为主持人",
"{actor} demoted {user} from moderator" : "{actor}将{user}撤销主持人",
"You demoted {user} from moderator" : "您将{user}撤销主持人",
"{actor} demoted you from moderator" : "{actor}将您撤销主持人",
"An administrator demoted you from moderator" : "一位管理员将您撤销主持人",
"An administrator demoted {user} from moderator" : "一位管理员将{user}撤销主持人",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor}分享了一个不再可用的文件",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "您分享了一个不再可用的文件",
"The shared location is malformed" : "分享的位置变形",
"{actor} set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats" : "{actor} 设置了 Matterbridge使此对话与其他聊天同步",
"You set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats" : "你设置了 Matterbridge以将此对话与其他聊天同步",
"{actor} updated the Matterbridge configuration" : "{actor} 更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You updated the Matterbridge configuration" : "你更新了 Matterbridge 配置",
"{actor} removed the Matterbridge configuration" : "{actor} 移除了 Matterbridge 配置",
"You removed the Matterbridge configuration" : "你移除了 Matterbridge 配置",
"{actor} started Matterbridge" : "{actor} 启动了 Matterbridge",
"You started Matterbridge" : "你启动了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} stopped Matterbridge" : "{actor} 停止了 Matterbridge",
"You stopped Matterbridge" : "你停止了 Matterbridge",
"{actor} deleted a message" : "{actor}删除了一条消息",
"You deleted a message" : "你删除了一条消息",
"{actor} deleted a reaction" : "{actor} 刪除了一个回应",
"You deleted a reaction" : "你删除了一个回应",
"_You set the message expiration to %n week_::_You set the message expiration to %n weeks_" : ["您将消息过期时间设置为%n星期"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n day_::_You set the message expiration to %n days_" : ["您将消息过期时间设置为%n天"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n hour_::_You set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["您将消息过期时间设置为%n小时"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n minute_::_You set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["您将消息过期时间设置为%n分钟"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n week_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n weeks_" : ["{actor}将消息过期时间设置为%n星期"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n day_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n days_" : ["{actor}将消息过期时间设置为%n天"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hour_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["{actor}将消息过期时间设置为%n小时"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minute_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["{actor}将消息过期时间设置为%n分钟"],
"{actor} disabled message expiration" : "{actor}禁用了消息过期时间",
"You disabled message expiration" : "您禁用了消息过期时间",
"{actor} cleared the history of the conversation" : "{actor}清除了对话历史",
"You cleared the history of the conversation" : "你清除了对话历史",
"{actor} set the conversation picture" : "{actor}设置了对话图片",
"You set the conversation picture" : "您设置了对话图片",
"{actor} removed the conversation picture" : "{actor}移除了对话图片",
"You removed the conversation picture" : "您设置了对话图片",
"{actor} ended the poll {poll}" : "{actor} 结束了投票 {poll}",
"You ended the poll {poll}" : "您结束了投票 {poll}",
"{actor} started the video recording" : "{actor}开始视频录制",
"You started the video recording" : "您开始视频录制",
"{actor} stopped the video recording" : "{actor}停止视频录制",
"You stopped the video recording" : "您停止视频录制",
"{actor} started the audio recording" : "{actor}开始音频录制",
"You started the audio recording" : "您开始音频录制",
"{actor} stopped the audio recording" : "{actor}停止音频录制",
"You stopped the audio recording" : "您停止音频录制",
"The recording failed" : "录制失败",
"Someone voted on the poll {poll}" : "有人在投票 {poll} 中投票了",
"Message deleted by author" : "消息被作者删除了",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "消息被 {actor} 删除了",
"Message deleted by you" : "消息被你删除了",
"Deleted user" : "删除用户",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (访客)",
"You missed a call from {user}" : "您错过了来自 {user} 的一个通话",
"You tried to call {user}" : "你尝试呼叫 {user}",
"_Call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_Call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["与%n访客通话时长 {duration}"],
"_{actor} ended the call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_{actor} ended the call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["{actor} 结束了与 %n 名访客的通话 (耗时 {duration}"],
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1} 和 {user2} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} 结束了与 {user1} 的通话(耗时 {duration}",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} 结束了与 {user1} 和 {user2} 的通话(耗时 {duration}",
"Call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1}, {user2} 和 {user3} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} 结束了与 {user1}、{user2} 和 {user3} 的通话(耗时 {duration}",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1}, {user2}, {user3} 和 {user4} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} 结束了与 {user1}、{user2} 、 {user3} 和 {user4} 的通话(耗时 {duration}",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "{user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} 和 {user5} 进行了通话 (时长 {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} 结束了与 {user1}、{user2} 、 {user3}、{user4} 和 {user5} 的通话(耗时 {duration}",
"Message of {user} in {conversation}" : "{conversation}中来自{user}的消息",
"Message of {user}" : "{user}的消息",
"Message of a deleted user in {conversation}" : "{conversation}中已删除用户的消息",
"Talk conversations" : "对话",
"Talk to %s" : "和%s对话",
"An error occurred. Please contact your administrator." : "发生了一个错误。请联系你的管理员。",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "文件未分享,或没有分享给用户",
"No account available to delete." : "没有帐户可以删除。",
"No image file provided" : "未提供图像文件",
"File is too big" : "文件太大",
"Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件",
"Invalid image" : "无效图片",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
"Talk mentions" : "通话提及",
"More unread mentions" : "更多未读的提及",
"Call in progress" : "通话中...",
"You were mentioned" : "你被提到了",
"Write to conversation" : "向对话写入",
"Writes event information into a conversation of your choice" : "将事件信息写入您选择的对话",
"%s invited you to a conversation." : "%s 邀请您加入一个对话。",
"You were invited to a conversation." : "您受邀加入一个对话",
"Conversation invitation" : "对话邀请",
"Click the button below to join." : "点击下面按钮加入。",
"Join »%s«" : "加入 »%s«",
"You can also dial-in via phone with the following details" : "你也可以通过电话拨号,详情如下 ",
"Dial-in information" : "拨号信息",
"Meeting ID" : "会议ID",
"Your PIN" : "你的 PIN 码",
"Password request: %s" : "密码请求: %s",
"Private conversation" : "私有对话",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "已删除用户(%s",
"Failed to upload call recording" : "上传通话录制失败",
"The recording server failed to upload recording of call {call}. Please reach out to the administration." : "录制服务器上传通话{call}的录制失败。请联系管理员。",
"Share to chat" : "分享至聊天",
"Dismiss notification" : "忽略通知",
"Call recording now available" : "通话录制现在可用",
"The recording for the call in {call} was uploaded to {file}." : "{call}中的通话录制已上传到{file}。",
"Transcript now available" : "转写现在可用",
"The transcript for the call in {call} was uploaded to {file}." : "{call}通话的转写已上传至{file}。",
"Failed to transcript call recording" : "通話录制转写失败",
"The server failed to transcript the recording at {file} for the call in {call}. Please reach out to the administration." : "服务器无法为{call}中的通话在{file}转写。请联系管理员。",
"{user1} shared room {roomName} on {remoteServer} with you" : "{user1}与你分享了{remoteServer}上的聊天室 {roomName}",
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒绝",
"{user} in {call}" : "{call} 中的 {user}",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "删除了 {call} 中的用户",
"{guest} (guest) in {call}" : "{guest} (访客) 位于 {call}",
"Guest in {call}" : "在 {call} 中的访客",
"{user} sent you a private message" : "{user}给您发了一条私信",
"{user} sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中发了一条消息",
"A deleted user sent a message in conversation {call}" : "一位已删除的用户在对话{call}中发了一条消息",
"{guest} (guest) sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中发了一条消息",
"A guest sent a message in conversation {call}" : "一位访客在对话{call}中发了一条消息",
"{user} replied to your private message" : "{user}回复了您的私信",
"{user} replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中回复了您的消息",
"A deleted user replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "一个已删除的用户在对话{call}中回复了您的消息",
"{guest} (guest) replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中回复了您的消息",
"A guest replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "一个访客在对话{call}中回复了您的消息",
"{user} reacted with {reaction} to your private message" : "{user}对您的私信做出了{reaction}回应",
"{user} reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中对您的消息做出了{reaction}回应",
"A deleted user reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "一位已删除的用户在对话{call}中对您的消息做出了{reaction}回应",
"{guest} (guest) reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中对您的消息做出了{reaction}回应",
