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<title>Essential JS 1 : Ribbon-Knockout</title>
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<div id="defaultRibbon" data-bind="ejRibbon:({width: '100%',
toolTip: 'Collapse the Ribbon',
toolTip: 'Pin the Ribbon',
applicationTab: { type: ej.Ribbon.ApplicationTabType.Menu, menuItemID: 'ribbonmenu', menuSettings: { openOnClick: false } },
tabs: [{
id: 'home', text: 'HOME', groups: [{
text: 'New', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'new',
text: 'New',
toolTip: 'New',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-new',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 60,
height: 70
text: 'Clipboard', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Columns, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'paste',
text: 'paste',
toolTip: 'Paste',
splitButtonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribbonpaste',
targetID: 'pasteSplit',
buttonMode: 'dropdown',
arrowPosition: ej.ArrowPosition.Bottom,
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.SplitButton,
width: 50,
height: 70
groups: [{
id: 'cut',
text: 'Cut',
toolTip: 'Cut',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribboncut',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'copy',
text: 'Copy',
toolTip: 'Copy',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribboncopy',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'clear',
text: 'Clear',
toolTip: 'Clear All',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon clearAll',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 60,
isBig: false
text: 'Font', alignType: 'rows', content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'fontfamily',
toolTip: 'Font',
dropdownSettings: {
dataSource: fontfamily,
text: 'Segoe UI',
select: 'executeAction',
width: 150
id: 'fontsize',
toolTip: 'FontSize',
dropdownSettings: {
dataSource: fontsize,
text: '1pt',
select: 'executeAction',
width: 65
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.DropDownList,
height: 28
groups: [{
id: 'bold',
toolTip: 'Bold',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.ToggleButton,
toggleButtonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
defaultPrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon bold',
activePrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon bold',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'italic',
toolTip: 'Italic',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.ToggleButton,
toggleButtonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
defaultPrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribbonitalic',
activePrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribbonitalic',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'underline',
text: 'Underline',
toolTip: 'Underline',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.ToggleButton,
toggleButtonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
defaultPrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribbonunderline',
activePrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-ribbonunderline',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'strikethrough',
text: 'strikethrough',
toolTip: 'Strikethrough',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.ToggleButton,
toggleButtonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
defaultPrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon strikethrough',
activePrefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon strikethrough',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'superscript',
text: 'superscript',
toolTip: 'Superscript',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-superscripticon',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'subscript',
text: 'subscript',
toolTip: 'Subscript',
enableSeparator: true,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-subscripticon',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'fontcolor',
text: 'Font Color',
toolTip: 'Font Color',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Custom,
id: 'fillcolor',
text: 'Fill Color',
toolTip: 'Fill Color',
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Custom,
defaults: {
isBig: false,
text: 'Alignment', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [
groups: [{
id: 'bullet',
text: 'Bullet Format',
toolTip: 'Bullets',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-bullet',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'number',
text: 'Number Format',
toolTip: 'Numbering',
enableSeparator: true,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-numbericon',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'textindent',
text: 'Indent',
toolTip: 'Text Indent',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-indent',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'textoudent',
text: 'Outdent',
toolTip: 'Text Outdent',
enableSeparator: true,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-outdent',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'sortascending',
text: 'Sort',
toolTip: 'Sort',
enableSeparator: true,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-sort',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'border',
text: 'Border',
toolTip: 'Border',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-border',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
isBig: false
groups: [{
id: 'alignleft',
text: 'JustifyLeft',
toolTip: 'Align Left',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon alignleft',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'aligncenter',
text: 'JustifyCenter',
toolTip: 'Align Center',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon aligncenter',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'alignright',
text: 'JustifyRight',
toolTip: 'Align Right',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon alignright',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'justify',
text: 'JustifyFull',
toolTip: 'Justify',
enableSeparator: true,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon justify',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'uppercase',
text: 'Upper Case',
toolTip: 'Upper Case',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-uppercase',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'lowercase',
text: 'Lower Case',
