
767 строки
35 KiB

#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2017.
// Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
// Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
// A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
// Any infringement will be prosecuted under
// applicable laws.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Common;
using Windows.Foundation.Metadata;
namespace Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.XlsIO
public class SamplesConfiguration
public SamplesConfiguration()
public void CollectSampleView()
if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons"))
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Create Sheet",
SampleCategory = "Getting Started",
ProductIcons = "Icons/xlsio.png",
Product = "XlsIO", Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "create sheet" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.CreateSpreadsheet).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Find and Replace",
SampleCategory = "Getting Started",
Product = "XlsIO", Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "find", "replace" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to find and replace data in a worksheet. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FindAndReplace).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Attendance Tracker",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "AttendanceTracker", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Attendance Tracker application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.AttendanceTracker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Yearly Sales",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "YearlySales", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Yearly Sales application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.YearlySales).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Expenses Report",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "ExpensesReport", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Expenses Report application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExpensesReport).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Format Cells",
SampleCategory = "Formatting",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "format cells", "style" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FormattingCells).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Formula",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "formula", "calculation" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Formulas).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "External Formula",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "formula", "external formula" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExternalFormula).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Table Formula",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample illutrates applying the table formula in a worksheet. ",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "table formula", "table" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/table.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/tableMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.TableFormula).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Range Manipulation",
SampleCategory = "Sheet Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "range manipulation", "rows" , "columns" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.RangeManipulation).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Chart",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Chart" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Chart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Chart Worksheet",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "chart worksheet" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ChartWorksheet).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Sparklines",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "sparklines" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Sparklines).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Data Sort",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "sort" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.DataSort).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Filters",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample demonstrates applying filters in a worksheet.",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "filters" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/filter.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/filterMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Filters).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Slicer",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "slicer" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Slicer).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "What-If Analysis",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "The sample shows how to create different scenarios of What-If Analysis.",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "What-If Analysis" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.WhatIfAnalysis).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Box and Whisker",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Box and Whisker chart using XlsIO",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Charts", "Box and Whisker" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/BoxAndWhisker.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/BoxAndWhiskerMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.BoxAndWhisker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Funnel",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Funnel chart using XlsIO",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Charts", "Funnel Chart" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/Funnel.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/FunnelMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FunnelChart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Sunburst",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Sunburst chart using XlsIO",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Charts", "Sunburst" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/Sunburst.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/SunburstMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Sunburst).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Treemap",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Treemap chart using XlsIO",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Charts", "Treemap" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/Treemap.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/TreemapMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Treemap).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
//SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
// Header = "Data Validation",
// SampleCategory = "Data Management",
// Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
// SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "data validation" },
// SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.DataValidation).AssemblyQualifiedName,
// Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Import XML",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "xml", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportXML).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Collection Object",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Collection object", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportCollectionObject).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Import Nested Collection",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Import Nested Collection", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportNestedCollection).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Template Marker",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "template marker" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.TemplateMarker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Conditional Format",
SampleCategory = "Formatting",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "conditional format" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.CondFormat).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Tables",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "table" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Tables).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
//SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
// Header = "Pivot Table",
// SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
// Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
// SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "pivot table" },
// SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.PivotTable).AssemblyQualifiedName,
// Tag = Tags.None
//SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
// Header = "Pivot Chart",
// SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
// Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
// SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "pivot chart" },
// SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.PivotChart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
// Tag = Tags.None
//SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
// Header = "AutoShapes",
// SampleCategory = "Shapes",
// Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
// SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "autoshape" },
// SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.AutoShapes).AssemblyQualifiedName,
// Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SetTagsForProduct("XlsIO", Tags.None);
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Create Sheet",
SampleCategory = "Getting Started",
ProductIcons = "Icons/xlsio.png",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "create sheet" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.CreateSpreadsheet).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Find and Replace",
SampleCategory = "Getting Started",
