#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=2034,2059 true # see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/Directive ## variables # Dirs SCRIPTS=/var/scripts NCPATH=/var/www/nextcloud HTML=/var/www NCDATA=/mnt/ncdata SNAPDIR=/var/snap/spreedme GPGDIR=/tmp/gpg BACKUP=/mnt/NCBACKUP RORDIR=/opt/es/ # Ubuntu OS DISTRO=$(lsb_release -sd | cut -d ' ' -f 2) # Network [ ! -z "$FIRST_IFACE" ] && IFACE=$(lshw -c network | grep "logical name" | awk '{print $3; exit}') IFACE2=$(ip -o link show | awk '{print $2,$9}' | grep 'UP' | cut -d ':' -f 1) [ ! -z "$CHECK_CURRENT_REPO" ] && REPO=$(apt-get update | grep -m 1 Hit | awk '{ print $2}') ADDRESS=$(hostname -I | cut -d ' ' -f 1) WGET="/usr/bin/wget" # WANIP4=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) # as an alternative WANIP4=$(curl -s -k -m 5 https://ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com) [ ! -z "$LOAD_IP6" ] && WANIP6=$(curl -s -k -m 5 https://ipv6bot.whatismyipaddress.com) INTERFACES="/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml" GATEWAY=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') DNS1="" DNS2="" # Repo GITHUB_REPO="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master" STATIC="$GITHUB_REPO/static" LETS_ENC="$GITHUB_REPO/lets-encrypt" APP="$GITHUB_REPO/apps" NCREPO="https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases" ISSUES="https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues" # User information NCPASS=nextcloud NCUSER=ncadmin UNIXUSER=$SUDO_USER UNIXUSER_PROFILE="/home/$UNIXUSER/.bash_profile" ROOT_PROFILE="/root/.bash_profile" # Database SHUF=$(shuf -i 25-29 -n 1) MARIADB_PASS=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) NEWMARIADBPASS=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$NCDB" ] && NCCONFIGDB=$(grep "dbname" $NCPATH/config/config.php | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s/[',]//g") ETCMYCNF=/etc/mysql/my.cnf MYCNF=/root/.my.cnf [ ! -z "$MYCNFPW" ] && MARIADBMYCNFPASS=$(grep "password" $MYCNF | sed -n "/password/s/^password='\(.*\)'$/\1/p") PGDB_PASS=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) NEWPGPASS=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$NCDB" ] && NCCONFIGDB=$(grep "dbname" $NCPATH/config/config.php | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s/[',]//g") [ ! -z "$NCDBPASS" ] && NCCONFIGDBPASS=$(grep "dbpassword" $NCPATH/config/config.php | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s/[',]//g") # Path to specific files SECURE="$SCRIPTS/setup_secure_permissions_nextcloud.sh" SSL_CONF="/etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud_ssl_domain_self_signed.conf" HTTP_CONF="/etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud_http_domain_self_signed.conf" # Nextcloud version [ ! -z "$NC_UPDATE" ] && CURRENTVERSION=$(sudo -u www-data php $NCPATH/occ status | grep "versionstring" | awk '{print $3}') NCVERSION=$(curl -s -m 900 $NCREPO/ | sed --silent 's/.*href="nextcloud-\([^"]\+\).zip.asc".*/\1/p' | sort --version-sort | tail -1) STABLEVERSION="nextcloud-$NCVERSION" NCMAJOR="${NCVERSION%%.*}" NCBAD=$((NCMAJOR-2)) # Keys OpenPGP_fingerprint='28806A878AE423A28372792ED75899B9A724937A' # OnlyOffice URL [ ! -z "$OO_INSTALL" ] && SUBDOMAIN=$(whiptail --title "T&M Hansson IT OnlyOffice" --inputbox "OnlyOffice subdomain eg: office.yourdomain.com" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) # Nextcloud Main Domain [ ! -z "$OO_INSTALL" ] && NCDOMAIN=$(whiptail --title "T&M Hansson IT OnlyOffice" --inputbox "Nextcloud url, make sure it looks like this: cloud\\.yourdomain\\.com" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" cloud\\.yourdomain\\.com 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) # Collabora Docker URL [ ! -z "$COLLABORA_INSTALL" ] && SUBDOMAIN=$(whiptail --title "T&M Hansson IT Collabora" --inputbox "Collabora subdomain eg: office.yourdomain.com" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) # Nextcloud Main Domain [ ! -z "$COLLABORA_INSTALL" ] && NCDOMAIN=$(whiptail --title "T&M Hansson IT Collabora" --inputbox "Nextcloud url, make sure it looks like this: cloud\\.yourdomain\\.com" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" cloud\\.yourdomain\\.com 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) # Letsencrypt LETSENCRYPTPATH="/etc/letsencrypt" CERTFILES="$LETSENCRYPTPATH/live" DHPARAMS="$CERTFILES/$SUBDOMAIN/dhparam.pem" # Collabora App HTTPS_CONF="/etc/apache2/sites-available/$SUBDOMAIN.conf" HTTP2_CONF="/etc/apache2/mods-available/http2.conf" # Nextant # this var get's the latest automatically: SOLR_VERSION=$(curl -s https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/tags | grep -o "release.*$" | grep -o '[0-6].[0-9].