"A guest reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "访客在对话{call}中对您的消息做出了{reaction}回应",
"{user} mentioned you in a private conversation" : "{user}在一个私人对话中提到了您",
"{user} mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中提及了群组{group}",
"{user} mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中提及了所有人",
"{user} mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{user}在对话{call}中提到了您",
"A deleted user mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "一位已删除的使用者在在对话{call}中提及了群组{group}",
"A deleted user mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "一位已删除的使用者在在对话{call}中提及了所有人",
"A deleted user mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "一位已删除的用户在对话{call}中提到了您",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中提及了群组{group}",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中提及了所有人",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{guest}(访客)在对话{call}中提到了您 ",
"A guest mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "一位访客在对话{call}中提及了群组{group}",
"A guest mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "一位访客在对话{call}中提及了所有人",
"A guest mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "一位访客在对话{call}中提到了您 ",
"View chat" : "查看聊天",
"{user} invited you to a private conversation" : "{user}邀请您加入一个私人对话",
"Join call" : "加入通话",
"{user} invited you to a group conversation: {call}" : "{user}邀请您加入一个小组对话:{call}",
"Answer call" : "接听通话",
"{user} would like to talk with you" : "{user}想和您对话",
"Call back" : "回拨",
"A group call has started in {call}" : "已在 {call} 小组中开始通话",
"You missed a group call in {call}" : "您在 {call} 中错过了一个组通话",
"{email} is requesting the password to access {file}" : "{email} 请求密码以访问 {file}",
"{email} tried to request the password to access {file}" : "{email} 尝试请求密码访问 {file}",
"Someone is requesting the password to access {file}" : "有人请求密码以访问 {file}",
"Someone tried to request the password to access {file}" : "有人试图要求密码访问 {file}",
"Open settings" : "打开设置",
"The hosted signaling server is now configured and will be used." : "托管的信令服务器现已配置并将被使用。",
"The hosted signaling server was removed and will not be used anymore." : "托管的信令服务器已被移除且无法再使用。",
"The hosted signaling server account has changed the status from \"{oldstatus}\" to \"{newstatus}\"." : "托管信令服务器将账户状态从 \"{oldstatus}\" 更改为 \"{newstatus}\"",
"The certificate of {host} expires in {days} days" : "{host}的证书将在{days}天后过期",
"The certificate of {host} expired" : "{host}的证书已过期",
"Contact via Talk" : "通过通话应用联系",
"Open Talk" : "打开通话应用",
"Conversations" : "对话",
"Messages" : "消息",
"{user}" : "{user}",
"Messages in {conversation}" : "{conversation}中的消息",
"{user} in {conversation}" : "{conversation} 中的 {user}",
"Messages in other conversations" : "在其他对话中的消息",
"One-to-one rooms always need to show the other users avatar" : "一对一的聊天室一律需要显示其他用户的邮箱",
"Invalid emoji character" : "无效的表情符号字符",
"Invalid background color" : "无效的背景颜色",
"Avatar image is not square" : "头像图像不是正方形",
"Room {number}" : "聊天室{number}",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server is unreachable. Please try again later." : "因测试服务器不可达,无法请求测试。请稍后重试。",
"There is a problem with the authentication of this instance. Maybe it is not reachable from the outside to verify it's URL." : "此实例的身份验证存在一个问题。也许不能从外部访问它来验证它的 URL。",
"Something unexpected happened." : "出现了一些异常情况。",
"The URL is invalid." : "URL 无效",
"An HTTPS URL is required." : "要求使用 HTTPS 链接",
"The email address is invalid." : "电子邮件地址无效",
"The language is invalid." : "语言无效",
"The country is invalid." : "国家无效",
"There is a problem with the request of the trial. Please check your logs for further information." : "试用请求有个问题。请检查你的日志以获得进一步的信息。",
"Too many requests are send from your servers address. Please try again later." : "你的服务器地址发送了太多的请求。请稍后再试。",
"There is already a trial registered for this Nextcloud instance." : "此Nextcloud实例已有一个已注册的trial。",
"Something unexpected happened. Please try again later." : "出现了一些异常情况。请稍后重试。",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please try again later." : "因测试服务器行为异常,无法请求测试。请稍后重试。",
"Trial requested but failed to get account information. Please check back later." : "已请求测试但无法获取账号信息。请稍后检查。",
"There is a problem with the authentication of this request. Maybe it is not reachable from the outside to verify it's URL." : "此请求的验证操作有问题。可能是因为无法从外部访问来验证它的URL。",
"Failed to fetch account information because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please check back later." : "由于测试服务器行为错误,无法获取帐户信息。请稍后再来查看。 ",
"There is a problem with fetching the account information. Please check your logs for further information." : "获取账号信息有问题。请查看您的日志以获取更多信息。",
"There is no such account registered." : "没有这个已注册账号。",
"Failed to fetch account information because the trial server is unreachable. Please check back later." : "因测试服务器不可达,无法获取账号信息。请稍后检查。",
"Deleting the hosted signaling server account failed. Please check back later." : "删除托管信令服务器失败。请稍后检查。",
"Failed to delete the account because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please check back later." : "因测试服务器行为异常,无法删除账号。请稍后检查。",
"There is a problem with deleting the account. Please check your logs for further information." : "删除账号有问题。请查看您的日志以获取更多信息。",
"Too many requests are sent from your servers address. Please try again later." : "你的服务器地址发送了太多的请求。请稍后再试。 ",
"Failed to delete the account because the trial server is unreachable. Please check back later." : "因测试服务器不可达,无法删除账号。请稍后检查。",
"Andorra" : "安道尔",
"United Arab Emirates" : "阿拉伯联合酋长国",
"Afghanistan" : "阿富汗",
"Antigua and Barbuda" : "安提瓜和巴布达",
"Anguilla" : "安圭拉",
"Albania" : "阿尔巴尼亚",
"Armenia" : "亚美尼亚共和国",
"Angola" : "安哥拉",
"Antarctica" : "南极洲",
"Argentina" : "阿根廷",
"American Samoa" : "美属萨摩亚",
"Austria" : "奥地利",
"Australia" : "澳大利亚",
"Aruba" : "阿鲁巴",
"Åland Islands" : "奥兰",
"Azerbaijan" : "阿塞拜疆",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那",
"Barbados" : "巴巴多斯",
"Bangladesh" : "孟加拉国",
"Belgium" : "比利时",
"Burkina Faso" : "布基纳法索",
"Bulgaria" : "保加利亚",
"Bahrain" : "巴林",
"Burundi" : "布隆迪",
"Benin" : "贝宁",
"Saint Barthélemy" : "圣巴泰勒米",
"Bermuda" : "百慕大",
"Brunei Darussalam" : "文莱达鲁萨兰国",
"Bolivia, Plurinational State of" : "多民族玻利维亚国",
"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "博内尔岛,圣尤斯特歇斯岛和萨巴岛",
"Brazil" : "巴西",
"Bahamas" : "巴哈马",
"Bhutan" : "不丹",
"Bouvet Island" : "布维岛",
"Botswana" : "博茨瓦纳",
"Belarus" : "白俄罗斯",
"Belize" : "伯利兹",
"Canada" : "加拿大",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "科科斯(基林)群岛",
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" : "刚果民主共和国",
"Central African Republic" : "中非共和国",
"Congo" : "刚果",
"Switzerland" : "瑞士",
"Côte d'Ivoire" : "科特迪瓦",
"Cook Islands" : "库克群岛",
"Chile" : "智利",
"Cameroon" : "喀麦隆",
"China" : "中国",
"Colombia" : "哥伦比亚",
"Costa Rica" : "哥斯达黎加",
"Cuba" : "古巴",
"Cabo Verde" : "佛得角",
"Curaçao" : "库拉索",
"Christmas Island" : "圣诞岛",
"Cyprus" : "赛浦路斯",
"Czechia" : "捷克",
"Germany" : "德国",
"Djibouti" : "吉布提",
"Denmark" : "丹麦",
"Dominica" : "多米尼加",
"Dominican Republic" : "多明尼加共和国",
"Algeria" : "阿尔及利亚",
"Ecuador" : "厄瓜多尔",
"Estonia" : "爱沙尼亚",
"Egypt" : "埃及",
"Western Sahara" : "西撒哈拉",
"Eritrea" : "厄立特里亚",
"Spain" : "西班牙",
"Ethiopia" : "埃塞俄比亚",
"Finland" : "芬兰",
"Fiji" : "斐济",
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" : "福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)",
"Micronesia, Federated States of" : "密克罗尼西亚联邦",
"Faroe Islands" : "法罗群岛",
"France" : "法国",
"Gabon" : "加蓬",
"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" : "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国",
"Grenada" : "格林纳达",
"Georgia" : "格鲁吉亚",
"French Guiana" : "法属圭亚那",
"Guernsey" : "根西岛",
"Ghana" : "加纳",
"Gibraltar" : "直布罗陀",
"Greenland" : "格陵兰",
"Gambia" : "冈比亚",
"Guinea" : "几内亚",
"Guadeloupe" : "瓜德罗普岛",
"Equatorial Guinea" : "赤道几内亚",
"Greece" : "希腊",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛",
"Guatemala" : "危地马拉",
"Guam" : "关岛",
"Guinea-Bissau" : "几内亚-比绍",
"Guyana" : "圭亚那",
"Hong Kong" : "香港",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "赫德岛和麦当劳群岛",
"Honduras" : "洪都拉斯",
"Croatia" : "克罗地亚",
"Haiti" : "海地",
"Hungary" : "匈牙利",
"Indonesia" : "印度尼西亚",
"Ireland" : "爱尔兰",
"Israel" : "以色列",
"Isle of Man" : "马恩岛",
"India" : "印度",
"British Indian Ocean Territory" : "英属印度洋领地",
"Iraq" : "伊拉克",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of" : "伊朗伊斯兰共和国",
"Iceland" : "冰岛",
"Italy" : "意大利",
"Jersey" : "泽西",
"Jamaica" : "牙买加",
"Jordan" : "约旦",
"Japan" : "日本",
"Kenya" : "肯尼亚",
"Kyrgyzstan" : "吉尔吉斯斯坦",
"Cambodia" : "柬埔寨",
"Kiribati" : "基里巴斯",
"Comoros" : "科摩罗",
"Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "圣基茨和尼维斯",
"Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" : "朝鲜民主主义人民共和国",
"Korea, Republic of" : "韩国(共和国)",
"Kuwait" : "科威特",
"Cayman Islands" : "开曼群岛",
"Kazakhstan" : "哈萨克斯坦",
"Lao People's Democratic Republic" : "老挝",
"Lebanon" : "黎巴嫩",
"Saint Lucia" : "圣卢西亚",
"Liechtenstein" : "列支敦士登",