Product = "XlsIO", Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample illustrates how to find and replace data in a worksheet. ",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "find", "replace" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FindAndReplace).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Attendance Tracker",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "AttendanceTracker", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Attendance Tracker application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.AttendanceTracker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Yearly Sales",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "YearlySales", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Yearly Sales application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.YearlySales).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Expenses Report",
SampleCategory = "Product Showcase",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "ExpensesReport", "showcase" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replace.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/replaceMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample illustrates how to use Expenses Report application. ",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExpensesReport).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Format Cells",
SampleCategory = "Formatting",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "format cells", "style" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FormattingCells).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Formula",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "formula", "calculation" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Formulas).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "External Formula",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "formula", "external" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExternalFormula).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Table Formula",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample illutrates applying the table formula in a worksheet. ",
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/table.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/tableMobile.jpg",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "table formula", "table" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.TableFormula).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Range Manipulation",
SampleCategory = "Sheet Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "range manipulation", "rows", "columns" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.RangeManipulation).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Chart",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Chart" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Chart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Chart Worksheet",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "chart worksheet" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ChartWorksheet).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Sparklines",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "sparklines" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Sparklines).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Data Sort",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "sort" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.DataSort).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Filters",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "filters" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/filter.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/filterMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample demonstrates applying filters in a worksheet.",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Filters).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Slicer",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "slicer" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Slicer).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "What-If Analysis",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "The sample shows how to create different scenarios of What-If Analysis.",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "What-If Analysis" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.WhatIfAnalysis).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Box and Whisker",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Box and Whisker", "Charts" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/BoxAndWhisker.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/BoxAndWhiskerMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Box and Whisker chart using XlsIO",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.BoxAndWhisker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Funnel",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Funnel Chart", "Charts" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/funnel.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/FunnelMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Funnel chart using XlsIO",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.FunnelChart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Sunburst",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Sunburst", "Charts" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/sunburst.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/sunburstMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Sunburst chart using XlsIO",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Sunburst).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Treemap",
SampleCategory = "Charts",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Treemap", "Charts" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/Treemap.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/TreemapMobile.jpg",
Description = "This sample showcases the creation of Treemap chart using XlsIO",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Treemap).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Excel To ODS",
SampleCategory = "Export",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample demonstrates exporting Excel document to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS)",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "ODS", "Excel to ODS" },
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///Images/exceltoods.jpg",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///Images/exceltoodsMobile.jpg",
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExcelToODS).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Excel To JSON",
SampleCategory = "Export",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "This sample demonstrates exporting Excel document to JSON",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "JSON", "Excel to JSON" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ExcelToJSON).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Data Validation",
SampleCategory = "Data Management",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "data validation" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.DataValidation).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Import XML",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "xml", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportXML).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Collection Object",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Collection object", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportCollectionObject).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Import Nested Collection",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "Import Nested Collection", "import" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.ImportNestedCollection).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Template Marker",
SampleCategory = "Data Binding",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "template marker" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.TemplateMarker).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Conditional Format",
SampleCategory = "Formatting",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "conditional format" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.CondFormat).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Tables",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "table" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Tables).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Pivot Table",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "pivot table" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.PivotTable).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Pivot Chart",
SampleCategory = "Business Intelligence",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "pivot chart" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.PivotChart).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "AutoShapes",
SampleCategory = "Shapes",
Product = "XlsIO",Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "autoshape" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.AutoShapes).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Group Shape",
SampleCategory = "Shapes",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "group shape" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.GroupShapes).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Comments",
SampleCategory = "Shapes",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
Description = "The sample shows how to add notes and commnets in Excel spreadsheets.",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "comments", "notes" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.Comments).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Create Macro",
SampleCategory = "Macros",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "create macro" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.CreateMacro).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Edit Macro",
SampleCategory = "Macros",
Product = "XlsIO",
Category = Categories.FileFormat,
SearchKeys = new string[] { "XlsIO", "edit macro" },
SampleView = typeof(EssentialXlsIO.EditMacro).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SetTagsForProduct("XlsIO", Tags.None);
public void CollectShowcaseViews()