420 строки
12 KiB
420 строки
12 KiB
/* ----------------------------------
* PUSH v2.0.0
* Licensed under The MIT License
* inspired by chris's jquery.pjax.js
* http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* ---------------------------------- */
!function () {
var noop = function () {};
// Pushstate cacheing
// ==================
var isScrolling;
var maxCacheLength = 20;
var cacheMapping = sessionStorage;
var domCache = {};
var transitionMap = {
'slide-in' : 'slide-out',
'slide-out' : 'slide-in',
'fade' : 'fade'
var bars = {
bartab : '.bar-tab',
barnav : '.bar-nav',
barfooter : '.bar-footer',
barheadersecondary : '.bar-header-secondary'
var cacheReplace = function (data, updates) {
PUSH.id = data.id;
if (updates) data = getCached(data.id);
cacheMapping[data.id] = JSON.stringify(data);
window.history.replaceState(data.id, data.title, data.url);
domCache[data.id] = document.body.cloneNode(true);
var cachePush = function () {
var id = PUSH.id;
var cacheForwardStack = JSON.parse(cacheMapping.cacheForwardStack || '[]');
var cacheBackStack = JSON.parse(cacheMapping.cacheBackStack || '[]');
while (cacheForwardStack.length) delete cacheMapping[cacheForwardStack.shift()];
while (cacheBackStack.length > maxCacheLength) delete cacheMapping[cacheBackStack.shift()];
window.history.pushState(null, '', cacheMapping[PUSH.id].url);
cacheMapping.cacheForwardStack = JSON.stringify(cacheForwardStack);
cacheMapping.cacheBackStack = JSON.stringify(cacheBackStack);
var cachePop = function (id, direction) {
var forward = direction == 'forward';
var cacheForwardStack = JSON.parse(cacheMapping.cacheForwardStack || '[]');
var cacheBackStack = JSON.parse(cacheMapping.cacheBackStack || '[]');
var pushStack = forward ? cacheBackStack : cacheForwardStack;
var popStack = forward ? cacheForwardStack : cacheBackStack;
if (PUSH.id) pushStack.push(PUSH.id);
cacheMapping.cacheForwardStack = JSON.stringify(cacheForwardStack);
cacheMapping.cacheBackStack = JSON.stringify(cacheBackStack);
var getCached = function (id) {
return JSON.parse(cacheMapping[id] || null) || {};
var getTarget = function (e) {
var target = findTarget(e.target);
if (
! target
|| e.which > 1
|| e.metaKey
|| e.ctrlKey
|| isScrolling
|| location.protocol !== target.protocol
|| location.host !== target.host
|| !target.hash && /#/.test(target.href)
|| target.hash && target.href.replace(target.hash, '') === location.href.replace(location.hash, '')
|| target.getAttribute('data-ignore') == 'push'
) return;
return target;
// Main event handlers (touchend, popstate)
// ==========================================
var touchend = function (e) {
var target = getTarget(e);
if (!target) return;
url : target.href,
hash : target.hash,
timeout : target.getAttribute('data-timeout'),
transition : target.getAttribute('data-transition')
var popstate = function (e) {
var key;
var barElement;
var activeObj;
var activeDom;
var direction;
var transition;
var transitionFrom;
var transitionFromObj;
var id = e.state;
if (!id || !cacheMapping[id]) return;
direction = PUSH.id < id ? 'forward' : 'back';
cachePop(id, direction);
activeObj = getCached(id);
activeDom = domCache[id];
if (activeObj.title) document.title = activeObj.title;
if (direction == 'back') {
transitionFrom = JSON.parse(direction == 'back' ? cacheMapping.cacheForwardStack : cacheMapping.cacheBackStack);
transitionFromObj = getCached(transitionFrom[transitionFrom.length - 1]);
} else {
transitionFromObj = activeObj;
if (direction == 'back' && !transitionFromObj.id) return PUSH.id = id;
transition = direction == 'back' ? transitionMap[transitionFromObj.transition] : transitionFromObj.transition;
if (!activeDom) {
return PUSH({
id : activeObj.id,
url : activeObj.url,
title : activeObj.title,
timeout : activeObj.timeout,
transition : transition,
ignorePush : true
if (transitionFromObj.transition) {
activeObj = extendWithDom(activeObj, '.content', activeDom.cloneNode(true));
for (key in bars) {
barElement = document.querySelector(bars[key])
if (activeObj[key]) swapContent(activeObj[key], barElement);
else if (barElement) barElement.parentNode.removeChild(barElement);
(activeObj.contents || activeDom).cloneNode(true),
PUSH.id = id;
document.body.offsetHeight; // force reflow to prevent scroll
// Core PUSH functionality
// =======================
var PUSH = function (options) {
var key;
var data = {};
var xhr = PUSH.xhr;
options.container = options.container || options.transition ? document.querySelector('.content') : document.body;
for (key in bars) {
options[key] = options[key] || document.querySelector(bars[key]);
if (xhr && xhr.readyState < 4) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = noop;
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', options.url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-PUSH', 'true');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (options._timeout) clearTimeout(options._timeout);