"Sri Lanka" : "斯里兰卡",
"Liberia" : "利比里亚",
"Lesotho" : "莱索托",
"Lithuania" : "立陶宛",
"Luxembourg" : "卢森堡",
"Latvia" : "拉脱维亚",
"Libya" : "利比亚",
"Morocco" : "摩洛哥",
"Monaco" : "摩纳哥",
"Moldova, Republic of" : "摩尔多瓦(共和国)",
"Montenegro" : "黑山",
"Saint Martin (French part)" : "圣马丁(法国部分)",
"Madagascar" : "马达加斯加",
"Marshall Islands" : "马绍尔群岛",
"Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" : "马其顿(前南斯拉夫共和国)",
"Mali" : "马里",
"Myanmar" : "缅甸",
"Mongolia" : "蒙古",
"Macao" : "澳门",
"Northern Mariana Islands" : "北马里亚纳群岛",
"Martinique" : "马提尼克",
"Mauritania" : "毛里塔尼亚",
"Montserrat" : "蒙特塞拉特",
"Malta" : "马耳他",
"Mauritius" : "毛里求斯",
"Maldives" : "马尔代夫",
"Malawi" : "马拉维",
"Mexico" : "墨西哥",
"Malaysia" : "马来西亚",
"Mozambique" : "莫桑比克",
"Namibia" : "纳米比亚",
"New Caledonia" : "新喀里多尼亚",
"Niger" : "尼日尔",
"Norfolk Island" : "诺福克岛",
"Nigeria" : "尼日利亚",
"Nicaragua" : "尼加拉瓜",
"Netherlands" : "荷兰",
"Norway" : "挪威",
"Nepal" : "尼泊尔",
"Nauru" : "瑙鲁",
"Niue" : "纽埃",
"New Zealand" : "新西兰",
"Oman" : "阿曼",
"Panama" : "巴拿马",
"Peru" : "秘鲁",
"French Polynesia" : "法属波利尼西亚",
"Papua New Guinea" : "巴布亚新几内亚",
"Philippines" : "菲律宾",
"Pakistan" : "巴基斯坦",
"Poland" : "波兰",
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "圣皮埃尔和密克隆",
"Pitcairn" : "皮特凯恩",
"Puerto Rico" : "波多黎各",
"Palestine, State of" : "巴勒斯坦",
"Portugal" : "葡萄牙",
"Palau" : "帕劳",
"Paraguay" : "巴拉圭",
"Qatar" : "卡塔尔",
"Réunion" : "留尼汪",
"Romania" : "罗马尼亚",
"Serbia" : "塞尔维亚",
"Russian Federation" : "俄罗斯联邦",
"Rwanda" : "卢旺达",
"Saudi Arabia" : "沙特阿拉伯",
"Solomon Islands" : "所罗门群岛",
"Seychelles" : "塞舌尔",
"Sudan" : "苏丹",
"Sweden" : "瑞典",
"Singapore" : "新加坡",
"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "圣赫勒拿,阿森松岛和特里斯坦达库尼亚",
"Slovenia" : "斯洛文尼亚",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "斯瓦尔巴和扬马延",
"Slovakia" : "斯洛伐克",
"Sierra Leone" : "塞拉利昂",
"San Marino" : "圣马力诺",
"Senegal" : "塞内加尔",
"Somalia" : "索马里",
"Suriname" : "苏里南",
"South Sudan" : "南苏丹",
"Sao Tome and Principe" : "圣多美和普林西比",
"El Salvador" : "萨尔瓦多",
"Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" : "圣马丁(荷兰部分)",
"Syrian Arab Republic" : "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国",
"Eswatini" : "斯威士兰",
"Turks and Caicos Islands" : "特克斯和凯科斯群岛",
"Chad" : "乍得",
"French Southern Territories" : "法国南部领地",
"Togo" : "多哥",
"Thailand" : "泰国",
"Tajikistan" : "塔吉克斯坦",
"Tokelau" : "托克劳",
"Timor-Leste" : "东帝汶",
"Turkmenistan" : "土库曼斯坦",
"Tunisia" : "突尼斯",
"Tonga" : "汤加",
"Turkey" : "土耳其",
"Trinidad and Tobago" : "特立尼达和多巴哥",
"Tuvalu" : "图瓦卢",
"Taiwan, Province of China" : "台湾",
"Tanzania, United Republic of" : "坦桑尼亚联合共和国",
"Ukraine" : "乌克兰",
"Uganda" : "乌干达",
"United States Minor Outlying Islands" : "美国本土外小岛屿",
"United States of America" : "美利坚合众国",
"Uruguay" : "乌拉圭",
"Uzbekistan" : "乌兹别克斯坦",
"Holy See" : "教廷",
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯",
"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" : "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国",
"Virgin Islands, British" : "英属维尔京群岛",
"Virgin Islands, U.S." : "美属维尔京群岛",
"Viet Nam" : "越南",
"Vanuatu" : "瓦努阿图",
"Wallis and Futuna" : "瓦利斯和富图纳群岛",
"Samoa" : "萨摩亚",
"Yemen" : "也门",
"Mayotte" : "马约特",
"South Africa" : "南非",
"Zambia" : "赞比亚",
"Zimbabwe" : "津巴布韦",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "日期无效,日期格式必须为 YYYY-MM-DD",
"Conversation not found" : "没有找到对话",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "路径已与此聊天室分享",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "使用 WebRTC 来聊天和进行音视频会议",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 66 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 72 (or newer, also possible using Chrome 49 with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol)).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "使用WebRTC进行聊天、视频和音频会议\n\n* 💬 **聊天集成!** Nextcloud通话应用带有简单的文本聊天。 允许您从Nextcloud分享文件并提及其他参与者。\n* 👥 **私人、群组、公开和受密码保护的通话!** 只需邀请某人、整个群组或发送公开链接即可邀请加入通话。\n* 💻 **屏幕共享!** 与通话参与者共享您的屏幕。您只需要使用Firefox 66或更高版本、最新的Edge或Chrome 72或更高版本也可以使用Chrome 49配合此[Chrome 扩展程序](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol)).\n* 🚀 **与其他Nextcloud应用程序集成**,如文件、联系人和看板。 更多即将推出。\n\n [即将推出的版本](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/)中将会实现:\n* ✋ [联合通话](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21 )呼叫其他Nextcloud实例上的人",
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "离开此页面也将中断 {conversation} 中的通话",
"Leave call" : "离开通话",
"Stay in call" : "保持通话",
"Duplicate session" : "重复对话",
"Discuss this file" : "讨论此文件",
"Share this file with others to discuss it" : "与他人分享此文件以讨论它",
"Share this file" : "分享此文件",
"Join conversation" : "加入对话",
"Request password" : "需要密码",
"Error requesting the password." : "请求密码错误。",
"This conversation has ended" : "此对话已结束",
"Error occurred when joining the conversation" : "加入对话时发生错误",
"Close Talk sidebar" : "关闭通话应用侧边栏",
"Open Talk sidebar" : "打开通话应用侧边栏",
"Limit to groups" : "限制于分组",
"When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can be part of conversations." : "当至少一个分组被选择时,只有列出分组的成员才能成为对话的一分子。",
"Guests can still join public conversations." : "访客仍可加入公开对话。",
"Users that cannot use Talk anymore will still be listed as participants in their previous conversations and also their chat messages will be kept." : "已不再能使用通话应用的用户在其以前的对话中仍会被列为参与者,他们的聊天消息也将被保留。",
"Limit using Talk" : "限制使用通话应用",
"Limit creating a public and group conversation" : "限制创建公开和群组对话",
"Limit creating conversations" : "限制创建对话",
"Limit starting a call" : "限制开始一个通话",
"Limit starting calls" : "限制开始通话",
"When a call has started, everyone with access to the conversation can join the call." : "当一个通话已开始时,能访问该对话的所有人都能加入通话",
"Everyone" : "所有人",
"Users and moderators" : "用户和主持人",
"Moderators only" : "仅管理员",
"Disable calls" : "禁用通话",
"Save changes" : "保存更改",
"Saving …" : "正在保存……",
"Saved!" : "已保存!",
"State" : "状况",
"Name" : "名称",
"Description" : "描述",
"Enabled" : "已启用",
"Disabled" : "禁用",
"Commands" : "命令",
"Command" : "命令",
"Script" : "脚本",
"Response to" : "回复",
"Enabled for" : "启用",
"Commands are a new beta feature in Nextcloud Talk. They allow you to run scripts on your Nextcloud server. You can define them with our command line interface. An example of a calculator script can be found in our {linkstart}documentation{linkend}." : "命令是Nextcloud通话应用中新的测试特性。这些命令允许您在您的Nextcloud服务器上运行脚本。您可以使用我们的命令行接口来定义它们。在我们的{linkstart}文档{linkend}中您可以找到一个计算器的示例脚本。",
"None" : "无",
"User" : "用户",
"Moderators" : "主持人",
"Users" : "用户",
"General settings" : "通用设置",
"Default notification settings" : "默认通知设置",
"Default group notification" : "默认分组通知",
"Default group notification for new groups" : "对新分组的默认分组通知",
"Integration into other apps" : "与其他应用的集成",
"Allow conversations on files" : "允许文件上的对话",
"Allow conversations on public shares for files" : "允许文件的公开分享上的对话",
"All messages" : "全部消息",
"@-mentions only" : "仅被 @ 提及的消息",
"Off" : "关闭",
"Hosted high-performance backend" : "托管的高性能后端",
"Our partner Struktur AG provides a service where a hosted signaling server can be requested. For this you only need to fill out the form below and your Nextcloud will request it. Once the server is set up for you the credentials will be filled automatically. This will overwrite the existing signaling server settings." : "我们的合作伙伴 Struktur AG 提供了一种可以请求托管信令服务器的服务。为此你只需要填写下面的表单然后Nextcloud就会请求它。一旦为你设置好服务器凭据将被自动填写。这将覆盖现有的信令服务器设置。",
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "此Nextcloud实例的URL",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户全名",
"Email of the user" : "用户的电子邮箱地址 ",
"Language" : "语言",
"Country" : "国家",
"Request signaling server trial" : "请求信令服务器试用",
"You can see the current status of your hosted signaling server in the following table." : "您可在以下表格中查看您托管的信令服务器的当前状态。",
"Status" : "状态",
"Created at" : "生成在",
"Expires at" : "过期于",
"Limits" : "限制",
"Delete the signaling server account" : "删除信令服务器账号",
"By clicking the button above the information in the form is sent to the servers of Struktur AG. You can find further information at {linkstart}spreed.eu{linkend}." : "过点击上面的按钮,表格中的信息被发送到 Struktur AG 的服务器。你可于 {linkstart}spreed.eu{linkend} 找到进一步的信息。",
"Pending" : "待定",
"Error" : "错误",
"Blocked" : "被阻止",
"Active" : "活动",
"Expired" : "已过期",
"The trial could not be requested. Please try again later." : "无法请求测试。请稍后重试。",
"The account could not be deleted. Please try again later." : "账号无法删除。请稍后重试。",
"_%n user_::_%n users_" : ["%n 个用户"],
"Matterbridge integration" : "Matterbridge 集成",
"Beta" : "Beta",
"Enable Matterbridge integration" : "启用 Matterbridge 集成",
"Installed version: {version}" : "已安装版本:{version}",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}Nextcloud App Store{linkend}." : "您可以安装Matterbridge以将Nextcloud通话应用连接到其他服务请访问其{linkstart1}GitHub页面{linkend}以获得更多信息。下载并安装应用程序可能需要一段时间。如果超时,请从{linkstart2}Nextcloud应用商店{linkend}手动安装。",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "Matterbridge二进制文件的权限不正确。请确认 Matterbridge二进制文件归属于正确的用户并且可以被执行。你可以在 “/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/” 找到二进制文件。",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "找不到 Matterbridge 二进制文件或无法执行。",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "你也可以通过 config 手动设置 Matterbridge 二进制文件的路径。更多信息请查阅 {linkstart}Matterbridge 集成文档{linkend}",
