
50 строки
2.5 KiB

"Video calls" : "Videozvani",
"(group)" : "(grupa)",
"New public call" : "Jauns zvans",
"Waiting for {participantName} to join the call …" : "Gaida {participantName} kad pievienosies zvanam …",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "Gaidot citus pievienoties zvanam …",
"Guest" : "Viesis",
"Copy" : "Kopēt",
"Copied!" : "Nokopēts!",
"Not supported!" : "Nav atbalstīts!",
"Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Spied ⌘-C lai kopētu.",
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Spied Ctrl-C lai kopētu.",
"Looking great today! :)" : "Šodien izskatāties lieliski :)!",
"Time to call your friends" : "Laiks zvanīt draugiem",
"This call has ended" : "Šis zvans ir pabeigts",
"Saving failed" : "Saglabāšana neizdevās",
"Add person" : "Pievienot personu",
"Rename" : "Pārsaukt",
"Share link" : "Koplietot saiti",
"Leave call" : "Pamest zvanu",
"You" : "Jūs",
"and you" : "un jūs",
"Access to microphone & camera is only possible with HTTPS" : "Piekļuve mikrofonam un kamerai ir iespējama izmantojot tikai HTTPS",
"Please adjust your configuration" : "Lūdzu, pielāgojiet konfigurāciju",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser" : "WebRTC netiek atbalstīta jūsu pārlūkprogrammā",
"Please use a different browser like Firefox or Chrome" : "Lūdzu, izmantojiet citu pārlūkprogrammu, piemēram Firefox vai Chrome",
"Error while accessing microphone & camera" : "Kļūda, piekļūstot mikrofonam un kamerai",
"WebRTC is not supported in your browser :-/" : "WebRTC netiek atbalstīta jūsu pārlūkprogrammā :-/",
"_%n other guest_::_%n other guests_" : ["%n citi viesi","%n citi viesi","%n citi viesi"],
"_%n guest_::_%n guests_" : ["%n viesi","%n viesi","%n viesi"],
", " : ", ",
"Saved" : "Saglabāts",
"The call does not exist." : "Zvans neeksistē.",
"Mute audio" : "Izslēgt audio",
"Pause video" : "Pauzēt video",
"Fullscreen" : "Pilnekrāna",
"Smile in 3… 2… 1!" : "Smaidi pēc, 3 … 2 … 1!",
"Choose person …" : "Izvēlieties personas …",
"STUN server" : "STUN serveris",
"TURN server" : "TURN serveris",
"TURN server shared secret" : "IESLĒGT slepeno servera koplietošanu",
"TURN server protocols" : "TURN servera protokols",
"UDP and TCP" : "UDP un TCP",
"UDP only" : "tikai UDP",
"TCP only" : "tikai TCP"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");