* @fileOverview Plugin to style the Html Radial Menu elements
* @copyright Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001 - 2015. All rights reserved.
* Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
* A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
* licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
* applicable laws.
* @version 12.1
* @author Syncfusion Inc
(function ($, ej, undefined) {
ej.widget("ejRadialMenuBase", "ej.RadialMenuBase", {
_tags: [{
tag: "items",
attr: ["imageName", "imagePath", "imageUrl","prependTo", "windows.text", "flat.text", "text", "click", "touch", "enabled",
"badge.enabled", "badge.value", "type", "sliderSettings.ticks", "sliderSettings.strokeWidth", "sliderSettings.labelSpace", [{
tag: "items", attr: ["imageName", "imagePath", "imageUrl", "windows.text", "flat.text", "text", "prependTo", "click",
"touch", "enabled"]
defaults: {
radius: 150,
cssClass: "",
enableAnimation: true,
open: null,
close: null,
items: []
dataTypes: {
radius: "number",
enableAnimation: "boolean",
items: "array"
_initialization: function () {
this._svgLink = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
if (this.model.items.length < 1) {
this._radialItems = $(this.element.find(">ul").children());
for (var i = 0; i < this._radialItems.length ; i++) {
if ($(this._radialItems[i]).find("ul").children().length > 0) {
this._nestedRadialItems = $(this._radialItems[i]).find("ul").children();
this.model.items[i].items = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this._nestedRadialItems.length; j++) {
this._itemCount = this.model.items.length;
this._startXY = this.model.radius;
this._diameter = 2 * this.model.radius;
_itemsObjectCollection: function (element) {
var item = {}, innerItem = {};
$(this._tags[0].attr).each(function (i, e) {
if (typeof (e) == "string") {
var attr = e.split('.');
if (attr.length == 1)
item[e] = element.attr("data-ej-" + e);
else {
var prop1 = attr[0], prop2 = attr[1];
if (!item[prop1])
innerItem = {};
innerItem[prop2] = element.attr("data-ej-" + e.replace(".", "-"));
item[prop1] = innerItem;
return item;
_createSVGElement: function () {
var svgObj = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, 'svg');
if (this.model.radius != null) {
svgObj.setAttribute("width", this._diameter);
svgObj.setAttribute("height", this._diameter);
return $(svgObj);
_createGroupElement: function (id) {
var group = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "g");
if (id)
group.setAttribute("id", id);
return $(group);
_createImageElement: function (width, height, currentEle, x, y) {
if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(currentEle["imageUrl"]) || !ej.isNullOrUndefined(currentEle["imagePath"])) {
imgLoc = currentEle["imageUrl"] ? currentEle["imageUrl"] : (this.model.renderMode.toLowerCase() != "flat" ? currentEle["imagePath"] + "/"
+ this.model.renderMode.toLowerCase() + "/" + currentEle["imageName"] : currentEle["imagePath"] + "/" + this.model.renderMode.toLowerCase() + "/" + currentEle["imageName"]),
image = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "image");
image.setAttribute("width", width);
image.setAttribute("height", height);
image.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', imgLoc);
image.setAttribute("x", x);
image.setAttribute("y", y);
return image;
else if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(currentEle["prependTo"])) {
var templateText =$($.find( currentEle["prependTo"])[0].children).clone();
return templateText;
_createTextElement: function (x, y, style, content) {
var text = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "text");
text.setAttribute("x", x);
text.setAttribute("y", y);
text.setAttribute("class", style);
text.textContent = content;
return text;
_createPathElement: function (index, direction, style) {
var path = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "path");