"Downloading …" : "下载中 …",
"Install Talk Matterbridge" : "安装通话应用Matterbridge",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app" : "安装Matterbridge应用程序时发生错误",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually" : "安装通话应用Matterbridge时发生错误。请手动安装。",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "执行Matterbridge二进制文件失败。",
"Recording backend URL" : "录制后端URL",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "验证SSL证书",
"Delete this server" : "删除此服务器",
"Status: Checking connection" : "状态:正在检查连接",
"OK: Running version: {version}" : "OK运行版本{version}",
"Error: Cannot connect to server" : "错误:无法连接到服务器 ",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "错误服务器没有回复正确的JSON",
"Error: Certificate expired" : "错误:证书已过期",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "错误:服务器回复:{error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "错误:发生未知错误",
"Recording backend" : "录制后端",
"Add a new recording backend server" : "添加一个新的录制后端服务器",
"Shared secret" : "已分享密码",
"The PHP settings \"upload_max_filesize\" or \"post_max_size\" only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "PHP设置“upload_max_filesize”或“post_max_size”仅允许上传最大{maxUpload}的文件。",
"Recording backend settings saved" : "已保存录制后端设置",
"SIP configuration" : "SIP 配置",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "SIP 配置只在高性能后端上可用",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "限制 SIP 配置",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "启用 SIP 配置",
"Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "只有以下群组的用户可以在自己主持的对话中开启 SIP",
"Phone number (Country)" : "电话号码(国家)",
"This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "这些信息会在邀请邮件中发送,也会在侧边栏中显示给所有参与者。 ",
"SIP configuration saved!" : "已保存SIP配置",
"High-performance backend URL" : "高性能后端 URL",
"Could not get version" : "无法获取版本",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "错误:当前的运行版本为:{version},服务器需要更新以与此版本的 Talk 兼容",
"High-performance backend" : "高性能后端 ",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部的信令服务器。若使用内部的信令服务器请留空。",
"It is highly recommended to set up a distributed cache when using Nextcloud Talk together with a High Performance Back-end." : "当Nextcloud通话应用与高性能后端配合使用时强烈推荐设置分布式缓存。",
"Add a new high-performance backend server" : "添加高性能后端服务器",
"Please note that in calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "请注意不使用外部的信令服务器而与超过4个参与者通话参与者将遇到连接性问题并造成参与设备的高负载。",
"Don't warn about connectivity issues in calls with more than 4 participants" : "不要对超过 4 个参与者的通话中出现的连通性问题发出警告",
"Missing high-performance backend warning hidden" : "隐藏缺少高性能后端的警告",
"High-performance backend settings saved" : "已保存高性能后端设置",
"STUN server URL" : "STUN 服务器 URL",
"The server address is invalid" : "服务器地址无效",
"STUN servers" : "STUN 服务器",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN 服务器用以探测路由器下的参与者的公网 IP 地址。",
"Add a new STUN server" : "添一个新的STUN服务器",
"STUN settings saved" : "STUN设置已保存",
"TURN server schemes" : "TURN 服务器 scheme",
"TURN server URL" : "TURN 服务器URL",
"TURN server secret" : "TURN 服务器密码",
"TURN server protocols" : "TURN 服务器协议",
"{schema} scheme must be used with a domain" : "{schema} 协议必须与域名一起使用",
"{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} 和 {option2}",
"{option} only" : "仅 {option} ",
"OK: Successful ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "OKTURN服务器成功返回ICE候选",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "错误TURN服务器没有返回可用的ICE候选",
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "测试TURN服务器是否返回ICE候选",
"Test this server" : "测试此服务器",
"TURN servers" : "TURN 服务器",
"Add a new TURN server" : "添加一个新的TURN服务器",
"A TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall. If individual participants cannot connect to others a TURN server is most likely required. See {linkstart}this documentation{linkend} for setup instructions." : "TURN 服务器服务器用于代理来自防火墙后参与者的通信。如果单个参与者无法连接到其他参与者,则很可能需要一个 TURN 服务器。设置说明见 {linkstart}此文档{linkend}",
"TURN settings saved" : "TURN设置已保存",
"Web server setup checks" : "Web 服务器设置检查",
"Files required for virtual background can be loaded" : "可以加载背景模糊所需的文件",
"Failed" : "失败了",
"OK" : "好",
"Checking …" : "检查中...",
"Failed: WebAssembly is disabled or not supported in this browser. Please enable WebAssembly or use a browser with support for it to do the check." : "失败:此浏览器禁用或不支持 WebAssembly。请启用 WebAssembly 或使用支持它的浏览器进行检查。",
"Failed: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were not properly returned by the web server. Please check \"System requirements\" section in Talk documentation." : "失败Web服务器没有正确返回”.wasm” 和“.tflite” 文件。请查看通话应用文档中的“系统要求”部分。",
"OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "好web 服务器正确返回了 \".wasm\" 和 \".tflite\" 文件",
"It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "PHP与Apache配置似乎不兼容。请注意PHP仅能与MPM_PREFORK模块一起使用PHP-FPM仅能与MPM_EVENT模块一起使用。",
"Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "无法检测到PHP与Apache配置因为exec已停用或是 apachectl未按预期运行。请注意PHP仅能与MPM_PREFORK模块一起使用PHP-FPM仅能与MPM_EVENT模块一起使用。",
"Number of breakout rooms" : "分组讨论室数量",
"Assignment method" : "指派方法",
"Automatically assign participants" : "自动指派参与者",
"Manually assign participants" : "手动指派参与者",
"Allow participants to choose" : "允许参与者选择",
"Assign participants to rooms" : "指派参与者到聊天室",
"Create rooms" : "创建聊天室",
"Configure breakout rooms" : "配置分组讨论室",
"Unassigned participants" : "未指派的参与者",
"Back" : "返回",
"Assign" : "指派",
"Confirm" : "确认",
"Create breakout rooms" : "创建分组讨论室",
"Reset" : "重置",
"Delete breakout rooms" : "删除分组讨论室",
"Room {roomNumber}" : "聊天室{roomNumber}",
"Current breakout rooms and settings will be lost" : "目前的分组讨论室和设置将会丢失",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Post message" : "发送消息",
"Send a message to all breakout rooms" : "向所有分组讨论室发送消息",
"Send a message to \"{roomName}\"" : "向“{roomName}”分组讨论室发送消息",
"The message was sent to all breakout rooms" : "消息已发送至所有分组讨论室",
"The message was sent to \"{roomName}\"" : "消息已发送至分组讨论室“{roomName}”",
"The message could not be sent" : "无法发送消息",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName}举手了。",
"A participant raised their hand." : "一名参与者设举手了",
"Previous page of videos" : "视频上一页 ",
"Next page of videos" : "视频下一页",
"Collapse stripe" : "折叠条纹",
"Expand stripe" : "展开条纹",
"Copy link" : "复制链接",
"Connecting …" : "连接中 …",
"Waiting for {user} to join the call" : "等待{user}加入通话",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "等待其他人加入通话 ...",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "您可以在侧栏的参与者选项卡中邀请其他人",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "您可以在侧边栏的参与者标签中邀请其他人或分享此链接以邀请其他人!",
"Share this link to invite others!" : "分享这个链接来邀请其他人!",
"You are not allowed to enable audio" : "你不被允许启用音频",
"No audio. Click to select device" : "没有音频。点击以选择设备",
"Mute audio" : "静音",
"Mute audio (M)" : "静音音频 M",
"Unmute audio" : "取消静音",
"Unmute audio (M)" : "取消静音音频 M",
"Access to camera was denied" : "对摄像头的访问被拒绝",
"Error while accessing camera: It is likely in use by another program" : "访问摄像头时出现错误:它可能正在被另一个程序使用",
"Error while accessing camera" : "访问摄像头时出错",
"You have been muted by a moderator" : "您已被主持人静音",
"You are not allowed to enable video" : "你不被允许启用视频",
"No video. Click to select device" : "没有视频。点击以选择设备",
"Disable video" : "禁用视频",
"Disable video (V)" : "禁用视频 (V)",
"Enable video" : "启用视频",
"Enable video (V)" : "启用视频 (V)",
"Enable video - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "启用时评 - 首次启用视频时,您的连接会短暂中断",
"Enable video (V) - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "启用视频 (V) - 首次启用视频时,您的连接将短暂中断",
"Enable video. Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "启用视频。当您第一次启用视频时您的连接将会被短暂中断",
"You" : "您",
"Show screen" : "显示屏幕",
"Stop following" : "取消关注",
"Mute" : "静音",
"Muted" : "已静音",
"Connection could not be established …" : "无法建立连接",
"Connection was lost and could not be re-established …" : "连接丢失且无法被重新建立",
"Connection could not be established. Trying again …" : "无法建立连接。再次尝试中…",
"Connection lost. Trying to reconnect …" : "连接丢失。尝试重新连接…",
"Connection problems …" : "连接问题…",
"Collapse" : "折叠",
"Expand" : "展开",
"Conversation messages" : "对话消息",
"Scroll to bottom" : "滚动到底部",
"You need to be logged in to upload files" : "您需要登录以上传文件",
"This conversation is read-only" : "此对话是只读的 ",
"Drop your files to upload" : "拖放您的文件以上传",
"Favorite" : "收藏",
"Enter a name for this conversation" : "输入此对话的名称",
"Edit conversation name" : "编辑对话名称",
"Edit conversation description" : "编辑对话描述",
"Enter a description for this conversation" : "为这个对话输入一个描述 ",
"Picture" : "图片",
"Error while updating conversation name" : "更新对话名称时出错",
"Error while updating conversation description" : "更新对话描述时出错 ",
"Disable" : "禁用",
"Enable" : "开启",
"Set up breakout rooms for this conversation" : "为此对话设置分组讨论室",
