#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2021. // Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2021. All rights reserved. // Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license. // A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing // licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under // applicable laws. #endregion using syncfusion.demoscommon.wpf; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace syncfusion.gaugedemos.wpf { public class GaugeDemosViewModel : DemoBrowserViewModel { public override List GetDemosDetails() { var productdemos = new List(); productdemos.Add(new GaugeProductDemos()); return productdemos; } } public class GaugeProductDemos : ProductDemo { public GaugeProductDemos() { this.Product = "Gauge"; this.ProductCategory = "DATA VISUALIZATION"; this.Demos = new List(); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(GettingStarted), Description = "Circular gauges are perfect for presenting values of a specific range. They can be used to create sophisticated dashboards, clocks, industrial equipment, medical equipment, and much more." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Customization", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(Customization), Description = "This sample showcases the scale, range and header customization of the circular gauge control." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Multiple Scale", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(MultipleScale), Description = "This sample showcases the multiple scale capability of circular gauge control. Then, symbol pointer can be interactively dragged to a new position using mouse and pointer value changed event." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Pointer Customization", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(PointerCustomization), Description = "This sample showcases the needle, range and symbol pointers of gauge control." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Direction Compass", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(DirectionCompass), Description = "This sample showcases the labels and pointers customization of the circular gauge control." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Annotation", GroupName = "CIRCULAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(Annotation), Description = "This sample demonstrates the Annotation feature in Circular Gauge." }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", GroupName = "LINEAR GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(LinearGauge), Description = "This sample showcases the customization of ticks, ranges and labels of the linear gauge control" }); this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", GroupName = "DIGITAL GAUGE", DemoViewType = typeof(DigitalGauge), Description = "This sample showcases the customization of digital characters of the digital gauge control and ease integration with the application." }); } } }