[0-9]' | sort -t. -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n | tail -n1) [ ! -z "$NEXTANT_INSTALL" ] && NEXTANT_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nextcloud/fulltextsearch/releases/10134699 | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4 | sed -e "s|v||g") NT_RELEASE=nextant-$NEXTANT_VERSION.tar.gz NT_DL=https://github.com/nextcloud/fulltextsearch/releases/download/v$NEXTANT_VERSION/$NT_RELEASE SOLR_RELEASE=solr-$SOLR_VERSION.tgz SOLR_DL=http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/$SOLR_VERSION/$SOLR_RELEASE NC_APPS_PATH=$NCPATH/apps SOLR_HOME=/home/$SUDO_USER/solr_install/ SOLR_JETTY=/opt/solr/server/etc/jetty-http.xml SOLR_DSCONF=/opt/solr-$SOLR_VERSION/server/solr/configsets/data_driven_schema_configs/conf/solrconfig.xml # PHP-FPM PHP_INI=/etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini PHP_POOL_DIR=/etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d # Adminer ADMINERDIR=/usr/share/adminer ADMINER_CONF=/etc/apache2/conf-available/adminer.conf # Redis REDIS_CONF=/etc/redis/redis.conf REDIS_SOCK=/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock RSHUF=$(shuf -i 30-35 -n 1) REDIS_PASS=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$RSHUF" | head -n 1) # Extra security SPAMHAUS=/etc/spamhaus.wl ENVASIVE=/etc/apache2/mods-available/mod-evasive.load APACHE2=/etc/apache2/apache2.conf # Full text Search [ ! -z "$ES_INSTALL" ] && INDEX_USER=$(tr -dc '[:lower:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$ES_INSTALL" ] && ROREST=$(tr -dc "A-Za-z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$ES_INSTALL" ] && DOCKER_INS=$(dpkg -l | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}' | grep docker) [ ! -z "$ES_INSTALL" ] && nc_fts="ark74/nc_fts" [ ! -z "$ES_INSTALL" ] && fts_es_name="fts_esror" # Talk [ ! -z "$TURN_INSTALL" ] && TURN_CONF="/etc/turnserver.conf" [ ! -z "$TURN_INSTALL" ] && TURN_PORT=5349 [ ! -z "$TURN_INSTALL" ] && SHUF=$(shuf -i 25-29 -n 1) [ ! -z "$TURN_INSTALL" ] && TURN_SECRET=$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9@#*=" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$SHUF" | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$TURN_INSTALL" ] && TURN_DOMAIN=$(sudo -u www-data /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:get overwrite.cli.url | sed 's#https://##;s#/##') # Migrate Docker to overlay2 [ ! -z "$DOCKEROVERLAY2" ] && DOCKERBACKUP=$(grep "datadir" $NCPATH/config/config.php | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s/[',]//g")/DOCKERBACKUP ## functions # If script is running as root? # # Example: # if is_root # then # # do stuff # else # print_text_in_color "$Red" "You are not root..." # exit 1 # fi # is_root() { if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]] then return 1 else return 0 fi } # Check if root root_check() { if ! is_root then msg_box "Sorry, you are not root. You now have two options: 1. With SUDO directly: a) :~$ sudo bash $SCRIPTS/name-of-script.sh 2. Become ROOT and then type your command: a) :~$ sudo -i b) :~# $SCRIPTS/name-of-script.sh In both cases above you can leave out $SCRIPTS/ if the script is directly in your PATH. More information can be found here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/3064" exit 1 fi } debug_mode() { if [ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ] then set -ex fi } ask_yes_or_no() { read -r -p "$1 ([y]es or [N]o): " case ${REPLY,,} in y|yes) echo "yes" ;; *) echo "no" ;; esac } msg_box() { local PROMPT="$1" whiptail --msgbox "${PROMPT}" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" } # Check if process is runnnig: is_process_running dpkg is_process_running() { PROCESS="$1" while : do RESULT=$(pgrep "${PROCESS}") if [ "${RESULT:-null}" = null ]; then break else print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "${PROCESS} is running. Waiting for it to stop..." sleep 10 fi done } start_if_stopped() { if ! pgrep "$1" then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Starting $1..." check_command service "$1" start fi } # Warn user that HTTP/2 will be disabled if installing app that use Apache2 PHP instead of PHP-FPM # E.g: http2_warn Modsecurity http2_warn() { msg_box "This VM has HTTP/2 enabled by default. If you continue with installing $1, HTTP/2 will be disabled since it's not compatible with the mpm module used by $1. This is what Apache will say in the error.log if you enable $1 anyway: 'The mpm module (prefork.c) is not supported by mod_http2. The mpm determines how things are processed in your server. HTTP/2 has more demands in this regard and the currently selected mpm will just not do. This is an advisory warning. Your server will continue to work, but the HTTP/2 protocol will be inactive.'" if [[ "no" == $(ask_yes_or_no "Do you really want to enable $1 anyway?") ]] then exit 1 fi } caulculate_php_fpm() { # Minimum amount of max children (lower than this