291 строка
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291 строка
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// JavaScript source code
* @fileOverview Plugin to style the Html RadialSlider elements
* @copyright Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001 - 2015. All rights reserved.
* Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
* A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
* licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
* applicable laws.
* @version 12.1
* @author <a href="mailto:licensing@syncfusion.com">Syncfusion Inc</a>
(function ($, ej, undefined) {
ej.widget("ejRadialSliderBase", "ej.RadialSliderBase", {
defaults: {
radius: 200,
ticks: [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100],
enableRoundOff: true,
value: 10,
autoOpen: true,
enableAnimation: true,
cssClass: null,
labelSpace: 30,
stop: null,
slide: null,
start: null,
change: null,
create: null,
destroy: null
dataTypes: {
radius: "number",
enableRoundOff: "boolean",
enableAnimation: "boolean",
cssClass: "string"
observables: ["value"],
observableArray: ["ticks"],
value: ej.util.valueFunction("value"),
ticks: ej.util.valueFunction("ticks"),
_outerTextCalculation: function (length, startAngle, endAngle) {
var radius = this._isMobile() ? (this.model.radius - this.model.labelSpace) : (this.model.radius + this.model.labelSpace);
this._point = ((endAngle - startAngle) / (length - 1));
endAngle = startAngle + ((endAngle - startAngle) / (length - 1));
var endValueCal = endAngle,
startValueCal = endValueCal;
this._textPoints = [];
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
var line = {};
var angleCondition = startAngle;
startAngle = startAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
endAngle = endAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
line.X2 = (this._startXY) + (radius) * Math.cos(startAngle);
line.Y2 = (this._startXY) + (radius) * Math.sin(startAngle);
if (angleCondition <= 270 && 90 <= angleCondition)
line.textAlignment = "middle";
line.textAlignment = "start";
startAngle = endValueCal;
endAngle = endValueCal + this._point;
endValueCal += this._point;
var line = {};
var angleCondition = this._startValueAngle;
this._startValueAngle = this._startValueAngle * Math.PI / 180.0;
line.X2 = (this._startXY) + (radius) * Math.cos(this._startValueAngle);
line.Y2 = (this._startXY) + (radius) * Math.sin(this._startValueAngle);
if (angleCondition <= 270 && 90 <= angleCondition)
line.textAlignment = "middle";
line.textAlignment = "start";
return this._textPoints;
_polarToCartesian: function (cX, cY, radius, angle, isDynamic) {
var angleRadians = (angle) * Math.PI / 180.0;
return {
x: cX + (radius * Math.cos(angleRadians)),
y: cY + (radius * Math.sin(isDynamic ? -angleRadians : angleRadians))
_tapHandlerEvent: function (e) {
var ticksValue, ticksdata;
var baseRect = $("#" + this._prefix + this._elementID + "-radial-slider-svg").offset();
var y2 = e.clientY, x2 = e.clientX, y1 =( baseRect.top + (this._radialWidth / 2)) - $(window).scrollTop(), x1 = baseRect.left + (this._radialWidth / 2);
this._dynamicAngleCalculation(x1, x2, y1, y2);
var space = this._isMobile() && this.model.renderMode == "ios7" ? 6.5 : this._isMobile() && this.model.renderMode == "windows" ? 2.5 : 5;
if ((!this._isMobile() && (this._angle >= (360 - this._endAngle) && this._angle <= (360 - this._startAngle))) || (this._isMobile() && (this._angle >= (360 - (this._endAngle - space)) && this._angle <= (360 - (this._startAngle + space)))) || (this._isMobile() && this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "l" && (this._angle > (270 + space) || this._angle < (90 - space)))) {
this._previousAngle = this._angle;
if (!this._isMobile()) {
this._pathBeforeAddlength = this._tickCount + 1;
this._pathAfterAddLength = this._directionLine.toString().replace(/[^M]/g, "").length;
if (this._pathBeforeAddlength < this._pathAfterAddLength) {
var deleteCount = this._isTapSelected ? 2 : 1;
this._directionLine.remove(this._tickCount, deleteCount, deleteCount);
this._directionLine.remove(this._tickCount, 1);
this._dynamicLineCalculation(this._angle, false, true, true, this._tickCount, this._tickCount + 1, true);
$(this._pathLineElement).attr("d", this._directionLine.toString());
if ($(this._textGroupElement).find('[id=' + this._prefix + this._elementID + "-dynamic-text" + ']').length > 0)
this._textGroupElement.find('[id=' + this._prefix + this._elementID + "-dynamic-text" + ']').remove();
