using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
/* Code here is partially used from NodeXL (
* */
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
using GraphX.Measure;
using Point = Windows.Foundation.Point;
using Rect = Windows.Foundation.Rect;
namespace GraphX
public static class GeometryHelper
/// Get Intersection point on a rectangular surface
/// a1 is line1 start
/// a2 is line1 end
/// b1 is line2 start
/// b2 is line2 end
public static Measure.Vector? Intersects(Measure.Vector a1, Measure.Vector a2, Measure.Vector b1, Measure.Vector b2)
var b = a2 - a1;
var d = b2 - b1;
var bDotDPerp = b.X * d.Y - b.Y * d.X;
// if b dot d == 0, it means the lines are parallel so have infinite intersection points
if (bDotDPerp == 0)
return null;
var c = b1 - a1;
var t = (c.X * d.Y - c.Y * d.X) / bDotDPerp;
if (t < 0 || t > 1)
return null;
var u = (c.X * b.Y - c.Y * b.X) / bDotDPerp;
if (u < 0 || u > 1)
return null;
return a1 + t * b;
/// Generate PathGeometry object with curved Path using supplied route points
/// Route points
public static PolyLineSegment GetCurveThroughPoints(Point[] points, Double tension, Double tolerance)
Debug.Assert(points != null);
Debug.Assert(points.Length >= 2);
Debug.Assert(tolerance > 0);
var oPolyLineSegment = new PolyLineSegment();
if (points.Length == 2)
AddPointsToPolyLineSegment(oPolyLineSegment, points[0], points[0],
points[1], points[1], tension, tolerance);
var iPoints = points.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < iPoints; i++)
if (i == 0)
AddPointsToPolyLineSegment(oPolyLineSegment, points[0],
points[0], points[1], points[2], tension, tolerance);
else if (i == iPoints - 2)
AddPointsToPolyLineSegment(oPolyLineSegment, points[i - 1],
points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 1], tension,
else if (i != iPoints - 1)
AddPointsToPolyLineSegment(oPolyLineSegment, points[i - 1],
points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2], tension,
oPolyLineSegment.Points.Insert(0, points[0]);
return oPolyLineSegment;
private static void AddPointsToPolyLineSegment(PolyLineSegment oPolyLineSegment, Point oPoint0, Point oPoint1, Point oPoint2, Point oPoint3, Double dTension, Double dTolerance)
Debug.Assert(oPolyLineSegment != null);
Debug.Assert(dTolerance > 0);
var iPoints = (Int32)((Math.Abs(oPoint1.X - oPoint2.X) +
Math.Abs(oPoint1.Y - oPoint2.Y)) / dTolerance);
var oPolyLineSegmentPoints = oPolyLineSegment.Points;
if (iPoints <= 2)
var dSX1 = dTension * (oPoint2.X - oPoint0.X);
var dSY1 = dTension * (oPoint2.Y - oPoint0.Y);
var dSX2 = dTension * (oPoint3.X - oPoint1.X);
var dSY2 = dTension * (oPoint3.Y - oPoint1.Y);
var dAX = dSX1 + dSX2 + 2 * oPoint1.X - 2 * oPoint2.X;
var dAY = dSY1 + dSY2 + 2 * oPoint1.Y - 2 * oPoint2.Y;
var dBX = -2 * dSX1 - dSX2 - 3 * oPoint1.X + 3 * oPoint2.X;
var dBY = -2 * dSY1 - dSY2 - 3 * oPoint1.Y + 3 * oPoint2.Y;
var dCX = dSX1;
var dCY = dSY1;
var dDX = oPoint1.X;
var dDY = oPoint1.Y;
// Note that this starts at 1, not 0.