won't work with 2 GB RAM) min_max_children=8 # If start servers are lower than this then it's likely that there are room for max_spare_servers min_start_servers=20 # Maximum amount of children is only set if the min_start_servers value are met min_max_spare_servers=35 # Calculate the sum of the current values CURRENT_START="$(grep pm.start_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_MAX="$(grep pm.max_spare_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_MIN="$(grep pm.min_spare_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_SUM="$((CURRENT_START + CURRENT_MAX + CURRENT_MIN))" # Calculate max_children depending on RAM # Tends to be between 30-50MB per children average_php_memory_requirement=50 available_memory=$(awk '/MemAvailable/ {printf "%d", $2/1024}' /proc/meminfo) PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN=$((available_memory/average_php_memory_requirement)) # Lowest possible value is 8 print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Automatically configures pm.max_children for php-fpm..." if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -lt $min_max_children ] then msg_box "The current max_children value available to set is $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN, and with that value PHP-FPM won't function properly. The minimum value is 8, and the value is calculated depening on how much RAM you have left to use in the system. The absolute minimum amount of RAM required to run the VM is 2 GB, but we recomend 4 GB. You now have two choices: 1. Import this VM again, raise the amount of RAM with at least 1 GB, and then run this script again, installing it in the same way as you did before. 2. Import this VM again without raising the RAM, but don't install any of the following apps: 1) Collabora 2) OnlyOffice 3) Full Text Search This script will now exit. The installation was not successful, sorry for the inconvenience. If you think this is a bug, please report it to $ISSUES" exit 1 else check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_children.*|pm.max_children = $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf restart_webserver print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "pm.max_children was set to $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN" # Check if the sum of all the current values are more than $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN and only continue it is if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -gt $CURRENT_SUM ] then # Set pm.max_spare_servers if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -ge $min_max_spare_servers ] then if [ "$(grep pm.start_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" -lt $min_start_servers ] then check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_spare_servers.*|pm.max_spare_servers = $((PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN - 30))|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf restart_webserver print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "pm.max_spare_servers was set to $((PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN - 30))" fi fi fi fi # If $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN is lower than the current sum of all values, revert to default settings if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -lt $CURRENT_SUM ] then check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_children.*|pm.max_children = $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.start_servers.*|pm.start_servers = 3|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.min_spare_servers.*|pm.min_spare_servers = 2|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_spare_servers.*|pm.max_spare_servers = 3|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "All PHP-INI values were set back to default values as the value for pm.max_children ($PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN) was lower than the sum of all the current values ($CURRENT_SUM)" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Please run this again to set optimal values" restart_webserver fi } calculate_php_fpm() { # Minimum amount of max children (lower than this won't work with 2 GB RAM) min_max_children=8 # If start servers are lower than this then it's likely that there are room for max_spare_servers min_start_servers=20 # Maximum amount of children is only set if the min_start_servers value are met min_max_spare_servers=35 # Calculate the sum of the current values CURRENT_START="$(grep pm.start_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_MAX="$(grep pm.max_spare_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_MIN="$(grep pm.min_spare_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" CURRENT_SUM="$((CURRENT_START + CURRENT_MAX + CURRENT_MIN))" # Calculate