"Breakout rooms" : "分组讨论室",
"Set emoji as conversation picture" : "将表情符号设置为对话图片",
"Set background color for conversation picture" : "设置对话图片的背景颜色",
"Upload conversation picture" : "上传对话图片",
"Choose conversation picture from files" : "从文件中选择对话图片",
"Remove conversation picture" : "移除对话图片",
"The file must be a PNG or JPG" : "文件必须是 PNG 或 JPG 格式",
"Set picture" : "设置图片",
"Choose your conversation picture" : "选择您的对话图片",
"Please select a valid PNG or JPG file" : "请选择有效的PNG或JPG文件",
"Error setting conversation picture" : "设置对话图片时出错",
"Could not set the conversation picture: {error}" : "无法设定对话图片:{error}",
"Error cropping conversation picture" : "裁剪对话图片时出错",
"Error removing conversation picture" : "移除对话图片时出错",
"Edit the default permissions for participants in this conversation. These settings do not affect moderators." : "编辑此对话中参与者的默认权限。这些设置不会影响版主。",
"Every time permissions are modified in this section, custom permissions previously assigned to individual participants will be lost." : "每次在此部分修改权限时,之前指派给各个参与者的自定义权限都将丢失。",
"All permissions" : "所有权限",
"Participants have permissions to start a call, join a call, enable audio and video, and share screen." : "与会者具有发起通话、加入通话、开启音频、视频和共享屏幕等权限。",
"Restricted" : "受限",
"Participants can join calls, but cannot enable audio nor video nor share screen until a moderator manually grants them permissions." : "在版主手动授权之前,与会者可以加入通话,但不能开启音频、视频也不能共享屏幕",
"Advanced permissions" : "高级权限",
"Edit permissions" : "编辑权限",
"Default permissions modified for {conversationName}" : "更改了 {conversationName} 的默认权限",
"Could not modify default permissions for {conversationName}" : "无法更改 {conversationName} 的默认权限",
"Conversation settings" : "对话设置",
"Basic Info" : "基本信息",
"Personal" : "个人",
"Always show the device preview screen before joining a call in this conversation." : "在此对话中加入通话前始终显示设备预览屏幕",
"Moderation" : "限制",
"Meeting" : "会议",
"Permissions" : "权限",
"Breakout Rooms" : "分组讨论室",
"Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge ",
"Danger zone" : "危险区域",
"Be careful, these actions cannot be undone." : "小心,这些操作无法被撤销。",
"Leave conversation" : "离开对话",
"Once a conversation is left, to rejoin a closed conversation, an invite is needed. An open conversation can be rejoined at any time." : "一旦离开对话,要重新加入已关闭的谈话,需要一个邀请。公开对话可以在任何时候重新加入。",
"Delete conversation" : "删除对话",
"Permanently delete this conversation." : "永久删除此对话。",
"Delete chat messages" : "删除聊天消息",
"Permanently delete all the messages in this conversation." : "永久删除此对话中的所有消息",
"You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation" : "在您离开对话之前需要推举一位新的主持人",
"Do you really want to delete \"{displayName}\"?" : "你是否真的要删除“{displayName}”?",
"Error while deleting conversation" : "删除对话时出错 ",
"Do you really want to delete all messages in \"{displayName}\"?" : "你真想删除“{displayName}”中的所有消息吗?",
"Delete all chat messages" : "删除所有聊天消息",
"Error while clearing chat history" : "清除聊天消息时出错",
"Cancel editing" : "取消编辑",
"Submit" : "提交",
"The text must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "文字的长度必须小于或等于 {maxLength}个字符。您目前的文字长度为{charactersCount}个字符。",
"Message expiration" : "消息过期",
"Chat messages can be expired after a certain time. Note: Files shared in chat will not be deleted for the owner, but will no longer be shared in the conversation." : "可指定聊天消息在一定时间后过期。注意:聊天中分享的文件不会被从所有者一方删除,但是会被从对话中取消分享。",
"Custom expiration time" : "自定义过期时间",
"Message expiration disabled" : "已停用消息过期",
"Message expiration set: {duration}" : "消息过期设置:{duration}",
"Error when trying to set message expiration" : "尝试设置消息过期时发生错误",
"_%n hour_::_%n hours_" : ["%n小时"],
"_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["%n 天"],
"_%n week_::_%n weeks_" : ["%n 周"],
"Guest access" : "访客访问",
"Allow guests to join this conversation via link" : "允许访客通过链接加入此对话",
"Password protection" : "密码保护",
"Enter new password" : "输入新密码",
"Save password" : "保存密码",
"Copy conversation link" : "复制对话链接",
"Resend invitations" : "重新发送邀请",
"Conversation password has been saved" : "对话密码已保存",
"Conversation password has been removed" : "对话密码已被删除 ",
"Error occurred while saving conversation password" : "保存对话密码时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred while allowing guests" : "允许访客时发生错误",
"Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "禁止访客时发生错误",
"Invitations sent" : "邀请已发送",
"Error occurred when sending invitations" : "发送邀请时发生错误 ",
"Open conversation to registered users, showing it in search results" : "向注册用户开放对话并在搜索结果中显示",
"Error occurred when opening or limiting the conversation" : "开放或限制对话时发生错误",
"Enabling the lobby will remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "启用大厅将会从正在进行的对话中移除非主持人",
"Enable lobby, restricting the conversation to moderators" : "启用大厅,将对话限制到与主持人之间",
"Meeting start time" : "会议开始时间",
"Start time (optional)" : "开始时间(可选)",
"Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "将对话限制为主持人时发生错误",
"Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "向所有人开放对话时发生错误",
"Start time has been updated" : "开始时间已更新",
"Error occurred while updating start time" : "更新开始时间时发生错误 ",
"Lock conversation" : "锁定对话",
"This will also terminate the ongoing call." : "这也将终止正在进行的通话。",
"Lock the conversation to prevent anyone to post messages or start calls" : "锁定对话防止任何人发布消息或开始通话。",
"Error occurred when locking the conversation" : "锁定对话时发生错误 ",
"Error occurred when unlocking the conversation" : "解锁对话时发生错误 ",
"Save" : "保存",
"Edit" : "编辑",
"More information" : "更多信息",
"Delete" : "删除",
"You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "你可以使用 Matterbridge 桥接来自各种即时消息传递系统的频道。",
"More info on Matterbridge" : "更多关于Matterbridge的信息",
"Enable bridge" : "启用桥接",
"Show Matterbridge log" : "显示 Matterbridge 日志",
"Nextcloud URL" : "Nextcloud URL ",
"Nextcloud user" : "Nextcloud 用户",
"User password" : "使用密码",
"Talk conversation" : "对话",
"Matrix server URL" : "Matrix 服务器 URL",
"Matrix channel" : "Matrix 频道",
"Mattermost server URL" : "Mattermost 服务器 URL",
"Mattermost user" : "Mattermost 用户",
"Team name" : "团队名称",
"Channel name" : "频道名称",
"Rocket.Chat server URL" : "Rocket.Chat 服务器 URL",
"User name or email address" : "用户名或电子邮件地址 ",
"Password" : "密码",
"Rocket.Chat channel" : "Rocket.Chat 频道",
"Skip TLS verification" : "跳过 TLS 验证",
"Zulip server URL" : "Zulip 服务器 URL",
"Bot user name" : "机器人用户名",
"Bot API key" : "机器人 API 密钥",
"Zulip channel" : "Zulip 频道",
"API token" : "API 令牌",
"Slack channel" : "Slack 频道",
"Server ID or name" : "服务器 ID 或名称",
"Channel ID or name" : "频道 ID 或 名称",
"Channel" : "频道",
"Login" : "登录",
"Chat ID" : "聊天 ID",
"IRC server URL (e.g. chat.freenode.net:6667)" : "IRC 服务器 URL ( 如chat.freenode.net:6667 )",
"Nickname" : "昵称",
"Connection password" : "连接密码",
"IRC channel" : "IRC 频道",
"Channel password" : "频道密码",
"NickServ nickname" : "NickServ 昵称",
"NickServ password" : "NickServ 密码",
"Use TLS" : "使用 TLS",
"Use SASL" : "使用 SASL",
"Tenant ID" : "租户 ID",
"Client ID" : "客户端ID",
"Team ID" : "团队 ID",
"Thread ID" : "帖子 ID",
"XMPP/Jabber server URL" : "XMPP/Jabber 服务器 URL",
"MUC server URL" : "MUC 服务器 URL",
"Jabber ID" : "Jabber ID ",
"Add new bridged channel to current conversation" : "向当前对话添加新的桥接通道",
"unknown state" : "未知状态",
"running" : "运行中",
"not running, check Matterbridge log" : "未在运行,检查 Matterbridge 日志",
"not running" : "未在运行",
"Bridge saved" : "网桥已保存",
"Notifications" : "通知",
"Notify about calls in this conversation" : "关于此对话中呼叫的通知",
"Phone and SIP dial-in" : "电话与SIP拨入",
"Enable phone and SIP dial-in" : "启用电话与SIP拨入",
"Allow to dial-in without a PIN" : "允许在没有PIN码的情况下拨入",
"SIP dial-in is now possible without PIN requirement" : "SIP拨入现在不需要PIN码",
"SIP dial-in is now enabled" : "启用了 SIP 拨号 ",
"SIP dial-in is now disabled" : "禁用了 SIP 拨号",
"Error occurred when enabling SIP dial-in" : "启用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "禁用 SIP 拨号时发生错误",
"Enter your name" : "输入你的名字",
"Conversation actions" : "对话操作",
"Mark as read" : "标为已读",
"Mark as unread" : "标为未读",
"Remove from favorites" : "从收藏夹移除",
"Add to favorites" : "添加到收藏夹",
"Joining conversation …" : "正在加入对话……",
"You: {lastMessage}" : "您:{lastMessage}",
"{actor}: {lastMessage}" : "{actor}{lastMessage}",
"You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "在您离开对话之前您需要推举一位新的主持人。",
"Conversation list" : "对话列表",
"Filter unread mentions" : "过滤未读提及",
"Filter unread messages" : "过滤未读消息",
"Clear filters" : "清除过滤器",
"Create a new conversation" : "创建一个新对话",
"Join open conversations" : "加入公开对话",
"No matches found" : "未找到匹配项",
"Clear filter" : "清除筛选",
"Unread mentions" : "未读的提及",
"Open conversations" : "开启对话",
"Groups" : "分组",
"Circles" : "圈子",
"Loading" : "正在加载",
"No search results" : "无搜索结果",
"Talk settings" : "通话应用设置",
"Users, groups and circles" : "用户、群组和圈子",
"Users and groups" : "用户和群组",
"Users and circles" : "用户和圈子",
"Groups and circles" : "群组和圈子",
"Other sources" : "其他来源",
"An error occurred while performing the search" : "执行搜索时出错",
"Create a new group conversation" : "建立新的群组对话",
