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137 строки
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#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2024.
// Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2024. All rights reserved.
// Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
// A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
// licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
// applicable laws.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using Syncfusion.Presentation;
using Syncfusion.Windows.Shared;
using Syncfusion.OfficeChart;
using syncfusion.demoscommon.wpf;
namespace syncfusion.presentationdemos.wpf
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for ExcelDataToChart.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class ExcelDataToChart : DemoControl
public ExcelDataToChart()
#region Dispose
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
//Release all resources
private void btnCreateImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Getting data from file
string dataPath = @"Assets\Presentation\";
//New Instance of PowerPoint is Created.[Equivalent to launching MS PowerPoint with no slides].
using (IPresentation presentation = Presentation.Create())
//Method call to create SmartArt and add it into slides.
CreateSlide1(presentation, dataPath);
if (System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the generated PowerPoint Presentation?", "Excel Data To Chart",
MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("Chart.pptx") { UseShellExecute = true };
catch (Exception)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("This Presentation could not be created, please contact Syncfusion Direct-Trac system at http://www.syncfusion.com/support/default.aspx for any queries. ", "OOPS..Sorry!",
# region Slide1
private void CreateSlide1(IPresentation presentation, string dataPath)
ISlide slide1 = presentation.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.TitleOnly);
IShape titleShape = slide1.Shapes[0] as IShape;
titleShape.Height = 1.45 * 72;
titleShape.Width = 11.5 * 72;
titleShape.Left = 0.92 * 72;
titleShape.Top = 0.4 * 72;
IParagraph titleParagarph = titleShape.TextBody.AddParagraph();
ITextPart titleTextPart = titleParagarph.TextParts.Add();
titleTextPart.Text = "Northwind Management Report";
titleTextPart.Font.FontSize = 44;
titleTextPart.Font.FontName = "Calibri Light (Headings)";
titleParagarph.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentType.Center;
titleTextPart.Font.Color = ColorObject.FromArgb(0, 112, 48, 160);
//Load the excel template as stream
Stream excelStream = File.OpenRead(@"Assets\Presentation\Excel_Template.xlsx");
RectangleF chartSize = new RectangleF();
chartSize.Width = (float)9.66 * 72;
chartSize.Height = (float)5.57 * 72;
IPresentationChart excelChart = slide1.Shapes.AddChart(excelStream, 1, "B2:C6", chartSize);
//Set chart data
excelChart.ChartType = OfficeChartType.Bar_Clustered;
excelChart.ChartTitle = "Purchase Details";
excelChart.ChartTitleArea.FontName = "Calibri (Body)";
excelChart.ChartTitleArea.Size = 14;
//Set name to chart series
excelChart.Series[0].Name = "Sum of Purchases";
excelChart.Series[1].Name = "Sum of Future Expenses";
//Set Chart Data table
excelChart.HasDataTable = true;
excelChart.DataTable.HasBorders = true;
excelChart.DataTable.HasHorzBorder = true;
excelChart.DataTable.HasVertBorder = true;
excelChart.DataTable.ShowSeriesKeys = true;
excelChart.HasLegend = false;
//Setting background color
excelChart.ChartArea.Fill.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(208, 206, 206);
excelChart.PlotArea.Fill.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(208, 206, 206);
//Setting line pattern to the chart area
excelChart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.None;
excelChart.PrimaryValueAxis.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.None;
excelChart.ChartArea.Border.LinePattern = OfficeChartLinePattern.None;
excelChart.PrimaryValueAxis.MajorGridLines.Border.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(175, 171, 171);
//Set label for primary catagory axis
excelChart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryLabels = excelChart.ChartData[2, 1, 6, 1];
excelChart.CategoryLabelLevel = OfficeCategoriesLabelLevel.CategoriesLabelLevelNone;
//excelChart.XPos = (float)1.6 * 72;
//excelChart.YPos = (float)1.8 * 72;
slide1.Shapes[1].Left = (float)1.8 * 72;
slide1.Shapes[1].Top = (float)1.6 * 72;