var selectPart = this._selectPart();
var select = selectPart.select;
var selectValue;
if (this._isTicksControl()) {
selectValue = this._ticksCalculation();
if (this._isMobile() && this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "l")
this.line.textAlignment = "end";
else if (this._isMobile() && this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "r")
this.line.textAlignment = "start";
else if (this._isMobile() && (this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "b" || this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "t"))
this.line.textAlignment = "middle";
if (this._isMobile() && (this.ticks().indexOf(selectValue) == 0) || (this.ticks().indexOf(selectValue) == this._tickCount - 1))
this.line.textAlignment = "middle";
if (this.ticks().indexOf(selectValue) < 0) {
ticksValue = selectValue.toString().split('.');
var grpSep = ej.preferredCulture(this.model.locale).numberFormat["."];
if ((!ej.isNullOrUndefined(ticksValue[1]))) {
ticksValue = ticksValue[0] + grpSep + ticksValue[1];
else ticksValue = ticksValue[0];
ticksdata = ticksValue;
this._outerTextElement = this._createSVGElements("text", { "stroke-width": 0.5, "x": this.line.X2, "y": this.line.Y2, "class": this._prefix + "dynamic-text", "id": this._prefix + this._elementID + "-dynamic-text", "textContent": ticksdata, "text-anchor": this.line.textAlignment });
var dynamicText = document.getElementById(this._prefix + this._elementID + "-dynamic-text").getBoundingClientRect();
var x1 = this._textPoints[select.toFixed()].X2,
y1 = this._textPoints[select.toFixed()].Y2,
x2 = this.line.X2,
y2 = this.line.Y2;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2));
if (distance < (dynamicText.width * 72 / 96)) {
this.line = {};
var value = (selectValue.toString().length)
var pixToDegree = (dynamicText.width * 72 / 96) - (this._isMobile() ? (value * 2) : (value * 4));
var degPoint = (parseFloat(select.toFixed(3).substr(0, 1)) == select.toFixed()) ? this._degPoint[select.toFixed()] + pixToDegree : this._degPoint[select.toFixed()] - pixToDegree;
var angle = (360 - degPoint) * (Math.PI / 180.0)
var radius = this._isMobile() ? (this.model.radius - (this.model.labelSpace)) : (this.model.radius + (this.model.labelSpace));
this.line.X2 = (this._startXY) + radius * Math.cos(angle);
this.line.Y2 = (this._startXY) + radius * Math.sin(-angle);
$("#" + this._prefix + this._elementID + "-dynamic-text").attr({ "x": this.line.X2, "y": this.line.Y2 });
selectValue = this.ticks()[select.toFixed()];
this._trigger("change", { value: selectValue, oldValue: this.value() });
if (this._needleStop && this.model.stop)
this._trigger("stop", { value: selectValue });
this._needleStop = true;
this._needleMove = false;
if (this._isMobile())
((this.model.renderMode == "windows" || this.model.renderMode == "flat") ? this._dynamicWindowsRadial() : this._dynamicIOSandAndroidRadial());
_selectPart: function () {
var dynamicAngle = this._dynamicAngle, startAngle = this._startAngle, endAngle = this._endAngle;
if (this._isMobile()) {
var space = this.model.renderMode == "ios7" ? 5 : this.model.renderMode == "windows" ? 2.5 : 5;
startAngle = this._startAngle + space, endAngle = this._endAngle - space;
if (this.model.position.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "l") {
if (this._dynamicAngle < 180)
dynamicAngle = this._dynamicAngle + 360;
var select = (dynamicAngle - startAngle) / ((endAngle - startAngle) / (this.ticks().length - 1));
var firstValue = this.ticks()[parseInt(select)];
var secondValue = this.ticks()[parseInt(select) + 1];
var difference = (secondValue - firstValue);
return { select: select, firstValue: firstValue, space: space, difference: difference, dynamicAngle: dynamicAngle, };
_lineAngleCalculation: function (isMove) {
var selectPart = this._selectPart();
this._degPoint.splice(this.ticks().length, this.ticks().length + 1);
this._degPoint.push(this._degPoint[this._degPoint.length - 1] + this._point);
var innerValue = (((this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select) + 1] - this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select)]) - (this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select) + 1] - (selectPart.dynamicAngle))) / (this._point / selectPart.difference));
var startDegree = parseInt(selectPart.select) != 0 ? this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select)] : this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select)];
