The interior spacing of the XPTaskBar control can be specified by setting the DockPadding property to integer values.
The horizontal and vertical padding can be specified using the [HorizontalPadding]( and [VerticalPadding]( properties. The default value of the both is 'Zero'.
{% tabs %}
{% highlight C# %}
this.xpTaskBar1.DockPadding.All = 10;
this.xpTaskBar1.HorizontalPadding = 3;
this.xpTaskBar1.VerticalPadding = 3;
{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight VB %}
Me.xpTaskBar1.DockPadding.All = 10
Me.xpTaskBar1.HorizontalPadding = 3
Me.xpTaskBar1.VerticalPadding = 3
{% endhighlight %}
{% endtabs %}
![Padding settings for XPTaskBar](Overview_images/Overview_img113.jpeg)
### Padding settings for XPTaskBar box header
Padding provides spacing between the text of the header and it's borders. Horizontal and vertical padding can be set using the [PADX]( and [PADY]( properties.
{% tabs %}
{% highlight C# %}
this.xpTaskBarBox1.PADX = 7;
this.xpTaskBarBox1.PADY = 7;
{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight VB %}
Me.xpTaskBarBox1.PADX = 7
Me.xpTaskBarBox1.PADY = 7
{% endhighlight %}
{% endtabs %}
The following figure displays the XPTaskBar Box with padding settings.
![Padding settings for XPTaskBar box header](Overview_images/Overview_img114.jpeg)