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202 строки
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#region Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2021.
// Copyright Syncfusion Inc. 2001-2021. All rights reserved.
// Use of this code is subject to the terms of our license.
// A copy of the current license can be obtained at any time by e-mailing
// licensing@syncfusion.com. Any infringement will be prosecuted under
// applicable laws.
using syncfusion.demoscommon.wpf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace syncfusion.editordemos.wpf
public class EditorDemosViewModel : DemoBrowserViewModel
public override List<ProductDemo> GetDemosDetails()
var productdemos = new List<ProductDemo>();
this.ShowcaseDemos = new List<DemoInfo>();
productdemos.Add(new EditorsProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new ButtonProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new ColorPickerProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new CalculatorProductDemo());
productdemos.Add(new CalendarProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new DateTimeEditProductDemo());
productdemos.Add(new DatePickerProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new TimePickerProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new TimeSpanEditProductDemo());
productdemos.Add(new RatingProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new RangeSliderProductDemos());
productdemos.Add(new RadialSliderProductDemos());
return productdemos;
public class EditorsProductDemos : ProductDemo
public EditorsProductDemos()
this.Product = "Editors";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo()
SampleName = "Registration Form",
Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of Syncfusion Editor controls such as binding, validation, localization and formatting.",
DemoViewType = typeof(RegistrationFormDemo),
DemoLauchMode = DemoLauchMode.Window,
ThemeMode= ThemeMode.Default
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Currency TextBox", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of CurrencyTextBox control such as number format, scrolling, watermark, range adorner, culture support etc.,", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(CurrencyTextBoxDemo), ThemeMode= ThemeMode.Inherit});
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Double TextBox", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of DoubleTextBox control such as number format, scrolling, watermark, range adorner, culture support etc.,", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(DoubleTextBoxDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Integer TextBox ", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of IntegerTextBox control such as number format, scrolling, watermark, range adorner, culture support etc.,", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(IntegerTextBoxDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Percent TextBox", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of PercentTextBox controls such as negative in a custom color and customization of percentage symbol, number format, scrolling, watermark, range adorner, culture support etc.,", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(PercentTextBoxDemo) , ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Masked Edit", Description = "A masked text box lets you to restrict the user input to specific formats specified by a mask. You can use it to allow end users to enter proper telephone numbers, e-mails, etc. Regular expression-based masks can also be specified. There are also several built-in skins that can be used.", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(MaskedEditDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Updown", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of the Updown control such as number format, scrolling, watermark, range adorner, culture support etc.,", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(UpDownDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "DomainUpdown", Description = "The Up-Down control is a text box with a pair of arrow buttons that increase or decrease the value given in a text box. It supports double values and lets you specify the number of decimal places indicated. When the value changes, it becomes animated; the increment can be customized, and the range of supported values can also be specified.", GroupName = "GETTING STARTED", DemoViewType = typeof(DomainUpDownDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
public class ButtonProductDemos : ProductDemo
public ButtonProductDemos()
this.Product = "Buttons";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Buttons", GroupName = "Buttons", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of Button, DropDownButton and SplitButton controls.", ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit, DemoViewType = typeof(ButtonView) });
public class ColorPickerProductDemos : ProductDemo
public ColorPickerProductDemos()
this.Product = "Color Picker";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Color Edit", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of ColorEditor control such as Color selection, Eyedropper support, linear and radial gradient color editor.", GroupName = "Color Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(ColorEditDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Color Picker", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of ColorPicker control such as Selecting colors from the color palette collection, displaying the color palette as a drop-down control.", GroupName = "Color Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(ColorPickerDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Color Picker Palette", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of Color Picker Palette control such as Drop-down menu with a selected color highlighted at the top, ToolTip support which provides the name of the color.", GroupName = "Color Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(ColorPickerPaletteDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Color Palette", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of SfColorPalette such as Swatch selection on swatch pages, Color Selection on Swatches.", GroupName = "Color Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(ColorPaletteDemo) });