toolTip: 'Lower Case',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-lowercase',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
isBig: false
text: 'Actions', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'undo',
text: 'Undo',
toolTip: 'Undo',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-undo',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'redo',
text: 'Redo',
toolTip: 'Redo',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-redo',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 40,
height: 70
text: 'View', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'zoomin',
text: 'Zoom In',
toolTip: 'Zoom In',
width: 58,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-zoomin',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'zoomout',
text: 'Zoom Out',
toolTip: 'Zoom Out',
width: 70,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-zoomout',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'fullscreen',
text: 'Full Screen',
toolTip: 'Full Screen',
width: 73,
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-fullscreen',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
height: 70
id: 'insert', text: 'INSERT', groups: [{
text: 'Tables', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Columns, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'tables',
text: 'Tables',
toolTip: 'Tables',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-table',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 50,
height: 70
text: 'Illustrations', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'pictures',
text: 'Pictures',
toolTip: 'Pictures',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-picture',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'videos',
text: 'Videos',
toolTip: 'Videos',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-video',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'shapes',
text: 'Shapes',
toolTip: 'Shapes',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-shape',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'charts',
text: 'Charts',
toolTip: 'Charts',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-chart',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 56,
height: 70
text: 'Comments', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'comments',
text: 'Comments',
toolTip: 'Comments',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-comment',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 70,
height: 70
text: 'Text', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'text',
text: 'Text',
toolTip: 'Text',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-text',
width: 50,
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'datetime',
text: 'Date Time',
toolTip: 'DateTime',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-datetimenew',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 70,
height: 70
text: 'Hyperlink', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'hyperlink',
text: 'Hyperlink',
toolTip: 'Hyperlink',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-hyperlink',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 70,
height: 70
text: 'Equation', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'equation',
text: 'Equation',
toolTip: 'Equation',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-equation',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 60,
height: 70
text: 'Print Layout', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'printlayout',
text: 'Print Layout',
toolTip: 'Print Layout',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-printlayout',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 80,
height: 70
text: 'Save', alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [{
groups: [{
id: 'print',
text: 'Print',
toolTip: 'Print',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-print',
click: 'executeAction'
id: 'save',
text: 'Save',
toolTip: 'Save',
buttonSettings: {
contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
prefixIcon: 'e-icon e-ribbon e-save',
click: 'executeAction'
defaults: {
type: ej.Ribbon.Type.Button,
width: 50,
height: 70
<div id="contenteditor" class="e-contenteditor" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false">
<p>Integer dui elit, cursus vel metus maximus, dictum semper magna. Donec volutpat porta gravida. Fusce dapibus cursus tellus et pulvinar. Fusce porta dolor eget consectetur ultricies.</p>
<p>Cras et quam scelerisque, blandit lorem a, tristique velit. Quisque sagittis sapien augue. Quisque tincidunt sit amet libero sed luctus.</p>
<p>Pellentesque rutrum mauris mi. Ut rutrum quam ac quam tincidunt elementum. Nullam pulvinar mattis velit, nec rutrum enim laoreet quis.Vestibulum ipsum leo, molestie convallis vehicula at, dictum non purus.</p>
<ul id="ribbonmenu">
<li><a>Save As</a></li>
<ul id="pasteSplit">
<input id="fontcolor" />
<input id="fillcolor" />
var fontfamily = ["Segoe UI", "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Tahoma", "Helvetica"], fontsize = ["1pt", "2pt", "3pt", "4pt", "5pt"], action1 = ["New", "Clear"], action2 = ["Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "strikethrough", "superscript", "subscript", "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyFull", "Undo", "Redo"];
window.ribbonView = {
function executeAction(args) {
var val, prop = args.text;
val = (ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.model.text)) ? args.model.activeText : args.model.text;
if (action1.indexOf(val) != -1)
else if (action2.indexOf(val) != -1)
document.execCommand(val, false, null);
else if (fontfamily.indexOf(prop) != -1)
document.execCommand("FontName", false, prop);
else if (fontsize.indexOf(prop) != -1)
document.execCommand("FontSize", false, prop.replace("pt", ""));
$("#contenteditor").append("<p> Action: " + val + " Triggered </p>");
function createControl(args) {
var ribbon = $("#defaultRibbon").data("ejRibbon");
$("#fontcolor").ejColorPicker({ value: "#FFFF00", modelType: "palette", cssClass: "e-ribbon", toolIcon: "e-fontcoloricon", select: colorHandler });
$("#fillcolor").ejColorPicker({ value: "#FF0000", modelType: "palette", cssClass: "e-ribbon", toolIcon: "e-fillcoloricon", select: colorHandler });
function colorHandler(args) {
(this._id.indexOf("fillcolor") != -1) ? $("#contenteditor").css('background-color', args.value) : document.execCommand('forecolor', false, args.value);