"Conversation visibility" : "对话可见性",
"Allow guests to join via link" : "允许访客通过链接加入",
"Password protect" : "密码保护",
"Enter password" : "输入密码",
"Create conversation" : "建立对话",
"Add participants" : "添加参与者",
"Error while creating the conversation" : "建立对话时发生错误",
"Close" : "关闭",
"Remove participant {name}" : "移除参与者{name}",
"Search participants" : "搜索参与者",
"Cancel search" : "取消搜索",
"Search …" : "搜索...",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "您当前正在大厅等待。",
"The meeting will start soon" : "会议不久后开始",
"This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "此会议定于 {startTime} 开始",
"No microphone available" : "麦克风不可用",
"Select microphone" : "选择麦克风",
"No camera available" : "摄像头不可用",
"Select camera" : "选择摄像头",
"Media settings" : "媒体设置",
"Devices" : "设备",
"Backgrounds" : "背景图片",
"Always show preview for this conversation" : "一律显示此对话的预览",
"The call is being recorded." : "通话正在被录制",
"Call without notification" : "无通知呼叫",
"The conversation participants will not be notified about this call" : "对话参与者将不会收到关于此通话的通知",
"Normal call" : "正常通话",
"The conversation participants will be notified about this call" : "对话参与者将会收到关于此通话的通知",
"No audio" : "无音频",
"No camera" : "没有摄像头",
"Blur" : "模糊",
"Upload" : "上传",
"Files" : "文件",
"Select virtual office background" : "选择虚拟办公室背景",
"Select virtual home background" : "选择虚拟家庭背景",
"Select virtual abstract background" : "选择虚拟抽象背景",
"Select virtual beach background" : "选择虚拟海滩背景",
"Select virtual park background" : "选择虚拟公园背景",
"Select virtual theater background" : "选择虚拟剧院背景",
"Select virtual library background" : "选择虚拟图书馆背景",
"Select virtual space station background" : "选择虚拟太空站背景",
"File to share" : "要分享的文件",
"Error while uploading the file" : "上传文件时出错",
"Invalid path selected" : "选择的路径无效",
"Select virtual background from file {fileName}" : "从{fileName}文件中选择背景",
"Add more reactions" : "添加更多回应",
"Unread messages" : "未读消息",
"Sending message" : "正在发送消息",
"Message sent" : "消息已发送",
"Message read by everyone who shares their reading status" : "消息被每个分享他们阅读状态的人读取",
"Failed to send the message. Click to try again" : "消息发送失败。点击重试",
"Not enough free space to upload file" : "没有足够的空间上传文件",
"You are not allowed to share files" : "您不被允许分享文件",
"You cannot send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "你目前不能向此对话发送消息 ",
"No permission to post reactions in this conversation" : "无权限在此对话中发布回应",
"Deleting message" : "正在删除消息",
"Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" : "消息已成功删除但已配置了Matterbridge消息可能已分发到其他服务",
"Message deleted successfully" : "成功删除了消息",
"Message could not be deleted because it is too old" : "消息太旧,无法删除",
"Only normal chat messages can be deleted" : "只能删除正常的聊天消息 ",
"An error occurred while deleting the message" : "删除消息时发生错误 ",
"Add a reaction to this message" : "添加对此消息的回应",
"Reply" : "回复",
"Set reminder" : "设置提醒",
"Reply privately" : "私下回复",
"Copy message link" : "复制消息链接",
"Go to file" : "前往文件",
"Forward message" : "转发消息",
"Translate" : "翻译",
"Close reactions menu" : "关闭回应菜单",
"React with {emoji}" : "使用{emoji}回应",
"React with another emoji" : "使用其他表情符号做出回应",
"The message has been forwarded to {selectedConversationName}" : "已转发此消息至{selectedConversationName}",
"Dismiss" : "忽略",
"Go to conversation" : "转到对话",
"Choose a conversation to forward the selected message." : "选择对话来转发所选消息",
"Error while forwarding message" : "转发消息时出错",
"Translate message" : "翻译信息",
"Source language to translate from" : "要翻译的来源语言",
"Translate from" : "翻译至",
"Target language to translate into" : "要翻译的目标语言",
"Translate to" : "翻译至",
"Translating" : "正在翻译",
"Copy translated text" : "复制已翻译的文字",
"The message could not be translated" : "无法翻译信息",
"Translation copied to clipboard" : "翻译已复制到剪贴板",
"Translation could not be copied" : "无法复制翻译。",
"Your browser does not support playing audio files" : "你的浏览器不支持播放音频文件",
"Contact" : "联系人",
"{stack} in {board}" : "{stack} 于 {board}",
"Deck Card" : "看板卡片",
"Remove {fileName}" : "删除 {fileName}",
"Open this location in OpenStreetMap" : "在 OpenStreetMap 中打开此位置",
"Poll" : "投票",
"See results" : "查看结果",
"Submit vote" : "提交投票",
"End poll" : "結束投票",
"You voted for this option" : "您投了此选项",
"Change your vote" : "更改您的投票",
"Open poll • You voted already" : "公开投票 · 您已投票",
"Open poll" : "公开投票",
"Open poll • Click to vote" : "公开投票 · 点击投票",
"Poll • Ended" : "投票 · 已结束",
"_Poll results • %n vote_::_Poll results • %n votes_" : ["投票結果 • %n票"],
"_Open poll • %n vote_::_Open poll • %n votes_" : ["公开投票 • %n票"],
"Voted participants" : "已投票的参与者",
"No messages" : "没有消息",
"All messages have expired or have been deleted." : "所有消息都已过期或已被删除。",
"Today" : "今天",
"Yesterday" : "昨天",
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}{absoluteDate}",
"Add emoji" : "添加 emoji",
"Send without notification" : "发送而不通知",
"Send message" : "发送消息",
"This conversation has been locked" : "此对话已锁定",
"No permission to post messages in this conversation" : "无权限在此对话中发布消息",
"Write message, @ to mention someone …" : "输入消息,用@提及某人…",
"The participant will not be notified about this message" : "参与者不会收到关于此消息的通知",
"The participants will not be notified about this message" : "参与者不会收到关于此消息的通知",
"Group" : "群组",
"Share files to the conversation" : "分享文件到对话",
"Upload from device" : "从设备上传",
"Create new poll" : "创建新的投票",
"Share from {nextcloud}" : "从{nextcloud}分享",
"Record voice message" : "录制语音消息",
"End recording and send" : "结束录音并发送",
"Dismiss recording" : "取消录音",
"Access to the microphone was denied" : "对麦克风的访问被拒绝",
"Microphone either not available or disabled in settings" : "麦克风不可用或者在设置中被禁用",
"Error while recording audio" : "录制音频时出错",
"Talk recording from {time} ({conversation})" : "{time}于({conversation})对话中的录制 ",
"Create and share a new file" : "创建及分享新文档",
"Name of the new file" : "新文件的名称",
"Create file" : "创建文件",
"New file" : "新文件",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Error while creating file" : "创建文件时出错",
"Question" : "问题",
"Ask a question" : "提出一个问题",
"Answers" : "答案",
"Answer {option}" : "答案{option}",
"Delete poll option" : "删除投票选项",
"Add answer" : "添加答案",
"Settings" : "设置",
"Private poll" : "私密投票",
"Multiple answers" : "多选答案",
"Create poll" : "创建投票",
"Someone is typing …" : "有人在输入……",
"{user1} is typing …" : "{user1}在输入……",
"{user1} and {user2} are typing …" : "{user1}和{user2}在输入……",
"{user1}, {user2} and {user3} are typing …" : "{user1}、{user2}和{user3}正在输入……",
"_{user1}, {user2}, {user3} and %n other are typing …_::_{user1}, {user2}, {user3} and %n others are typing …_" : ["{user1}、{user2}、{user3}和其他%n人正在输入……"],
"Send" : "发送",
"Add more files" : "添加更多文件",
"Start a call" : "启动通话",
"Skip the lobby" : "跳过大厅",
"Can post messages and reactions" : "可以发布消息和回应",
"Enable the microphone" : "启用麦克风",
"Enable the camera" : "启用相机",
"Share the screen" : "共享屏幕",
"Update permissions" : "更新权限",
"Updating permissions" : "正在更新权限",
"In this conversation <strong>{user}</strong> can:" : "此对话中,<strong>{user}</strong>可以:",
"Edit default permissions for participants in <strong>{conversationName}</strong>" : "编辑 <strong>{conversationName}</strong>中参与者的默认权限",
"The message has expired or has been deleted" : "消息已过期或已被删除。",
"Cancel quote" : "取消引用",
"Join" : "加入",
"Dismiss request for assistance" : "撤销协助请求",
"Send message to room" : "发送消息至聊天室",
"Hide list of participants" : "隐藏参与者列表",
"Show list of participants" : "显示参与者列表",
"Assistance requested in {roomName}" : "{roomName}请求协助",
"Manage breakout rooms" : "管理分组讨论室",
"Back to main room" : "回到主聊天室",
"Back to your room" : "回到您的聊天室",
"Message all rooms" : "向所有聊天室发送消息",
"Start session" : "开启会话",
"Start a call before you start a breakout room session" : "在开启分组讨论室会话之前开始一个通话",
"Stop session" : "停止会话",
"Breakout rooms are not started" : "分组讨论室尚未开启",
"Disable lobby" : "禁用大厅",
"moderator" : "主持人",
"bot" : "机器人",
"guest" : "访客",
"Dial-in PIN" : "拨号 PIN 码",
"Demote from moderator" : "撤销主持人",
"Promote to moderator" : "提升为主持人",
"Resend invitation" : "重新发送邀请",
"Send call notification" : "发送通话通知",
"Reset custom permissions" : "重置自定义权限",
"Grant all permissions" : "授予所有权限",
"Remove all permissions" : "移除所有权限",
"Remove group and members" : "移除群组和成员",
"Remove participant" : "移除参与者",
"Settings for participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者 \"{user}\" 的设置",
"Add participant \"{user}\"" : "添加参与者\"{user}\"",
"Participant \"{user}\"" : "参与者\"{user}\" ",
"Joined with audio" : "通过音频加入",
"Joined with video" : "通过视频加入",
"Joined via phone" : "通过电话加入",
"Raised their hand" : "举起了他们的手",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}" : "邀请已发送至{actorId}",
"Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "无法发送邀请到 {actorId}",
"Notification was sent to {displayName}" : "通知已发送给·{displayName}",
"Could not send notification to {displayName}" : "无法发送通知给{displayName}",
"Permissions granted to {displayName}" : "已将权限授予 {displayName}",
"Could not modify permissions for {displayName}" : "无法更改 {displayName} 的权限",
"Permissions removed for {displayName}" : "移除了 {displayName} 的权限",
