
1322 строки
110 KiB

{ "translations": {
"a conversation" : "elkarrizketa bat",
"(Duration %s)" : "(Iraupena %s)",
"You attended a call with {user1}" : "Dei batean parte hartu duzu {user1} erabiltzailearekin",
"_%n guest_::_%n guests_" : ["%n gonbidatu","%n gonbidatu"],
"You attended a call with {user1} and {user2}" : "Dei batean parte hartu duzu {user1} eta {user2} erabiltzaileekin",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3}" : "Dei batean parte hartu duzu {user1}, {user2} eta {user3} erabiltzaileekin",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4}" : "Dei batean parte hartu duzu {user1}, {user2}, {user3} eta {user4} erabiltzaileekin",
"You attended a call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5}" : "Dei batean parte hartu duzu {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} eta {user5} erabiltzaileekin",
"_%n other_::_%n others_" : ["beste %n ","beste %n "],
"{actor} invited you to {call}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {call} deira gonbidatu zaitu",
"You were invited to a <strong>conversation</strong> or had a <strong>call</strong>" : "<strong> Elkarrizketa</strong> batera gonbidatu zaituzte edo <strong>dei</strong> bat jaso duzu",
"Other activities" : "Beste jarduerak",
"Talk" : "Hizketaldia",
"Guest" : "Gonbidatua",
"Welcome to Nextcloud Talk!\nIn this conversation you will be informed about new features available in Nextcloud Talk." : "Ongi etorri Nextcloud Talk-era!\nElkarrizketa honetan ezaugarri berrien berri emango zaizu.",
"New in Talk %s" : "Berria Talk%s-n",
"- Microsoft Edge and Safari can now be used to participate in audio and video calls" : "- Orain Microsoft Edge eta Safari erabili daitezke audio eta bideo deietan parte hartzeko",
"- One-to-one conversations are now persistent and cannot be turned into group conversations by accident anymore. Also when one of the participants leaves the conversation, the conversation is not automatically deleted anymore. Only if both participants leave, the conversation is deleted from the server" : "- Orain bi pertsonaren arteko elkarrizketak iraunkorrak dira eta ezin dira nahi gabe talde-elkarrizketa bihurtu. Horretaz gain, parte-hartzaile batek elkarrizketa uzten duenean, ez da lehen bezala elkarrizketa automatikoki ezabatzen. Bi parte-hartzaileek uzten dutenean soilik ezabatzen da elkarrizketa zerbitzaritik",
"- You can now notify all participants by posting \"@all\" into the chat" : "- Orain jakinarazpen bat bidal diezaiekezu txateko parte-hartzaile guztiei \"@all\" bidaliz",
"- With the \"arrow-up\" key you can repost your last message" : "- \"gora gezia\" erabiliz zure azken mezua berriz bidali dezakezu",
"- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "- Orain Talk-ek komando berriak ditu, bidali \"/help\" txateko mezu bezala zure administratzaileak batere konfiguratu duen ikusteko",
"- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "- Proiektuekin esteka azkarrak sor ditzakezu elkarrizketa, fitxategi eta bestelako elementuetara",
"- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Orain gonbidatuak aipatu ditzakezu txatean",
"- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait" : "- Orain elkarrizketek atondo bat eduki dezakete. Honek aukera ematen die moderatzaileei txat eta deira batu eta bilera prestatzeko, erabiltzaile eta gonbidatuek itxaron behar duten bitartean",
"- You can now directly reply to messages giving the other users more context what your message is about" : "- Orain mezuei erantzuna zuzenean eman diezaiekezu, besteei zure mezuari buruzko testuinguru gehiago emateko",
"- Searching for conversations and participants will now also filter your existing conversations, making it much easier to find previous conversations" : "- Orain elkarrizketa eta parte-hartzaileak bilatzean zure aurreko elkarrizketak ere iragaziko ditu, aurreko elkarrizketak bilatzea asko erraztuz",
"- You can now add custom user groups to conversations when the circles app is installed" : "- Orain erabiltzaile talde pertsonalizatuak gehitu ditzakezu elkarrizketetara, zirkuluak aplikazioa instalatuta badago",
"- Check out the new grid and call view" : "- Eman begiratua sareta berriari eta deien ikuspegiari",
"- You can now upload and drag'n'drop files directly from your device into the chat" : "- Orain zure gailutik txatera zuzenean kargatu eta arrastatu ta jaregin ditzakezu fitxategiak",
"- Shared files are now opened directly inside the chat view with the viewer apps" : "- Partekaturiko fitxategiak orain zuzenean irekitzen dira txatean ikuspegi aplikazioekin",
"- You can now search for chats and messages in the unified search in the top bar" : "- Txatak eta mezuak goiko barrako bilaketa bateratuan bila ditzakezu",
"- Spice up your messages with emojis from the emoji picker" : "- Apaindu zure mezuak emotikono-hautatzailearen emotikonoekin",
"- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call" : "- Orain kamera eta mikrofonoa aldatu ditzakezu dei batean zaudenean",
"- Give your conversations some context with a description and open it up so logged in users can find it and join themselves" : "- Eman zure elkarrizketei testuinguru bat deskribapenaren bitartez eta ireki saioa hasita duten erabiltzaileek aurkitu eta bat egin dezaten",
"- See a read status and send failed messages again" : "- Ikusi irakurritako egoera eta bidali berriro huts egindako mezuak",
"- Raise your hand in a call with the R key" : "- Goratu eskua dei batean R teklarekin ",
"- Join the same conversation and call from multiple devices" : "- Batu elkarrizketa berera eta deitu gailu anitzetik",
"- Send voice messages, share your location or contact details" : "- Bidali ahots-mezuak, partekatu zure kokalekua edo kontaktu-xehetasunak",
"- Add groups to a conversation and new group members will automatically be added as participants" : "- Gehitu taldeak elkarrizketa batera eta talde berriaren kideak partehartzaile bezala gehituko dira automatikoki",
"- A preview of your audio and video is shown before joining a call" : "- Zure audio eta bideoaren aurrebista erakutsiko da deira sartu baino lehen",
"- You can now blur your background in the newly designed call view" : "- Orain zure atzeko planoa lausotu dezakezu diseinatu berri den deien ikuspegian",
"- Moderators can now assign general and individual permissions to participants" : "- Moderatzaileek orain baimen orokorrak eta indibidualak esleitu ahal dizkiete parte-hartzaileei",
"- You can now react to chat message" : "- Txat-mezuari erreakzionatu diezaiokezu orain",
"- In the sidebar you can now find an overview of the latest shared items" : "- Alboko barran orain partekatutako azken elementuen ikuspegi orokorra aurki dezakezu",
"- Use a poll to collect the opinions of others or settle on a date" : "- Erabili galdetegi bat besteen iritziak batzeko edo data bat ezartzeko",
"- Configure an expiration time for chat messages" : "- Konfiguratu txat-mezuen iraungitze-ordua",
"- Start calls without notifying others in big conversations. You can send individual call notifications once the call has started." : "- Hasi deiak elkarrizketa handietan besteei jakinarazi gabe. Deia hasitakoan banakako deien jakinarazpenak bidal ditzakezu.",
"- Send chat messages without notifying the recipients in case it is not urgent" : "- Bidali txat mezuak hartzaileei jakinarazi gabe premiazkoa ez bada",
"There are currently no commands available." : "Une honetan ez dago komandorik erabilgarri.",
"The command does not exist" : "Komandoa ez da existitzen",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "Errore bat gertatu da komandoa exekutatzean. Eskatu administratzaile bati egunkariak egiaztatzeko",
"Talk updates ✅" : "Talk eguneraketak ✅",
"Reaction deleted by author" : "Egileak erreakzioa ezabatu du",
"{actor} created the conversation" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa sortu du",
"You created the conversation" : "Elkarrizketa zuk sortu duzu",
"An administrator created the conversation" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketa sortu du",
"{actor} renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa berrizendatu du: \"%1$s\" -> \"%2$s\"",
"You renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "Zuk elkarrizketa berrizendatu duzu: \"%1$s\" -> \"%2$s\"",
"An administrator renamed the conversation from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketaren izena aldatu du \"%1$s\" tik \"%2$s\"ra",
"{actor} set the description" : "{actor} deskribapena ezarri du",
"You set the description" : "Deskribapena ezarri duzu",
"An administrator set the description" : "Administratzaile batek deskribapena ezarri du",
"{actor} removed the description" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak deskribapena kendu du",
"You removed the description" : "Deskribapena kendu duzu",
"An administrator removed the description" : "Administratzaile batek deskribapena kendu du",
"{actor} started a call" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak dei bat hasi du",
"You started a call" : "Dei bat hasi duzu",
"{actor} joined the call" : "{actor} deira batu da",
"You joined the call" : "Deira batu zara",
"{actor} left the call" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak deia utzi du",
"You left the call" : "Deia utzi duzu",
"{actor} unlocked the conversation" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa desblokeatu du",
"You unlocked the conversation" : "Elkarrizketa desblokeatu duzu",
"An administrator unlocked the conversation" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketa desblokeatu du",
"{actor} locked the conversation" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa blokeatu du",
"You locked the conversation" : "Elkarrizketa blokeatu duzu",
"An administrator locked the conversation" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketa blokeatu du",
"{actor} limited the conversation to the current participants" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak uneko parte-hartzaileen muga ezarri dio elkarrizketari",
"You limited the conversation to the current participants" : "Uneko parte-hartzaileen muga ezarri diozu elkarrizketari",
"An administrator limited the conversation to the current participants" : "Administratzaile batek uneko parte-hartzaileen muga ezarri dio elkarrizketari",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered users" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa ireki du erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat",
"You opened the conversation to registered users" : "Elkarrizketa ireki duzu erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered users" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketa ireki du erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat",
"{actor} opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa ireki du erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat eta aplikazioko gonbidatuentzat",
"You opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "Elkarrizketa ireki duzu erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat eta aplikazioko gonbidatuentzat",
"An administrator opened the conversation to registered and guest app users" : "Administratzaile batek elkarrizketa ireki du erregistraturiko erabiltzaileentzat eta aplikazioko gonbidatuentzat",
"The conversation is now open to everyone" : "Orain elkarrizketa irekia dago edozeinentzat",
"{actor} opened the conversation to everyone" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa ireki du edozeinentzat",
"You opened the conversation to everyone" : "Elkarrizketa ireki duzu edozeinentzat",
"{actor} restricted the conversation to moderators" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu du",
"You restricted the conversation to moderators" : "Elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu duzu",
"{actor} allowed guests" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
"You allowed guests" : "Gonbidatuak baimendu dituzu",
"An administrator allowed guests" : "Administratzaile batek gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
"{actor} disallowed guests" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak gonbidatuei baimena kendu die",
"You disallowed guests" : "Gonbidatuei baimena kendu diezu",
"An administrator disallowed guests" : "Administratzaile batek gonbidatuak debekatu ditu",
"{actor} set a password" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak pasahitz bat ezarri du",
"You set a password" : "Pasahitz bat ezarri duzu",
"An administrator set a password" : "Administratzaile batek pasahitza ezarri du",
"{actor} removed the password" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak pasahitza kendu du",
"You removed the password" : "Pasahitza kendu duzu",
"An administrator removed the password" : "Administratzaile batek pasahitza kendu du",
"{actor} added {user}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {user} gehitu du",
"You joined the conversation" : "Elkarrizketara batu zara",
"{actor} joined the conversation" : "{actor} elkarrizketara batu da",
"You added {user}" : "{user} gehitu duzu",
"{actor} added you" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak zu gehitu zaitu",
"An administrator added you" : "Administratzaile batek gehitu egin zaitu",