for (var i = 1; i < iPoints; i++)
var t = (Double)i / (iPoints - 1);
var oPoint = new Point(
dAX * t * t * t + dBX * t * t + dCX * t + dDX,
dAY * t * t * t + dBY * t * t + dCY * t + dDY
public static PathFigure GetPathFigureFromPathSegments(Point oStartPoint, Boolean bPathFigureIsFilled, bool freezeAll, params PathSegment[] aoPathSegments)
Debug.Assert(aoPathSegments != null);
var oPathFigure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = oStartPoint, IsFilled = bPathFigureIsFilled };
var oSegments = oPathFigure.Segments;
foreach (var oPathSegment in aoPathSegments)
return oPathFigure;
public static PathGeometry GetPathGeometryFromPathSegments(Point oStartPoint, Boolean bPathFigureIsFilled, params PathSegment[] aoPathSegments)
Debug.Assert(aoPathSegments != null);
var oPathFigure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = oStartPoint, IsFilled = bPathFigureIsFilled };
var oSegments = oPathFigure.Segments;
foreach (var oPathSegment in aoPathSegments)
var oPathGeometry = new PathGeometry();
// FreezeIfFreezable(oPathGeometry);
return (oPathGeometry);
public static Point GetEdgeEndpoint(Point source, Rect sourceSize, Point target, VertexShape shape)
switch (shape)
case VertexShape.Circle:
return GetEdgeEndpointOnCircle(source, Math.Max(sourceSize.Height, sourceSize.Width) * .5, target);
case VertexShape.Diamond:
return GetEdgeEndpointOnDiamond(source, sourceSize.Width * .5, target);
case VertexShape.Triangle:
return GetEdgeEndpointOnTriangle(source, sourceSize.Width * .5, target);
return GetEdgeEndpointOnRectangle(source, sourceSize, target);
public static Point GetEdgeEndpointOnCircle(Point oVertexALocation, Double dVertexARadius, Point oVertexBLocation)
Debug.Assert(dVertexARadius >= 0);
var dEdgeAngle = MathHelper.GetAngleBetweenPointsRadians(oVertexALocation, oVertexBLocation);
return new Point(
oVertexALocation.X + (dVertexARadius * Math.Cos(dEdgeAngle)),
oVertexALocation.Y - (dVertexARadius * Math.Sin(dEdgeAngle))
public static Point GetEdgeEndpointOnTriangle(Point oVertexLocation, Double m_dHalfWidth, Point otherEndpoint)
// Instead of doing geometry calculations similar to what is done in
// VertexDrawingHistory.GetEdgePointOnRectangle(), make use of that
// method by making the triangle look like a rectangle. First, figure
// out how to rotate the triangle about the vertex location so that the
// side containing the endpoint is vertical and to the right of the
// vertex location.
var dEdgeAngle = MathHelper.GetAngleBetweenPointsRadians(
oVertexLocation, otherEndpoint);
var dEdgeAngleDegrees = MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(dEdgeAngle);
Double dAngleToRotateDegrees;
if (dEdgeAngleDegrees >= -30.0 && dEdgeAngleDegrees < 90.0)
dAngleToRotateDegrees = 30.0;
else if (dEdgeAngleDegrees >= -150.0 && dEdgeAngleDegrees < -30.0)
dAngleToRotateDegrees = 270.0;
dAngleToRotateDegrees = 150.0;
// Now create a rotated rectangle that is centered on the vertex
// location and that has the vertical, endpoint-containing triangle
// side as the rectangle's right edge.
var dWidth = 2.0 * m_dHalfWidth;
var oRotatedRectangle = new Rect(
oVertexLocation.Y - m_dHalfWidth,
dWidth * MathHelper.Tangent30Degrees,
var oMatrix = GetRotatedMatrix(oVertexLocation,
// Rotate the other vertex location.
var oRotatedOtherVertexLocation = oMatrix.Transform(otherEndpoint);
// GetEdgeEndpointOnRectangle will compute an endpoint on the
// rectangle's right edge.
var oRotatedEdgeEndpoint = GetEdgeEndpointOnRectangle(oVertexLocation, oRotatedRectangle,
// Now rotate the edge endpoint in the other direction.
oMatrix = GetRotatedMatrix(oVertexLocation,
return oMatrix.Transform(oRotatedEdgeEndpoint);
public static Point GetEdgeEndpointOnDiamond(Point oVertexLocation, Double m_dHalfWidth, Point otherEndpoint)
// A diamond is just a rotated square, so the
// GetEdgePointOnRectangle() can be used if the
// diamond and the other vertex location are first rotated 45 degrees
// about the diamond's center.
