222 строки
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222 строки
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#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2022.
// Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2022. All rights reserved.
// Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
// A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
// licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
// applicable laws.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;
using System.IO;
using Manoli.Utils.CSharpFormat;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
namespace samplebrowser.Helpers
internal class ProductXmlDataEngine
private readonly IHostingEnvironment _appEnvironment;
public static IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor;
public static void Configure(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
HttpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
public ProductXmlDataEngine()
public TabType GetTabType(string fileName)
if (fileName.EndsWith(".aspx") || fileName.EndsWith(".cshtml"))
return TabType.View;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".ascx"))
return TabType.PartialView;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".cs"))
return TabType.CS;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".css"))
return TabType.CSS;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".js"))
return TabType.JavaScript;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".vb"))
return TabType.VB;
else if (fileName.EndsWith(".html"))
return TabType.Description;
return TabType.XML;
public string GetSourceTabUrl(IHtmlHelper helper, TabType LoadType)
HostingEnvironment host = new HostingEnvironment();
string filePath = "";
string dynamicUrl = GetDynamicUrl(helper);
// bool isRazorEngine = (bool)helper.ViewData["isRazorEngine"];
if (!(dynamicUrl.Contains("/")))
dynamicUrl = dynamicUrl + "/";
string[] StreamSplit = dynamicUrl.Split('/');
string RazorPath = string.Empty;
string RazorExten = ".cshtml";
//if (isRazorEngine)
// RazorPath = "Areas\\Razor\\";
// RazorExten = ".cshtml";
if (StreamSplit.Length >= 1)
if (LoadType == TabType.CS)
filePath = "Controllers" + @"\" + StreamSplit[0] + @"\" + StreamSplit[1] + "Controller.cs";
else if (LoadType == TabType.View)
if (StreamSplit[1] == "")
//UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
//var routeValueDictionary = urlHelper.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
//StreamSplit[1] = (string)routeValueDictionary["action"];
filePath = RazorPath + "Views" + @"\" + StreamSplit[0] + @"\" + StreamSplit[1] + RazorExten;
else if (LoadType == TabType.Description)
filePath = RazorPath + "Views" + @"\" + StreamSplit[0] + @"\" + StreamSplit[1] + ".htm";
return filePath;
private static string GetDynamicUrl(IHtmlHelper helper)
String DynamicUrl = string.Empty;
HttpContextAccessor httpContextObj = new HttpContextAccessor();
DynamicUrl = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Path;
if (DynamicUrl.IndexOf("/") == 0)
DynamicUrl = DynamicUrl.Substring(1, DynamicUrl.Length-1);
return DynamicUrl.Replace("Razor", "razor").Replace("razor/", "");
private static IHostingEnvironment GetPhysicalPath(IHostingEnvironment path)
return path;
public IEnumerable<XElement> GetSourceCodeOtherFiles(IHtmlHelper helper)
string dynamicUrl = GetDynamicUrl(helper);
//bool isRazorEngine = true;
string[] StreamSplit = dynamicUrl.Split('/');
string RazorPath = string.Empty;
//if (isRazorEngine)
// RazorPath = "Areas/Razor/";
var path = GetPhysicalPath(_appEnvironment);
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(_appEnvironment + RazorPath + "Views" + @"/" + StreamSplit[0]);
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("OtherFiles.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
IEnumerable<XElement> sourceCodes = null;
if (files.Length != 0 && files[0] != null)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(files[0].FullName);
XElement rootNode = doc.Element("Category");
sourceCodes = rootNode.Elements().Where(c => c.Attribute("url").Value.ToLower() == @"/" + dynamicUrl).Elements();
return sourceCodes;
public string GetTabContent(TabType LoadType, string Path, IHostingEnvironment physicalPath)
Syncfusion.JavaScript.TagBuilder tabContent = new Syncfusion.JavaScript.TagBuilder("div");
string Filestream = "";
CSharpFormat csformat = new CSharpFormat();
HtmlFormat format = new HtmlFormat();
JavaScriptFormat jsformat = new JavaScriptFormat();
VisualBasicFormat vbformat = new VisualBasicFormat();
switch (LoadType)
case TabType.Description:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath+ "\\" + Path);
tabContent.InnerHtml = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(Filestream);
case TabType.PartialView:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath + "\\" + @"\Views" + Path.Replace("/", "\\"));
tabContent.InnerHtml = format.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.View:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath + "\\" + Path);
tabContent.InnerHtml = format.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.VB:
case TabType.CS:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath + "\\" + Path);
tabContent.InnerHtml = csformat.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.CSS:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath + "\\" + Path);
tabContent.InnerHtml = format.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.XML:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(@"/Models" + Path);
tabContent.InnerHtml = csformat.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.JavaScript:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(physicalPath.ContentRootPath + "\\" + @"\Scripts" + Path.Replace("/", "\\"));
tabContent.InnerHtml = jsformat.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
case TabType.Model:
Filestream = ReadTabContent(@"/Models" + Path).ToString();
tabContent.InnerHtml = csformat.FormatCode(Filestream).ToString();
return tabContent.ToString();
//public string ReadFileContent(string path)
// string targetPath = VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative(path) ? VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path) : path;
// using (Stream file = VirtualPathProvider.OpenFile(targetPath))
// {
// using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
// {
// return reader.ReadToEnd();
// };
// };
public string ReadTabContent(string path)
string content = "";
ReadFileStreams MyStream = new ReadFileStreams();
List<string> Filestream = new List<string>();
FileStream data = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
Filestream = MyStream.GetFileData(data);
foreach (string m in (IEnumerable<string>)Filestream)
if (m != null)
content += m.ToString();
return content;