"An administrator added {user}" : "Administratzaile batek {user} gehitu du",
"You left the conversation" : "Elkarrizketatik atera zara",
"{actor} left the conversation" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa utzi du",
"{actor} removed {user}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {user} kendu du",
"You removed {user}" : "{user} erabiltzailea kendu duzu",
"{actor} removed you" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak kendu egin zaitu",
"An administrator removed you" : "Administratzaile batek kanporatu egin zaitu",
"An administrator removed {user}" : "Administratzaile batek {user} kanporatu du",
"{actor} invited {user}" : "{actor}-(e)k {user} gonbidatu du",
"You invited {user}" : "{user} gonbidatu duzu",
"An administrator invited {user}" : "Administratzaile batek {user} gonbidatu du",
"{federated_user} accepted the invitation" : "{federated_user}-(e)k gonbidapena onartu du",
"{actor} removed {federated_user}" : "{actor}-(e)k {federated_user} kendu du",
"You removed {federated_user}" : "{federated_user} kendu duzu",
"An administrator removed {federated_user}" : "Administratzaile batek {federated_user} kendu du",
"{federated_user} declined the invitation" : "{federated_user} gonbidapena ukatu du",
"{actor} added group {group}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {group} taldea gehitu du",
"You added group {group}" : "{group} taldea gehitu duzu",
"An administrator added group {group}" : "Administratzaile batek {group} taldea gehitu du",
"{actor} removed group {group}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {group} taldea kendu du",
"You removed group {group}" : "{group} taldea kendu duzu",
"An administrator removed group {group}" : "Administratzaile batek {group} taldea kendu du",
"{actor} added circle {circle}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {circle} zirkulua gehitu du ",
"You added circle {circle}" : "{circle} zirkulua gehitu duzu",
"An administrator added circle {circle}" : "Administratzaile batek {circle} zirkulua gehitu du",
"{actor} removed circle {circle}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {circle} zirkulua kendu du",
"You removed circle {circle}" : "{circle} zirkulua kendu duzu",
"An administrator removed circle {circle}" : "Administratzaile batek {circle} zirkulua kendu du",
"{actor} promoted {user} to moderator" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {user} moderatzaile egin du",
"You promoted {user} to moderator" : "{user} moderatzaile egin duzu",
"{actor} promoted you to moderator" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak moderatzaile egin zaitu",
"An administrator promoted you to moderator" : "Administratzaile batek moderatzaile egin zaitu",
"An administrator promoted {user} to moderator" : "Administratzaile batek {user} moderatzaile egin du",
"{actor} demoted {user} from moderator" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak moderatzaile rola kendu dio {user} erabiltzaileari",
"You demoted {user} from moderator" : "{user} erabiltzaileari moderatzaile rola kendu diozu",
"{actor} demoted you from moderator" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak moderatzaile rola kendu dizu",
"An administrator demoted you from moderator" : "Administratzaile batek moderatzaile rola kendu dizu",
"An administrator demoted {user} from moderator" : "Administratzaile batek {user} erabiltzaileari moderatzaile rola kendu dio",
"{actor} shared a file which is no longer available" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak erabilgarri ez dagoen fitxategi bat partekatu du",
"You shared a file which is no longer available" : "Eskuragarri ez dagoen fitxategi bat partekatu duzu",
"The shared location is malformed" : "Partekatutako kokalekua gaizki osatuta dago",
"{actor} set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak Matterbridge konfiguratu du elkarrizketa hau beste txat batzuekin sinkronizatzeko",
"You set up Matterbridge to synchronize this conversation with other chats" : "Matterbridge konfiguratu duzu elkarrizketa hau beste txat batzuekin sinkronizatzeko",
"{actor} updated the Matterbridge configuration" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak Matterbridge konfigurazioa eguneratu du",
"You updated the Matterbridge configuration" : "Matterbridge konfigurazioa eguneratu duzu",
"{actor} removed the Matterbridge configuration" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak Matterbridge konfigurazioa kendu du",
"You removed the Matterbridge configuration" : "Matterbridge konfigurazioa kendu duzu",
"{actor} started Matterbridge" : "{actor} Matterbridge hasi du",
"You started Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge hasi duzu",
"{actor} stopped Matterbridge" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak Matterbridge gelditu du",
"You stopped Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge gelditu duzu",
"{actor} deleted a message" : "{actor}(e)k mezua ezabatu du",
"You deleted a message" : "Mezu bat ezabatu duzu",
"{actor} deleted a reaction" : "{actor}-(e)k erreakzio bat ezabatu du",
"You deleted a reaction" : "Erreakzio bat ezabatu duzu",
"_You set the message expiration to %n week_::_You set the message expiration to %n weeks_" : ["Mezuaren iraungitzea aste %nera aldatu duzu","Mezuaren iraungitzea %n astetara aldatu duzu"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n day_::_You set the message expiration to %n days_" : ["Mezuaren iraungitzea egun%nera aldatu duzu","Mezuaren iraungitzea %n egunetara aldatu duzu"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n hour_::_You set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["Mezuaren iraungitzea ordu %nera aldatu duzu","Mezuaren iraungitzea %n ordutara aldatu duzu"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n minute_::_You set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["Mezuaren iraungitzea %nminututara aldatu duzu","Mezuaren iraungitzea%nminututara aldatu duzu"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n week_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n weeks_" : ["{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea aste %nera aldatu du","{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea %n astetara aldatu du"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n day_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n days_" : ["{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea ordu %nera aldatu du","{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea %n egunetara aldatu du"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hour_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea ordu %nera aldatu du","{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea %n ordutara aldatu du"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minute_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea%nminututara aldatu du","actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea %nminututara aldatu du"],
"{actor} disabled message expiration" : "{actor}-(e)k mezuaren iraungitzea desgaitu du",
"You disabled message expiration" : "Mezuaren iraungitzea desgaitu duzu",
"{actor} cleared the history of the conversation" : "{actor} elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu du",
"You cleared the history of the conversation" : "Elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu duzu",
"{actor} ended the poll {poll}" : "{actor}(e)k {poll} galdeketa bukatu du",
"You ended the poll {poll}" : "{poll} galdeketa bukatu duzu",
"Someone voted on the poll {poll}" : "Norbaitek {poll} galdeketan bozkatu du.",
"Message deleted by author" : "Egileak mezua ezabatu du",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak mezua ezabatu du",
"Message deleted by you" : "Mezua ezabatu duzu",
"Deleted user" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaileak",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (gonbidatua)",
"You missed a call from {user}" : "{user} erabiltzailearen dei bat galdu duzu",
"You tried to call {user}" : "{user}-(r)i deitzen saiatu zara",
"_Call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_Call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["Deia gonbidatu %nekin (Iraupena {duration})","Deia %n gonbidaturekin (Iraupena {duration})"],
"_{actor} ended the call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_{actor} ended the call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["{actor} deia bukatu du %n gonbidatuarekin (Iraupena {duration})","{actor} deia bukatu du %n gonbidatuekin (Iraupena {duration})"],
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "Deia {user1} eta {user2} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} deia bukatu du {user1} erabiltzailearekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} deia bukatu du {user1} eta {user2} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "Deia {user1}, {user2} eta {user3} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} deia bukatu du {user1}, {user2} eta {user3} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "Deia {user1}, {user2}, {user3} eta {user4} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} deia bukatu du {user1}, {user2}, {user3} eta {user4} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "Deia {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} eta {user5} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} deia bukatu du {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} eta {user5} erabiltzaileekin (Iraupena {duration})",
"Message of {user} in {conversation}" : "{user}-ren mezua {conversation}-n",
"Message of {user}" : "{user} erabiltzailearen mezua",
"Message of a deleted user in {conversation}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile baten mezua {elkarrizketa} atalean",
"Talk to %s" : "Hitz egin %s erabiltzailearekin",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "Fitxategia ez dago partekatua, edo partekatu da baina ez erabiltzailearekin",
"No account available to delete." : "Ez dago konturik eskuragarri ezabatzeko.",
"No image file provided" : "Ez da irudi fitxategirik eman",
"File is too big" : "Fitxategia handiegia da",
"Invalid file provided" : "Baliogabeko fitxategia eman da",
"Invalid image" : "Irudi baliogabea",
"Unknown filetype" : "Fitxategi mota ezezaguna",
"An error occurred. Please contact your administrator." : "Errore bat gertatu da. Jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan mesedez.",
"Talk mentions" : "Talk aipamenak",
"More unread mentions" : "Irakurri gabeko aipamen gehiago",
"Call in progress" : "Deia abian da",
"You were mentioned" : "Aipatu egin zaituzte",
"Write to conversation" : "Idatzi elkarrizketan",
"Writes event information into a conversation of your choice" : "Gertaeraren informazioa idazten du zuk hautatutako elkarrizketan",
"%s invited you to a conversation." : "%s erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa batera gonbidatu zaitu.",
"You were invited to a conversation." : "Elkarrizketa batera gonbidatu zaituzte.",
"Conversation invitation" : "Gonbidapena elkarrizketara",
"Click the button below to join." : "Egin klik beheko botoian batzeko.",
"Join »%s«" : "Batu »%s« elkarrizketara",
"You can also dial-in via phone with the following details" : "Markatzea telefono bidez ere egin dezakezu, honako xehetasunekin",
"Dial-in information" : "Markatze informazioa",
"Meeting ID" : "Bileraren IDa",
"Your PIN" : "Zure PINa",
"Password request: %s" : "Pasahitz eskaera: %s",
"Private conversation" : "Elkarrizketa pribatua",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzailea (%s)",
"{user1} shared room {roomName} on {remoteServer} with you" : "{user1}-(e)k {roomName} gela partekatu du zurekin {remoteServer} zerbitzuan",
"{user} in {call}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {call} deian",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "Erabiltzailea ezabatu da {call} deian",
"{guest} (guest) in {call}" : "{guest} (guest) gonbidatua(k) {call} deian",
"Guest in {call}" : "Gonbidatua {call} deian",
"{user} sent you a private message" : "{user} erabiltzaileak mezu pribatu bat bidali dizu",
"{user} sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak mezu bat bidali du {call} deian",
"A deleted user sent a message in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek mezu bat bidali du {call} deian",
"{guest} (guest) sent a message in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatua) erabiltzaileak mezu bat bidali du {call} deian",
"A guest sent a message in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek mezu bat bidali du {call} deian",
"{user} replied to your private message" : "{user} erabiltzaileak zure mezu pribatuari erantzun dio",
"{user} replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak zure mezuari erantzun dio {call} deian",
"A deleted user replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek zure mezuari erantzun dio {call} deian",
"{guest} (guest) replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatua) erabiltzaileak zure mezu bati erantzun dio {call} deian",
"A guest replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek zure mezuari erantzun dio {call} deian",
