Fix guests display in participant list.

Signed-off-by: Ivan Sein <>
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Sein 2018-07-27 10:14:32 +02:00
Родитель 9564d0a161
Коммит 5c5d0559c2
2 изменённых файлов: 27 добавлений и 15 удалений

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@ -49,4 +49,11 @@
return (_participantType == kNCParticipantTypeGuest) ? _sessionId : _userId;
- (NSString *)displayName
if (self.canModerate) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", _displayName, @"(moderator)"];
return _displayName;

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@ -525,22 +525,27 @@ typedef enum PublicSection {
cell = [[ContactsTableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:kContactCellIdentifier];
NSString *participantName = participant.displayName;
NSString *moderatorString = @"(moderator)";
if (participant.canModerate) {
participantName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", participantName, moderatorString];
cell.labelTitle.text = participantName;
// Display name
cell.labelTitle.text = participant.displayName;
// Create avatar for every participant
[cell.contactImage setImageWithString:participant.displayName color:nil circular:true];
// Request user avatar to the server and set it if exist
[cell.contactImage setImageWithURLRequest:[[NCAPIController sharedInstance] createAvatarRequestForUser:participant.userId andSize:96]
cell.contactImage.layer.cornerRadius = 24.0;
cell.contactImage.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
// Avatar
if (participant.participantType == kNCParticipantTypeGuest) {
UIColor *guestAvatarColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.84 green:0.84 blue:0.84 alpha:1.0]; /*#d5d5d5*/
NSString *avatarName = ([participant.displayName isEqualToString:@""]) ? @"?" : participant.displayName;
NSString *guestName = ([participant.displayName isEqualToString:@""]) ? @"Guest" : participant.displayName;
cell.labelTitle.text = guestName;
[cell.contactImage setImageWithString:avatarName color:guestAvatarColor circular:true];
} else {
// Create avatar for every participant
[cell.contactImage setImageWithString:participant.displayName color:nil circular:true];
// Request user avatar to the server and set it if exist
[cell.contactImage setImageWithURLRequest:[[NCAPIController sharedInstance] createAvatarRequestForUser:participant.userId andSize:96]
cell.contactImage.layer.cornerRadius = 24.0;
cell.contactImage.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
// Online status
if (participant.isOffline) {