
320 строки
12 KiB

//(c) softland 2020
package glasio
import (
fp "path/filepath"
//test special cases
//empty file name, file in wrong encoding
func TestLasOpenSpeсial(t *testing.T) {
las := NewLas()
n, err := las.Open("")
assert.Equal(t, 0, n)
assert.NotNil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("<TestLasOpenSpeсial> expect error not nil, got '%v'\n", err))
// If the file is not found different operating systems resport a different message
// assert.Equal(t, "open : The system cannot find the file specified.", err.Error())
errBool := false
errMsg := err.Error()
errMsgs := []string{"open : The system cannot find the file specified.", "open : no such file or directory"}
for _, msg := range errMsgs {
if msg == errMsg {
errBool = true
assert.True(t, errBool)
n, err = las.Open(fp.Join("data/utf-32be-bom.las"))
//this decode not support, return error
assert.Equal(t, 0, n)
assert.NotNil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("<TestLasOpenSpeсial> expect error not nil, got '%v'\n", err))
assert.Equal(t, "cpd: codepage not support encode/decode", err.Error())
// Проверка на достижение максимального количества варнингов
/* reading "more_20_warnings.las" generate warnings
func TestReachingMaxAmountWarnings(t *testing.T) {
las := NewLas()
//by default maximum warning count is 20 + 1 about reaching
assert.Equal(t, 21, las.Warnings.Count(), fmt.Sprintf("<TestReachingMaxAmountWarnings> on '%s' wrong count warning: %d\n", las.FileName, las.Warnings.Count()))
saveMaxWarningCount := MaxWarningCount
MaxWarningCount = 100
las = NewLas()
assert.Equal(t, 38, las.Warnings.Count(), fmt.Sprintf("<TestReachingMaxAmountWarnings> on file '%s' wrong warning number: %d expected 38\n", las.FileName, las.Warnings.Count()))
MaxWarningCount = saveMaxWarningCount
// SaveWarning() does not add to las.Warnings
assert.Equal(t, 38, las.Warnings.Count(), fmt.Sprintf("<TestReachingMaxAmountWarnings> after las.SaveWarning() number warning changed: %d expected 38\n", las.Warnings.Count()))
// test for error occur when SaveWarning() fails to write to the file
assert.NotNil(t, las.SaveWarning(""))
// test SaveWarningToWriter
func TestLasSaveWarning(t *testing.T) {
las := NewLas()
f, err := os.Create(fp.Join("data/w1_more_20_warnings.txt"))
buf := bufio.NewWriter(f)
n := las.SaveWarningToWriter(buf)
assert.Equal(t, 21, n)
//now read 'w1_more_20_warnings.txt'
//must be total 22 lines: 0-20 warnings, and last empty line with number 21
f, err = os.Open(fp.Join("data/w1_more_20_warnings.txt"))
assert.Nil(t, err)
sc := bufio.NewScanner(f)
i := 0
for ; sc.Scan(); i++ {
assert.Equal(t, 21, i)
type tGetDataStrt struct {
fn string
st float64
var dGetDataStrt = []tGetDataStrt{
{fp.Join("data/2.0/sample_2.0_missing_strt.las"), 1670.000},
{fp.Join("data/2.0/sample_2.0.las"), 1670.000},
{fp.Join(""), -999.25},
func TestGetStrtFromData(t *testing.T) {
for _, tmp := range dGetDataStrt {
las := NewLas()
assert.Equal(t,, las.STRT(), fmt.Sprintf("<TestGetStrtFromData> fail on file '%s' \n", tmp.fn))
type tGetDataStep struct {
fn string
st float64
var dGetDataStep = []tGetDataStep{
{fp.Join("data/step-2-data-without-step-case1.las"), -32768},
{fp.Join("data/step-2-data-without-step-case2.las"), -32768.000},
{fp.Join("data/no-data-section.las"), -32768.000},
{fp.Join("data/step-1-normal-case.las"), 1.0},
func TestGetStepFromData(t *testing.T) {
for _, tmp := range dGetDataStep {
las := NewLas()
assert.Equal(t,, las.STEP(), fmt.Sprintf("<TestGetStepFromData> fail on file '%s' \n", tmp.fn))
func TestLasSetNull(t *testing.T) {
las := NewLas()
assert.Equal(t, -9999.00, las.NULL())
assert.Equal(t, -999.25, las.NULL())