"{user} reacted with {reaction} to your private message" : "{user}-k {reaction} erabili du zure mezu pribatuari erreakzionatzeko",
"{user} reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{user}-k {reaction} erabili du zure mezuari {call} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"A deleted user reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek {reaction} erabili du zure mezuari {call} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"{guest} (guest) reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{gonbidatua} (gonbidatua) {reaction} erabili du zure mezuari {deia} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"A guest reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {reaction} rabili du zure mezuari {call} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"{user} mentioned you in a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batean aipatu zaitu",
"{user} mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"A deleted user mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatua) erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"A guest mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"View chat" : "Ikusi txata",
"{user} invited you to a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
"Join call" : "Batu deira",
"{user} invited you to a group conversation: {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak talde-elkarrizketa batera gonbidatu zaitu: {call}",
"Answer call" : "Erantzun deia",
"{user} would like to talk with you" : "{user} zurekin hitz egin nahi du",
"Call back" : "Itzuli deia",
"A group call has started in {call}" : "Talde dei bat hasi da {call} elkarrizketan",
"You missed a group call in {call}" : "Talde dei bat huts egin duzu {call} elkarrizketan",
"{email} is requesting the password to access {file}" : "{email} pasahitza eskatzen ari da {file} fitxategira sarbidea izateko",
"{email} tried to request the password to access {file}" : "{email} {file} fitxategira sarbidea izateko pasahitza eskatzen saiatu da",
"Someone is requesting the password to access {file}" : "Norbait {file} fitxategira sarbidea izateko pasahitza eskatzen ari da",
"Someone tried to request the password to access {file}" : "Norbait {file} fitxategira sarbidea izateko pasahitza eskatzen saiatu da",
"Open settings" : "Ireki ezarpenak",
"The hosted signaling server is now configured and will be used." : "Ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzaria konfiguratu da eta erabili egingo da.",
"The hosted signaling server was removed and will not be used anymore." : "Ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzaria kendu egin da eta ez da gehiago erabiliko.",
"The hosted signaling server account has changed the status from \"{oldstatus}\" to \"{newstatus}\"." : "Ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzariaren kontua aldatu egin da \"{oldstatus}\" izatetik \"{newstatus}\" izatera.",
"Contact via Talk" : "Jarri harremanetan Talk bidez",
"Open Talk" : "Ireki Talk",
"Conversations" : "Elkarrizketak",
"Messages" : "Mezuak",
"{user}" : "{user}",
"Messages in {conversation}" : "Mezuak {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"{user} in {conversation}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"Messages in other conversations" : "Mezuak beste elkarrizketa batzuetan",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server is unreachable. Please try again later." : "Proba eskaerak huts egin du ezin delako atzitu probako zerbitzaria. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"There is a problem with the authentication of this instance. Maybe it is not reachable from the outside to verify it's URL." : "Arazo bat dago instantzia honen autentifikazioarekin. Agian ez dago irisgarritasunik kanpoaldetik URLa egiaztatzeko.",
"Something unexpected happened." : "Espero ez zen zerbait gertatu da.",
"The URL is invalid." : "URLa baliogabea da.",
"An HTTPS URL is required." : "HTTPS URL bat behar da.",
"The email address is invalid." : "E-posta helbidea baliogabea da.",
"The language is invalid." : "Hizkuntza baliogabea da.",
"The country is invalid." : "Herrialdea baliogabea da.",
"There is a problem with the request of the trial. Please check your logs for further information." : "Arazo bat dago proba eskaerarekin. Egiaztatu zure erregistroak informazio gehiagorako.",
"Too many requests are send from your servers address. Please try again later." : "Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira zure zerbitzari helbidetik. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"There is already a trial registered for this Nextcloud instance." : "Dagoeneko badago proba bat erregistratuta Nextcloud instantzia honetatik.",
"Something unexpected happened. Please try again later." : "Espero ez zen zerbait gertatu da. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please try again later." : "Proba eskatzeak huts egin du proba zerbitzariak oker jokatu duelako. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"Trial requested but failed to get account information. Please check back later." : "Proba eskatu da, baina kontuaren informazioa eskuratzeak huts egin du. Egiaztatu berriro beranduago.",
"There is a problem with the authentication of this request. Maybe it is not reachable from the outside to verify it's URL." : "Arazo bat dago eskaera honen autentifikazioarekin. Agian ez dago irisgarritasunik kanpoaldetik URLa egiaztatzeko.",
"Failed to fetch account information because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please check back later." : "Kontuaren informazioa eskuratzeak huts egin du proba zerbitzariak oker jokatu duelako. Egiaztatu berriro beranduago.",
"There is a problem with fetching the account information. Please check your logs for further information." : "Arazo bat dago kontuaren informazioa eskuratzearekin. Egiaztatu zure erregistroak informazio gehiagorako.",
"There is no such account registered." : "Kontu hori ez dago erregistratuta.",
"Failed to fetch account information because the trial server is unreachable. Please check back later." : "Kontuaren informazioa eskuratzeak huts egin du proba zerbitzaria ez dagoelako eskuragarri. Egiaztatu berriro beranduago.",
"Deleting the hosted signaling server account failed. Please check back later." : "Ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzaria ezabatzeak huts egin du. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"Failed to delete the account because the trial server behaved wrongly. Please check back later." : "Kontua ezabatzeak huts egin du proba zerbitzariak oker jokatu duelako. Egiaztatu berriro beranduago.",
"There is a problem with deleting the account. Please check your logs for further information." : "Arazo bat dago kontua ezabatzearekin. Egiaztatu zure erregistroak informazio gehiagorako.",
"Too many requests are sent from your servers address. Please try again later." : "Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira zure zerbitzari helbidetik. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"Failed to delete the account because the trial server is unreachable. Please check back later." : "Kontua ezabatzeak huts egin du proba zerbitzaria ez dagoelako eskuragarri. Egiaztatu berriro beranduago.",
"Andorra" : "Andorra",
"United Arab Emirates" : "Arabiar Emirerri Batuak",
"Afghanistan" : "Afganistan",
"Antigua and Barbuda" : "Antigua eta Barbuda",
"Anguilla" : "Aingira",
"Albania" : "Albaniera",
"Armenia" : "Armenia",
"Angola" : "Angola",
"Antarctica" : "Antartika",
"Argentina" : "Argentina",
"American Samoa" : "Samoa Estatubatuarra",
"Austria" : "Austria",
"Australia" : "Australia",
"Aruba" : "Aruba",
"Åland Islands" : "Aland Uharteak",
"Azerbaijan" : "Azerbaijan",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
"Barbados" : "Barbados",
"Bangladesh" : "Bangladesh",
"Belgium" : "Belgika",
"Burkina Faso" : "Burkina Faso",
"Bulgaria" : "Bulgaria",
"Bahrain" : "Bahrain",
"Burundi" : "Burundi",
"Benin" : "Benin",
"Saint Barthélemy" : "Saint Barthélemy",
"Bermuda" : "Bermuda",
"Brunei Darussalam" : "Brunei",
"Bolivia, Plurinational State of" : "Boliviako Estatu Plurinazionala",
"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "Bonaire, San Eustakio eta Saba",
"Brazil" : "Brasil",
"Bahamas" : "Bahamak",
"Bhutan" : "Bhutan",
"Bouvet Island" : "Bouvet uhartea",
"Botswana" : "Botswana",
"Belarus" : "Bielorrusia",
"Belize" : "Belize",
"Canada" : "Kanada",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "Cocos (Keeling) uharteak",
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" : "Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa",
"Central African Republic" : "Afrika Erdiko Errepublika",
"Congo" : "Kongo",
"Switzerland" : "Suitza",
"Côte d'Ivoire" : "Boli Kosta",
"Cook Islands" : "Cook uharteak",
"Chile" : "Txile",
"Cameroon" : "Kamerun",
"China" : "Txina",
"Colombia" : "Kolombia",
"Costa Rica" : "Costa Rica",
"Cuba" : "Kuba",
"Cabo Verde" : "Cabo Verde",
"Curaçao" : "Curaçao",
"Christmas Island" : "Christmas uhartea",
"Cyprus" : "Zipre",
"Czechia" : "Txekia",
"Germany" : "Alemania",
"Djibouti" : "Djibuti",
"Denmark" : "Danimarka",
"Dominica" : "Dominika",
"Dominican Republic" : "Dominikar Errepublika",
"Algeria" : "Algeria",
"Ecuador" : "Ekuador",
"Estonia" : "Estonia",
"Egypt" : "Egipto",
"Western Sahara" : "Mendebaldeko Sahara",
"Eritrea" : "Eritrea",
"Spain" : "Espainia",
"Ethiopia" : "Etiopia",
"Finland" : "Finlandia",
"Fiji" : "Fiji",
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" : "Falkland uharteak (Malvinak)",
"Micronesia, Federated States of" : "Mikronesiako Estatu Federatuak",
"Faroe Islands" : "Faroe uharteak",
"France" : "Frantzia",
"Gabon" : "Gabon",
"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" : "Britainia Handiko eta Ipar Irlandako Erresuma Batua",
"Grenada" : "Grenada",
"Georgia" : "Georgia",
"French Guiana" : "Guyana Frantsesa",
"Guernsey" : "Guernesey",
"Ghana" : "Ghana",
"Gibraltar" : "Gibraltar",
"Greenland" : "Groenlandia",
"Gambia" : "Gambia",
"Guinea" : "Ginea",
"Guadeloupe" : "Guadalupe",
"Equatorial Guinea" : "Ekuatore Ginea",
"Greece" : "Grezia",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "Hegoaldeko Georgia eta Hegoaldeko Sandwich uharteak",
"Guatemala" : "Guatemala",
"Guam" : "Guam",
"Guinea-Bissau" : "Ginea Bissau",
"Guyana" : "Guyana",
"Hong Kong" : "Hong Kong",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "Heard eta McDonald uharteak",
"Honduras" : "Honduras",
"Croatia" : "Kroazia",
"Haiti" : "Haiti",
"Hungary" : "Hungaria",
"Indonesia" : "Indonesia",
"Ireland" : "Irlanda",
"Israel" : "Israel",
"Isle of Man" : "Man uhartea",
"India" : "India",
"British Indian Ocean Territory" : "Indiako Ozeanoko Britainiar Lurraldea",
"Iraq" : "Irak",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of" : "Irango Islamiar Errepublika",
"Iceland" : "Islandia",
"Italy" : "Itali",
"Jersey" : "Jersey",
"Jamaica" : "Jamaika",
"Jordan" : "Jordania",
"Japan" : "Japonia",
"Kenya" : "Kenya",
"Kyrgyzstan" : "Kirgizistan",
"Cambodia" : "Kanbodia",
"Kiribati" : "Kiribati",
"Comoros" : "Komoreak",
"Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "Saint Kitts eta Nevis",
"Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" : "Koreako Herri Errepublika Demokratikoa",
"Korea, Republic of" : "Koreako Errepublika",
"Kuwait" : "Kuwait",
"Cayman Islands" : "Kaiman uharteak",
"Kazakhstan" : "Kazakhstan",
"Lao People's Democratic Republic" : "Laosko Herri Errepublika Demokratikoa",
"Lebanon" : "Libano",
"Saint Lucia" : "Santa Luzia",
"Liechtenstein" : "Liechtestein",
"Sri Lanka" : "Sri Lanka",
"Liberia" : "Liberia",
"Lesotho" : "Lesotho",
"Lithuania" : "Lituania",
"Luxembourg" : "Luxemburg",
"Latvia" : "Letonia",
"Libya" : "Libia",
"Morocco" : "Maroko",
"Monaco" : "Monako",
"Moldova, Republic of" : "Moldaviako Errepublika",
"Montenegro" : "Montenegro",
"Saint Martin (French part)" : "San Martin (Frantziako eremua)",
"Madagascar" : "Madagaskar",
"Marshall Islands" : "Marshall uharteak",
"Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" : "Ipar Mazedoniako Errepublika",
"Mali" : "Mali",
"Myanmar" : "Myanmar",
"Mongolia" : "Mongolia",
"Macao" : "Macao",
"Northern Mariana Islands" : "Mariana uharteak",
"Martinique" : "Martinika",
"Mauritania" : "Mauritania",
"Montserrat" : "Montserrat",
"Malta" : "Malta",
"Mauritius" : "Maurizio",
"Maldives" : "Maldivak",
"Malawi" : "Malawi",
"Mexico" : "Mexiko",
"Malaysia" : "Malaysia",
"Mozambique" : "Mozambike",
"Namibia" : "Namibia",
"New Caledonia" : "Kaledonia Berria",
"Niger" : "Niger",
"Norfolk Island" : "Norfolk uhartea",
"Nigeria" : "Nigeria",
"Nicaragua" : "Nikaragua",
"Netherlands" : "Herbehereak",
"Norway" : "Norvegia",
"Nepal" : "Nepal",
"Nauru" : "Nauru",
"Niue" : "Niue",
"New Zealand" : "Zeelanda berria",
"Oman" : "Oman",
"Panama" : "Panama",
"Peru" : "Peru",
"French Polynesia" : "Polinesia Frantsesa",
"Papua New Guinea" : "Papua Ginea Berria",
"Philippines" : "Filipinak",
"Pakistan" : "Pakistan",
"Poland" : "Polonia",
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "Saint-Pierre eta Mikelune",
"Pitcairn" : "Pitcairn uharteak",
"Puerto Rico" : "Puerto Rico",
"Palestine, State of" : "Palestinako Estatua",
"Portugal" : "Portugal",
"Palau" : "Palau",
"Paraguay" : "Paraguai",
"Qatar" : "Qatar",