"Permissions set to default for {displayName}" : "{displayName} 权限已设为默认值",
"Permissions modified for {displayName}" : "更改了 {displayName} 的权限",
"Add users" : "添加用户",
"Add groups" : "添加分组",
"Add emails" : "添加电子邮件",
"Add circles" : "添加圈子",
"Integrations" : "集成",
"Add federated users" : "添加 federated 用户",
"Searching …" : "正在搜索 ...",
"No results" : "没有结果",
"Search for more users" : "搜索更多用户",
"Add users, groups or circles" : "添加用户,群组或圈子",
"Add users or groups" : "增加用户或组",
"Add users or circles" : "添加用户或圈子",
"Add groups or circles" : "添加群组或圈子",
"Add other sources" : "添加其他来源",
"Participants" : "参与者",
"Search or add participants" : "搜索或添加参与者",
"An error occurred while adding the participants" : "添加参与者时发生错误 ",
"Chat" : "聊天",
"Details" : "详情",
"Shared items" : "已共享项目",
"Participants ({count})" : "参与者数量 ({count})",
"Projects" : "项目",
"No shared items" : "沒有已共享的项目",
"Meeting ID: {meetingId}" : "会议 ID{meetingId}",
"Your PIN: {attendeePin}" : "你的 PIN 码:{attendeePin}",
"Search conversations or users" : "搜索对话或用户",
"Select conversation" : "选择对话",
"Link to a conversation" : "链接到一个对话",
"No open conversations found" : "没有找到公开对话",
"No conversations found" : "未找到对话",
"Either there are no open conversations or you joined all of them." : "可能是没有公开对话,或是您已经加入了所有公开对话。",
"Check spelling or use complete words." : "检查拼写或使用完整字词。",
"Save name" : "保存名称",
"Display name: {name}" : "显示名称:{name}",
"Choose devices" : "选择设备",
"Attachments folder" : "附件文件夹",
"Browse …" : "浏览……",
"Privacy" : "隐私",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "分享我的阅读状态,并显示其他人的阅读状态",
"Share my typing-status and show the typing-status of others" : "展示我的输入状态并显示其他人的输入状态",
"Sounds" : "声音",
"Play sounds when participants join or leave a call" : "参与者加入或离开通话时播放声音",
"Sounds can currently not be played on iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由于制造商的技术限制目前无法在iPad和iPhone设备中播放声音。",
"Sounds for chat and call notifications can be adjusted in the personal settings." : "可以在个人设置中调整聊天和通话的通知声音",
"Performance" : "性能",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "键盘快捷方式",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "使用这些快捷键提高你的通话效率体验。",
"Focus the chat input" : "聚焦聊天输入",
"Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "取消对聊天输入的聚焦以使用快捷方式",
"Fullscreen the chat or call" : "将聊天或通话进行全屏",
"Search" : "搜索",
"Shortcuts while in a call" : "通话时的快捷方式",
"Camera on and off" : "摄像头开关",
"Microphone on and off" : "麦克风开和关",
"Space bar" : "空格键",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "按下讲话或按下静音",
"Raise or lower hand" : "举起手或放下手",
"Choose the folder in which attachments should be saved." : "选择保存附件的文件夹",
"Select location for attachments" : "选择附件的位置 ",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "设置附件文件夹时出错",
"Your privacy setting has been saved" : "你的隐私设置已保存",
"Error while setting read status privacy" : "设置读取状态隐私时发生错误 ",
"Error while setting typing status privacy" : "设置打字状态隐私时发生错误",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "保存声音设置失败",
"Sounds setting saved" : "声音设置已保存",
"Error while saving sounds setting" : "保存声音设置时出错",
"End call for everyone" : "为所有人结束通话",
"Start call silently" : "安静地开始通话",
"Start call" : "开始通话",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call." : "Nextcloud通话应用已更新您需要重新加载页面才能开始或加入一个通话。",
"You will be able to join the call only after a moderator starts it." : "您只有在主持人开始一个通话之后才能加入通话。",
"Cancel recording start" : "取消录制开始",
"Stop recording" : "停止录制",
"Starting the recording" : "开始录制",
"Recording" : "录音",
"Send a reaction" : "发送回应",
"React with {reaction}" : "使用{reaction}回应",
"Open sidebar" : "打开侧边栏",
"Open chat" : "开启聊天",
"You have new unread messages in the chat." : "你在聊天中有新的未读消息",
"You have been mentioned in the chat." : "你在聊天中被提及",
"_%n participant in call_::_%n participants in call_" : ["通话中有%n位参与者"],
"Show your screen" : "显示您的屏幕",
"Stop screensharing" : "停止屏幕共享",
"Disable background blur" : "禁用背景模糊",
"Blur background" : "模糊背景图",
"You are not allowed to enable screensharing" : "你不被允许启用屏幕分享",
"No screensharing" : "无屏幕分享",
"Screensharing options" : "屏幕共享选项",
"Enable screensharing" : "启用屏幕共享",
"Bad sent video and screen quality." : "发送的视频和屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent screen quality." : "发送的屏幕质量不好",
"Bad sent video quality." : "发送的视频质量不好",
"Bad sent audio, video and screen quality." : "发送的音频、视频和屏幕质量不好。 ",
"Bad sent audio and screen quality." : "发送的音频和屏幕质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio and video quality." : "发送的音频和视频质量不佳",
"Bad sent audio quality." : "发送的音频质量不好",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video while doing a screen share." : "您的网络连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到您的屏幕。为了改善这种情况,尝试在进行屏幕共享时禁用背景模糊或您的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "您的网络连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到您的屏幕。为了改善这种情况,尝试在进行屏幕共享时禁用视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你的屏幕。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法看到你。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video while doing a screenshare." : "您的网络连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到您。为了改善这种情况,尝试在进行屏幕共享时禁用背景模糊或您的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,尝试在做屏幕分享时禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you and see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your screenshare." : "您的网络连接或计算机正忙,其他参与者可能无法理解您的意思和看到您的屏幕。为了改善这种情况,可以试着禁用屏幕共享。",
"Disable screenshare" : "禁用屏幕共享",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video." : "您的网络连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到您。为了改善这种情况,尝试禁用背景模糊或您的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video." : "你的互联网连接或计算机繁忙,其他参与者可能无法理解和看到你。为了改善这种情况,请禁用你的视频。",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you." : "你的网络连接或计算机处于繁忙状态,其他与会者可能无法理解你的意思。",
"Screen sharing is not supported by your browser." : "您的浏览器不支持屏幕共享。",
"Screen sharing requires the page to be loaded through HTTPS." : "屏幕共享需要页面通过 HTTPS 加载。",
"Screensharing requires the page to be loaded through HTTPS." : "屏幕共享需要页面通过 HTTPS 加载。",
"Sharing your screen only works with Firefox version 52 or newer." : "共享您的屏幕仅适用于Firefox 52或更高版本。",
"Screensharing extension is required to share your screen." : "屏幕共享扩展需要共享您的屏幕。",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome to share your screen." : "请使用不同的浏览器例如 Firefox 或 Chrome 来共享您的屏幕。",
"An error occurred while starting screensharing." : "开始屏幕共享时发生错误。",
"Mute others" : "降低其他人的声音",
"Toggle full screen" : "切换全屏",
"Start recording" : "开始录制",
"Set up breakout rooms" : "设置分组讨论室",
"Exit full screen (F)" : "退出全屏F",
"Full screen (F)" : "全屏F",
"Speaker view" : "扬声器视图",
"Grid view" : "网格视图",
"Raise hand" : "举起手 ",
"Raise hand (R)" : "举起手 (R)",
"Lower hand" : "放下手 ",
"Lower hand (R)" : "放下手 (R)",
"No unread mentions" : "无未读的提及",
"Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" : "跟您的朋友和同事打个招呼!",
"Start a conversation" : "发起对话",
"Message without mention" : "没有提及的消息",
"Mention myself" : "提到我自己",
"Mention room" : "提到聊天室",
"The conversation does not exist" : "该对话不存在",
"Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "加入对话或开始新的对话!",
"You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "你在另一个窗口或设备上加入了对话。Nextcloud通话应用目前不支持这么做所以这个会话被关闭了。",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "加入一个对话或开始新对话",
"Media" : "媒体文件",
"Polls" : "投票",
"Deck cards" : "看板卡片",
"Voice messages" : "语音消息",
"Locations" : "地点",
"Call recordings" : "通话录制",
"Audio" : "音频",
"Other" : "其他",
"Show all media" : "显示所有媒体",
"Show all files" : "显示所有文件",
"Show all polls" : "显示所有投票",
"Show all deck cards" : "显示所有看板卡片",
"Show all voice messages" : "显示所有语音消息",
"Show all locations" : "显示所有位置",
"Show all call recordings" : "显示所有通话录制",
"Show all audio" : "显示所有音频",
"Show all other" : "显示所有其他",
"An administrator demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" : "管理员已将 {user0} 与 {user1} 由主持人降级",
"{actor} demoted {user0} and {user1} from moderators" : "{actor} 已将 {user0} 与 {user1} 由主持人降级",
"_An administrator demoted {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant from moderators_::_An administrator demoted {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants from moderators_" : ["管理员已將 {user0}、{user1} 与 %n 个其他参与者由主持人降级"],
"_{actor} demoted {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant from moderators_::_{actor} demoted {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants from moderators_" : ["{actor} 已将 {user0}、{user1} 与 %n 个其他参与者由主持人降级"],
"Deck card has been posted to {conversation}" : "看板卡片已发送至 {conversation}",
"The recording failed. Please contact your administrator." : "录制失败。请联系您的管理员。",
"Location has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>" : "位置已发布到选定的<a href=\"{link}\">对话</a>",
"An error occurred while posting location to conversation" : "将位置发布到对话时发生错误",
"Share to a conversation" : "分享到一个对话",