las = NewLas()
assert.Equal(t, -999.25, las.NULL())
log := las.Logs[1]
assert.Equal(t, las.NULL(), log.V[2])
assert.Equal(t, las.NULL(), las.Logs[2].V[6])
err := os.Remove("-tmp.las")
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
type tSaveLas struct {
fn string
cp cpd.IDCodePage
null float64
strt float64
stop float64
step float64
well string
newNull float64
var dSaveLas = []tSaveLas{
// filename codepage null strt stop step well name new null
{fp.Join("test_files/~1251.las"), cpd.CP1251, -99.99, 0.201, 10.01, 0.01, "Примерная-101 / бис", -0.1},
{fp.Join("test_files/~koi8.las"), cpd.KOI8R, -99.0, 0.2, 2.0, -0.1, "Примерная-1001 /\"бис\"", -55.55},
{fp.Join("test_files/~866.las"), cpd.CP866, -909.0, 2.21, 12.1, -0.1, "Примерная-101 /\"бис\"", 5555.55},
{fp.Join("test_files/~utf-8.las"), cpd.UTF8, -999.99, 20.21, 1.0, -0.01, "Примерная-101А / бис", -999.25},
{fp.Join("test_files/~utf-16le.las"), cpd.UTF16LE, -999.99, 20.2, 1.0, -0.01, "Примерная-101А /бис", -999.25},
// проверяется запись
// дополнительно проверяем функцию SetNull, это позволяет изменить содержимое las
func TestLasSave(t *testing.T) {
for _, tmp := range dSaveLas {
las := makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
err := las.Save(tmp.fn)
assert.Nil(t, err)
las = NewLas()
n, err := las.Open(tmp.fn)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 5, n)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.newNull, las.NULL())
assert.Equal(t, tmp.strt, las.STRT())
assert.Equal(t, tmp.stop, las.STOP())
assert.Equal(t, tmp.step, las.STEP())
assert.Equal(t, tmp.well, las.WELL())
assert.Equal(t, "DEPT", las.Logs[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, 1.1, las.Logs[0].D[1])
assert.Equal(t, 1.0, las.Logs[0].V[0])
assert.Equal(t, 1.2, las.Logs[1].D[2])
assert.Equal(t, 2.2, las.Logs[1].V[2])
func TestSetNullOnEmptyLas(t *testing.T) {
las := NewLas()
assert.Equal(t, -1000.0, las.NULL())
func TestLasIsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
las := Las{}
assert.True(t, las.IsEmpty())
assert.False(t, NewLas().IsEmpty())
type tStdCheckLas struct {
cp cpd.IDCodePage
null float64
strt float64
stop float64
step float64
well string
testsRes map[string]bool // stdCheck contain 4 test
var dCheckLas = []tStdCheckLas{
//codepage null strt stop step well name проверки wrap, curve, step null strt well
{cpd.CP1251, 0.0, 0.201, 10.01, 0.01, "Примерная-101 / бис", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": true, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.CP1251, -99.99, 0.201, 10.01, 0.0, "Примерная-101 / бис", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": false, "NULL": true, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.KOI8R, 0.0, 0.2, 2.0, 0.0, "Примерная-1001 /\"бис\"", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": false, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.CP866, 0.0, 0.21, 0.21, 0.1, "Примерная-101 /\"бис\"", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": true, "NULL": false, "SSTP": false, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.UTF8, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, "", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": false, "NULL": false, "SSTP": false, "WELL": false}},
{cpd.UTF16LE, 0.0, 20.2, 1.0, -0.0, "", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": false, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": false}},