"Réunion" : "Réunion",
"Romania" : "Errumania",
"Serbia" : "Serbia",
"Russian Federation" : "Errusiar Federakundea",
"Rwanda" : "Ruanda",
"Saudi Arabia" : "Saudi Arabia",
"Solomon Islands" : "Salomon Uharteak",
"Seychelles" : "Seychelleak",
"Sudan" : "Sudan",
"Sweden" : "Suedia",
"Singapore" : "Singapur",
"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "Santa Helena, Ascension eta Tristan da Cunha",
"Slovenia" : "Eslovenia",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "Svalbard eta Jan Mayen uharteak",
"Slovakia" : "Eslovakia",
"Sierra Leone" : "Sierra Leona",
"San Marino" : "San Marino",
"Senegal" : "Senegal",
"Somalia" : "Somalia",
"Suriname" : "Surinam",
"South Sudan" : "Hego Sudan",
"Sao Tome and Principe" : "Sao Tome eta Principe",
"El Salvador" : "El Salvador",
"Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" : "Sint Maarten (Alemaniako eremua)",
"Syrian Arab Republic" : "Siriako Arabiar Errepublika",
"Eswatini" : "Eswatini",
"Turks and Caicos Islands" : "Turk eta Caico uharteak",
"Chad" : "Txad",
"French Southern Territories" : "Hegoaldeko lurralde frantsesak",
"Togo" : "Togo",
"Thailand" : "Thailandia",
"Tajikistan" : "Tajikistan",
"Tokelau" : "Tokelau",
"Timor-Leste" : "Ekialdeko Timor",
"Turkmenistan" : "Turkmenistan",
"Tunisia" : "Tunisia",
"Tonga" : "Tonga",
"Turkey" : "Turkia",
"Trinidad and Tobago" : "Trinidad eta Tobago",
"Tuvalu" : "Tuvalu",
"Taiwan, Province of China" : "Taiwan",
"Tanzania, United Republic of" : "Tanzaniako Errepublika Batua",
"Ukraine" : "Ukraina",
"Uganda" : "Uganda",
"United States Minor Outlying Islands" : "Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako itsasoz haraindiko uharteak",
"United States of America" : "Ameriketako Estatu Batuak",
"Uruguay" : "Uruguai",
"Uzbekistan" : "Uzbekistan",
"Holy See" : "Vatikanoa",
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "Saint Vincent eta Grenadinak",
"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" : "Venezuelako Bolibartar Errepublika",
"Virgin Islands, British" : "Birjina Uharte Britaniarrak",
"Virgin Islands, U.S." : "Birjina Uharte Estatubatuarrak",
"Viet Nam" : "Vietnam",
"Vanuatu" : "Vanuatu",
"Wallis and Futuna" : "Wallis eta Futuna",
"Samoa" : "Samoa",
"Yemen" : "Yemen",
"Mayotte" : "Mayotte",
"South Africa" : "Hegoafrika",
"Zambia" : "Zambia",
"Zimbabwe" : "Zimbabwe",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Data baliogabea, dataren formatuak UUUU-HH-EE izan behar du",
"Conversation not found" : "Elkarrizketa ez da aurkitu",
"Path is already shared with this room" : "Bidea dagoeneko partekatu da gela honekin",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC" : "Txata, bideo-konferentziak eta audio-konferentziak WebRTC erabiliz",
"Chat, video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC\n\n* 💬 **Chat integration!** Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.\n* 👥 **Private, group, public and password protected calls!** Just invite somebody, a whole group or send a public link to invite to a call.\n* 💻 **Screen sharing!** Share your screen with participants of your call. You just need to use Firefox version 66 (or newer), latest Edge or Chrome 72 (or newer, also possible using Chrome 49 with this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol)).\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps** like Files, Contacts and Deck. More to come.\n\nAnd in the works for the [coming versions](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Federated calls](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), to call people on other Nextclouds" : "Txata, bideo-konferentziak eta audio-konferentziak WebRTC erabiliz\n\n* 💬 **Txat integrazioa!** Nextcloud Talk testu txat sinple batekin dator, fitxategiak partekatzea eta beste parte-hartzaileak aipatzea ahalbidetzen dizuna.\n* 👥 **Dei pribatuak, talde deiak, dei publikoak eta pasahitzez babestutakoak!** Gonbidatu norbait, talde oso bat edo bidali esteka publikoa dei batera gonbidatzeko.\n* 💻 **Pantaila partekatzea!** Partekatu zure pantaila zure deiaren parte-hartzaileekin. Erabili Firefox 52 bertsioa (edo berriagoa), azken Edge, edo Chrome 72 (edo berriagoa, baita ere posible da Chrome 49 erabiltzea [Chrome gehigarri](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screensharing-for-nextclo/kepnpjhambipllfmgmbapncekcmabkol) honekin).\n* 🚀 **Beste Nextcloud aplikazioekin integrazioa** Esaterako Files, Contacts eta Deck. Gehiago etortzeko.\n\nEta [hurrengo bertsiotarako](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/milestones/):\n* ✋ [Dei federatuak](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21), beste Nextcloud batzuetako jendea deitzeko",
"Navigating away from the page will leave the call in {conversation}" : "Orritik kanpora nabigatzeak {conversation}(e)ko deitik ateratzea eragingo du",
"Leave call" : "Utzi deia",
"Stay in call" : "Mantendu deian",
"Duplicate session" : "Bikoiztu saioa",
"Discuss this file" : "Eztabaidatu fitxategi hau",
"Share this file with others to discuss it" : "Partekatu fitxategi hau besteekin eztabaidatzeko",
"Share this file" : "Partekatu fitxategi hau",
"Join conversation" : "Batu elkarrizketara",
"Request password" : "Eskatu pasahitza",
"Error requesting the password." : "Errorea pasahitza eskatzean.",
"This conversation has ended" : "Elkarrizketa hau amaitu da",
"Close Talk sidebar" : "Itxi Talk alboko barra",
"Open Talk sidebar" : "Ireki Talk alboko barra",
"Limit to groups" : "Mugatu taldeetara",
"When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can be part of conversations." : "Gutxienez talde bat hautatuta badago, zerrendatutako taldeetako pertsonek soilik parte har dezakete elkarrizketetan.",
"Guests can still join public conversations." : "Gonbidatuek elkarrizketa publikoekin bat egin dezakete hala ere.",
"Users that cannot use Talk anymore will still be listed as participants in their previous conversations and also their chat messages will be kept." : "Jada Talk erabili ezin duten erabiltzaileak parte-hartzaile bezala agertuko dira beren aurreko elkarrizketetan eta beren txateko mezuak ere gordeko dira.",
"Limit using Talk" : "Mugatu Elkarrizketen erabilera",
"Limit creating a public and group conversation" : "Mugatu elkarrizketa publikoak eta talde-elkarrizketak sortzea",
"Limit creating conversations" : "Mugatu elkarrizketen sortzea",
"Limit starting a call" : "Mugatu dei bat hastea",
"Limit starting calls" : "Mugatu deiak hastea",
"When a call has started, everyone with access to the conversation can join the call." : "Dei bat hastean, elkarrizketara sarbidea duen edonork bat egin dezake deiarekin.",
"Everyone" : "Edonor",
"Users and moderators" : "Erabiltzaileak eta moderatzaileak",
"Moderators only" : "Moderatzaileak soilik",
"Disable calls" : "Desgaitu deiak",
"Save changes" : "Gorde aldaketak",
"Saving …" : "Gordetzen …",
"Saved!" : "Gordeta!",
"None" : "Bat ere ez",
"User" : "Erabiltzailea",
"Disabled" : "Desaktibatua",
"Moderators" : "Moderatzaileak",
"Users" : "Erabiltzaileak",
"Commands" : "Komandoak",
"Beta" : "Beta",
"Name" : "Izena",
"Command" : "Komandoa",
"Script" : "Scripta",
"Response to" : "Erantzun honi",
"Enabled for" : "Gaitua hauentzat",
"Commands are a new beta feature in Nextcloud Talk. They allow you to run scripts on your Nextcloud server. You can define them with our command line interface. An example of a calculator script can be found in our {linkstart}documentation{linkend}." : "Komandoak beta eginbide berria dira Nextcloud Talken. Haiek baliatuz zure Nextcloud zerbitzarian scriptak exekutatu ditzakezu. Gure komando-lerro interfazearekin zehatz ditzakezu. Adibiderako kalkulagailu baten scripta aurki daiteke {linkstart}documentazioan{linkend}.",
"General settings" : "Ezarpen orokorrak",
"Default notification settings" : "Jakinarazpenen ezarpen lehenetsiak",
"Default group notification" : "Taldeen ezarpen lehenetsiak",
"Default group notification for new groups" : "Taldeen ezarpen lehenetsiak talde berrientzat",
"Integration into other apps" : "Beste aplikazioetan integrazioa",
"Allow conversations on files" : "Baimendu elkarrizketak fitxategietan",
"Allow conversations on public shares for files" : "Baimendu elkarrizketak fitxategien partekatze publikoetan",
"All messages" : "Mezu guztiak",
"@-mentions only" : "@ aipamenak soilik",
"Off" : "Desaktibatu",
"Hosted high-performance backend" : "Ostatatutako errendimendu handiko motorra",
"Our partner Struktur AG provides a service where a hosted signaling server can be requested. For this you only need to fill out the form below and your Nextcloud will request it. Once the server is set up for you the credentials will be filled automatically. This will overwrite the existing signaling server settings." : "Gure kide Struktur AG-ek eskaintzen duen zerbitzuaren baitan, ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzaria eska daiteke. Horretarako, beheko inprimakia betetzea besterik ez duzu eta zure Nextcloudak eskaera egingo du. Zerbitzaria konfiguratzen denean kredentzialak automatikoki beteko dira. Honek uneko seinalizazio zerbitzariaren ezarpenak gainidatziko ditu.",
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "Nextcloud instantzia honen URLa",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "Proba eskatzen duen erabiltzailearen izen osoa",
"Name of the user requesting the trial" : "Proba eskatzen duen erabiltzailearen izena",
"Email of the user" : "Erabiltzailearen e-posta",
"Language" : "Hizkuntza",
"Country" : "Herrialdea",
"Request signaling server trial" : "Eskatu seinalizazio zerbitzari proba",
"You can see the current status of your hosted signaling server in the following table." : "Ondorengo taulan ikus dezakezu zure ostataturiko seinalizazio zerbitzariaren uneko egoera.",
"Status" : "Egoera",
"Created at" : "Sortua",
"Expires at" : "Iraungitze data",
"Limits" : "Mugak",
"Delete the signaling server account" : "Ezabatu seinalizazio zerbitzariaren kontua",
"By clicking the button above the information in the form is sent to the servers of Struktur AG. You can find further information at {linkstart}spreed.eu{linkend}." : "Goiko botoian klik eginez inprimakiko informazioa Struktur AG-ren zerbitzarietara bidaltzen da. Informazio gehiago jaso dezakezu hemen {linkstart}spreed.eu{linkend}.",
"Pending" : "Zain",
"Error" : "Errorea",
"Blocked" : "Blokeatuta",
"Active" : "Aktiboa",
"Expired" : "Iraungita",
"The trial could not be requested. Please try again later." : "Ezin izan da proba eskaera egin. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"The account could not be deleted. Please try again later." : "Ezin izan da kontua ezabatu. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
"_%n user_::_%n users_" : ["erabiltzaile %n ","%n erabiltzaile"],
"Matterbridge integration" : "Matterbridge integrazioa",
"Enable Matterbridge integration" : "Gaitu Matterbridge integrazioa",
"Downloading …" : "Deskargatzen...",
"Install Talk Matterbridge" : "Instalatu Talk Matterbridge",
"Installed version: {version}" : "Instalaturiko bertsioa: {version}",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}Nextcloud App Store{linkend}." : "Matterbridge instala dezakezu Nextcloud Talk beste zerbitzu batzuekin lotzeko, joan {linkstart1}GitHub orrira{linkend} xehetasun gehiagorako. Aplikazioak deskargatu eta instalatzeko denbora behar lezake. Denbora-muga gainditzen badu, saiatu eskuz instalatzen {linkstart2}appstoretik{linkend}.",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "Matterbridge bitarrak baimen okerrak dauzka. Ziurtatu Matterbridgen fitxategi bitarra erabiltzaile egokiaren jabetzan dagoela eta exekutatu daitekeela. Hemen aurki daiteke: \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\".",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "Matterbridge bitarra ez da aurkitu edo ezin izan da exekutatu.",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "Matterbridge bitarrerako bidea eskuz ere konfigura dezakezu konfigurazioaren bidez. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, begiratu {linkstart} Matterbridge integrazio dokumentazioa {linkend}.",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "Errore bat gertatu da Matterbridge aplikazioa instalatzerakoan.",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "Errore bat gertatu da Matterbridge aplikazioa instalatzerakoan. Saiatu eskuz egiten.",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "Matterbridge bitarra exekutatzeak huts egin du.",
"SIP configuration" : "SIP konfigurazioa",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "SIP konfigurazioa soilik posible da errendimendu handiko motor (backend) batekin.",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "Murriztu SIP konfigurazioa",
"Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "Honako taldeetako erabiltzaileek bakarrik gaitu dezakete SIP, beraiek moderatzen dituzten elkarrizketetan",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "Gaitu SIP konfigurazioa",
"Shared secret" : "Partekatutako sekretua",
"This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "Informazio hau gonbidapen emailetan bidaltzen da eta parte-hartzaile guztiei bistaratzen zaie alboko barran.",
"Phone number (Country)" : "Telefono zenbakia (Herrialdea)",