var range;
if (this.model.enableRoundOff && isMove) {
var smallValue = parseFloat(innerValue.toFixed(2));
innerValue = parseInt(innerValue.toFixed());
range = (selectPart.difference == 0.5 && smallValue >= 0.25) ? this._point * 1 : (this._point / selectPart.difference) * innerValue;
range = (this._point / selectPart.difference) * parseFloat(innerValue.toFixed(2));
this._angle = (360 - this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select)]) - Math.abs(range);
_isTicksControl: function () {
var selectPart = this._selectPart();
this._degPoint.splice(this.ticks().length, this.ticks().length + 1);
this._degPoint.push(this._degPoint[this._degPoint.length - 1] + this._point);
var innerValue = (((this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select) + 1] - this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select)]) - (this._degPoint[parseInt(selectPart.select) + 1] - (this._dynamicAngle))) / (this._point / selectPart.difference));
var isSecSame = this.model.enableRoundOff ? parseInt(innerValue.toFixed()) == 0 || parseInt(innerValue.toFixed()) == (selectPart.difference) ? false : true : $.inArray(this._angle, this._degPoint) > -1 ? false : true;
return isSecSame;
_ticksCalculation: function () {
var selectPart = this._selectPart();
var select = selectPart.select, dynamicAngle = selectPart.dynamicAngle, difference = selectPart.difference, firstValue = selectPart.firstValue, space = selectPart.space;
var firstValue = this.ticks()[parseInt(select)];
this.line = {};
var angle = (this._angle) * (Math.PI / 180.0)
var radius = this._isMobile() ? (this.model.radius - this.model.labelSpace) : (this.model.radius + this.model.labelSpace);
this.line.X2 = (this._startXY) + radius * Math.cos(angle);
this.line.Y2 = (this._startXY) + radius * Math.sin(-angle);
if (this._angle <= 270 && 90 <= this._angle)
this.line.textAlignment = "middle";
this.line.textAlignment = "start";
var startDegree = parseInt(select) != 0 ? this._degPoint[parseInt(select)] : this._degPoint[parseInt(select)];
var range = (dynamicAngle - startDegree) / (this._point / difference);
var setValue;
if (this.model.enableRoundOff) {
var controlValue = parseFloat(range.toFixed(1).substr(1, 3));
range = parseInt(range.toFixed());
setValue = firstValue + Math.abs(range);
else {
setValue = firstValue + Math.abs(parseFloat(range.toFixed(2)));
setValue = parseFloat(setValue.toFixed(2));
return setValue;
_dynamicAngleCalculation: function (x1, x2, y1, y2) {
var theta = Math.atan2((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1));
this._angle = (360 - ((theta * 180) / Math.PI)) % 360;
this._dynamicAngle = (360 + ((theta * 180) / Math.PI)) % 360;
_createSVGElements: function (element, attr) {
var svgObj = document.createElementNS(this._svgLink, element);
$.each(attr, function (attr, value) {
if (attr == 'xlink:href')
svgObj.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', value);
if (attr != "textContent")
svgObj.setAttribute(attr, value);
svgObj.textContent = value;
return svgObj;
show: function () {
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this.element.removeClass(this._prefix + "slider-hide").addClass(this._prefix + "slider-show");
this._radialSVG.attr("class", "").attr("class", (this._prefix + "radialslider-svg-show " + this._prefix + "rs-svg"));
this.element.css("display", "block");
this.model.autoOpen = true;
hide: function () {
var proxy = this;
if (this.model.enableAnimation) {
this.element.removeClass(this._prefix + "slider-show").addClass(this._prefix + "slider-hide");
this._radialSVG.attr("class", "").attr("class", this._prefix + "radialslider-svg-hide " + this._prefix + "rs-svg");
(this.model.autoOpen) ?
setTimeout(function () {
proxy.element.css("display", "none");
}, this._isMobile ? 150 : 400)
: proxy.element.css("display", "none");
proxy.element.css("display", "none");
this.model.autoOpen = false;
_setModel: function (options) {
if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(options["inline"]) && !options["inline"]) this.model.radius += 50;
if (options.ticks) this.model.ticks = options.ticks;
if (options.locale) {
this.model.locale = options.locale;
if (options.enableRoundOff) this.model.value(Math.round(ej.util.getVal(this.model.value)));
_clearElement: function () {
_destroy: function () {
_isMobile: function () {
return (this._prefix == "e-m-" ? true : false);
})(jQuery, Syncfusion); |