max_children depending on RAM # Tends to be between 30-50MB per children average_php_memory_requirement=50 available_memory=$(awk '/MemAvailable/ {printf "%d", $2/1024}' /proc/meminfo) PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN=$((available_memory/average_php_memory_requirement)) # Lowest possible value is 8 print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Automatically configures pm.max_children for php-fpm..." if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -lt $min_max_children ] then msg_box "The current max_children value available to set is $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN, and with that value PHP-FPM won't function properly. The minimum value is 8, and the value is calculated depening on how much RAM you have left to use in the system. The absolute minimum amount of RAM required to run the VM is 2 GB, but we recomend 4 GB. You now have two choices: 1. Import this VM again, raise the amount of RAM with at least 1 GB, and then run this script again, installing it in the same way as you did before. 2. Import this VM again without raising the RAM, but don't install any of the following apps: 1) Collabora 2) OnlyOffice 3) Full Text Search This script will now exit. The installation was not successful, sorry for the inconvenience. If you think this is a bug, please report it to $ISSUES" exit 1 else check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_children.*|pm.max_children = $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf restart_webserver print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "pm.max_children was set to $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN" # Check if the sum of all the current values are more than $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN and only continue it is if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -gt $CURRENT_SUM ] then # Set pm.max_spare_servers if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -ge $min_max_spare_servers ] then if [ "$(grep pm.start_servers $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf | awk '{ print $3}')" -lt $min_start_servers ] then check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_spare_servers.*|pm.max_spare_servers = $((PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN - 30))|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf restart_webserver print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "pm.max_spare_servers was set to $((PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN - 30))" fi fi fi fi # If $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN is lower than the current sum of all values, revert to default settings if [ $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN -lt $CURRENT_SUM ] then check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_children.*|pm.max_children = $PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.start_servers.*|pm.start_servers = 3|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.min_spare_servers.*|pm.min_spare_servers = 2|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf check_command sed -i "s|pm.max_spare_servers.*|pm.max_spare_servers = 3|g" $PHP_POOL_DIR/nextcloud.conf print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "All PHP-INI values were set back to default values as the value for pm.max_children ($PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN) was lower than the sum of all the current values ($CURRENT_SUM)" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Please run this again to set optimal values" restart_webserver fi } test_connection() { # Install dnsutils if not existing if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "dnsutils" | grep -q "ok installed" then apt update -q4 & spinner_loading && apt install dnsutils -y fi # Install network-manager if not existing if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "network-manager" | grep -q "ok installed" then apt update -q4 & spinner_loading && apt install network-manager -y fi check_command service network-manager restart ip link set "$IFACE" down sleep 2 ip link set "$IFACE" up sleep 2 print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Checking connection..." check_command service network-manager restart sleep 2 if nslookup github.com then print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "Online!" elif ! nslookup github.com then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Trying to restart networking service..." check_command service networking restart && sleep 2 if nslookup github.com then print_text_in_color "$IGreen" "Online!" fi else if ! nslookup github.com then msg_box "Network NOT OK. You must have a working network connection to run this script If you think that this is a bug, please report it to