"SIP configuration saved!" : "SIP konfigurazioa gorde da!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "Errendimendu handiko motorraren URLa",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "Balioztatu SSL ziurtagiria",
"Delete this server" : "Ezabatu zerbitzari hau",
"Status: Checking connection" : "Egoera: konexioa egiaztatzen",
"OK: Running version: {version}" : "OK: {version} bertsioa exekutatzen",
"Error: Cannot connect to server" : "Errorea: Ezin da zerbitzarira konektatu",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Errorea: zerbitzariak ez du JSON egokiarekin erantzun",
"Could not get version" : "Ezin bertsioa lortu",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Errorea: exekutatzen ari den bertsioa: {bertsioa}; Zerbitzaria eguneratu egin behar da Talk-en bertsio honekin bateragarria izan dadin",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Errorea: zerbitzariak {error} errorearekin erantzun du",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Errorea: errore ezezaguna gertatu da",
"High-performance backend" : "Errendimendu handiko motorra",
"Add a new high-performance backend server" : "Gehitu errendimendu handiko atzealdeko zerbitzari berri bat",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Instalazio handietan hautazko kanpoko seinalizazio zerbitzari bat erabil daiteke. Utzi hutsik integratutako seinalizazio zerbitzaria erabiltzeko.",
"Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "Kontuan izan, 4 parte-hartzaile baino gehiagoko deiak kanpoko seinalizazio zerbitzaririk gabe egitean, parte-hartzaileek konexio arazoak izan ditzaketela eta parte-hartzaileen gailuei karga handia izan dezaketela.",
"It is highly recommended to set up a distributed cache when using Nextcloud Talk together with a High Performance Back-end." : "Oso gomendagarria da cache banatua konfiguratzea Nextcloud Talk eta errendimendu handiko motor bat uztartzen direnean.",
"Don't warn about connectivity issues in calls with more than 4 participants" : "Ez abisatu konexio arazoen inguruan 4 parte-hartzaile baino gehiagoko deietan",
"Missing high-performance backend warning hidden" : "Errendimendu handiko atzealdekoaren abisua ezkutatuta dago",
"High-performance backend settings saved" : "Errendimendu handiko atzealdekoaren ezarpenak gorde dira",
"STUN server URL" : "STUN zerbitzariaren URLa",
"The server address is invalid" : "Zerbitzariaren helbidea baliogabea da",
"STUN servers" : "STUN zerbitzariak",
"Add a new STUN server" : "Gehitu STUN zerbitzari berri bat",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN zerbitzaria bideratzaile baten atzean dauden parte-hartzaileen IP helbideak zehazteko erabiltzen da.",
"STUN settings saved" : "STUN ezarpenak gorde dira",
"TURN server schemes" : "TURN zerbitzariaren eskemak",
"{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} eta {option2}",
"{option} only" : "{option} soilik",
"TURN server URL" : "TURN zerbitzariaren URLa",
"TURN server secret" : "TURN zerbitzariaren sekretua",
"TURN server protocols" : "TURN zerbitzariaren protokoloak",
"{schema} scheme must be used with a domain" : "{schema} eskema domeinu batekin erabili behar da",
"OK: Successful ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "OK: baliozko ICE hautagaiak itzuli ditu TURN zerbitzariak",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "Errorea: TURN zerbitzariak ez du baliozko ICE hautagairik itzuli",
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "TURN zerbitzariak ICE hautagairik itzultzen duen aztertzen",
"Test this server" : "Probatu zerbitzari hau",
"TURN servers" : "TURN zerbitzariak",
"Add a new TURN server" : "Gehitu TURN zerbitzari berri bat",
"A TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall. If individual participants cannot connect to others a TURN server is most likely required. See {linkstart}this documentation{linkend} for setup instructions." : "TURN zerbitzariak suhesi baten atzeko partaideen trafikoa bideratzeko erabiltzen dira. Partaideek ezin badute beraien artean konektatu, TURN zerbitzari bat beharrezkoa da seguru aski. Ikusi {linkstart}dokumentazio hau{linkend} konfigurazio jarraibideak jasotzeko.",
"TURN settings saved" : "TURN ezarpenak gorde dira",
"Web server setup checks" : "Web zerbitzariaren konfigurazio egiaztapenak",
"Files required for background blur can be loaded" : "Atzeko planoa lausotzeko beharrezkoak diren fitxategiak kargatu daitezke",
"Failed" : "Huts egin du",
"OK" : "Ados",
"Checking …" : "Egiaztatzen ...",
"Failed: WebAssembly is disabled or not supported in this browser. Please enable WebAssembly or use a browser with support for it to do the check." : "Huts egin du: WebAssembly desgaituta dago edo ez da onartzen arakatzaile honetan. Gaitu WebAssembly edo erabili hartarako laguntza duen arakatzaile bat egiaztapena egiteko.",
"Failed: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were not properly returned by the web server. Please check \"System requirements\" section in Talk documentation." : "Huts egin du: \".wasm\" eta \".tflite\" fitxategiak ez ditu behar bezala itzuli web zerbitzariak. Egiaztatu Talk-en dokumentazioan \"Sistemaren eskakizunak\" atala.",
"OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "Ados: \".wasm\" eta \".tflite\" fitxategiak behar bezala itzuli ditu web zerbitzariak.",
"It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Badirudi PHP eta Apache konfigurazioa ez dela bateragarria. Mesedez, kontuan hartu PHP MPM_PREFORK moduluarekin soilik erabili daitekela and PHP-FPM MPM_EVENT moduluarekin erabili daitekela.",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName} eskua jaso du.",
"A participant raised their hand." : "Parte-hartzaile batek eskua jaso du",
"Previous page of videos" : "Bideoen aurreko orria",
"Next page of videos" : "Bideoen hurrengo orria",
"Collapse stripe" : "Tolestu marra",
"Expand stripe" : "Zabaldu marra",
"Copy link" : "Kopiatu esteka",
"Connecting …" : "Konektatzen ...",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "Besteak deira batzeko itxaroten...",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "Besteak gonbidatu ditzakezu alboko barrako parte-hartzaileak fitxan",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "Besteak gonbidatu ditzakezu alboko barrako parte-hartzaileak fitxan edo esteka hau partekatuz!",
"Share this link to invite others!" : "Partekatu esteka hau besteak gonbidatzeko!",
"Conversation link copied to clipboard" : "Elkarrizketaren esteka arbelera kopiatu da",
"The link could not be copied" : "Ezin izan da esteka kopiatu",
"Dismiss" : "Baztertu",
"Show your screen" : "Erakutsi zure pantaila",
"Stop screensharing" : "Utzi pantaila partekatzeari",
"Lower hand" : "Jaitsi eskua",
"Lower hand (R)" : "Jaitsi eskua (R)",
"Blur background" : "Lausotu atzeko planoa",
"Disable background blur" : "Desgaitu atzeko planoko lausotzea",
"You are not allowed to enable audio" : "Ez duzu baimenik audioa gaitzeko",
"No audio" : "Audiorik ez",
"Mute audio" : "Mututu audioa",
"Mute audio (M)" : "Isildu audioa (M)",
"Unmute audio" : "Gaitu audioa",
"Unmute audio (M)" : "Aktibatu audioa (M)",
"You are not allowed to enable video" : "Ez duzu baimenik bideoa gaitzeko",
"No camera" : "Kamerarik ez",
"Disable video" : "Desgaitu bideoa",
"Disable video (V)" : "Desgaitu bideoa (V)",
"Enable video" : "Gaitu bideoa",
"Enable video (V)" : "Gaitu bideoa (V)",
"Enable video - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Gaitu bideoa - Zure konexioa momentu bat etengo da bideoa lehenengo aldiz gaitzean",
"Enable video (V) - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Gaitu bideoa (V) - Zure konexioa une labur batez etengo da bideoa lehen aldiz gaitzean",
"Enable video. Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Gaitu bideoa. Zure konexioa momentu bat etengo da bideoa lehenengo aldiz gaitzean",
"You are not allowed to enable screensharing" : "Ez duzu baimenik pantaila partekatzea gaitzeko",
"No screensharing" : "Pantaila partekatzerik ez",
"Screensharing options" : "Pantaila partekatzeko aukerak",
"Enable screensharing" : "Gaitu pantaila partekatzea",
"Bad sent video and screen quality." : "Bidaltze bideo eta pantaila kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent screen quality." : "Bidaltze pantaila kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent video quality." : "Bidaltze bideo kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent audio, video and screen quality." : "Bidaltze audio, bideo eta pantaila kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent audio and screen quality." : "Bidaltze audio eta pantaila kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent audio and video quality." : "Bidaltze audio eta bideo kalitate txarra.",
"Bad sent audio quality." : "Bidaltze audio kalitate txarra.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video while doing a screen share." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure atzeko planoko lausotzea edo bideoa desgaitzen pantaila partekatzen ari zarenean.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "Zure internet konexioa lanpetuta dago eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ez ikustea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure bideoa desgaitzen pantaila partekatzen ari zarenean.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see your screen." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zure pantaila ez ikustea.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to see you." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ez ikustea.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video while doing a screenshare." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure atzeko planoko lausotzea edo bideoa desgaitzen pantaila partekatzen ari zarenean.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video while doing a screenshare." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure bideoa desgaitzen pantaila partekatzen ari zarenean.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you and see your screen. To improve the situation try to disable your screenshare." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo zure pantaila ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu pantaila partekatu gabe aritzen.",
"Disable screenshare" : "Utzi pantaila partekatzeari",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable the background blur or your video." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure atzeko planoko lausotzea desgaitzen zure bideoan.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand and see you. To improve the situation try to disable your video." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertu edo ikusteko zailtasunak izatea. Egoera hobetzeko saiatu zure bideoa desgaitzen.",
"Your internet connection or computer are busy and other participants might be unable to understand you." : "Zure internet konexioa edo ordenagailua lanpetuta daude eta baliteke beste partaideek zu ulertzeko zailtasunak izatea.",
"Screen sharing is not supported by your browser." : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du pantaila partekatzea onartzen.",
"Screen sharing requires the page to be loaded through HTTPS." : "Pantaila partekatu ahal izateko orria HTTPS bidez kargatu behar da.",
"Screensharing requires the page to be loaded through HTTPS." : "Pantaila partekatu ahal izateko orria HTTPS bidez kargatu behar da.",
"Sharing your screen only works with Firefox version 52 or newer." : "Pantaila partekatzeak Firefox 52 edo berriagoekin bakarrik funtzionatzen du.",
"Screensharing extension is required to share your screen." : "Pantaila partekatu ahal izateko pantailak partekatzeko hedapena behar da.",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome to share your screen." : "Pantaila partekatzeko beste nabigatzaile bat erabil ezazu: Firefox edo Chrome.",
"An error occurred while starting screensharing." : "Pantaila partekatzen hastean errore bat gertatu da.",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Access to camera was denied" : "Kamerara sarbidea ukatu da",
"Error while accessing camera: It is likely in use by another program" : "Errorea kamera atzitzean: litekeena da beste programa bat hura erabiltzen aritzea",
"Error while accessing camera" : "Errorea kamera atzitzean",
"You have been muted by a moderator" : "Moderatzaile batek isilarazi zaitu",
"You" : "Zu ",
"Show screen" : "Erakutsi pantaila",
"Mute" : "Isilarazi",
"Stop following" : "Utzi jarraitzeari",
"Connection could not be established …" : "Ezin izan da konexioa ezarri ...",
"Connection was lost and could not be re-established …" : "Konexioa galdu da eta ezin izan da berriro ezarri ...",
"Connection could not be established. Trying again …" : "Konexioa ezin izan da ezarri. Berriro saiatzen ...",
"Connection lost. Trying to reconnect …" : "Konexioa galdu da. Birkonektatzen saiatzen ...",
"Connection problems …" : "Konexio arazoak ...",
"Conversation messages" : "Elkarrizketa mezuak",
"Post message" : "Argitaratu mezua",
"You need to be logged in to upload files" : "Fitxategiak kargatu ahal izateko saioa hasi behar duzu",
"This conversation is read-only" : "Elkarrizketa hau irakurtzeko soilik da",