path.setAttribute("data-ej-index", index);
path.setAttribute("d", direction);
path.setAttribute("class", style);
return path;
_createPolygonElement: function (index, transform) {
var polygon = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "polygon");
polygon.setAttribute("points", "10,10 0,10 5,5");
polygon.setAttribute("data-ej-index", index);
polygon.setAttribute("fill", "#FFFFFF");
polygon.setAttribute("transform", transform);
return polygon;
_createCircleElement: function (x, y, r, style) {
var circle = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, "circle");
circle.setAttribute("cx", x);
circle.setAttribute("cy", y);
circle.setAttribute("r", r);
circle.setAttribute("class", style);
return circle;
_calculateRadialArc: function (menuCount, size, mRadius, Arcdradius, polyRadius) {
var itemCurrentPos = 0,
startAngle = 2 * Math.PI * itemCurrentPos,
endAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (itemCurrentPos + (10 / (menuCount * 10))),
radius = 0.5 * size * Math.min(this._diameter, this._diameter),
menuItemRadius = mRadius * size * Math.min(this._diameter, this._diameter),
dradius = Arcdradius * radius,
polygonRadius = polyRadius * radius,
degPoint = 360 / menuCount,
degree = degPoint / 2;
var x1 = [], y1 = [], x2 = [], y2 = [], midx = [], midy = [], dStartX = [], dStartY = [], dEndX = [], dEndY = [], dmidx = [], dmidy = [], deg = [], longArc = [];
for (var i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
var pathStartAngle = -.5 * Math.PI;
startAngle = startAngle + pathStartAngle;
endAngle = endAngle + pathStartAngle - 0.000001;
longArc[i] = endAngle - startAngle < Math.PI ? 0 : 1;
var midAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2;
x1[i] = this._startXY + radius * Math.cos(startAngle);
y1[i] = this._startXY + radius * Math.sin(startAngle);
x2[i] = this._startXY + radius * Math.cos(endAngle);
y2[i] = this._startXY + radius * Math.sin(endAngle);
midx[i] = this._startXY + menuItemRadius * Math.cos(midAngle);
midy[i] = this._startXY + menuItemRadius * Math.sin(midAngle);
dStartX[i] = this._startXY + dradius * Math.cos(startAngle);
dStartY[i] = this._startXY + dradius * Math.sin(startAngle);
dEndX[i] = this._startXY + dradius * Math.cos(endAngle);
dEndY[i] = this._startXY + dradius * Math.sin(endAngle);
dmidx[i] = this._startXY + polygonRadius * Math.cos(midAngle);
dmidy[i] = this._startXY + polygonRadius * Math.sin(midAngle);
deg[i] = degree;
itemCurrentPos += 10 / (menuCount * 10);
startAngle = 2 * Math.PI * itemCurrentPos;
endAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (itemCurrentPos + (10 / (menuCount * 10)));
degree += degPoint;
return ({
x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2, midx: midx, midy: midy, dStartX: dStartX, dStartY: dStartY, dEndX: dEndX, dEndY: dEndY, dmidx: dmidx,
dmidy: dmidy, deg: deg, longArc: longArc, radius: radius, dradius: dradius
_renderRadialMenu: function () {
this._radialSVG = this._createSVGElement();
this._radialChildSVG = this._createSVGElement();
this._childArcGroup = this._createGroupElement("childarcgroup");
this._polygonGroup = this._createGroupElement("polygongroup");
this._polygonGroup.attr("transform", "translate(-10,-10)");
this._radialArcGroup = this._createGroupElement("outerarcpathgroup");
this._menuItemsArcGroup = this._createGroupElement("arcpathgroup");
this._menuItemsGroup = this._createGroupElement("menuitemsgroup");
this._menuItemsGroup.attr("transform", "translate(-10,-5)");
this._menuItemsArcPaths = this._createGroupElement("menuitemsarcpaths");
this._menuItemsPaths = this._createGroupElement("itemspathgroup");
this._radialSVGDiv = ej.buildTag("div#" + this._id + "_svgdiv." + this._prefix + "abs").css("height", this._diameter);
this._radialCircleSVGDiv = ej.buildTag("div#" + this._id + "_circlesvgdiv." + this._prefix + "abs " + this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv = ej.buildTag("div#" + this._id + "_childsvgdiv." + this._prefix + "abs " + this._prefix + "displaynone");
