Sponsors & Backers ================== Stride is a MIT-licensed opensource project, supported by generous [sponsors and backers](https://github.com/stride3d/stride/blob/master/BACKERS.md). [Become a sponsor or backer for the project](https://opencollective.com/stride3d). Thank you everybody for your generous contributions! ## Diamond Strider * David Jeske * [Marshmallow Laser Feast](http://www.marshmallowlaserfeast.com/) * [vvvv.org](https://vvvv.org/) ## Platinum Strider ## Gold Strider * Vaclac Elias ## Silver Strider * Mitchel Albertz ## Bronze Strider * Marian Dziubiak * Youness KAFIA * Jorn Aggror ## Backers * Amin Delavar * [Nicolas Musset](https://github.com/Kryptos-FR) * Ravn Ivarson * Guy Godin * Princess Peach * Adisibio * Philippe Monteil * Cobalt * Matthias Hölzl * Marko Viitanen * [Natan Sinigaglia](https://github.com/vvvv-dottore) * [Jarmo](https://github.com/devjarmo) * [Eideren](https://github.com/Eideren) * [profan](https://github.com/profan) * [Faerdan](https://github.com/Faerdan) * [sebllll](https://github.com/sebllll) * [SoulRider](https://github.com/SoulRider) * [tebjan](https://github.com/tebjan) * [ideonella](https://github.com/ideonella) * [Marian Dziubiak](https://github.com/manio143) * [TheKeyblader](https://github.com/TheKeyblader) * Boris Callens * Daniel Keenan * Jeff Kesselman * Sean Connor * Regan Laitila * Albeoris * Артем Куприянов * Miles Johnson * Ancient Phoenix