"Drop your files to upload" : "Jaregin zure fitxategiak kargatzeko",
"Favorite" : "Gogokoa",
"Edit the default permissions for participants in this conversation. These settings do not affect moderators." : "Editatu elkarrizketa honen baimen lehenetsiak parte-hartzaileentzat. Ezarpen hauek ez dituzte moderatzaileen baimenak aldatzen.",
"Every time permissions are modified in this section, custom permissions previously assigned to individual participants will be lost." : "Atal honetako baimenak aldatzen diren bakoitzean, parte-hartzaileei esleitutako baimen pertsonalizatuak galduko dira.",
"All permissions" : "Baimen guztiak",
"Participants have permissions to start a call, join a call, enable audio and video, and share screen." : "Parte-hartzaileek dei bat hasi, sartu, audioa eta bideoa gaitu eta pantaila partekatzeko baimenak dituzte.",
"Restricted" : "Mugatua",
"Participants can join calls, but cannot enable audio nor video nor share screen until a moderator manually grants them permissions." : "Parte-hartzaileek deietara sartzeko baimena dute, baina ezin dute audio edo bideoa gaitu edo pantaila partekatu moderatzaile batek baimen hauek eman arte.",
"Advanced permissions" : "Baimen aurreratuak",
"Edit permissions" : "Editatu baimenak",
"Default permissions modified for {conversationName}" : "Lehenetsitako baimenak aldatu dira {conversationName}(r)entzat",
"Could not modify default permissions for {conversationName}" : "Ezin izan dira {conversationName}(r)en baimenak aldatu",
"Conversation settings" : "Elkarrizketaren ezarpenak",
"Description" : "Deskribapena",
"Enter a description for this conversation" : "Sartu deskribapen bat elkarrrizketa honentzat",
"Personal" : "Pertsonala",
"Always show the device preview screen before joining a call in this conversation." : "Erakutsi gailuaren aurreikuspen pantaila beti dei batera sartu baino lehen elkarrizketa honetan.",
"Moderation" : "Moderazioa",
"Meeting" : "Bilera",
"Permissions" : "Baimenak",
"Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge",
"Danger zone" : "Arrisku eremua",
"Error while updating conversation description" : "Errorea elkarrizketa deskribapena eguneratzen",
"Be careful, these actions cannot be undone." : "Kontuz ibili, ekintza hauek ezin dira desegin.",
"Leave conversation" : "Atera elkarrizketatik",
"Once a conversation is left, to rejoin a closed conversation, an invite is needed. An open conversation can be rejoined at any time." : "Elkarrizketa uzten denean, elkarrizketa itxi batera berriro sartzeko, gonbidapen bat behar da. Elkarrizketa ireki batean edozein unetan sar daiteke berriro.",
"Delete conversation" : "Ezabatu elkarrizketa",
"Permanently delete this conversation." : "Betirako ezabatu elkarrizketa hau.",
"Delete chat messages" : "Ezabatu txateko mezuak",
"Permanently delete all the messages in this conversation." : "Ezabatu betirako elkarrizketa honen mezu guztiak.",
"You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "Moderatzaile berri bat izendatu behar duzu elkarrizketa utzi ahal izateko.",
"Do you really want to delete \"{displayName}\"?" : "Ziur zaude \"{displayName}\" ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Error while deleting conversation" : "Errorea elkarrizketa ezabatzen",
"Do you really want to delete all messages in \"{displayName}\"?" : "Ziur zaude \"{displayName}\" elkarrizketako mezu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"Delete all chat messages" : "Ezabatu txateko mezu guztiak",
"Error while clearing chat history" : "Errorea txataren historia garbitzen",
"Message expiration" : "Mezuen iraungitzea",
"Chat messages can be expired after a certain time. Note: Files shared in chat will not be deleted for the owner, but will no longer be shared in the conversation." : "Txat-mezuak denbora jakin baten ondoren iraungi daitezke. Oharra: txatean partekatutako fitxategiak ez dira jabearentzat ezabatuko, baina ez dira gehiago elkarrizketan partekatuko.",
"Custom expiration time" : "Iraungitze denbora pertsonalizatua",
"Message expiration disabled" : "Mezua iraungitzea desgaituta dago",
"Message expiration set: {duration}" : "Mezuaren iraungitze ezarria: {duration}",
"Error when trying to set message expiration" : "Errore bat gertatu da mezu-iraungipena ezartzen saiatzean",
"_%n hour_::_%n hours_" : ["%nordu","%n"],
"_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["egun %n","%n egun"],
"_%n week_::_%n weeks_" : ["aste %n","%n aste"],
"Guest access" : "Gonbidatuen sarbidea",
"Allow guests to join this conversation via link" : "Onartu gonbidatuei elkarrizketa honetan esteka bidez sartzea",
"Password protection" : "Pasahitz bidezko babesa",
"Enter new password" : "Sartu pasahitz berria",
"Save password" : "Gorde pasahitza",
"Copy conversation link" : "Kopiatu elkarrizketaren esteka",
"Resend invitations" : "Birbidali gonbidapenak",
"Conversation password has been saved" : "Elkarrizketaren pasahitza gorde da",
"Conversation password has been removed" : "Elkarrizketaren pasahitza kendu da",
"Error occurred while saving conversation password" : "Errore bat gertatu da elkarrizketaren pasahitza gordetzean",
"Error occurred while allowing guests" : "Errorea gertatu da gonbidatuak baimentzean",
"Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "Errorea gertatu da gonbidatuei baimena kentzean",
"Conversation link copied to clipboard." : "Elkarrizketaren esteka arbelera kopiatu da.",
"The link could not be copied." : "Ezin izan da esteka kopiatu.",
"Invitations sent" : "Gonbidapenak bidalita",
"Error occurred when sending invitations" : "Errorea gonbidapenak bidaltzean",
"Open conversation to registered users, showing it in search results" : "Ireki elkarrizketa erregistratutako erabiltzaileei, bilaketen emaitzetan erakutsiaz.",
"Also open to guest app users" : "Ireki baita ere aplikazio gonbidatuentzat",
"Error occurred when opening or limiting the conversation" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketa mugatu edo irekitzean",
"Enabling the lobby will remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "Ataria gaitzean uneko deiko ez-moderatzaileak kanporatuko dira.",
"Enable lobby, restricting the conversation to moderators" : "Gaitu ataria, elkarrizketa moderatzaileetara murriztuz",
"Meeting start time" : "Bileraren hasiera-ordua",
"Start time (optional)" : "Hasiera-ordua (hautazkoa)",
"Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketari moderatzaile muga jartzean",
"Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketa edonorentzat irekitzean",
"Start time has been updated" : "Hasiera-data aldatu da",
"Error occurred while updating start time" : "Errorea gertatu da hasiera ordua eguneratzean",
"Lock conversation" : "Blokeatu elkarrizketa",
"This will also terminate the ongoing call." : "Honek hasita dagoen deia ere bukatuko du.",
"Lock the conversation to prevent anyone to post messages or start calls" : "Blokeatu elkarrizketa edonork mezuak idatzi edo deiak egitea ekiditeko",
"Error occurred when locking the conversation" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketa blokeatzean",
"Error occurred when unlocking the conversation" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketa desblokeatzean",
"Save" : "Gorde",
"Edit" : "Editatu",
"More information" : "Informazio gehiago",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "Berehalako mezularitza sistema ugaritako kanalen artean zubiak ezar ditzakezu Matterbridge erabiliz.",
"More info on Matterbridge" : "Informazio gehiago Matterbridge-en",
"Enable bridge" : "Gaitu zubia",
"Show Matterbridge log" : "Erakutsi Matterbridge erregistroa",
"Nextcloud URL" : "Nextcloud URLa",
"Nextcloud user" : "Nextcloud erabiltzailea",
"User password" : "Erabiltzaile pasahitza",
"Talk conversation" : "Talk elkarrizketa",
"Matrix server URL" : "Matrix zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Matrix channel" : "Matrix kanala",
"Mattermost server URL" : "Mattermost zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Mattermost user" : "Mattermost erabiltzailea",
"Team name" : "Taldearen izena",
"Channel name" : "Kanalaren izena",
"Rocket.Chat server URL" : "Rocket.Chat zerbitzariraren URLa",
"User name or email address" : "Erabiltzaile-izena edo e-posta helbidea",
"Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Rocket.Chat channel" : "Rocket.Chat kanala",
"Skip TLS verification" : "Ez egiaztatu TLS",
"Zulip server URL" : "Zulip zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Bot user name" : "Bot-aren erabiltzaile izena",
"Bot API key" : "Bot-aren API gakoa",
"Zulip channel" : "Zulip kanala",
"API token" : "API tokena",
"Slack channel" : "Slack kanala",
"Server ID or name" : "Zerbitzariaren IDa edo izena",
"Channel ID or name" : "Kanalaren IDa edo izena",
"Channel" : "Kanala",
"Login" : "Hasi saioa",
"Chat ID" : "Txataren IDa",
"IRC server URL (e.g. chat.freenode.net:6667)" : "IRC zerbitzariaren URLa (adib. chat.freenode.net:6667)",
"Nickname" : "Ezizena",
"Connection password" : "Konexio pasahitza",
"IRC channel" : "IRC kanala",
"Channel password" : "Kanalaren pasahitza",
"NickServ nickname" : "NickServ ezizena",
"NickServ password" : "NickServ pasahitza",
"Use TLS" : "Erabili TLS",
"Use SASL" : "Erabili SASL",
"Tenant ID" : "Tenant IDa",
"Client ID" : "Bezeroaren IDa",
"Team ID" : "Taldearen IDa",
"Thread ID" : "Hariaren IDa",
"XMPP/Jabber server URL" : "XMPP/Jabber zerbitzariaren URLa",
"MUC server URL" : "MUC zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Jabber ID" : "Jabber IDa",
"Add new bridged channel to current conversation" : "Gehitu zubidun kanal berria uneko elkarrizketari",
"unknown state" : "egoera ezezaguna",
"running" : "Exekutatzen",
"not running, check Matterbridge log" : "ez dabil, egiaztatu Matterbridge erregistroa",
"not running" : "Ez da exekutatzen ari",
"Bridge saved" : "Zubia ondo gorde da",
"Notifications" : "Jakinarazpenak",
"Notify about calls in this conversation" : "Jakinarazi elkarrizketa honen deiei buruz",
"Phone and SIP dial-in" : "Telefonoa eta SIP markatzea",
"Enable phone and SIP dial-in" : "Gaitu telefonoa eta SIP markatzea",
"Allow to dial-in without a PIN" : "Baimendu PINik gabe deitzeko",
"SIP dial-in is now possible without PIN requirement" : "SIP markatzea posible da orain PIN baldintzarik gabe",
"SIP dial-in is now enabled" : "SIP markatzea gaituta dago",
"SIP dial-in is now disabled" : "SIP markatzea desgaituta dago",
"Error occurred when enabling SIP dial-in" : "Errorea gertatu da SIP markatzea gaitzean",
"Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "Errorea gertatu da SIP markatzea desgaitzean",
"Cancel editing description" : "Utzi deskribapena editatzeari",
"Submit conversation description" : "Argitaratu elkarrizketaren deskribapena",
"Edit conversation description" : "Editatu elkarrizketaren deskribapena",
"The description must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "Deskribapenak {maxLength} karaktere edo gutxiagokoa izan behar du. Jarrita duzun deskribapenak {charactersCount} dauzka.",
"Camera and microphone check" : "Kamera eta mikrofono egiaztapena",
"Choose devices" : "Aukeratu gailuak",
"Always show this dialog before joining a call in this conversation." : "Erakutsi elkarrizketa hau beti dei batera sartu baino lehen elkarrizketa honetan.",
"Call without notification" : "Deitu jakinarazpenik gabe",
"The conversation participants will not be notified about this call" : "Elkarrizketako parte-hartzaileei ez zaie dei honen berri emango",
"Normal call" : "Dei arrunta",
"The conversation participants will be notified about this call" : "Elkarrizketako parte-hartzaileei dei honen berri emango zaie",
"Conversation actions" : "Elkarrizketa ekintzak",
"Mark as read" : "Markatu irakurri gisa",
"Remove from favorites" : "Kendu gogokoetatik",
"Add to favorites" : "Gehitu gogokoetara",
"Joining conversation …" : "Elkarrizketara batzen ...",
"You: {lastMessage}" : "Zu: {lastMessage}",
"{actor}: {lastMessage}" : "{actor}: {lastMessage}",
"No matches" : "Ez dago bat datorrenik",
"Conversation list" : "Elkarrizketa zerrenda",
"Open conversations" : "Ireki elkarrizketak",
"Loading" : "Kargatzen",
"No search results" : "Ez dago bilaketaren emaitzarik",
"Groups" : "Taldeak",
"Circles" : "Zirkuluak",
"Unread mentions" : "Irakurri gabeko aipamenak",
"Talk settings" : "Talk ezarpenak",
"Users, groups and circles" : "Erabiltzaileak, taldeak eta zirkuluak",
"Users and groups" : "Erabiltzaileak eta taldeak",
"Users and circles" : "Erabiltzaileak eta zirkuluak",
"Groups and circles" : "Taldeak eta zirkuluak",
"Other sources" : "Beste iturburuak",
"An error occurred while performing the search" : "Errore bat gertatu da bilaketa egitean",
"Creating your conversation" : "Zure elkarrizketa sortzen",
"All set" : "Dena ezarrita",
"Error while creating the conversation" : "Errorea elkarrizketa sortzean",
"Link copied to the clipboard!" : "Esteka arbelera kopiatu da!",
"Create a new group conversation" : "Sortu talde-elkarrizketa berria",
"Allow guests to join via link" : "Baimendu gonbidatuak esteka bidez batzea",
"Password protect" : "Babestu pasahitzarekin",
"Enter password" : "Sartu pasahitza",
"Create conversation" : "Sortu elkarrizketa",
"Add participants" : "Gehitu parte-hartzaileak",
"Close" : "Itxi",