var pointsVal = this._calculateRadialArc(this._itemCount, 1, 0.28, 0.8, 0.95),
pointsArcVal = this._calculateRadialArc(this._itemCount, 0.79, null, 0.97, null),
pointsItemVal = this._calculateRadialArc(this._itemCount, 0.8, null, 0.3, null),
pointsOuterArcVal = this._calculateRadialArc(1, 1, 0.28, 0.8, null),
outerArcDirection = this._pathDirection(pointsOuterArcVal.x1[0], pointsOuterArcVal.y1[0], pointsOuterArcVal.radius, pointsOuterArcVal.longArc[0], pointsOuterArcVal.x2[0], pointsOuterArcVal.y2[0],
pointsOuterArcVal.dEndX[0], pointsOuterArcVal.dEndY[0], pointsOuterArcVal.dradius, pointsOuterArcVal.dStartX[0], pointsOuterArcVal.dStartY[0]),
imgDim = 20;
for (var i = 0; i < this._itemCount; i++) {
var direction = this._pathDirection(pointsVal.x1[i], pointsVal.y1[i], pointsVal.radius, pointsVal.longArc[i], pointsVal.x2[i], pointsVal.y2[i],
pointsVal.dEndX[i], pointsVal.dEndY[i], pointsVal.dradius, pointsVal.dStartX[i], pointsVal.dStartY[i]),
arcDirection = this._pathDirection(pointsArcVal.x1[i], pointsArcVal.y1[i], pointsArcVal.radius, pointsArcVal.longArc[i], pointsArcVal.x2[i],
pointsArcVal.y2[i], pointsArcVal.dEndX[i], pointsArcVal.dEndY[i], pointsArcVal.dradius, pointsArcVal.dStartX[i], pointsArcVal.dStartY[i]),
itemDirection = this._pathDirection(pointsItemVal.x1[i], pointsItemVal.y1[i], pointsItemVal.radius, pointsItemVal.longArc[i], pointsItemVal.x2[i],
pointsItemVal.y2[i], pointsItemVal.dEndX[i], pointsItemVal.dEndY[i], pointsItemVal.dradius, pointsItemVal.dStartX[i], pointsItemVal.dStartY[i]),
currentEle = this.model.items[i],
imgTextGroup = this._createGroupElement(),
itemEnable = this._enableItem(currentEle, imgTextGroup);
this._menuItemsArcPaths.append(this._createPathElement(i, arcDirection, "" + this._prefix + "arcbgcolor"));
this._menuItemsPaths.append(this._createPathElement(i, itemDirection, itemEnable.itemPathClass));
this._menuItemsArcGroup.append(this._createPathElement(i, direction, itemEnable.arcPathClass));
imgTextGroup.attr({ "cursor": "context-menu", "data-ej-index": i });
imgTextGroup.append(this._createImageElement(imgDim, imgDim, currentEle, pointsVal.midx[i], pointsVal.midy[i] - imgDim / 2));
imgTextGroup.append(this._createTextElement(pointsVal.midx[i] + 10, pointsVal.midy[i] + 25, itemEnable.textClass, itemEnable.dataText));
if (currentEle.badge && (currentEle.badge.enabled == "true" || currentEle.badge.enabled == true))
imgTextGroup.append(this._createCircleElement(pointsVal.midx[i] + 25, pointsVal.midy[i] - 10, 10, "" + this._prefix + "badgecircle"))
.append(this._createTextElement(pointsVal.midx[i] + 25, pointsVal.midy[i] - 7, "" + this._prefix + "badgetext", currentEle.badge.value));
if (currentEle["items"] || (currentEle.type && currentEle.type.toLowerCase() == (this.model.renderMode ? ej.mobile : ej).RadialMenu.ItemType.Slider)) {
var transform = pointsVal.deg[i] > 270 ? "translate(" + (pointsVal.dmidx[i] + 5) + "," + (pointsVal.dmidy[i] + 15) + ")" + "rotate(" + pointsVal.deg[i] + ")"
: "translate(" + (pointsVal.dmidx[i] + 10) + "," + (pointsVal.dmidy[i] + 10) + ")" + "rotate(" + pointsVal.deg[i] + ")";
this._childArcGroup.append(this._createPathElement(i, direction, "" + this._prefix + "childdefault"));
this._polygonGroup.append(this._createPolygonElement(i, transform));
var circle = this._createCircleElement(this._startXY, this._startXY, this._startXY / 3.5, "" + this._prefix + "circlebgcolor");
this._radialArcGroup.append(this._createPathElement(1, outerArcDirection, "" + this._prefix + "outerdefault"));
_ejMenuBaseItemsRemove: function () {
this._menuChildSVGDiv = ej.buildTag("div#" + this._id + "_menuchildsvgdiv." + this._prefix + "abs");
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass("" + this._prefix + "radialshow").addClass("" + this._prefix + "scalehide");
