(function ($, ej, undefined) { // Example plugin creation code // sfSample is the plugin name // "ej.Sample" is "namespace.className" will hold functions and properties ej.widget("ejPropertiesPanel", "ej.PropertiesPanel", { _rootCSS: "e-prop", // default model element: null, model: null, header:"Properties", defaults: { delayRender: true }, // constructor function _init: function () { if (ej.browserInfo().name == "msie" && this.model.delayRender) { var proxy = this; setTimeout(function () { proxy._initialize(); }, 0); } else this._initialize(); }, _initialize: function () { this._sfPropertiesPanel = this.element.wrap('
'); this._sfPropertyTitlebar = ej.buildTag("div.heading").prependTo(this.element); ej.buildTag("span", this.header).appendTo(this._sfPropertyTitlebar); this.element.find(".heading").next().addClass("content"); if (window.theme == "bootstrap") $(".e-prop").addClass("e-bootstrap"); }, hide: function () { var panel = this._sfPropertiesPanel; this._setSize(); this._setPosition(); panel.css({ display: "none" }); return this; }, _setModel: function () { }, _setPosition: function () { if ($(document).find(".samplesection").length > 0) { this._sfPropertiesPanel.appendTo(".samplesection"); } //var x = ($(this._sfPropertiesPanel).prev().width()+25); //this._sfPropertiesPanel.css({ left: x }); }, // all events bound using this._on will be unbind automatically _destroy: function () { } }); })(jQuery, Syncfusion); // For convert widgets $(function () { convertWidgets(); if ($(".cols-sample-area").next('div').length==0) $(".cols-sample-area").css("width","100%"); }); var theme = window.theme; //updateThemess(QueryString["theme"]); function loadTheme(sender) { if (!ej.util.isNullOrUndefined(window.orientation) && sender && ($('.e-datavisualization-chart').length > 0)) { //to modify chart properties for mobile view var model = sender.model, seriesLength = model.series.length; model.title.enableTrim = true; model.elementSpacing = 5; model.legend.visible = false; model.size.height = null; model.size.width = null; for (var i=0; i< seriesLength; i++){ if (!model.series[i].marker) model.series[i].marker = {}; if (!model.series[i].marker.size) model.series[i].marker.size = {}; model.series[i].marker.size.width = 6; model.series[i].marker.size.height = 6; } model.primaryXAxis.labelIntersectAction = "rotate45"; if (model.primaryXAxis.title) model.primaryXAxis.title.text = ""; model.primaryXAxis.edgeLabelPlacement = "hide"; model.primaryYAxis.labelIntersectAction = "rotate45"; if (model.primaryYAxis.title) model.primaryYAxis.title.text = ""; model.primaryYAxis.edgeLabelPlacement = "hide"; if (model.axes) { for (var j=0; j< model.axes.length; j++){ model.axes[j].labelIntersectAction = "rotate45"; if (model.axes[j].title) model.axes[j].title.text = ""; model.axes[j].edgeLabelPlacement = "hide"; } } } var theme = window.theme; if (theme) { switch (theme) { case "flatdark": case "azuredark": case "limedark": case "saffrondark": theme = "flatdark"; break; case "gradient": case "gradientazure": case "gradientlime": case "gradientsaffron": theme = "gradientlight"; break; case "gradientdark": case "gradientazuredark": case "gradientlimedark": case "gradientsaffrondark": theme = "gradientdark"; break; case "high-contrast-01": case "high-contrast-02": theme = "highcontrast01"; break; case "material": theme = "material"; break; case "office-365": theme = "office-365" break; default: theme = "flatlight"; break; } if (sender) sender.model.theme = theme; else { if ($('.e-datavisualization-chart').length != 0) { $('.e-datavisualization-chart').ejChart("option", { "theme": theme }); } var length = $('.e-datavisualization-rangenavigator').length; if (length != 0) { if (length <= 1) { if ($('.e-datavisualization-rangenavigator')[0].id == "rangecustomtheme") { var rangeObj = $('.e-datavisualization-rangenavigator').data("ejRangeNavigator"); rangeObj.renderNavigator(); } else { $('.e-datavisualization-rangenavigator').ejRangeNavigator("option", { "theme": theme }); } } else { var rangeObj = $('#rangecustomtheme').data("ejRangeNavigator"); var rangeObj1 = $('#rangecustomtheme2').data("ejRangeNavigator"); rangeObj.renderNavigator(); rangeObj1.renderNavigator(); } } } } } //Load Bullet theme function loadBulletTheme() { var bulletTheme = window.theme; if (bulletTheme) { switch (bulletTheme) { case "flatdark": case "azuredark": case "limedark": case "saffrondark": case "gradientdark": case "gradientazuredark": case "gradientlimedark": case "gradientsaffrondark": case "high-contrast-01": case "high-contrast-02": bulletTheme = "flatdark"; break; default: bulletTheme = "flatlight"; break; } if ($('.e-datavisualization-bulletgraph ').length != 0) { if (ej.isNullOrUndefined($('.e-datavisualization-bulletgraph ').data('ejBulletGraph'))) return false; var bulletGraphTheme = $('.e-datavisualization-bulletgraph ').ejBulletGraph('instance'); $('.e-datavisualization-bulletgraph ').ejBulletGraph({ theme: bulletTheme }); bulletGraphTheme.model.theme = bulletTheme; } } } function loadSunBurstTheme(sender) { var SunBurstTheme = window.theme; if (SunBurstTheme.indexOf("dark") > -1 || SunBurstTheme == "high-contrast-01" || SunBurstTheme == "high-contrast-02" ) SunBurstTheme = "flatdark"; else SunBurstTheme = "flatlight"; if(sender) sender.model.theme = SunBurstTheme; } function loadPivotGaugeTheme(args) { var theme1 = window.theme; if (theme1) { switch (theme1) { case "flatdark": case "azuredark": case "limedark": case "saffrondark": case "gradientdark": case "gradientazuredark": case "gradientlimedark": case "gradientsaffrondark": themeab = "flatdark"; break; default: themeab = "flatlight"; break; } if ($(".e-pivotgauge").length > 0 && $(".e-circulargauge").length > 0) { var gaugeElem = $(".e-circulargauge"); for (var j = 0; j < gaugeElem.length; j++) { var gaugeObj = $(gaugeElem[j]).data("ejCircularGauge"); !ej.isNullOrUndefined(gaugeObj) && $('.e-circulargauge').ejCircularGauge({ theme: themeab }); gaugeObj.model.theme = themeab; updateGuageTheme(theme1, gaugeObj._id); } } var oGaugeObj = $(args.element).data("ejPivotGauge"); if(!ej.isNullOrUndefined(oGaugeObj)) oGaugeObj._wireEvents(); //args._wireEvents(); } } //Load Gauge Theme function loadGaugeTheme() { var gaugeTheme = "", theme1 = window.theme; if (theme1) { switch (theme1) { case "flatdark": case "azuredark": case "limedark": case "saffrondark": case "gradientdark": case "gradientazuredark": case "gradientlimedark": case "gradientsaffrondark": case "high-contrast-01": case "high-contrast-02": gaugeTheme = "flatdark"; break; default: gaugeTheme = "flatlight"; break; } if ($(".e-pivotgauge").length > 0 && $(".e-circulargauge").length > 0) { var gaugeElem = $(".e-circulargauge"); for (var j = 0; j < gaugeElem.length; j++) { var gaugeObj = $(gaugeElem[j]).data("ejCircularGauge"); !ej.isNullOrUndefined(gaugeObj) && $('.e-circulargauge').ejCircularGauge({ theme: gaugeTheme }); gaugeObj.model.theme = gaugeTheme; updateGuageTheme(theme1, gaugeObj._id); } } else if ($('.e-circulargauge').length != 0) { if (ej.isNullOrUndefined($('.e-circulargauge').data('ejCircularGauge'))) return false; var cGauge = $('.e-circulargauge').ejCircularGauge('instance'); !ej.isNullOrUndefined(cGauge) && $('.e-circulargauge').ejCircularGauge({ theme: gaugeTheme }); cGauge.model.theme = gaugeTheme; updateGuageTheme(theme1, cGauge._id); } else if (($('.e-lineargauge').length != 0)) { if (ej.isNullOrUndefined($('.e-lineargauge').data('ejLinearGauge'))) return false; var lGauge = $('.e-lineargauge').ejLinearGauge('instance'); !ej.isNullOrUndefined(lGauge) && $('.e-lineargauge').ejLinearGauge({ theme: gaugeTheme }); lGauge.model.theme = gaugeTheme; updateGuageTheme(theme1, lGauge._id); } else if (($('.e-digitalgauge').length != 0)) { if (ej.isNullOrUndefined($('.e-digitalgauge').data('ejDigitalGauge'))) return