742 строки
37 KiB
742 строки
37 KiB
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{text: "Drag and Drop", query: "draganddrop" },
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{text: "Events", query: "events" }],
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"Tab":[{text:"Default",query:"default"},{text:"Icons",query:"images"},{text:"Header orientation",query:"header"},{text:"Close Button",query:"close"},{text:"Other Widgets",query:"other"},{text:"State Maintenance",query:"state"},{text:"Scrollable Tab",query:"scroll"},{text:"RTL",query:"rtl"},{text:"Keyboard Interaction",query:"keyboard"}],
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"PivotGrid": [{ text: "Relational", query: "default" }, { text: "OLAP", query: "olap" }],
"PivotChart": [{ text: "Relational", query: "default" }, { text: "OLAP", query: "olap" }],
"PivotGauge": [{text: "Relational", query: "default" }, { text: "OLAP", query: "olap" }],
"PivotTreeMap": [{ text: "OLAP", query: "default"}]
"Layout": {
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"DatePicker": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "Display Inline", query: "displayinline" }, { text: "Events", query: "events" }],
"TimePicker": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "Events", query: "events" },{ text: "Disable Time Range", query: "disabletimerange" }, { text: "RTL", query: "rtl" }],
"DateTimePicker": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "Events", query: "events" }, { text: "Drilldown Support", query: "drilldownsupport" }],
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"Rating": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "Precision", query: "precision" }, { text: "Orientation", query: "orientation" }],
"Autocomplete":[{text: "Default", query: "default" },{text: "Multiple Values", query: "multivalues"},{text: "Auto Fill", query: "autofill"},{text: "API's", query: "api"}, {text: "RTL", query: "rtl"}],
"RadialSlider": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" },{text: "Methods", query: "api"}],
"Signature": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }]
"Notification": {
"ProgressBar": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "RTL", query: "rtl" },{ text: "Events", query: "events" }],
"WaitingPopup": [{ text: "Default", query: "default" }, { text: "Template", query: "template" }]
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listObj.selectItem($("#control_list li[data-childid='child" + e.item.control.replace(" ", "").replace("%20", "") + "']").index());
var href = e.item.control + "/" + e.item.sample.toLowerCase() + ".jsp";
listObj.selectItem($("#control_list li[data-href='" + href + "']").index(), 'child' + e.item.control.replace(" ", "").replace("%20", ""));
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function refreshSlider() {
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if (sliderObj.model.showButtons) {
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function samplelisthide() {
if ($(window).width() < 981) {
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initiateSample = function () {
var UTMLink = '?utm_medium=listing';
if (window.location.hash != "") {
var arr = window.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/");
window.currentCategory = arr[0].replace(" ", "").replace("%20", "");
window.currentControl = arr[1];
window.UTMLink = arr[2].indexOf(UTMLink) > 0 ? UTMLink : '';
window.currentSample = arr[2].replace(UTMLink,'');
$("#" + window.currentCategory).click();
function initControls() {
var firstobj = newArray[0].samples, lastObj = newArray[newArray.length - 1].samples; window.samples = {};
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if (typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== "function")
Object.getPrototypeOf = "".__proto__ === String.prototype
? function (object) {
return object.__proto__;
: function (object) {
// May break if the constructor has been tampered with
return object.constructor.prototype;
if (!Object.keys) {
Object.keys = function (obj) {
var keys = [];
for (var i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return keys;
window.samples["firstControl"] = Object.keys(firstobj)[0];
window.samples["firstSample"] = firstobj[window.samples.firstControl][0].query;
window.samples["lastControl"] = Object.keys(lastObj)[Object.keys(lastObj).length - 1];
window.samples["lastSample"] = lastObj[window.samples.lastControl][lastObj[window.samples.lastControl].length - 1].query;
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filterType: "contains",
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popupHeight: "180px",
popupWidth: "300px",
template: '<span class="control_name ">${control}</span> <span class="control_samplename">${sample}</span>',
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popupObj && popupObj.refresh();
buildDataSource = function () {
var category;
$.each(newArray, function (index, val) {
category = val;
$.each(val.samples, function (key, value) {
$.each(value, function (key1, value1) {
control: key, sample: value1.query, index: key + value1.query, category: val
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// declaration
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//To load the first sample
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popupObj && popupObj.refresh();
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var activeItemIndex, mainList = $("#control_list> div:first-child");
//Next control
if (mainList.find("li.e-lastitem").index() == listObj.getActiveItem().index()) {
//Next category
var activeElement = $("#categories .activeEl").removeClass("activeEl");
listObj.selectItem($("#control_list> div:first-child .e-state-active").index() + 1);
window.currentControl = $("#control_list> div:first-child .e-state-active").text();
listObj.selectItem(0, "child" + window.currentControl);
else {
//same control next sample navigation
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loadPrevious = function () {