this._menuChildSVGDiv.addClass("" + this._prefix + "scaleshow");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass("" + this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radial.removeClass(this.model.imageClass).addClass("" + this._prefix + "backarrow " + this.model.backImageClass + "");
_renderRadialChildMenu: function (currentItem) {
this._menuChildSVG = this._createSVGElement();
this._childItemsGroup = this._createGroupElement("childitemsgroup");
this._childItemsGroup.attr("transform", "translate(-10,-10)");
this._childItemArcGroup = this._createGroupElement();
this._childItemsArcPaths = this._createGroupElement("childitemsarcpaths");
this._childItemsPaths = this._createGroupElement();
var childCount = currentItem.items.length,
pointsVal = this._calculateRadialArc(childCount, 1, 0.28, 0.8, null),
pointsArcVal = this._calculateRadialArc(childCount, 0.79, null, 0.97, null),
pointsItemVal = this._calculateRadialArc(childCount, 0.8, null, 0.3, null),
imgDim = 20;
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
var direction = this._pathDirection(pointsVal.x1[i], pointsVal.y1[i], pointsVal.radius, pointsVal.longArc[i], pointsVal.x2[i], pointsVal.y2[i],
pointsVal.dEndX[i], pointsVal.dEndY[i], pointsVal.dradius, pointsVal.dStartX[i], pointsVal.dStartY[i]),
arcDirection = this._pathDirection(pointsArcVal.x1[i], pointsArcVal.y1[i], pointsArcVal.radius, pointsArcVal.longArc[i], pointsArcVal.x2[i],
pointsArcVal.y2[i], pointsArcVal.dEndX[i], pointsArcVal.dEndY[i], pointsArcVal.dradius, pointsArcVal.dStartX[i], pointsArcVal.dStartY[i]),
itemDirection = this._pathDirection(pointsItemVal.x1[i], pointsItemVal.y1[i], pointsItemVal.radius, pointsItemVal.longArc[i], pointsItemVal.x2[i],
pointsItemVal.y2[i], pointsItemVal.dEndX[i], pointsItemVal.dEndY[i], pointsItemVal.dradius, pointsItemVal.dStartX[i], pointsItemVal.dStartY[i]),
imgTextGroup = this._createGroupElement(),
currentEle = currentItem.items[i],
itemEnable = this._enableItem(currentEle, imgTextGroup);
this._childItemArcGroup.append(this._createPathElement(i, direction, itemEnable.arcPathClass));
this._childItemsArcPaths.append(this._createPathElement(i, arcDirection, "" + this._prefix + "arcbgcolor"));
this._childItemsPaths.append(this._createPathElement(i, itemDirection, itemEnable.itemPathClass));
imgTextGroup.attr({ "cursor": "context-menu", "data-ej-index": i });
imgTextGroup.append(this._createImageElement(imgDim, imgDim, currentEle, pointsVal.midx[i], pointsVal.midy[i] - imgDim / 2));
imgTextGroup.append(this._createTextElement(pointsVal.midx[i] + 10, pointsVal.midy[i] + 25, itemEnable.textClass, itemEnable.dataText));
var circle = this._createCircleElement(this._startXY, this._startXY, this._startXY / 3.5, "" + this._prefix + "circlebgcolor");
_radialSliderHandler: function (e) {
this.updateBadgeValue(this._index, e.value);
this._data = { value: e.value, oldValue: e.oldValue, index: this._index };
this._eventsTrigger(this._data, this.model.renderMode ? "touch" : "click");
_isRSText: function (eleClass) {
return ((eleClass == this._prefix + "ticks-text" || eleClass == this._prefix + "dynamic-text") ? true : false);
_pathDirection: function (x1, y1, radius, lArc, x2, y2, dEndX, dEndY, dRadius, dStartX, dStartY) {
return "M" + " " + x1 + " " + y1 + " " + "A" + " " + radius + " " + radius + " " + "0" + " " + lArc + " " + "1" + " " + x2 + " " + y2 + " " + "L" +
" " + dEndX + " " + dEndY + " " + "A" + " " + dRadius + " " + dRadius + " " + "1" + " " + lArc + " " + "0" + " " + dStartX + " " + dStartY + " " + "z";
_enableItem: function (currentObj, ele) {
var itemPathClass = this._prefix + "itembgcolor", arcPathClass = this._prefix + "default", textClass = "" + this._prefix + "textcolor",
dataText = this.model.renderMode ? currentObj[this.model.renderMode].text : currentObj.text;
if (currentObj.enabled == "false" || currentObj.enabled == false) {