https://github.com/nextcloud/vm/issues." exit 1 fi fi } restart_webserver() { check_command systemctl restart apache2 if which php7.2-fpm > /dev/null then check_command systemctl restart php7.2-fpm.service fi } # Install certbot (Let's Encrypt) install_certbot() { certbot --version 2> /dev/null LE_IS_AVAILABLE=$? if [ $LE_IS_AVAILABLE -eq 0 ] then certbot --version 2> /dev/null else print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Installing certbot (Let's Encrypt)..." apt update -q4 & spinner_loading install_if_not software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot -y apt update -q4 & spinner_loading install_if_not certbot apt update -q4 & spinner_loading apt dist-upgrade -y fi } # Let's Encrypt for subdomains le_subdomain() { a2dissite 000-default.conf service apache2 reload certbot certonly --standalone --pre-hook "service apache2 stop" --post-hook "service apache2 start" --agree-tos --rsa-key-size 4096 -d "$SUBDOMAIN" } # Check if port is open # check_open_port 443 domain.example.com check_open_port() { # Check to see if user already has nmap installed on their system if [ "$(dpkg-query -s nmap 2> /dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ] then NMAPSTATUS=preinstalled fi apt update -q4 & spinner_loading if [ "$NMAPSTATUS" = "preinstalled" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "nmap is already installed..." else apt install nmap -y fi # Check if $1 is open using nmap, if not notify the user if [ "$(nmap -sS -p "$1" "$WANIP4" | grep -c "open")" == "1" ] then print_text_in_color "${IGreen}" "Port $1 is open on $WANIP4!" if [ "$NMAPSTATUS" = "preinstalled" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "nmap was previously installed, not removing." else apt remove --purge nmap -y fi else whiptail --msgbox "Port $1 is not open on $WANIP4. We will do a second try on $2 instead." "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" if [[ "$(nmap -sS -PN -p "$1" "$2" | grep -m 1 "open" | awk '{print $2}')" = "open" ]] then print_text_in_color "${IGreen}" "Port $1 is open on $2!" if [ "$NMAPSTATUS" = "preinstalled" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "nmap was previously installed, not removing." else apt remove --purge nmap -y fi else whiptail --msgbox "Port $1 is not open on $2. Please follow this guide to open ports in your router: https://www.techandme.se/open-port-80-443/" "$WT_HEIGHT" "$WT_WIDTH" any_key "Press any key to exit... " if [ "$NMAPSTATUS" = "preinstalled" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "nmap was previously installed, not removing." else apt remove --purge nmap -y fi exit 1 fi fi } check_distro_version() { # Check Ubuntu version print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Checking server OS and version..." if lsb_release -c | grep -ic "bionic" &> /dev/null then OS=1 elif lsb_release -i | grep -ic "Ubuntu" &> /dev/null then OS=1 elif uname -a | grep -ic "bionic" &> /dev/null then OS=1 elif uname -v | grep -ic "Ubuntu" &> /dev/null then OS=1 fi if [ "$OS" != 1 ] then msg_box "Ubuntu Server is required to run this script. Please install that distro and try again. You can find the download link here: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server" exit 1 fi if ! version 18.04 "$DISTRO" 18.04.4; then msg_box "Ubuntu version $DISTRO must be between 18.04 - 18.04.4" exit 1 fi } configure_max_upload() { # Increase max filesize (expects that changes are made in $PHP_INI) # Here is a guide: https://www.techandme.se/increase-max-file-size/ print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Setting max_upload size in PHP..." # Copy settings from .htaccess to user.ini. beacuse we run php-fpm. Documented here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/13/admin_manual/installation/source_installation.html#php-fpm-configuration-notes cp -fv "$NCPATH/.htaccess" "$NCPATH/.user.ini" # Do the acutal change sed -i 's/ php_value upload_max_filesize.*/# php_value upload_max_filesize 511M/g' "$NCPATH"/.user.ini sed -i 's/ php_value post_max_size.*/# php_value post_max_size 511M/g' "$NCPATH"/.user.ini sed -i 's/ php_value memory_limit.*/# php_value memory_limit 512M/g' "$NCPATH"/.user.ini } # Check if program is installed (is_this_installed apache2) is_this_installed() { if [ "$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${1}" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed")" == "1" ] then print_text_in_color "$Red" "${1} is installed, it must be a clean server." exit 1 fi } # Install_if_not program install_if_not() { if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${1}" | grep -q "ok installed" then apt update -q4 & spinner_loading && apt install "${1}" -y fi } # Test RAM size # Call it like this: ram_check [amount of min RAM in GB] [for which program] # Example: ram_check 2 Nextcloud ram_check() { mem_available="$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)" if [ "${mem_available}" -lt "$((${1}*1002400))" ] then print_text_in_color "${Red}" "Error: ${1} GB RAM required to install ${2}!" >&2 print_text_in_color "${Red}" "Current RAM is: ("$((mem_available/1002400))" GB)" >&2 sleep 3 msg_box "If you want to bypass this check you could do so by commenting out (# before the line) 'ram_check X' in the script that you are trying to run. In nextcloud_install_production.sh you can find the check somewhere around line #34. Please notice that things may be veery slow and not work as expeced. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!" exit 1 else print_text_in_color "${IGreen}" "RAM for ${2} OK! ($((mem_available/1002400)) GB)" fi } # Test number of CPU # Call it like this: cpu_check [amount of min CPU] [for which program] # Example: cpu_check 2 Nextcloud cpu_check() { nr_cpu="$(nproc)" if [ "${nr_cpu}" -lt "${1}" ] then print_text_in_color "${Red}" "Error: ${1} CPU required to install ${2}!" >&2 print_text_in_color "${Red}" "Current CPU: ($((nr_cpu)))" >&2 sleep 3 exit 1 else print_text_in_color "${IGreen}" "CPU for ${2} OK! ($((nr_cpu)))" fi } check_command() { if ! "$@"; then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Sorry but something went wrong. Please report this issue to $ISSUES and include the output of the error message. Thank you!" print_text_in_color "$Red" "$* failed" exit 1 fi } # Example: occ_command 'maintenance:mode --on' occ_command() { check_command sudo -u www-data php "$NCPATH"/occ "$@"; } network_ok() { print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Testing if network is OK..." install_if_not network-manager if ! service network-manager restart > /dev/null then service networking restart > /dev/null fi sleep 2 if wget -q -T 20 -t 2 http://github.com -O /dev/null & spinner_loading then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Whiptail auto-size calc_wt_size() { WT_HEIGHT=17 WT_WIDTH=$(tput cols) if [ -z "$WT_WIDTH" ] || [ "$WT_WIDTH" -lt 60 ]; then WT_WIDTH=80 fi if [ "$WT_WIDTH" -gt 178 ]; then WT_WIDTH=120 fi WT_MENU_HEIGHT=$((WT_HEIGHT-7)) export WT_MENU_HEIGHT } install_and_enable_app() { # Download and install $1 if [ ! -d "$NC_APPS_PATH/$1" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Installing $1..." # occ_command not possible here because it uses check_command and will exit if occ_command fails result=$(sudo -u www-data php ${NCPATH}/occ app:install "$1") if [ "$result" = "Error: Could not download app $1" ] then msg_box "The $1 app could not be installed. Probably it's not compatible with $(occ_command -V). You can try to install the app manually after the script has finished, or when a new version of the app is released with the following command: 'sudo -u www-data php ${NCPATH}/occ app:install $1'" fi fi # Enable $1 if [ -d "$NC_APPS_PATH/$1" ] then occ_command app:enable "$1" chown -R www-data:www-data "$NC_APPS_PATH" fi } download_verify_nextcloud_stable() { rm -f "$HTML/$STABLEVERSION.tar.bz2" wget -q -T 10 -t 2 "$NCREPO/$STABLEVERSION.tar.bz2" -P "$HTML" mkdir -p "$GPGDIR" wget -q "$NCREPO/$STABLEVERSION.tar.bz2.asc" -P "$GPGDIR" chmod -R 600 "$GPGDIR" gpg --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys "$OpenPGP_fingerprint" gpg --verify "$GPGDIR/$STABLEVERSION.tar.bz2.asc" "$HTML/$STABLEVERSION.tar.bz2" rm -r "$GPGDIR" rm -f releases } # Initial download of script in ../static # call like: download_static_script name_of_script download_static_script() { # Get ${1} script rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" if ! { wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.sh" -P "$SCRIPTS" || wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.php" -P "$SCRIPTS" || wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.py" -P "$SCRIPTS"; } then print_text_in_color "$Red" "{$1} failed to download. Please run: 'sudo wget ${STATIC}/${1}.sh|.php|.py' again." print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "If you get this error when running the nextcloud-startup-script then just re-run it with:" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "'sudo bash $SCRIPTS/nextcloud-startup-script.sh' and all the scripts will be downloaded again" exit 1 fi } # Initial download of script in ../lets-encrypt # call like: download_le_script name_of_script download_le_script() { # Get ${1} script rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" if ! { wget -q "${LETS_ENC}/${1}.sh" -P "$SCRIPTS" || wget -q "${LETS_ENC}/${1}.php" -P "$SCRIPTS" || wget -q "${LETS_ENC}/${1}.py" -P "$SCRIPTS"; } then print_text_in_color "$Red" "{$1} failed to download. Please run: 'sudo wget ${STATIC}/${1}.sh|.php|.py' again." print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "If you get this error when running the