if ($("#child" + window.currentControl).find("li:first").index() == listObj.model.selectedItemIndex) {
//BackButton Click
//Next control
var activeItemIndex, mainList = $("#control_list> div:first-child");
if (mainList.find("li.e-firstitem").index() == listObj.getActiveItem().index()) {
//Next category
var activeElement = $("#categories .activeEl").removeClass("activeEl");
listObj.selectItem($("#control_list> div:first-child li.e-lastitem").index());
listObj.selectItem($("#control_list> div:first-child .e-state-active").index() - 1);
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listObj.selectItem(listObj.element.children(":visible").find("li.e-lastitem").index(), "child" + window.currentControl);
else {
//same control next sample navigation
listObj.selectItem(listObj.model.selectedItemIndex - 1, "child" + window.currentControl);
$("#sb_next").ejButton({ click: "loadNext" });
$("#sb_previous").ejButton({ click: "loadPrevious" });
loadFirstSample = function (e) {
if (!isInitialLoading)
listObj.selectItem(0, e.item.attr("data-childid"));
populateListview = function (e) {
window.currentCategory = $(e.target).text();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
var query = ej.Query().using(ej.DataManager(newArray)).where("text", "equal", $(e.target).text())
var controListObj = query.executeLocal();
var key = 1;
controlList = []
if (controListObj.length)
$.each(controListObj[0].samples, function (item, value) {
controlList.push({ text: item, primaryKey: item.replace(" ", ""), childHeaderBackButtonText: item, mouseUp: "loadFirstSample", childId: item.replace(" ", "") });
$.each(value, function (item1, value1) {
value1["parentPrimaryKey"] = item.replace(" ", "");
value1["mouseUp"] = "loadSample";
value1["href"] = item + "/" + value1.query + ".jsp";
ej.support.stableSort = false;
$("#control_list").ejListView({ persistSelection: true, dataSource: controlList, showHeader: true, headerTitle: $(e.target).text(), allowScrolling: false });
listObj = $("#control_list").data("ejListView");
if (window.location.hash == "") {
window.currentControl = "Grid";
window.currentSample = "default.jsp";
var parentList = "child" + window.currentControl.replace(" ", "").replace("%20", "");
var sample = window.currentControl.replace("%20", " ") + "/" + window.currentSample;
listObj.selectItem($("#control_list li[data-childid='" + parentList + "']").index());
listObj.selectItem($("#" + parentList).find("li[data-href='" + sample + "']").index(), parentList)
if (!isDevice) $("#control_list").css("left", "0");
setTimeout(function () {
$("#control_list").css("max-height", $("#sampleArea .right-align").height() - 16);
}, 0)
loadSourceCode = function (url) {
urlStr = "../" + url;
$(".CodeMirror").each(function (i, obj) {
if (i > 0)
type: "GET",
url: "SourceCode",
dataType: "html",
data: { 'args': url },
success: function (obj, textstatus) {
var content = obj;
window.htmlEditor.push(CodeMirror.fromTextArea($("#JSP #tab_content").val(content)[0], {
lineNumbers: false,
readOnly: true,
mode: "text/html"
error: function (obj) {
updateRightPane = function (url) {
$("#API").attr('href', "https://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ej" + window.currentControl);
$('#ref_document').attr('href', '//help.syncfusion.com/jsp/'+ window.currentControl);
$('#ref_forums').attr('href', '//www.syncfusion.com/forums/jsp/'+ window.currentControl);
//$('#ref_kb').attr('href','//www.syncfusion.com/kb/jsp/'+ window.currentControl);
if (samples.firstControl == window.currentControl && samples.firstSample + ".jsp" == window.currentSample)
if (samples.lastControl == window.currentControl && samples.lastSample + ".jsp" == window.currentSample)
if($(".e-addsource").length > 0) $(".e-addsource").remove();
if(window.AddTabName.length && $("#sourceTab").hasClass("e-tab e-js e-widget")){
if($(".e-tab-loaded").length > 0) $(".e-tab-loaded").remove();
$("#sourceTab").ejTab({selectedItemIndex: 0});
checkAdditionalSourceTab = function(){
window.AddTabUrl =[];
$.each(menuData, function (idx, obj) {
if(idx == window.currentCategory){
var controlName = window.currentSample.split(".")[0];
controlName = controlName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + controlName.substr(1);
window.tempdata = menuData[idx][window.currentControl];
$.each(window.tempdata, function (data, obj1) {
if(obj1.dep && window.tempdata[data].href.split("/")[1] == window.currentSample ){
$.each(obj1.dep, function (data, obj1) {
if(window.AddTabName.length > 0){
$.each(window.AddTabName, function (data, name) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.innerHTML= name;
li.className += " e-addsource";
loadSample = function (e) {
var url = e.item.attr("data-href");
var sampleArr = url.split("/");
if (!isInitialLoading && sampleArr[0] == window.currentControl && sampleArr[1] == window.currentSample) {
isInitialLoading = false;
window.currentControl = sampleArr[0];
window.currentSample = sampleArr[1];
if (window.innerWidth < 981) $("#control_list").css("left", "-251px");
window.htmlEditor = [];
ej.widget.destroyAll($("#sampleContainer .e-js"));
$("#sourceTab > li > a").text(e.text);
$("#sourceTab .CodeMirror").find('textarea').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
url: url,
cache: true,
success: function (data) {
$(".panel_container #sampleContainer").html(data);
var stateObj = { path: url };
if (ej.browserInfo().name == "msie" && ej.browserInfo().version < 10)
history.pushState(stateObj, "Essential studio for JSP" + window.currentCategory + window.currentControl + " " + window.currentSample + window.UTMLink, "#" + window.currentCategory + "/" + window.currentControl + "/" + window.currentSample + window.UTMLink);
complete: function () {
$(".panel_container .title_text").html(e.text);
jQuery.addEventLog = function (eventLog) {
var eventHtml = "<span class='eventLogger'>" + eventLog + "</span><hr>";
$(eventHtml).prependTo($("#Logger .EventLog")).slideDown(300, "easeOutQuad");
jQuery.clearEventLog = function () {
$("#Logger .EventLog").html("");