"Remove participant {name}" : "Kendu {name} parte-hartzailea",
"Search participants" : "Bilatu parte-hartzaileak",
"Cancel search" : "Utzi bilaketa",
"Conversation name" : "Elkarrizketaren izena",
"Search conversations or users" : "Bilatu elkarrizketak edo erabiltzaileak",
"You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "Une honetan atondoan itxaroten ari zara",
"The meeting will start soon" : "Bilera laster hasiko da",
"This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "Bilera hau {startTime}-rako programatuta dago",
"No microphone available" : "Ez dago mikrofonorik eskuragarri",
"Select microphone" : "Hautatu mikrofonoa",
"No camera available" : "Ez dago kamerarik eskuragarri",
"Select camera" : "Hautatu kamera",
"Add more reactions" : "Gehitu erreakzio gehiago",
"Unread messages" : "Irakurri gabeko mezuak",
"Sending message" : "Mezua bidaltzen",
"Message sent" : "Mezua bidalita",
"Message read by everyone who shares their reading status" : "Irakurtze-egoera partekatzen duten guztiek irakurri dute mezua",
"Failed to send the message. Click to try again" : "Mezua bidaltzeak huts egin du. Egin klik berriro saiatzeko",
"Not enough free space to upload file" : "Ez dago nahikoa leku librerik fitxategia igotzeko",
"You are not allowed to share files" : "Ez duzu baimenik fitxategiak partekatzeko",
"You cannot send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "Une honetan ezin duzu mezurik bidali elkarrizketa honetara",
"No permission to post reactions in this conversation" : "Ez dago baimenik elkarrizketa honetan erreakzioak argitaratzeko",
"Deleting message" : "Mezua ezabatzen",
"Message deleted successfully, but Matterbridge is configured and the message might already be distributed to other services" : "Mezua ondo ezabatu da, baina Matterbridge konfiguratuta dago eta baliteke beste zerbitzu batzuetara filtratu izana",
"Message deleted successfully" : "Mezua ondo ezabatu da",
"Message could not be deleted because it is too old" : "Mezua ezin izan da ezabatu zaharregia delako",
"Only normal chat messages can be deleted" : "Txat mezu normalak soilik ezabatu daitezke",
"An error occurred while deleting the message" : "Errore bat gertatu da mezua ezabatzean",
"The message has been forwarded to {selectedConversationName}" : "Mezua {selectedConversationName}(e)ra birbidali da",
"Go to conversation" : "Joan elkarrizketara",
"Forward message" : "Birbidali mezua",
"Choose a conversation to forward the selected message." : "Hautatu elkarrizketa bat hurrengo mezua birbidaltzeko.",
"Error while forwarding message" : "Errorea mezua birbidaltzen",
"Add a reaction to this message" : "Gehitu erreakzioa mezu honi",
"Reply" : "Erantzun",
"Reply privately" : "Erantzun pribatuki",
"Copy message link" : "Kopiatu mezuaren esteka",
"Mark as unread" : "Markatu ez irakurri gisa",
"Go to file" : "Joan fitxategira",
"Close reactions menu" : "Itxi erreakzio menua",
"React with {emoji}" : "Erreakzionatu {emoji}-(r)ekin",
"React with another emoji" : "Erreakzionatu beste emoji batekin",
"Message link copied to clipboard" : "Mezuaren esteka arbelera kopiatu da",
"Your browser does not support playing audio files" : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du audio fitxategiak erreproduzitzeko euskarririk",
"Contact" : "Kontaktua",
"{stack} in {board}" : "{stack} {board}-(e)n",
"Deck Card" : "Deck txartela",
"Remove {fileName}" : "Kendu {fileName}",
"Open this location in OpenStreetMap" : "Ireki kokaleku hau OpenStreetMap-en",
"Poll" : "Galdeketa",
"See results" : "Ikusi emaitzak",
"Submit vote" : "Bidali botoa",
"End poll" : "Amaitu galdeketa",
"Poll ・ You voted already" : "Galdeketa ・ Botoa dagoeneko eman duzu",
"You voted for this option" : "Aukera hau bozkatu duzu",
"Change your vote" : "Aldatu zure botoa",
"Poll ・ Click to vote" : "Galdeketa・ Egin klik botoa emateko",
"Poll ・ Ended" : "Inkesta ・ Bukatuta",
"_Poll results • %n vote_::_Poll results • %n votes_" : ["Galdeketaren emaitzak • %n boto","Galdeketaren emaitzak • %nboto"],
"No messages" : "Mezurik ez",
"All messages have expired or have been deleted." : "Mezu guztiak iraungita daude edo ezabatuak izan dira.",
"Scroll to bottom" : "Korritu beherantz",
"Today" : "Gaur",
"Yesterday" : "Atzo",
"{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}",
"Record voice message" : "Grabatu ahots mezua",
"End recording and send" : "Amaitu grabazioa eta bidali",
"Dismiss recording" : "Baztertu grabazioa",
"Access to the microphone was denied" : "Mikrofonoa atzitzeko baimena ukatu da",
"Microphone either not available or disabled in settings" : "Mikrofonoa ezin da atzitu edo desgaituta dago ezarpenetan",
"Error while recording audio" : "Errorea audioa grabatzean",
"Talk recording from {time} ({conversation})" : "Solasaldi grabazioa {time} -tik aurrera ({conversation})",
"Share files to the conversation" : "Partekatu fitxategiak elkarrizketan",
"Upload from device" : "Kargatu gailutik",
"Create new poll" : "Sortu inkesta berria",
"Add emoji" : "Gehitu emojia",
"Send without notification" : "Bidali jakinarazpenik gabe",
"Send message" : "Bidali mezua",
"Create and share a new file" : "Sortu eta partekatu fitxategi berri bat",
"Name of the new file" : "Fitxategiaren izen berria",
"Create file" : "Sortu fitxategia",
"File to share" : "Partekatuko den fitxategia",
"New file" : "Fitxategi berria",
"This conversation has been locked" : "Elkarrizketa hau blokeatu da",
"No permission to post messages in this conversation" : "Ez duzu baimenik mezuak argitaratzeko elkarrizketa honetan",
"Write message, @ to mention someone …" : "Idatzi mezua, erabili @ norbait aipatzeko...",
"The participant will not be notified about this message" : "Parte-hartzaileari ez zaio mezu honen berri emango",
"The participants will not be notified about this message" : "Parte-hartzaileei ez zaie mezu honen berri emango",
"Share from {nextcloud}" : "Partekatu {nextcloud} bidez",
"Blank" : "Hutsik",
"Invalid path selected" : "Bide baliogabea hautatuta",
"Error while creating file" : "Errorea fitxategia sortzen",
"Question" : "Galdera",
"Ask a question" : "Egin galdera bat",
"Answers" : "Erantzunak",
"Answer {option}" : "Galdera (aukera)",
"Add answer" : "Gehitu erantzuna",
"Settings" : "Ezarpenak",
"Private poll" : "Galdeketa pribatua",
"Multiple answers" : "Erantzun anitz",
"Create poll" : "Sortu galdeketa",
"Start a call" : "Hasi dei bat",
"Skip the lobby" : "Saltatu ataria",
"Can post messages and reactions" : "Mezuak eta erreakzioak bidal daitezke",
"Enable the microphone" : "Gaitu mikrofonoa",
"Enable the camera" : "Gaitu kamera",
"Share the screen" : "Partekatu pantaila",
"Update permissions" : "Eguneratu baimenak",
"Updating permissions" : "Baimenak eguneratzen",
"In this conversation <strong>{user}</strong> can:" : "Elkarrizketa honetan <strong>{user}</strong> ekintza hauek egin ditzake:",
"Edit default permissions for participants in <strong>{conversationName}</strong>" : "Editatu lehenetsitako baimenak <strong>{conversationName}</strong> elkarrizketako parte-hartzaileentzat",
"The message has expired or has been deleted" : "Mezua iraungi egin da edo ezabatu egin da",
"Cancel quote" : "Utzi eskaintza",
"Disable lobby" : "Desgaitu ataria",
"moderator" : "moderatzailea",
"bot" : "bot",
"guest" : "gonbidatua",
"Dial-in PIN" : "Markatzen PINa",
"Demote from moderator" : "Kendu moderatzaile rola",
"Promote to moderator" : "Egin moderatzaile",
"Resend invitation" : "Birbidali gonbidapena",
"Send call notification" : "Bidali dei jakinarazpena",
"Reset custom permissions" : "Berezarri baimen pertsonalizatuak",
"Grant all permissions" : "Eman baimen guztiak",
"Remove all permissions" : "Kendu baimen guztiak",
"Remove group and members" : "Kendu taldea eta kideak",
"Remove participant" : "Kendu parte-hartzailea",
"Settings for participant \"{user}\"" : "\"{user}\" parte-hartzailearen ezarpenak",
"Add participant \"{user}\"" : "Gehitu \"{user}\" parte-hartzailea",
"Participant \"{user}\"" : "\"{user}\" parte-hartzailea",
"Joined with audio" : "Audioarekin batuta",
"Joined with video" : "Bideoarekin batuta",
"Joined via phone" : "Telefonoarekin batuta",
"Raised their hand" : "Eskua jaso dute",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}" : "{actorId}-(e)ri gonbidapena bidali zaio",
"Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "Ezin izan da gonbidapena {actorId}(r)i bidali",
"Notification was sent to {displayName}" : "{displayName}-(e)ri jakinarazpena bidali zaio",
"Could not send notification to {displayName}" : "Ezin izan da jakinarazpena bidali {displayName}-ra",
"Permissions granted to {displayName}" : "Baimenak emanda {displayName}(r)i",
"Could not modify permissions for {displayName}" : "Ezin izan dira {displayName}(r)en baimenak aldatu",
"Permissions removed for {displayName}" : "Baimenak kendu zaizkio {displayName}(r)i",
"Permissions set to default for {displayName}" : "Baimenak lehenetsira ezarri dira {displayName}-rentzat",
"Permissions modified for {displayName}" : "Baimenak aldatu dira {displayName}(r)entzat",
"Add users" : "Gehitu erabiltzailea",
"Add groups" : "Gehitu taldeak",
"Add emails" : "Gehitu helbide elektronikoa",
"Add circles" : "Gehitu zirkuluak",
"Integrations" : "Integrazioak",
"Add federated users" : "Gehitu erabiltzaile federatuak",
"Searching …" : "Bilatzen …",
"No results" : "Emaitzarik ez",
"Search for more users" : "Bilatu erabiltzaile gehiago",
"Add users, groups or circles" : "Gehitu erabiltzaileak, taldeak edo zirkuluak",
"Add users or groups" : "Add users or groups",
"Add users or circles" : "Gehitu erabiltzaileak edo zirkuluak",
"Add groups or circles" : "Gehitu taldeak edo zirkuluak",
"Add other sources" : "Gehitu beste iturburuak",
"Participants" : "Parte-hartzaileak",
"Search or add participants" : "Bilatu edo gehitu parte-hartzaileak",
"An error occurred while adding the participants" : "Errore bat gertatu da parte-hartzaileak gehitzean",
"Chat" : "Txata",
"Details" : "Xehetasunak",
"Shared items" : "Partekatutako elementuak",
"Participants ({count})" : "Parte-hartzaileak ({count})",
"Projects" : "Proiektuak",
"No shared items" : "Ez dago partekatutako elementurik",
"Show all media" : "Erakutsi multimedia guztia",
"Show all files" : "Erakustsi fitxategi guztiak",
"Show all polls" : "Erakutsi galdeketa guztiak",
"Show all deck cards" : "Erakutsi txartel sorta guztiak",
"Show all voice messages" : "Erakutsi ahots-mezu guztiak",
"Show all locations" : "Erakutsi kokaleku guztiak",
"Show all audio" : "Erakutsi audio guztia",
"Show all other" : "Erakutsi beste guztiak",
"Meeting ID: {meetingId}" : "Bileraren ID: {meetingId}",
"Your PIN: {attendeePin}" : "Zure PINa: {attendeePin}",
"Save name" : "Gorde izena",
"Display name: <strong>{name}</strong>" : "Bistaratzeko izena: <strong> {name} </strong>",
"Attachments folder" : "Eranskinen karpeta",
"Privacy" : "Pribatutasuna",
"Share my read-status and show the read-status of others" : "Partekatu nire irakurtze-egoera eta erakutsi besteen irakurtze-egoera",
"Sounds" : "Soinuak",
"Play sounds when participants join or leave a call" : "Soinuak egin parte-hartzaileak deira etortzean edo joatean",
"Sounds can currently not be played in Safari browser and iPad and iPhone devices due to technical restrictions by the manufacturer." : "Soinuak ezin dira erreproduzitu oraingoz Safari nabigatzailean eta iPado edo iPhone gailuetan, manufakturatzailearen murrizketa teknikoak direla eta.",
"Sounds for chat and call notifications can be adjusted in the personal settings." : "Txat eta deien jakinarazpenetarako soinuak ezarpen pertsonaletan doi daitezke.",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Teklatuaren lasterbideak",
"Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Azkartu zure Talk esperientzia lasterbide bizkor hauekin",
"Focus the chat input" : "Fokuratu txat sarrera",
"Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "Utzi txat sarrera fokuratzeari lasterbideak erabiltzeko",
"Fullscreen the chat or call" : "Pantaila osoko txat edo deia",
"Search" : "Bilatu",
"Shortcuts while in a call" : "Lasterbideak deian zehar",
"Camera on and off" : "Kamera gaitu eta desgaitu",
"Microphone on and off" : "Mikrofonoa aktibatu eta desaktibatu",
"Space bar" : "Zuriune-barra",
"Push to talk or push to mute" : "Sakatu hitz egiteko edo mututzeko",
"Raise or lower hand" : "Jaso edo jaitsi eskua",
"Choose the folder in which attachments should be saved." : "Aukeratu zein karpetatan gorde behar diren atxikitakoak.",
"Select location for attachments" : "Hautatu kokalekua eranskinentzat",
"Error while setting attachment folder" : "Errorea eranskinen karpeta ezartzean",
"Your privacy setting has been saved" : "Zure pribatutasun ezarpenak gorde dira",
"Error while setting read status privacy" : "Errorea irakurtze-egoera pribatutasun ezarpenak konfiguratzean",
"Failed to save sounds setting" : "Soinu ezarpenak gordetzeak huts egin du",
"Sounds setting saved" : "Soinu ezarpenak gordeta",
"Error while saving sounds setting" : "Errorea soinu ezarpenak gordetzean",
"End meeting for all" : "Amaitu bilera denentzat",
"Start call silently" : "Hasi isilik deitzen",
"Start call" : "Hasi deia",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, you need to reload the page before you can start or join a call." : "Nextcloud Talk eguneratu egin da, orria berriro kargatu behar duzu dei bat hasi edo dei batera elkartu aurretik.",