false; var dGauge = $('.e-digitalgauge').ejDigitalGauge('instance'); !ej.isNullOrUndefined(dGauge) && $('.e-digitalgauge').ejDigitalGauge({ theme: gaugeTheme }); dGauge.model.theme = gaugeTheme; updateGuageTheme(theme1, dGauge._id); } var OGauge = $(".e-pivotgauge").data("ejPivotGauge"); if (OGauge) OGauge._wireEvents(); } } function updateGuageTheme(themestyle,id) { var clsname = ""; if ($(".e-circulargauge").length > 0) { clsname = "e-circulargauge"; } else if ($(".e-lineargauge").length > 0) { clsname = "e-lineargauge"; } else if ($(".e-digitalgauge").length > 0) { clsname = "e-digitalgauge"; } clsname && updateThemeforGauge(clsname, themestyle,id); } function updateThemeforGauge(clsname, themestyle, gaugeid) { var themecolor = themestyle.indexOf("dark") == -1 ? "light" : "dark"; var skin = "metro" + themecolor; switch (clsname) { case "e-circulargauge": replaceframesforGauge(gaugeid, themecolor, themestyle, "circular"); break; case "e-lineargauge": replaceframesforGauge(gaugeid, themecolor, themestyle, "linear"); break; case "e-digitalgauge": replaceframesforGauge(gaugeid, themecolor, themestyle, "digital"); break; } } function replaceframesforGauge(gaugeid, themecolor, themestyle, frameclass) { var lGauge, oirentation, framestyle; if (themestyle.indexOf("gradient") != -1) { if (($(".e-lineargauge").length > 0)){ lGauge = $(".e-lineargauge").ejLinearGauge('instance'); oirentation = lGauge.model.orientation.toLowerCase(); framestyle = themecolor == "light" ? (oirentation == "vertical") ? "lightgradient" : "lightgradient1" : (oirentation == "vertical" ) ? "darkgradient" : "darkgradient1"; } else if(($(".e-circulargauge").length > 0)){ CGauge = $(".e-circulargauge").ejCircularGauge('instance'); frameType = CGauge.model.frame.frameType.toLowerCase(); framestyle = themecolor == "light" ? (frameType == "fullcircle") ? "lightgradient" : "lightgradientsemi" : "darkgradient" ; } else framestyle = themecolor == "light" ? "lightgradient" : "darkgradient"; if ($("#" + gaugeid).parent().hasClass(frameclass + "lightgradient")) $("#" + gaugeid).parent().removeClass(frameclass + "lightgradient"); else if ($("#" + gaugeid).parent().hasClass(frameclass + "lightgradient1")) $("#" + gaugeid).parent().removeClass(frameclass + "lightgradient1"); else if ($("#" + gaugeid).parent().hasClass(frameclass + "darkgradient")) $("#" + gaugeid).parent().removeClass(frameclass + "darkgradient"); else if ($("#" + gaugeid).parent().hasClass(frameclass + "darkgradient1")) $("#" + gaugeid).parent().removeClass(frameclass + "darkgradient1"); frameclass = gaugeid == "thermoLinear" ? "thermo" : frameclass; $("#" + gaugeid).parent().addClass(frameclass + framestyle); } else $("#" + gaugeid).parent()[0].className = ""; } function convertWidgets() { // declaration $(".cols-prop-area .e-btn").ejButton(); $(".cols-prop-area .e-togglebtn").ejToggleButton(); $(".cols-prop-area .e-chkbox").ejCheckBox(); $(".cols-prop-area .e-radiobutton").ejRadioButton(); $(".cols-prop-area .e-ddl").ejDropDownList({ watermarkText: "Select" }); } // Event Trace popup function adjustpopupposition(args) { var offset = $("#selectControls_input_dropdown").offset(); var height = $("#selectControls_input_wrapper").height(); $("#selectControls_input_popup").css("top", (offset.top + height + 14) + "px"); var left = $("#selectControls_input_popup").width() + offset.left; if (left > $(".content-container-fluid").width()) left = (offset.left + $("#selectControls_input_dropdown").width()) - $("#selectControls_input_popup").width() - 12; $("#selectControls_input_popup_list_wrapper").css("left", left + "px"); } // For event tracer jQuery.addEventLog = function (eventLog) { var divEvtTrace = null; if (!$(".sf-event-panel").length > 0) { divEvtTrace = ej.buildTag("div.divEventTrace sf-event-panel"); } else { divEvtTrace = $(".sf-event-panel"); } $("#EventLog").append(divEvtTrace); var eventHtml = "" + eventLog + "