var dHalfSquareWidth = m_dHalfWidth / Math.Sqrt(2.0);
var oRotatedDiamond = new Rect(
oVertexLocation.X - dHalfSquareWidth,
oVertexLocation.Y - dHalfSquareWidth,
2.0 * dHalfSquareWidth,
2.0 * dHalfSquareWidth
var oMatrix = GetRotatedMatrix(oVertexLocation, 45);
var oRotatedOtherVertexLocation = oMatrix.Transform(otherEndpoint);
var oRotatedEdgeEndpoint = GetEdgeEndpointOnRectangle(oVertexLocation, oRotatedDiamond, oRotatedOtherVertexLocation);
// Now rotate the computed edge endpoint in the other direction.
oMatrix = GetRotatedMatrix(oVertexLocation, -45);
return oMatrix.Transform(oRotatedEdgeEndpoint);
public static Point GetEdgeEndpointOnRectangle(Point oVertexALocation, Rect oVertexARectangle, Point oVertexBLocation)
/* if (oVertexALocation == oVertexBLocation)
return oVertexALocation;
Double dVertexAX = oVertexALocation.X;
Double dVertexAY = oVertexALocation.Y;
Double dVertexBX = oVertexBLocation.X;
Double dVertexBY = oVertexBLocation.Y;
Double dHalfVertexARectangleWidth = oVertexARectangle.Width / 2.0;
Double dHalfVertexARectangleHeight = oVertexARectangle.Height / 2.0;
// Get the angle between vertex A and vertex B.
Double dEdgeAngle = MathHelper.GetAngleBetweenPointsRadians(
oVertexALocation, oVertexBLocation);
// Get the angle that defines the aspect ratio of vertex A's rectangle.
Double dAspectAngle = Math.Atan2(
dHalfVertexARectangleHeight, dHalfVertexARectangleWidth);
if (dEdgeAngle >= -dAspectAngle && dEdgeAngle < dAspectAngle)
// For a square, this is -45 degrees to 45 degrees.
Debug.Assert(dVertexBX != dVertexAX);
return new Point(
dVertexAX + dHalfVertexARectangleWidth,
dVertexAY + dHalfVertexARectangleWidth *
((dVertexBY - dVertexAY) / (dVertexBX - dVertexAX))
if (dEdgeAngle >= dAspectAngle && dEdgeAngle < Math.PI - dAspectAngle)
// For a square, this is 45 degrees to 135 degrees.
//Debug.Assert(dVertexBY != dVertexAY);
return new Point(
dVertexAX + dHalfVertexARectangleHeight *
((dVertexBX - dVertexAX) / (dVertexAY - dVertexBY)),
dVertexAY - dHalfVertexARectangleHeight
if (dEdgeAngle < -dAspectAngle && dEdgeAngle >= -Math.PI + dAspectAngle)
// For a square, this is -45 degrees to -135 degrees.
Debug.Assert(dVertexBY != dVertexAY);
return new Point(
dVertexAX + dHalfVertexARectangleHeight *
((dVertexBX - dVertexAX) / (dVertexBY - dVertexAY)),
dVertexAY + dHalfVertexARectangleHeight
// For a square, this is 135 degrees to 180 degrees and -135 degrees to
// -180 degrees.
Debug.Assert(dVertexAX != dVertexBX);
return new Point(
dVertexAX - dHalfVertexARectangleWidth,
dVertexAY + dHalfVertexARectangleWidth *
((dVertexBY - dVertexAY) / (dVertexAX - dVertexBX))
var leftSide = Intersects(new Measure.Vector(oVertexALocation.X, oVertexALocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexBLocation.X, oVertexBLocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X, oVertexARectangle.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X, oVertexARectangle.Y + oVertexARectangle.Height));
var bottomSide = Intersects(new Measure.Vector(oVertexALocation.X, oVertexALocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexBLocation.X, oVertexBLocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X, oVertexARectangle.Y + oVertexARectangle.Height), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X + oVertexARectangle.Width, oVertexARectangle.Y + oVertexARectangle.Height));
var rightSide = Intersects(new Measure.Vector(oVertexALocation.X, oVertexALocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexBLocation.X, oVertexBLocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X + oVertexARectangle.Width, oVertexARectangle.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X + oVertexARectangle.Width, oVertexARectangle.Y + oVertexARectangle.Height));
var topSide = Intersects(new Measure.Vector(oVertexALocation.X, oVertexALocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexBLocation.X, oVertexBLocation.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X, oVertexARectangle.Y), new Measure.Vector(oVertexARectangle.X + oVertexARectangle.Width, oVertexARectangle.Y));
var pt = new Point(oVertexALocation.X, oVertexALocation.Y);
// Get the rectangle side where intersection of the proposed Edge path occurred.
