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{"version":3,"file":"ocaml-BlOgHWt6.chunk.mjs","sources":["../node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/ocaml.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*\nLanguage: OCaml\nAuthor: Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi@dogguy.org>\nContributors: Nicolas Braud-Santoni <nicolas.braud-santoni@ens-cachan.fr>, Mickael Delahaye <mickael.delahaye@gmail.com>\nDescription: OCaml language definition.\nWebsite: https://ocaml.org\nCategory: functional\n*/\n\nfunction ocaml(hljs) {\n /* missing support for heredoc-like string (OCaml 4.0.2+) */\n return {\n name: 'OCaml',\n aliases: [ 'ml' ],\n keywords: {\n $pattern: '[a-z_]\\\\w*!?',\n keyword:\n 'and as assert asr begin class constraint do done downto else end '\n + 'exception external for fun function functor if in include '\n + 'inherit! inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method!|10 method '\n + 'mod module mutable new object of open! open or private rec sig struct '\n + 'then to try type val! val virtual when while with '\n /* camlp4 */\n + 'parser value',\n built_in:\n /* built-in types */\n 'array bool bytes char exn|5 float int int32 int64 list lazy_t|5 nativeint|5 string unit '\n /* (some) types in Pervasives */\n + 'in_channel out_channel ref',\n literal:\n 'true false'\n },\n illegal: /\\/\\/|>>/,\n contains: [\n {\n className: 'literal',\n begin: '\\\\[(\\\\|\\\\|)?\\\\]|\\\\(\\\\)',\n relevance: 0\n },\n hljs.COMMENT(\n '\\\\(\\\\*',\n '\\\\*\\\\)',\n { contains: [ 'self' ] }\n ),\n { /* type variable */\n className: 'symbol',\n begin: '\\'[A-Za-z_](?!\\')[\\\\w\\']*'\n /* the grammar is ambiguous on how 'a'b should be interpreted but not the compiler */\n },\n { /* polymorphic variant */\n className: 'type',\n begin: '`[A-Z][\\\\w\\']*'\n },\n { /* module or constructor */\n className: 'type',\n begin: '\\\\b[A-Z][\\\\w\\']*',\n relevance: 0\n },\n { /* don't color identifiers, but safely catch all identifiers with ' */\n begin: '[a-z_]\\\\w*\\'[\\\\w\\']*',\n relevance: 0\n },\n hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, {\n className: 'string',\n relevance: 0\n }),\n hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }),\n {\n className: 'number',\n begin:\n '\\\\b(0[xX][a-fA-F0-9_]+[Lln]?|'\n + '0[oO][0-7_]+[Lln]?|'\n + '0[bB][01_]+[Lln]?|'\n + '[0-9][0-9_]*([Lln]|(\\\\.[0-9_]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?)?)',\n relevance: 0\n },\n { begin: /->/ // relevance booster\n }\n ]\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ocaml;\n"],"names":["ocaml","hljs","ocaml_1"],"mappings":";4YASA,SAASA,EAAMC,EAAM,CAEnB,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,QACN,QAAS,CAAE,IAAM,EACjB,SAAU,CACR,SAAU,eACV,QACE,sVAOF,SAEE,qHAGF,QACE,YACH,EACD,QAAS,UACT,SAAU,CACR,CACE,UAAW,UACX,MAAO,yBACP,UAAW,CACZ,EACDA,EAAK,QACH,SACA,SACA,CAAE,SAAU,CAAE,OAAU,CACzB,EACD,CACE,UAAW,SACX,MAAO,wBAER,EACD,CACE,UAAW,OACX,MAAO,eACR,EACD,CACE,UAAW,OACX,MAAO,kBACP,UAAW,CACZ,EACD,CACE,MAAO,qBACP,UAAW,CACZ,EACDA,EAAK,QAAQA,EAAK,iBAAkB,CAClC,UAAW,SACX,UAAW,CACnB,CAAO,EACDA,EAAK,QAAQA,EAAK,kBAAmB,CAAE,QAAS,KAAM,EACtD,CACE,UAAW,SACX,MACE,2HAIF,UAAW,CACZ,EACD,CAAE,MAAO,IACR,CACF,CACL,CACA,CAEA,IAAAC,EAAiBF","x_google_ignoreList":[0]} |