public class CalculatorProductDemo : ProductDemo
public CalculatorProductDemo()
this.Product = "Calculator";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "The SfCalculator control allows end users to perform simple calculations without switching to external applications.", GroupName = "Calculator", DemoViewType = typeof(CalculatorDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
public class RatingProductDemos : ProductDemo
public RatingProductDemos()
this.Product = "Rating";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description = "The Rating control allows users to rate items based on a specified list of options.", GroupName = "Rating", DemoViewType = typeof(RatingDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
public class RangeSliderProductDemos : ProductDemo
public RangeSliderProductDemos()
this.Product = "Range Slider";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Tag = Tag.None;
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description = "This sample showcases the usage of Range Slider as a normal slider and a range selector.", GroupName = "Range Slider", DemoViewType = typeof(RangeSliderDemo), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.Inherit });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Customization", Description = "This sample showcases the different customizations that can be done for the track, thumb, and tooltip of Range Slider.", GroupName = "Range Slider", DemoViewType = typeof(Customization), ThemeMode = ThemeMode.None, Tag = Tag.None });
public class CalendarProductDemos : ProductDemo
public CalendarProductDemos()
this.Product = "Calendar";
this.ProductCategory = "CALENDAR";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description = "This sample showcases the basic features of Calendar Edit control such as Multi selection, Date ranges from year 0 to year 9999 A.D and Customization of its look and feel.", GroupName = "Calendar", DemoViewType = typeof(CalenderEditDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Custom Calender", Description = "This sample showcases the customization options, special dates and tooltip support of Calendar Edit control", GroupName = "Calendar", DemoViewType = typeof(CustomCalenderDemo)});
public class DateTimeEditProductDemo : ProductDemo
public DateTimeEditProductDemo()
this.Product = "DateTimeEdit";
this.ProductCategory = "CALENDAR";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of DateTimeEdit Control such as DateTime patterns, null value, maximum and minimum dates, date validation, watermark, culture and much more.", GroupName = "DateTimeEdit", DemoViewType = typeof(DateTimeEditDemo) });
public class DatePickerProductDemos : ProductDemo
public DatePickerProductDemos()
this.Product = "Date Picker";
this.ProductCategory = "CALENDAR";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of DatePicker Control such as date format, null value, maximum and minimum dates, date validation, watermark, drop down customization and much more.", GroupName = "Date Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(DatePickerDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Date Selector", Description= "This sample showcases selector format customization and date range support of SfDateSelector.", GroupName = "Date Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(DateSelectorDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Date and Time Picker", Description= "This sample showcases how datetime can be edited using date picker and time picker together.", GroupName = "Date Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(DateTimePickerDemo) });
public class TimePickerProductDemos : ProductDemo
public TimePickerProductDemos()
this.Product = "Time Picker";
this.ProductCategory = "CALENDAR";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of SfTimePicker control such as time format, null value, time range, time validation, watermark, drop down customization and much more.", GroupName = "Time Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(TimePickerDemo) });
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Time Selector", Description= "This sample illustrates the capability of SfTimeSelector can be used as a stand alone control", GroupName = "Time Picker", DemoViewType = typeof(TimeSelectorDemo) });
public class TimeSpanEditProductDemo : ProductDemo
public TimeSpanEditProductDemo()
this.Product = "TimeSpan Edit";
this.ProductCategory = "CALENDAR";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "This sample showcases the basic features of TimeSpan Editor Controls such as display format, increment or decrement options and much more.", GroupName = "TimeSpan Edit", DemoViewType = typeof(TimeSpanEditDemo) });
public class RadialSliderProductDemos : ProductDemo
public RadialSliderProductDemos()
this.Product = "Radial Slider";
this.ProductCategory = "INPUT CONTROLS";
this.Demos = new List<DemoInfo>();
this.Demos.Add(new DemoInfo() { SampleName = "Getting Started", Description= "This SfRadialSlider control allows end user to select a numeric value within the minimum and maximum range in the circular track.", GroupName = "Radial Slider", DemoViewType = typeof(SfRadialSliderDemo) });
} |