+ Fixed annoying data binding error in ZoomControl slider binding [METRO, WPF]
+ Fixed ZoomControl unresponsivness after startup (prev needed to change zoom/translation first to work fine) [WPF,METRO]
!Breaking changes
+ Renamed and changed to Enum - ZoomControl::UseAbsoluteZoomOnMouseWheel to MouseWheelZoomingMode [METRO, WPF]
+ Added new ShowcaseApp.WPF with mostly the same functionality as before but in a new nutshell and with refactored code. Expect new showcases soon.
+ Added some new exceptions for GraphArea on invalid or insufficient data [WPF,METRO]
+ Addded automatic default params generation for GXLogicCore if default algorithm was changed and default params property is null
+ Fixed async calc not being aborted on invalid data (can cause crash) [WPF,METRO]
+ Implemented VertexControl::ShowLabel property as dependecy for templating purpose [WPF]
+ Fixed vertex label display [WPF]
+ Implemented IOverlapRemovalParameters properties setters to be able to change params easily[ALL]
+ Made EdgeBase::RoutingPoints property virtual in case you want to override it and add custom serialization attributes (as was the issue with YAXLib)[ALL]
!Breaking changes
+ Renamed VertexControl::MathShape property to VertexShape for template bindings to work [WPF, METRO]
+ Removed YAXLib project from solution and its dependencies from GraphX projects except showcase project. This will make GraphX independent from this 3rd party lib. [WPF]
The cost is that there is no built in FileServiceProvider anymore but you can easily create your own using provided interface or use YAXLib example from showcase app.
One less additional dll file :)