
152 строки
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#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2023.
// Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2023. All rights reserved.
// Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
// A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
// licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
// applicable laws.
using Common;
using Layout.Accordion;
using Layout.Carousel;
using Layout.DockingManager;
using Layout.TileView;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.Foundation.Metadata;
using Windows.System.Profile;
namespace Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.Layout
public class SamplesConfiguration
public SamplesConfiguration()
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Visual Studio",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Docking Manager",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Ribbon.png",
MobileImage = "ms-appx:///WhatsNewImage/dockingmanagermobile.png",
DesktopImage = "ms-appx:///WhatsNewImage/dockingmanager.png",
Description = "This sample demonstrates how the DockingManager control can be used to create Visual Studio style docking windows.",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Visual Studio", "Docking", "Docking Manager" },
SampleView = typeof(DockingManagerVisualStudio).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Serialization",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Docking Manager",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Ribbon.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Docking", "Serialization", "Persistence", "Deserialization" },
SampleView = typeof(DockingManagerSerialization).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
if (AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily != "Windows.Mobile")
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Localization",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Docking Manager",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Ribbon.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Localization", "DockingManager", "Docking", "Docking Manager" },
SampleView = typeof(DockingManagerLocalization).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Getting Started",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "TileView",
ProductIcons = "Icons/tile-view.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "TileView", "Started" },
SampleView = typeof(TileView).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Getting Started",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Carousel",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Carousel.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Carousel", "Started" },
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Getting Started",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Accordion",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Accordion.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Accordion", "Started" },
SampleView = typeof(AccordionView).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "DataBinding",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Accordion",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Accordion.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Accordion", "Data","Binding" },
SampleView = typeof(DataBindingView).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Getting Started",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Ribbon",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Ribbon.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Ribbon","Started" },
SampleView = typeof(SfRibbon.Ribbon.RibbonSamplePage).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None
SampleHelper.SampleViews.Add(new SampleInfo()
Header = "Custom Backstage",
Category = Categories.Layout,
SampleType = SampleType.Featured,
Product = "Ribbon",
ProductIcons = "Icons/Ribbon.png",
SearchKeys = new string[] { "Ribbon", "Backstage", "Customization" },
SampleView = typeof(SfRibbon.Ribbon.CustomBackStagePage).AssemblyQualifiedName,
Tag = Tags.None