param ( [switch] [boolean] $azure ) Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # # Write-Host, Write-Error and Write-Warning do not function properly in Azure # So this mostly uses Write-Output for now $PublishToIIS = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Publish-ToIIS.ps1" $PublishToAzure = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Publish-ToAzure.ps1" function Login-ToAzure($azureConfig) { $passwordKey = $env:TR_AZURE_PASSWORD_KEY if (!$passwordKey) { throw "Azure credentials require TR_AZURE_PASSWORD_KEY to be set." } $passwordKey = [Convert]::FromBase64String($passwordKey) $password = $azureConfig.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $passwordKey $credential = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential($azureConfig.UserName, $password) "Logging to Azure as $($azureConfig.UserName)..." | Out-Default Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $credential | Out-Null } # Code ------ try { $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Deploy SharpLab" # prevents title > 1024 char errors Write-Output "Environment:" Write-Output " Current Path: $(Get-Location)" Write-Output " Script Root: $PSScriptRoot" $sourceRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\source" Write-Output " Source Root: $sourceRoot" $roslynArtifactsRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\!roslyn\artifacts" Write-Output " Roslyn Artifacts Root: $roslynArtifactsRoot" $sitesRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\!sites" Write-Output " Sites Root: $sitesRoot" $ftpushExe = @(Get-Item "$sourceRoot\#packages\ftpush*\tools\ftpush.exe") if ($ftpushExe.Count -gt 1) { throw "Found multiple ftpush.exe: $ftpushExe" } # Temporary solution, need to convert ftpush into a proper SDK tool $ftpushExe = Resolve-Path "$($env:USERPROFILE)\.nuget\packages\ftpush\0.8.0-pre-08\tools\ftpush.exe" Write-Output " ftpush.exe: $ftpushExe" if ($azure) { $azureConfigPath = ".\!Azure.config.json" if (!(Test-Path $azureConfigPath)) { throw "Path '$azureConfigPath' was not found." } $azureConfig = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $azureConfigPath -Raw) Login-ToAzure $azureConfig } $branchesJson = @() Get-ChildItem $sitesRoot | ? { $_ -is [IO.DirectoryInfo] } | % { $branchFsName = $_.Name $siteRoot = $_.FullName if (!(Get-ChildItem $siteRoot\bin -Recurse | ? { $_ -is [IO.FileInfo] })) { return } Write-Output '' Write-Output "*** $_" $siteRoslynArtifactsRoot = Resolve-Path "$roslynArtifactsRoot\$($_.Name)" $branchInfo = ConvertFrom-Json ([IO.File]::ReadAllText("$siteRoslynArtifactsRoot\BranchInfo.json")) $webAppName = "tr-b-$($branchFsName.ToLowerInvariant())" if ($webAppName.Length -gt 60) { $webAppName = $webAppName.Substring(0, 57) + "-01"; # no uniqueness check at the moment, we can add later Write-Output "[WARNING] Name is too long, using '$webAppName'." } $iisSiteName = "$webAppName.sharplab.local" $url = "http://$iisSiteName" &$PublishToIIS -SiteName $iisSiteName -SourcePath $siteRoot if ($azure) { &$PublishToAzure ` -FtpushExe $ftpushExe ` -ResourceGroupName $($azureConfig.ResourceGroupName) ` -AppServicePlanName $($azureConfig.AppServicePlanName) ` -WebAppName $webAppName ` -CanCreateWebApp ` -CanStopWebApp ` -SourcePath $siteRoot ` -TargetPath "." $url = "https://$($webAppName)" } Write-Host "GET $url/status" try { Invoke-RestMethod "$url/status" } catch { Write-Output " [WARNING] $($_.Exception.Message)" return } # Success! $branchesJson += [ordered]@{ id = $branchFsName -replace '^dotnet-','' name = $ group = $branchInfo.repository url = $url commits = $branchInfo.commits } } $branchesFileName = "!branches.json" Write-Output "Updating $branchesFileName..." Set-Content "$sitesRoot\$branchesFileName" $(ConvertTo-Json $branchesJson -Depth 100) $brachesJsLocalRoot = "$sourceRoot\Web\wwwroot" if (!(Test-Path $brachesJsLocalRoot)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $brachesJsLocalRoot | Out-Null } Copy-Item "$sitesRoot\$branchesFileName" "$brachesJsLocalRoot\$branchesFileName" -Force if ($azure) { &$PublishToAzure ` -FtpushExe $ftpushExe ` -ResourceGroupName $($azureConfig.ResourceGroupName) ` -AppServicePlanName $($azureConfig.AppServicePlanName) ` -WebAppName "tryroslyn" ` -SourcePath "$sitesRoot\$branchesFileName" ` -TargetPath "wwwroot/$branchesFileName" } } catch { Write-Output "[ERROR] $_" Write-Output 'Returning exit code 1' exit 1 }