if (xhr.readyState == 4) xhr.status == 200 ? success(xhr, options) : failure(options.url);
if (!PUSH.id) {
id : +new Date,
url : window.location.href,
title : document.title,
timeout : options.timeout,
transition : null
if (options.timeout) {
options._timeout = setTimeout(function () { xhr.abort('timeout'); }, options.timeout);
if (xhr.readyState && !options.ignorePush) cachePush();
// Main XHR handlers
// =================
var success = function (xhr, options) {
var key;
var barElement;
var data = parseXHR(xhr, options);
if (!data.contents) return locationReplace(options.url);
if (data.title) document.title = data.title;
if (options.transition) {
for (key in bars) {
barElement = document.querySelector(bars[key])
if (data[key]) swapContent(data[key], barElement);
else if (barElement) barElement.parentNode.removeChild(barElement);
swapContent(data.contents, options.container, options.transition, function () {
id : options.id || +new Date,
url : data.url,
title : data.title,
timeout : options.timeout,
transition : options.transition
}, options.id);
if (!options.ignorePush && window._gaq) _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']) // google analytics
if (!options.hash) return;
var failure = function (url) {
throw new Error('Could not get: ' + url)
// PUSH helpers
// ============
var swapContent = function (swap, container, transition, complete) {
var enter;
var containerDirection;
var swapDirection;
if (!transition) {
if (container) container.innerHTML = swap.innerHTML;
else if (swap.classList.contains('content')) document.body.appendChild(swap);
else document.body.insertBefore(swap, document.querySelector('.content'));
} else {
enter = /in$/.test(transition);
if (transition == 'fade') {
if (/slide/.test(transition)) {
swap.classList.add('sliding-in', enter ? 'right' : 'left');
container.parentNode.insertBefore(swap, container);
if (!transition) complete && complete();
if (transition == 'fade') {
container.offsetWidth; // force reflow
container.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', fadeContainerEnd);
function fadeContainerEnd() {
container.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', fadeContainerEnd);
swap.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', fadeSwapEnd);
function fadeSwapEnd () {
swap.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', fadeSwapEnd);
complete && complete();
if (/slide/.test(transition)) {
container.offsetWidth; // force reflow
swapDirection = enter ? 'right' : 'left'
containerDirection = enter ? 'left' : 'right'
swap.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', slideEnd);
function slideEnd() {
swap.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', slideEnd);
swap.classList.remove('sliding', 'sliding-in');
complete && complete();
var triggerStateChange = function () {
var e = new CustomEvent('push', {
detail: { state: getCached(PUSH.id) },
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
var findTarget = function (target) {
var i, toggles = document.querySelectorAll('a');
for (; target && target !== document; target = target.parentNode) {
for (i = toggles.length; i--;) { if (toggles[i] === target) return target; }
var locationReplace = function (url) {
window.history.replaceState(null, '', '#');
var parseURL = function (url) {
var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a;
var extendWithDom = function (obj, fragment, dom) {
var i;
var result = {};
for (i in obj) result[i] = obj[i];
Object.keys(bars).forEach(function (key) {
var el = dom.querySelector(bars[key]);
if (el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
result[key] = el;
result.contents = dom.querySelector(fragment);
return result;
var parseXHR = function (xhr, options) {
var head;
var body;
var data = {};
var responseText = xhr.responseText;
data.url = options.url;
if (!responseText) return data;
if (/<html/i.test(responseText)) {
head = document.createElement('div');
body = document.createElement('div');
head.innerHTML = responseText.match(/<head[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/head>/i)[0]
body.innerHTML = responseText.match(/<body[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/body>/i)[0]
} else {
head = body = document.createElement('div');
head.innerHTML = responseText;
data.title = head.querySelector('title');
data.title = data.title && data.title.innerText.trim();
if (options.transition) data = extendWithDom(data, '.content', body);
else data.contents = body;
return data;
// Attach PUSH event handlers
// ==========================
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { isScrolling = false; });
window.addEventListener('touchmove', function () { isScrolling = true; })
window.addEventListener('touchend', touchend);
window.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (getTarget(e)) e.preventDefault(); });
window.addEventListener('popstate', popstate);
window.PUSH = PUSH;