ele.attr("class", this._prefix + "itemdisabled");
return {
itemPathClass: this._prefix + "itembgcolor " + this._prefix + "pathdisabled", arcPathClass: this._prefix + "default " + this._prefix + "pathdisabled",
dataText: dataText, textClass: textClass
return { itemPathClass: itemPathClass, arcPathClass: arcPathClass, dataText: dataText, textClass: textClass };
_windowsMenuShow: function () {
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone " + this._prefix + "radialhide").addClass(this._prefix + "radialshow");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone " + this._prefix + "radialhide").addClass(this._prefix + "radialshow");
else {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
_windowsMenuHide: function (proxy) {
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow").addClass(this._prefix + "radialhide");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow " + this._prefix + "scaleshow").addClass(this._prefix + "radialhide");
setTimeout(function () {
proxy._radialCircleSVGDiv.addClass(proxy._prefix + "displaynone");
proxy._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass(proxy._prefix + "displaynone");
}, 160);
else {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
_windowsInnerMenuHide: function (proxy) {
this._radial.removeClass(this._prefix + "backarrow " + this.model.backImageClass + "").addClass(this.model.imageClass);
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._menuChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "scaleshow").addClass(this._prefix + "scalehide");
setTimeout(function () { proxy._menuChildSVGDiv.remove(); }, 150);
setTimeout(function () { proxy._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(proxy._prefix + "scalehide " + proxy._prefix + "displaynone").addClass(proxy._prefix + "scaleshow"); }, 200);
else {
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
_eventsTrigger: function (data, eventName) {
var event = this.model[eventName];
this.model[eventName] = this._childTarget && this.model.items[data.index].items[data.childIndex][eventName] ? this.model.items[data.index].items[data.childIndex][eventName]
: (!this._childTarget && this.model.items[data.index][eventName] ? this.model.items[data.index][eventName] : this.model[eventName]);
if (this.model[eventName])
this._trigger(eventName, data);
this.model[eventName] = event;
_openCloseTrigger: function (eventName) {
if (this.model[eventName])
_menuEnabledDisabled: function (itemIndices, menuClass) {
var proxy = this,
if (Array.isArray(itemIndices)) {
$.each(itemIndices, function (i, itemIndex) {
if (!Array.isArray(itemIndex))
proxy._menuItems(proxy, itemIndex, menuClass);
else {
$.each(itemIndex, function (i, index) {
if (!Array.isArray(index)) {
if (!proxy.model.renderMode || (proxy.model.renderMode && (proxy.model.renderMode == "windows" || proxy.model.renderMode == "flat")))
proxy._menuItems(proxy, index, menuClass);
itemIndex = index;
else {
$.each(index, function (i, childIndex) {
proxy.model.items[itemIndex].items[childIndex].enabled = (menuClass == "disabled") ? false : true;
_ejMenuItem: function (proxy, index, menuClass) {
var currentGroupEle = $(this._menuItemsGroup.find("g")[index]),
currentItemPathEle = $(this._menuItemsPaths.find("path")[index]),
currentArcPathEle = $(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#arcpathgroup path")[index]);
if (menuClass == "disabled") {
currentItemPathEle.attr("class", "" + this._prefix + "itembgcolor " + this._prefix + "pathdisabled");
currentArcPathEle.attr("class", "" + this._prefix + "default " + this._prefix + "pathdisabled");
currentGroupEle.attr("class", "" + this._prefix + "itemdisabled");
if(!ej.isNullOrUndefined(this._radialChildSVGDiv) && $(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#polygongroup polygon[index='"+index+"']")).length > 0) {
$(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#polygongroup polygon[index='"+index+"']")).attr("class",this._prefix + "itemdisabled");