if (leftSide != null)
pt = new Point(leftSide.Value.X, leftSide.Value.Y);
else if (bottomSide != null)
pt = new Point(bottomSide.Value.X, bottomSide.Value.Y);
else if (rightSide != null)
pt = new Point(rightSide.Value.X, rightSide.Value.Y);
else if (topSide != null)
pt = new Point(topSide.Value.X, topSide.Value.Y);
return pt;
public static PathFigure GenerateOldArrow(Point ip1, Point ip2)
var p1 = new Vector(ip1.X, ip1.Y); var p2 = new Vector(ip2.X, ip2.Y);
var v = p1 - p2; v = v / v.Length * 5;
var n = new Measure.Vector(-v.Y, v.X) * 0.7;
var ov1 = p2 + v - n;
var ov2 = p2 + v + n;
var fig = new PathFigure
StartPoint = ip2, Segments = new PathSegmentCollection
new LineSegment() {Point = new Point(ov1.X, ov1.Y)},
new LineSegment {Point = new Point(ov2.X, ov2.Y)}
IsClosed = true
return fig;
public static PathFigure GenerateArrow(Point oArrowTipLocation, Point start, Point end, double customAngle = 0.1)
//Debug.Assert(dEdgeWidth > 0);
// Compute the arrow's dimensions. The width factor is arbitrary and
// was determined experimentally.
//const Double WidthFactor = 1.5;
var dArrowAngle = customAngle == 0.1 ? MathHelper.GetAngleBetweenPointsRadians(start, end) : customAngle;
var dArrowTipX = oArrowTipLocation.X;
var dArrowTipY = oArrowTipLocation.Y;
var dArrowWidth = 3.0;
var dArrowHalfHeight = dArrowWidth / 2.0;
var dX = dArrowTipX - dArrowWidth;
// Compute the arrow's three points as if the arrow were at an angle of
// zero degrees, then use a rotated transform to adjust for the actual
// specified angle.
var aoPoints = new Point[] {
// Index 0: Arrow tip.
// Index 1: Arrow bottom.
new Point(dX, dArrowTipY - dArrowHalfHeight),
// Index 2: Arrow top.
new Point(dX, dArrowTipY + dArrowHalfHeight),
// Index 3: Center of the flat end of the arrow.
// Note: The 0.2 is to avoid a gap between the edge endcap and the
// flat end of the arrow, but it sometimes causes the two to
// overlap slightly, and that can show if the edge isn't opaque.
// What is the correct way to get the endcap to merge invisibly
// with the arrow?
new Point(dX + 0.2, dArrowTipY)
var oMatrix = GetRotatedMatrix(oArrowTipLocation,
foreach (var item in aoPoints)
return GetPathFigureFromPoints(aoPoints[0], aoPoints[1], aoPoints[2]);
public static Matrix GetRotatedMatrix(Point centerOfRotation, Double angleToRotateDegrees)
var oMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
centerOfRotation.X, centerOfRotation.Y);
return (oMatrix);
public static PathFigure GetPathFigureFromPoints(Point startPoint, params Point[] otherPoints)
var oPathFigure = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = startPoint };
var oPathSegmentCollection = new PathSegmentCollection();
foreach (var item in otherPoints)
oPathSegmentCollection.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = item });
oPathFigure.Segments = oPathSegmentCollection;
oPathFigure.IsClosed = true;
return oPathFigure;
public static PathGeometry GetPathGeometryFromPoints(Point startPoint, params Point[] otherPoints)
Debug.Assert(otherPoints != null);
var iOtherPoints = otherPoints.Length;
Debug.Assert(iOtherPoints > 0);
var oPathFigure = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = startPoint };
var oPathSegmentCollection = new PathSegmentCollection();
foreach (var item in otherPoints)
oPathSegmentCollection.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = item });
oPathFigure.Segments = oPathSegmentCollection;
oPathFigure.IsClosed = true;
var oPathGeometry = new PathGeometry();
return (oPathGeometry);