{cpd.CP1251, 0.0, -999.25, 10.01, 0.01, "Примерная-101 / бис", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": true, "STRT": false, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": true, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.CP1251, 0.0, 0, -999.25, 0.01, "Примерная-101 / бис", map[string]bool{"STOP": false, "STPU": true, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": true, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
{cpd.CP1251, 0.0, 0, 2.1, -999.25, "Примерная-101 / бис", map[string]bool{"STOP": true, "STPU": false, "STRT": true, "WRAP": true, "CURV": true, "STEP": true, "NULL": false, "SSTP": true, "WELL": true}},
func TestLasChecker(t *testing.T) {
chkr := NewStdChecker() //стандартная проверка на step=0, null=0, strt=stop, well=""
for i, tmp := range dCheckLas {
las := makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
assert.NotEqual(t, 0, len(chkr))
for key, chk := range chkr {
checkRes :=, las)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.testsRes[key], checkRes.res, fmt.Sprintf("i:%d, r:%s", i, key))
func TestLasChecker2(t *testing.T) {
stdChecker := NewStdChecker()
tmp := dCheckLas[0] // в данных одна ошиба, NULL=0
las := makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
res := stdChecker.check(las)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(res))
assert.Equal(t, res["NULL"].name, "NULL")
assert.True(t, res.nullWrong(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", res.nullWrong()))
assert.Contains(t, res["NULL"].warning.String(), "__WRN__ NULL parameter equal 0")
assert.False(t, res.stepWrong())
tmp = dCheckLas[4] // 4 ошибки NULL=0, START=STOP, STEP=0, WELL=''
las = makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
res = stdChecker.check(las)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(res))
assert.Equal(t, res["STEP"].name, "STEP")
assert.Contains(t, res["WELL"].String(), "name: WELL,")
assert.True(t, res.stepWrong())
assert.True(t, res.nullWrong())
assert.True(t, res.stepWrong())
assert.True(t, res.wellWrong())
assert.True(t, res.strtStopWrong(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", res["SSTP"]))
assert.False(t, res.curvesWrong(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", res["CURV"]))
assert.False(t, res.wrapWrong(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", res["WRAP"]))
las = makeSampleLas(cpd.CP866, -999.25, 0, 100, 0.2, "well") //правильные данные
res = stdChecker.check(las) //StdChecker должен вернуть пустой слайс
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(res))
func BenchmarkSave1(b *testing.B) {
for _, tmp := range dSaveLas {
las := makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
func BenchmarkSave2(b *testing.B) {
for _, tmp := range dSaveLas {
las := makeSampleLas(tmp.cp, tmp.null, tmp.strt, tmp.stop, tmp.step, tmp.well)
//Тестирование заполнения секций
type tSecFill struct {
fn string
n int //количество считанных точек данных
wrap string
nCurvs int
var dSecFill = []tSecFill{
{fp.Join("data/expand_points_01.las"), 7, "12-Сплошная", "-9999.00", "1.20", "NO", 4},
func TestSection(t *testing.T) {
for _, tmp := range dSecFill {
las := NewLas()
n, err := las.Open(tmp.fn)
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("<TestExpandPoints> on '%s' return error: %v\n", tmp.fn, err))
assert.Equal(t, tmp.n, n, fmt.Sprintf("<TestExpandPoints> on '%s' return n: %d expect: %d\n", tmp.fn, n, tmp.n))
assert.Equal(t, tmp.n, las.NumPoints())
assert.Equal(t, tmp.ver, las.VerSec.params["VERS"].Val)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.wrap, las.VerSec.params["WRAP"].Val)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.null, las.WelSec.params["NULL"].Val)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.well, las.WelSec.params["WELL"].Val)
assert.Equal(t, tmp.nCurvs, len(las.CurSec.params))