
53 строки
3.6 KiB

"_%n guest_::_%n guests_" : ["%n convidáu/ada","%n convidaos/es"],
"Guest" : "Convidáu/ada",
"TURN server protocols" : "Protocolos del sirvidor TURN",
"UDP and TCP" : "UDP y TCP",
"UDP only" : "Namái UDP",
"TCP only" : "Namái TCP",
"Share link" : "Compartir enllaz",
"Saved" : "Guardóse",
"TURN server" : "Sirvidor TURN",
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "El sirvidor TURN úsase pa unviar al proxy el tráficu de los participantes darrera de tornafueos.",
"Delete server" : "Desaniciar sirvidor",
"TURN server shared secret" : "Secretu compartíu del sirvidor TURN",
"Copy" : "Copiar",
"Copied!" : "¡Copióse!",
"Not supported!" : "¡Nun se sofita!",
"Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Primi ⌘-C pa copiar .",
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Primi Ctrl-C pa copiar.",
"Leave call" : "Dexar llamada",
"Rename" : "Renomar",
"You" : "Tu",
"No other people in this call" : "Nun hai más xente nesta llamada",
"Waiting for {participantName} to join the call …" : "Esperando que {participantName} se xuna a la llamada...",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "Esperando que los otros se xunan a la llamada...",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser :-/" : "WebRTC nun ta sofitao nel to restolador :-/",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "Usa un restoador distintu como Firefox o Chrome, por favor",
"Waiting for camera and microphone permissions" : "Esperando polos permisos del micrófonu y la cámara",
"Please, give your browser access to use your camera and microphone in order to use this app." : "Da-y accesu al restolador pa que puea usar la to cámara y micrófonu, y usar esta aplicación.",
"Disable video" : "Deshabilitar videu",
"Share screen" : "Compartir pantalla",
"Show your screen" : "Amosar la to pantalla",
"Stop screensharing" : "Parar compartición de pantalla",
"Screensharing is not supported by your browser." : "El to restolador nun sofita la compartición de pantalla.",
"Screensharing requires the page to be loaded through HTTPS." : "La compartición de pantalla rique que les páxines carguen pente HTTPS.",
"Sharing your screen only works with Firefox version 52 or newer." : "Compartir la to pantalla namái funciona con Firefox 52 o más mayor.",
"Screensharing extension is required to share your screen." : "Ríquese la estensión de compartición de pantalla pa compartir la to pantalla",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome to share your screen." : "Usa un restolador distintu como Firefox o Chrome pa compartir la to pantalla, por favor.",
"An error occurred while starting screensharing." : "Asocedió un fallu entrín s'aniciaba la compartición de pantalla.",
"Enable screensharing" : "Activar compartición de pantalla",
"Access to microphone & camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "L'accesu a la cámara y micrófonu namái ye posible con HTTPS",
"Access to microphone & camera was denied" : "Ñegóse l'accesu a la cámara y micrófonu",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser" : "WebRTC nun ta sofitao nel to restolador",
"Error while accessing microphone & camera" : "Fallu entrín s'accedia al micrófonu y cámara",
"{participantName}'s screen" : "Pantalla de {participantName}",
"Guest's screen" : "Pantalla de convidáu/ada",
"Your screen" : "La to pantalla",
"_%n other guest_::_%n other guests_" : ["%n convidáu/ada más","%n convidaos/es más"],
", " : ", "
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");