$(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#childarcgroup path[index='"+index+"']")).attr("class",this._prefix + "itemdisabled");
else {
currentItemPathEle.attr("class", "" + this._prefix + "itembgcolor");
currentArcPathEle.attr("class", "" + this._prefix + "default");
if(!ej.isNullOrUndefined(this._radialChildSVGDiv) && $(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#polygongroup polygon[index='"+index+"']")).length > 0){
$(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#polygongroup polygon[index='"+index+"']")).removeAttr("class");
} $(this._radialChildSVGDiv.find("#childarcgroup path[index='"+index+"']")).attr("class",this._prefix + "childdefault");
_ejMenuHide: function (proxy) {
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow").addClass(this._prefix + "radialhide");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow " + this._prefix + "scaleshow").addClass(this._prefix + "radialhide");
setTimeout(function () {
proxy._radialCircleSVGDiv.addClass(proxy._prefix + "displaynone").removeClass(proxy._prefix + "radialshow " + proxy._prefix + "radialhide " + proxy._prefix + "scaleshow " + proxy._prefix + "scalehide");
proxy._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass(proxy._prefix + "displaynone").removeClass(proxy._prefix + "radialshow " + proxy._prefix + "radialhide " + proxy._prefix + "scaleshow " + proxy._prefix + "scalehide");
}, 160);
else {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
_ejInnerMenuHide: function (proxy) {
this._radial.removeClass(this._prefix + "backarrow " + this.model.backImageClass + "").addClass(this.model.imageClass);
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow " + this._prefix + "radialhide " + this._prefix + "scaleshow " + this._prefix + "scalehide").addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "radialshow " + this._prefix + "radialhide " + this._prefix + "scaleshow " + this._prefix + "scalehide").addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._menuChildSVGDiv.removeClass(this._prefix + "scaleshow").addClass(this._prefix + "radialhide");
setTimeout(function () { proxy._menuChildSVGDiv.removeClass(proxy._prefix + "radialhide").remove(); }, 150);
else {
this._radialCircleSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
this._radialChildSVGDiv.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
_currentBadgeEle: function (index) {
return this.model.renderMode == "android" ? $(this._imageBadgeGroup.find("g")[index]) : $(this._menuItemsGroup.find("g")[index]);
_badge: function (index) {
return this._currentBadgeEle(index).find("." + this._prefix + "badgetext,." + this._prefix + "badgecircle");
show: function () {
this.element.removeClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
hide: function () {
this.element.addClass(this._prefix + "displaynone");
showMenu: function () {
hideMenu: function () {
enableItemByIndex: function (itemIndex) {
this._menuItems(this, itemIndex, "enabled");
enableItemsByIndices: function (itemIndices) {
this._menuEnabledDisabled(itemIndices, "enabled");
disableItemByIndex: function (itemIndex) {
this._menuItems(this, itemIndex, "disabled");
disableItemsByIndices: function (itemIndices) {
this._menuEnabledDisabled(itemIndices, "disabled");
updateBadgeValue: function (index, value) {
this.model.items[index].badge.value = value;
this._currentBadgeEle(index).children("text." + this._prefix + "badgetext").html(value);
showBadge: function (index) {
hideBadge: function (index) {
_setModel: function (options) {
if (options.items) this.model.items = options.items;
_refresh: function () {
_destroy: function () {
ej.listenEvents([document, document], [ej.endEvent(), ej.startEvent()], [this._targetClick, this._targetDown], true);
this.element.removeAttr("class style").children().remove();
})(jQuery, Syncfusion);