nextcloud-startup-script then just re-run it with:" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "'sudo bash $SCRIPTS/nextcloud-startup-script.sh' and all the scripts will be downloaded again" exit 1 fi } # Run any script in ../master # call like: run_main_script name_of_script run_main_script() { rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" if wget -q "${GITHUB_REPO}/${1}.sh" -P "$SCRIPTS" then bash "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" elif wget -q "${GITHUB_REPO}/${1}.php" -P "$SCRIPTS" then php "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" elif wget -q "${GITHUB_REPO}/${1}.py" -P "$SCRIPTS" then python "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" else print_text_in_color "$Red" "Downloading ${1} failed" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Script failed to download. Please run: 'sudo wget ${GITHUB_REPO}/${1}.sh|php|py' again." exit 1 fi } # Run any script in ../static # call like: run_static_script name_of_script run_static_script() { # Get ${1} script rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" if wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.sh" -P "$SCRIPTS" then bash "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" elif wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.php" -P "$SCRIPTS" then php "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" elif wget -q "${STATIC}/${1}.py" -P "$SCRIPTS" then python "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" else print_text_in_color "$Red" "Downloading ${1} failed" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Script failed to download. Please run: 'sudo wget ${STATIC}/${1}.sh|php|py' again." exit 1 fi } # Run any script in ../apps # call like: run_app_script collabora|nextant|passman|spreedme|contacts|calendar|webmin|previewgenerator run_app_script() { rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" if wget -q "${APP}/${1}.sh" -P "$SCRIPTS" then bash "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.sh" elif wget -q "${APP}/${1}.php" -P "$SCRIPTS" then php "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.php" elif wget -q "${APP}/${1}.py" -P "$SCRIPTS" then python "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" rm -f "${SCRIPTS}/${1}.py" else print_text_in_color "$Red" "Downloading ${1} failed" print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Script failed to download. Please run: 'sudo wget ${APP}/${1}.sh|php|py' again." exit fi } version(){ local h t v [[ $2 = "$1" || $2 = "$3" ]] && return 0 v=$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V) h=$(head -n1 <<<"$v") t=$(tail -n1 <<<"$v") [[ $2 != "$h" && $2 != "$t" ]] } version_gt() { local v1 v2 IFS=. read -ra v1 <<< "$1" read -ra v2 <<< "$2" printf -v v1 %03d "${v1[@]}" printf -v v2 %03d "${v2[@]}" [[ $v1 > $v2 ]] } spinner_loading() { pid=$! spin='-\|/' i=0 while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null do i=$(( (i+1) %4 )) printf "\r[${spin:$i:1}] " # Add text here, something like "Please be paitent..." maybe? sleep .1 done } any_key() { local PROMPT="$1" read -r -sn 1 -p "$(printf "%b" "${IGreen}${PROMPT}${Color_Off}")";echo } lowest_compatible_nc() { if [ "${CURRENTVERSION%%.*}" -lt "$1" ] then msg_box "This script is developed to work with Nextcloud $1 and later. This means we can't use our own script for now. But don't worry, we automated the update process and we will now use Nextclouds updater instead. Press [OK] to continue the update, or press [CTRL+C] to abort. If you are using Nextcloud $1 and later and still see this message, or experience other issues then please report this to $ISSUES" # Download the latest updater # cd $NCPATH # wget -q https://github.com/nextcloud/updater/archive/master.zip # install_if_not unzip # unzip -q master.zip # rm master.zip* # rm updater/ -R # mv updater-master/ updater/ # download_static_script setup_secure_permissions_nextcloud -P $SCRIPTS # bash $SECURE # cd # Do the upgrade chown -R www-data:www-data "$NCPATH" rm -rf "$NCPATH"/assets yes | sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar download_static_script setup_secure_permissions_nextcloud -P $SCRIPTS bash $SECURE occ_command maintenance:mode --off fi # Check new version # shellcheck source=lib.sh NC_UPDATE=1 . <(curl -sL $GITHUB_REPO/lib.sh) unset NC_UPDATE if [ "${CURRENTVERSION%%.