"You will be able to join the call only after a moderator starts it." : "Moderatzaile batek deia hasten duenean bakarrik batu ahalko zara.",
"You have new unread messages in the chat." : "Irakurri gabeko mezu berriak dauzkazu txatean.",
"You have been mentioned in the chat." : "Txatean aipatu egin zaituzte.",
"Mute others" : "Mututu besteak",
"Devices settings" : "Gailuen ezarpenak",
"Toggle fullscreen" : "Txandakatu pantaila osoa",
"Rename conversation" : "Berrizendatu elkarrizketa",
"Exit fullscreen (F)" : "Irten pantaila osotik (F)",
"Fullscreen (F)" : "Pantaila osoa (F)",
"Speaker view" : "Hizlari ikuspegia",
"Grid view" : "Sareta ikuspegia",
"Raise hand" : "Jaso eskua",
"Raise hand (R)" : "Jaso eskua (R)",
"Send" : "Bidali",
"Add more files" : "Gehitu fitxategi gehiago",
"No unread mentions" : "Ez dago irakurri gabeko aipamenik",
"Say hi to your friends and colleagues!" : "Esan kaixo zure lagun eta lankideei!",
"Start a conversation" : "Hasi elkarrizketa bat",
"Message without mention" : "Aipamenik gabeko mezua",
"Mention myself" : "Aipatu ni",
"Mention room" : "Aipatu gela",
"The conversation does not exist" : "Elkarrizketa ez da existitzen",
"Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "Batu elkarrizketa batera edo hasi berri bat!",
"No conversations found" : "Ez da elkarrizketarik aurkitu",
"Select conversation" : "Hautatu elkarrizketa",
"Link to a conversation" : "Esteka elkarrizketara",
"You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "Elkarrizketara batu zara beste leiho edo gailu batean. Nextcloud Talkek ez du hau onartzen une honetan, beraz saioa itxi egin da.",
"Join a conversation or start a new one" : "Batu elkarrizketa batera edo hasi berri bat",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>" : "Deck txartel bat argitaratu da hautaturiko <a href=\"{link}\">elkarrizketan</a>",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation" : "Errore bat gertatu da elkarrizketan deck txartela argitaratzean",
"Post to a conversation" : "Argitaratu elkarrizketa batera",
"Post to conversation" : "Argitaratu elkarrizketan",
"Location has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>" : "Kokapena hautatutako <a href=\"{link}\">elkarrizketan</a> argitaratu da",
"An error occurred while posting location to conversation" : "Errorea gertatu da elkarrizketara kokalekua bidaltzean",
"Share to a conversation" : "Partekatu elkarrizketa batera",
"Share to conversation" : "Partekatu elkarrizketara",
"The browser you're using is not fully supported by Nextcloud Talk. Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari." : "Nextcloud Talkek ez dauka erabateko euskarria erabiltzen ari zaren nabigatzailearentzat. Erabili Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera edo Apple Safari nabigatzaileen bertsio berriena.",
"Calls are not supported in your browser" : "Deiak ez dira onartzen zure nabigatzailean",
"Access to microphone is only possible with HTTPS" : "Mikrofonoa atzitzeko modu bakarra HTTPS bidez da",
"Access to microphone was denied" : "Mikrofonora sarbidea ukatua da",
"Error while accessing microphone" : "Errorea kamera atzitzean",
"Access to camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "Kamera atzitzeko modu bakarra HTTPS bidez da",
"An error occurred while fetching the participants" : "Errore bat gertatu da parte-hartzaileak eskuratzean",
"Media" : "Media",
"Files" : "Fitxategiak",
"Polls" : "Bozketak",
"Deck cards" : "Deck txartelak",
"Voice messages" : "Ahots-mezuak",
"Locations" : "Kokapenak",
"Audio" : "Audioa",
"Other" : "Bestelakoa",
"Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud Elkarrizketak eguneratu dira, mesedez freskatu orria",
"Do not disturb" : "Ez molestatu",
"Away" : "Kanpoan",
"Error while sharing file" : "Errorea fitxategia partekatzean",
"Error while clearing conversation history" : "Errorea elkarrizketaren historia garbitzen",
"Not enough free space to upload file \"{fileName}\"" : "Ez dago nahikoa leku librerik \"{fileName}\" fitxategia igotzeko",
"Error while uploading file \"{fileName}\"" : "Errorea \"{fileName}\" fitxategia igotzerakoan",
"An error happened when trying to share your file" : "Errore bat gertatu da fitxategia partekatzen saiatzean",
"{guest} (guest)" : "{guest} (gonbidatua)",
"Could not post message: {errorMessage}" : "Ezin izan da mezua argitaratu: {errorMessage}",
"Failed to add reaction" : "Huts egin du erreakzioa gehitzean",
"Failed to remove reaction" : "Huts egin du erreakzioa kentzean",
"Failed to join the conversation. Try to reload the page." : "Elkarrizketara batzeak huts egin du. Saiatu orria berriro kargatzen.",
"You are trying to join a conversation while having an active session in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk. What do you want to do?" : "Elkarrizketa batera batu nahi duzu aldi berean saioa aktibaturik beste leiho edo gailu batean. Nextcloud Talkek ez du hau onartzen une honetan. Zer egin nahi duzu?",
"Join here" : "Hemen bat egin",
"Leave this page" : "Orri hau utzi",
"An error occurred while submitting your vote" : "Errore bat gertatu da botoa bidaltzean",
"An error occurred while ending the poll" : "Errore bat gertatu da galdeketa bukatzean",
"Nextcloud is in maintenance mode, please reload the page" : "Nextcloud mantentze moduan dago, mesedez freskatu orria",
"Sending signaling message has failed." : "Seinale-mezua bidaltzeak huts egin du.",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Trying to reconnect." : "Konexioa galdu da seinalizazio zerbitzariarekin. Berriro konektatzen saiatzen.",
"Lost connection to signaling server. Try to reload the page manually." : "Konexioa galdu da seinalizazio zerbitzariarekin. Saiatu orria eskuz berriro kargatzen.",
"Establishing signaling connection is taking longer than expected …" : "Seinalizazio konexioa ezartzea espero baino luzeago jotzen ari da...",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying …" : "Seinalizazio konexioa ezartzeak huts egin du. Berriro saiatzen...",
"Failed to establish signaling connection. Something might be wrong in the signaling server configuration" : "Seinaleen konexioa ezartzeak huts egin du. Zerbait oker egon daiteke seinaleen zerbitzariaren konfigurazioarekin",
"The configured signaling server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk. Please contact your administrator." : "Konfiguratutako seinale-zerbitzaria eguneratua izan behar da Talk bertsio honekin bateragarria izateko. Mesedez, jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
"Default" : "Lehenetsia",
"Microphone {number}" : "{number} mikrofonoa",
"Camera {number}" : "{number} kamera",
"Speaker {number}" : "{number} bozgorailua",
"You seem to be talking while muted, please unmute yourself for others to hear you" : "Audioa desaktibatuta duzula hitz egiten ari zarela dirudi, aktibatu audioa besteek entzun zaitzaten",
"Could not establish a connection with at least one participant. A TURN server might be needed for your scenario. Please ask your administrator to set one up following {linkstart}this documentation{linkend}." : "Ezin izan da konexioa ezarri partaide batekin gutxienez. Zure egoeran TURN zerbitzari bat beharrezkoa izan liteke. Eskatu zure administratzaileari horrelako bat konfiguratzeko {linkstart}this documentazio hau{linkend} erabiliz.",
"This is taking longer than expected. Are the media permissions already granted (or rejected)? If yes please restart your browser, as audio and video are failing" : "Hau uste baino denbora gehiago hartzen ari da. Multimedia baimenak emanda (edo ukatuta) daude jada? Hala bada, berrabiarazi zure nabigatzailea, audioa eta bideoa huts egiten ari baitira",
"Access to microphone & camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "Kamera eta mikrofonoak atzitzeko modu bakarra HTTPS bidez da",
"Please move your setup to HTTPS" : "Aldatu zure konfigurazioa HTTPSra",
"Access to microphone & camera was denied" : "Kamera eta mikrofonora sarbidea ukatu da",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser" : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du WebRTC onartzen",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "Beste nabigatzaile bat erabil ezazu: Firefox edo Chrome.",
"Error while accessing microphone & camera" : "Errorea mikrofonoa eta kamara atzitzean",
"We have detected multiple invalid password attempts from your IP. Therefore your next attempt is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Saioa hasteko hainbat saiakera baliogabe jaso ditugu zure IPtik. Ondorioz, zure hurrengo saio hasiera 30 segundo atzeratuko da.",
"This conversation is password-protected." : "Elkarrizketa hau pasahitz bidez babestua dago.",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "Pasahitza okerra da. Saiatu berriro.",
"Specify commands the users can use in chats" : "Zehaztu erabiltzaileek txatetan erabil ditzaketen komandoak",
"TURN server" : "TURN zerbitzaria",
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "TURN zerbitzaria suebaki baten atzean dauden parte-hartzaileen trafikoan proxy lanak egiteko erabiltzen da.",
"Signaling servers" : "Seinalizazio zerbitzariak",
"An external signaling server can optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Instalazio handietan hautazko kanpoko seinalizazio zerbitzari bat erabil daiteke. Utzi hutsik integratutako seinalizazio zerbitzaria erabiltzeko.",
"%s Talk on your mobile devices" : "%s Hitz egin zure gailu mugikorretan",
"Join conversations at any time, anywhere, on any device." : "Batu elkarrizketetara edonoiz, edonondik, edozein gailutatik.",
"Android app" : "Android aplikazioa",
"iOS app" : "iOS aplikazioa",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Errore bat gertatu da, jarri zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan.",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}." : "Matterbridge instala dezakezu Nextcloud Talk beste zerbitzu batzuekin lotzeko, joan {linkstart1}GitHub orrira{linkend} xehetasun gehiagorako. Aplikazioak deskargatu eta instalatzeko denbora behar lezake. Denbora-muga gainditzen badu, saiatu eskuz instalatzen {linkstart2}appstoretik{linkend}.",
"Saved" : "Gordeta",
"Add a new server" : "Gehitu zerbitzari berria",
"OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server" : "Ados: \".wasm\" eta \".tflite\" fitxategiak behar bezala itzuli ditu web zerbitzariak",
"More actions" : "Ekintza gehiago",
"Error while accessing camera: it is likely in use by another program" : "Errorea kamera atzitzean: litekeena da beste programa bat hura erabiltzen aritzea",
"Warning: Every time permissions are modified in this section, custom permissions previously assigned to individual participants will be lost." : "Oharra: Sekzio honetan baimenak aldatzen diren bakoitzean, parte-hartzaile bakoitzari lehen emandako baimen pertsonalizatuak galduko dira.",
"Device check" : "Gailu egiaztapena",
"Guests access" : "Gonbidatuen sarbidea",
"Participants permissions" : "Parte-hartzaileen baimenak",
"Meeting settings" : "Bileraren ezarpenak",
"Allow guests to use a public link to join this conversation." : "Eman baimena gonbidatuei esteka publikoa erabiliz elkarrizketa honetara batzeko.",
"Allow guests" : "Baimendu gonbidatuak",
"Set a password to restrict who can use the public link." : "Ezarri pasahitz bat, esteka publikoa nork erabili mugatzeko.",
"Enter a password" : "Sartu pasahitz bat",
"Open conversation to registered users" : "Ireki elkarrizketa erregistratutako erabiltzaileei",
"This conversation will be shown in search results" : "Elkarrizketa hau bilaketa emaitzetan erakutsiko dira",
"Enabling the lobby only allows moderators to post messages." : "Itxarongela gaitzeak moderatzaileak mezuak bidali ahal izatea baimentzen du soilik.",
"This will also remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "Honek moderatzaile ez direnak ere kanporatuko ditu hasita dagoen deitik.",
"Enable lobby" : "Gaitu ataria",
"After the time limit the lobby will be automatically disabled." : "Denbora mugaren ostean itxarongela automatikoki desgaituko dira.",
"Locking the conversation prevents anyone to post messages or start calls." : "Elkarrizketa blokeatuz, edonork mezuak bidali edo deiak hastea saihesten da.",
"Chat messages" : "Txat mezuak",
"Calls" : "Deiak",
"Allow participants to join from a phone." : "Baimendu parte-hartzaileak telefono baten bidez sartzea.",
"Enable SIP dial-in" : "Gaitu SIP markatzea",
"Choose a password" : "Aukeratu pasahitza",
"Message link copied to clipboard." : "Mezuaren esteka arbelera kopiatu da.",
"Upload new files" : "Kargatu fitxategi berriak",
"Share from Files" : "Partekatu Fitxategiak-etik",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}." : "Gonbidapena bildali da {actorId}(r)i.",
"Display name: " : "Pantaila-izena:",
"Video on and off" : "Bideoa gaitu eta desgaitu",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>." : "Deck txartel bat argitaratu da hautaturiko <a href=\"{link}\">elkarrizketan</a>",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation." : "Errore bat gertatu da elkarrizketan deck txartela argitaratzean."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"