"Share to conversation" : "分享到对话",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud通话应用并不完全支持你使用的浏览器。请使用最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Opera 或 Apple Safari 浏览器。",
"Calls are not supported in your browser" : "您的浏览器不支持呼叫",
"Access to microphone is only possible with HTTPS" : "麦克风只能通过 HTTPS 协议访问",
"Access to microphone was denied" : "无权访问麦克风",
"Error while accessing microphone" : "访问麦克风时出错",
"Access to camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "摄像头只能通过 HTTPS 协议访问",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud通话应用已更新请重新加载页面",
"Error while sharing file" : "共享文件时出错",
"Conversation link copied to clipboard" : "对话链接已复制到剪贴板。",
"The link could not be copied" : "无法复制链接。",
"An error occurred while creating breakout rooms" : "创建分组讨论室时发生了错误",
"An error occurred while re-ordering the attendees" : "重新排序参与者时发生错误",
"An error occurred while deleting breakout rooms" : "删除分组讨论室时发生错误",
"An error occurred while starting breakout rooms" : "开始分组讨论室时发生错误",
"An error occurred while stopping breakout rooms" : "停止分组讨论室时发生错误",
"An error occurred while sending a message to the breakout rooms" : "向分组讨论室发送消息时发生错误",
"An error occurred while requesting assistance" : "请求协助时发生错误·",
"An error occurred while resetting the request for assistance" : "重置协助请求时发生错误",
"An error occurred while joining breakout room" : "加入分组讨论室时发生错误",
"Error while clearing conversation history" : "清除对话历史时出错",
"Call recording is starting." : "通话录制启动中。",
"Call recording stopped while starting." : "通话录制启动时停止。",
"Call recording stopped. You will be notified once the recording is available." : "通话录制已停止。您会在录制可用时收到通知。",
"Conversation picture set" : "对话图片已设定",
"Conversation picture deleted" : "对话图片已删除",
"Could not delete the conversation picture" : "无法删除对话图片",
"Not enough free space to upload file \"{fileName}\"" : "没有足够空间来上传文件 \"{fileName}\"",
"Error while uploading file \"{fileName}\"" : "上传文件 \"{fileName}\" 时出错",
"An error happened when trying to share your file" : "试图分享你的文件时发生错误",
"Could not post message: {errorMessage}" : "无法发布消息: {errorMessage}",
"Failed to add reaction" : "添加回应失败",
"Failed to remove reaction" : "移除回应失败",
"An error occurred while fetching the participants" : "获取参与者时出错",
"Failed to join the conversation. Try to reload the page." : "加入对话失败。尝试重新加载页面。 ",
"You are trying to join a conversation while having an active session in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk. What do you want to do?" : "您正在尝试加入对话但同时在另一个窗口或设备中有活动会话。Nextcloud通话应用目前不支持这么做。您想做什么",
"Join here" : "点此加入",
"Leave this page" : "离开此页面",
"An error occurred while submitting your vote" : "提交您的投票时发生错误",
"An error occurred while ending the poll" : "结束投票时发生错误",
"Nextcloud is in maintenance mode, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud处于维护模式请重新加载页面",
"{guest} (guest)" : "{guest}(访客)",
"Sending signaling message has failed" : "发送信令消息失败",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Trying to reconnect." : "与信令服务器失去连接。正尝试重新连接",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Try to reload the page manually." : "与信令服务器失去连接。尝试手动重新加载页面。",
"Establishing signaling connection is taking longer than expected …" : "建立信令连接的时长超出预期..……",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying …" : "建立信令连接失败。重试中……",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Something might be wrong in the signaling server configuration" : "建立信令连接失败。信令服务器配置可能有误",
"The configured signaling server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk. Please contact your administration." : "配置的信令服务器需要更新才能兼容此版本的通话应用程序。 请联系您的管理员。",
"Do not disturb" : "请勿打扰",
"Away" : "离开",
"Default" : "默认",
"Microphone {number}" : "第{number}号麦克风",
"Camera {number}" : "第{number}号摄像头",
"Speaker {number}" : "第{number}号扬声器",
"You seem to be talking while muted, please unmute yourself for others to hear you" : "您似乎是在静音状态下讲话,请将您自己的静音取消使其他人能听到",
"Could not establish a connection with at least one participant. A TURN server might be needed for your scenario. Please ask your administrator to set one up following {linkstart}this documentation{linkend}." : "无法与至少一个参与者建立连接。你的场景可能需要一个 TURN 服务器。请请求你的管理员按照 {linkstart}这个文档{linkend} 来设置一个。",
"This is taking longer than expected. Are the media permissions already granted (or rejected)? If yes please restart your browser, as audio and video are failing" : "耗时超出预期。媒体权限是否已被授予(或被拒绝)?如果已被授予,请重启您的浏览器,因为音视频当前无法工作",
"Access to microphone & camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "仅使用 HTTPS 访问麦克风和摄像头",
"Please move your setup to HTTPS" : "请将您的环境移至HTTPS",
"Access to microphone & camera was denied" : "访问麦克风和摄像头被拒绝",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser" : "您的浏览器不支持 WebRTC",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "请使用 Firefox 或 Chrome 等其他浏览器",
"Error while accessing microphone & camera" : "访问麦克风和摄像头时出错",
"We have detected multiple invalid password attempts from your IP. Therefore your next attempt is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "我们检测到您的IP进行了多次无效密码尝试。因此您的下一次登录最长会延迟30秒。",
"This conversation is password-protected." : "此对话受密码保护。",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "用户名或密码错误!请重试",
"Specify commands the users can use in chats" : "指定用户可以在聊天中使用的命令",
"TURN server" : "TURN 服务器",
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "TURN 服务器是用来为防火墙后面的参与者代理流量的。",
"Signaling servers" : "信令服务器",
"An external signaling server can optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "更大规模的安装可能需要一个外部的信令服务器。若使用内部的信令服务器请留空。",
"%s Talk on your mobile devices" : "用于移动设备的%s通话应用",
"Join conversations at any time, anywhere, on any device." : "随时随地在任何设备上加入对话。",
"Android app" : "Android 应用",
"iOS app" : "iOS 应用",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "欢迎来到Nextcloud通话应用\n在此对话中您将了解关于Nextcloud通话应用可用的新特性。",
"New in Talk %s" : "通话应用%s中的新功能",
"- You can now react to chat message" : "- 您现在可以对聊天消息做出回应",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "{actor} 向注册和访客程序用户开放了对话",
"You opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "你向注册和访客程序用户开放了对话",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "管理员向注册和访客程序用户开放了对话",
"{actor} invited {user}" : "{actor} 邀请 {user}",
"You invited {user}" : "您邀请了 {user}",
"An administrator invited {user}" : "一位管理员邀请了 {user}",
"Name of the user requesting the trial" : "请求试用的用户名",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "安装 Matterbridge 应用程序时发生错误。",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "安装通话应用Matterbridge时出错。请手动安装。",
"Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "请注意不使用外部的信令服务器而与超过4个参与者通话参与者将遇到连接性问题并造成参与设备的高负载。",
"Files required for background blur can be loaded" : "背景模糊所需的文件可以加载",
"More actions" : "更多操作 ",
"Devices settings" : "设备设置",
"Conversation link copied to clipboard." : "对话链接已复制到剪贴板。",
"The link could not be copied." : "无法复制链接。",
"Also open to guest app users" : "同样对访客用户开放",
"Cancel editing description" : "取消编辑描述",
"Submit conversation description" : "提交对话描述",
"The description must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "描述长度必须小于或等于 {maxLength} 个字符。你当前的文本长度是 {charactersCount} 个字符",
"Camera and microphone check" : "相机和麦克风检查",
"Always show this dialog before joining a call in this conversation." : "在此对话中加入通话前始终显示此对话框",
"No matches" : "无匹配项",
"Creating your conversation" : "正在创建你的对话",
"All set" : "全部搞定",
"Link copied to the clipboard!" : "链接已复制到剪贴板!",
"Conversation name" : "对话名称",
"Message link copied to clipboard" : "消息链接已复制到剪贴板。",
"Poll ・ You voted already" : "投票 · 您已投票",
"Poll ・ Click to vote" : "投票 · 点击投票",
"Poll ・ Ended" : "投票 · 已结束",
"Display name: <strong>{name}</strong>" : "显示名称:<strong>{name}</strong>",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "由于制造商的技术限制,目前不能在 Safari 浏览器、iPad 和 iPhone 设备上播放声音。",
"Toggle fullscreen" : "切换全屏",
"Rename conversation" : "重命名对话",
"Exit fullscreen (F)" : "退出全屏F",
"Fullscreen (F)" : "全屏F",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>" : "看板卡片已发布到选定的<a href=\"{link}\">对话</a>",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation" : "将看板卡片发布到对话时发生错误",
"Post to a conversation" : "发布到一个对话中",
"Post to conversation" : "发布到对话中",
"Sending signaling message has failed." : "发送信令消息失败。",
"The configured signaling server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk. Please contact your administrator." : "需要更新配置的信令服务器,使其与该版本的通话应用兼容。请与管理员联系。",
"{actor} set the conversation avatar" : "{actor}设置了对话头像",
"You set the conversation avatar" : "您设置了对话头像",
"{actor} removed the conversation avatar" : "{actor}移除了对话头像",
"You removed the conversation avatar" : "您移除了对话头像",
"The PHP settings 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "PHP设置“upload_max_filesize”或“post_max_size”仅允许上传最大{maxUpload}的文件。",
"Always show this dialog before joining a call in this conversation. The dialog will always be shown when the call is being recorded." : "在此对话中加入通话之前,一律显示此对答。通话录制时将一律显示该对答。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");