*}" -ge "$1" ] then sleep 1 else msg_box "It appears that something went wrong with the update. Please report this to $ISSUES" occ_command -V exit fi } # Check universe reposiroty check_universe() { UNIV=$(apt-cache policy | grep http | awk '{print $3}' | grep universe | head -n 1 | cut -d "/" -f 2) if [ "$UNIV" != "universe" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Adding required repo (universe)." add-apt-repository universe fi } # Check universe reposiroty check_multiverse() { MULTIV=$(apt-cache policy | grep http | awk '{print $3}' | grep multiverse | head -n 1 | cut -d "/" -f 2) if [ "$MULTIV" != "multiverse" ] then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Adding required repo (multiverse)." add-apt-repository multiverse fi } set_max_count() { if grep -F 'vm.max_map_count=262144' /etc/sysctl.conf ; then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Max map count already set, skipping..." else sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 { echo "###################################################################" echo "# Docker ES max virtual memory" echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" } >> /etc/sysctl.conf fi } install_docker() { if ! docker -v &> /dev/null then print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Installing Docker CE..." install_if_not curl curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh fi # Set overlay2 cat << OVERLAY2 > /etc/docker/daemon.json { "storage-driver": "overlay2" } OVERLAY2 systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker } # Remove all dockers excluding one # docker_prune_except_this fts_esror 'Full Text Search' docker_prune_except_this() { print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Checking if there are any old images and removing them..." DOCKERPS=$(docker ps -a | grep -v "$1" | awk 'NR>1 {print $1}') if [ "$DOCKERPS" != "" ] then msg_box "Removing old Docker instance(s)... ($DOCKERPS) Please note that we will not remove $1 ($2). You will be given the option to abort when you hit OK." any_key "Press any key to continue. Press CTRL+C to abort" docker stop "$(docker ps -a | grep -v "$1" | awk 'NR>1 {print $1}')" docker container prune -f docker image prune -a -f docker volume prune -f fi } # Remove selected Docker image # docker_prune_this 'collabora/code' 'onlyoffice/documentserver' docker_prune_this() { # Collabora DOCKERIMG="$(docker images "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1)" if [ "$DOCKERIMG" = "collabora/code" ] then msg_box "Removing old Docker image: $DOCKERIMG You will be given the option to abort when you hit OK." any_key "Press any key to continue. Press CTRL+C to abort" docker stop "$(docker container ls | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1)" docker container prune -f docker image prune -a -f docker volume prune -f fi # OnlyOffice DOCKERIMG="$(docker images "$2" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1)" if [ "$DOCKERIMG" = "onlyoffice/documentserver" ] then msg_box "Removing old Docker image: $DOCKERIMG You will be given the option to abort when you hit OK." any_key "Press any key to continue. Press CTRL+C to abort" docker stop "$(docker container ls | grep "$2" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -1)" docker container prune -f docker image prune -a -f docker volume prune -f fi } # countdown 'message looks like this' 10 countdown() { print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "$1" secs="$(($2))" while [ $secs -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((secs--)) done } print_text_in_color() { printf "%b%s%b\n" "$1" "$2" "$Color_Off" } ## bash colors # Reset Color_Off='\e[0m' # Text Reset # Regular Colors Black='\e[0;30m' # Black Red='\e[0;31m' # Red Green='\e[0;32m' # Green Yellow='\e[0;33m' # Yellow Blue='\e[0;34m' # Blue Purple='\e[0;35m' # Purple Cyan='\e[0;36m' # Cyan White='\e[0;37m' # White # Bold BBlack='\e[1;30m' # Black BRed='\e[1;31m' # Red BGreen='\e[1;32m' # Green BYellow='\e[1;33m' # Yellow BBlue='\e[1;34m' # Blue BPurple='\e[1;35m' # Purple BCyan='\e[1;36m' # Cyan BWhite='\e[1;37m' # White # Underline UBlack='\e[4;30m' # Black URed='\e[4;31m' # Red UGreen='\e[4;32m' # Green UYellow='\e[4;33m' # Yellow UBlue='\e[4;34m' # Blue UPurple='\e[4;35m' # Purple UCyan='\e[4;36m' # Cyan UWhite='\e[4;37m' # White # Background On_Black='\e[40m' # Black On_Red='\e[41m' # Red On_Green='\e[42m' # Green On_Yellow='\e[43m' # Yellow On_Blue='\e[44m' # Blue On_Purple='\e[45m' # Purple On_Cyan='\e[46m' # Cyan On_White='\e[47m' # White # High Intensity IBlack='\e[0;90m' # Black IRed='\e[0;91m' # Red IGreen='\e[0;92m' # Green IYellow='\e[0;93m' # Yellow IBlue='\e[0;94m' # Blue IPurple='\e[0;95m' # Purple ICyan='\e[0;96m' # Cyan IWhite='\e[0;97m' # White # Bold High Intensity BIBlack='\e[1;90m' # Black BIRed='\e[1;91m' # Red BIGreen='\e[1;92m' # Green BIYellow='\e[1;93m' # Yellow BIBlue='\e[1;94m' # Blue BIPurple='\e[1;95m' # Purple BICyan='\e[1;96m' # Cyan BIWhite='\e[1;97m' # White # High Intensity backgrounds On_IBlack='\e[0;100m' # Black On_IRed='\e[0;101m' # Red On_IGreen='\e[0;102m' # Green On_IYellow='\e[0;103m' # Yellow On_IBlue='\e[0;104m' # Blue On_IPurple='\e[0;105m' # Purple On_ICyan='\e[0;106m' # Cyan On_IWhite='\e[0;107m' # White