ej.addCulture( "ms-MY", { name: "ms-MY", englishName: "Malay (Malaysia)", nativeName: "Bahasa Melayu (Malaysia)", language: "ms", numberFormat: { currency: { decimals: 0, symbol: "RM" } }, calendars: { standard: { firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ahad","Isnin","Selasa","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Ahd","Isn","Sel","Rab","Kha","Jum","Sab"], namesShort: ["A","I","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Januari","Februari","Mac","April","Mei","Jun","Julai","Ogos","September","Oktober","November","Disember",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mac","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Ogos","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dis",""] }, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" } }, Hijri: { name: "Hijri", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Ahad","Isnin","Selasa","Rabu","Khamis","Jumaat","Sabtu"], namesAbbr: ["Ahd","Isn","Sel","Rab","Kha","Jum","Sab"], namesShort: ["A","I","S","R","K","J","S"] }, months: { names: ["Muharram","Safar","Rabiul Awal","Rabiul Akhir","Jamadil Awal","Jamadil Akhir","Rejab","Syaaban","Ramadhan","Syawal","Zulkaedah","Zulhijjah",""], namesAbbr: ["Muh","Saf","Raw","Rak","Jaw","Jak","Rej","Syb","Ram","Syw","Zkh","Zhj",""] }, twoDigitYearMax: 1451, patterns: { d: "dd/MM/yyyy", D: "dd MMMM yyyy", t: "H:mm", T: "H:mm:ss", f: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm", F: "dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss", M: "dd MMMM" }, convert: { // Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar ticks1970: 62135596800000, // number of days leading up to each month monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355], minDate: -42521673600000, maxDate: 253402300799999, // The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances // in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between // countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should // remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive. hijriAdjustment: 0, toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) { var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment; // 86400000 = ticks per day var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970); // adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone // but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base // date in the current timezone. gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset()); return gdate; }, fromGregorian: function(gdate) { if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null; var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000, daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment; // very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation. // it approximates the hijri year. var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1, absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear), daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354; // hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1. if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) { hyear--; absDays -= daysInYear; } else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) { hyear--; absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear); } else { if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) { absDays += daysInYear; hyear++; } } // determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are // monthDays contains the number of days up to each month. hmonth = 0; var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays; while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) { hmonth++; } hmonth--; hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth]; return [hyear, hmonth, hday]; }, daysToYear: function(year) { // calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001 var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30, yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1, days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013; while (yearsInto30 > 0) { days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354); yearsInto30--; } return days; }, isLeapYear: function(year) { return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11); } } } } });