1. Install the nuget package Uno.Material. You can find the nuget on [this feed instead of nuget.org](https://dev.azure.com/uno-platform/Uno%20Platform/_packaging?_a=feed&feed=unoplatformdev)
2. Unless you want our default color palette (inspired by our Uno logo), you'll want to override the following color resources in you application. We suggest creating a ColorPaletteOverride.xaml `ResourceDictionary`.
For more information on the color system, consult this [page](https://material.io/design/color/the-color-system.html#color-theme-creation) for all the official documentation and tools to help you create your own palette.
3. Initialize the material resources. The order in which the different resources are loaded is important so we created a simple `Init` method to add to `App.xaml.cs` at the beginning on `OnLaunched`
6. In order to display the appropriate font with the material styles on Webassembly,
make sure that the *Roboto* font is defined on `font.css` located at `[YourProject].Wasm/WasmCSS`.
This make sure that the font is loaded correctly [Related Issue](https://github.com/unoplatform/uno/issues/693).
It should look like [this](https://github.com/unoplatform/Uno.Material/blob/master/src/samples/Uno.Material.Samples/Uno.Material.Samples.Wasm/WasmCSS/Fonts.css):
For example, if you wish to use our ToggleSwitch style as your default style, simply set it as an implicit style in your app by adding the following code in your App.xaml
Learn more about implicit styles from the Microsoft documentation [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/xaml-styles#apply-an-implicit-or-explicit-style)
Just like WinUI, we documented a set of control-specific resources you can override to further customize our controls.
For example, if you would like change the `CornerRadius` of all the `Buttons` using our material styles, you could simply override the `ButtonBorderRadius` value in your resources (in App.xaml would be the simplest way to put the following code)
9. (Optional) If you are using our [ToggleSwitches](#toggleSwitch) to get proper Material styling in Android there is some extra code to be added to the Android Project Head. (Click the component name to see how to set them up)
10. (Optional) If you are using our [DatePickers, and TimePickers](#datePickers-and-timePickers) to get proper Material styling in Android there is some extra code to be added to the Android Project Head. (Click the component name to see how to set them up)
The reasoning for this is to apply the native android shadowing on the off value of the ToggleSwitch, and proper focus shadow colors when ToggleSwitches are clicked
Inside your AppTheme add two item's "colorControlActivated" (the on color for your ToggleSwitches thumb) and "colorSwitchThumbNormal" (the off color for your ToggleSwitches thumb) you may add your colors here directly, for example #ffffff, or by files (see our example code below)
2.2 From your Android project head go to YourProject.Droid/Resources/values create a file called "colors.xml", inside include your "Light" theme colors.
2.3 From your Android project head go to YourProject.Droid/Resources create a folder called "values-night", inside the folder add a file called "colors.xml", and inside the file include your "Dark" theme colors.
2.3 (Optional) If you have changed the material color palette for your application (2.) then there are two more colors that must be overridden for android native ToggleSwitch disabled colors to be properly applied.
Colors are named PrimaryVariantDisabledThumbColor and SurfaceVariantLightColor, they can be overridden in your colors.xaml file.
PrimaryVariantDisabledThumbColor is a non-transparent version of PrimaryDisabled color ("Light") in "Light" palette, and a non-transparent version of PrimaryMedium color ("Dark") in "Dark" palette.
SurfaceVariantLightColor is the Surface color however in "Light" Palette is an off white color to be visible on light backgrounds.
<!-- Variant Colors: Needed for android thumbtints. If a thumbtint color contains opacity, it will actually turn the thumb transparent. (Unwanted behavior) -->
<!-- Light Theme -->
<!-- Non-opaque/transparent primary disabled color -->
1. From your Android project head go to YourProject.Droid/Resources/values/Styles.xml
Inside your AppTheme add two item's "datePickerDialogTheme" (the style for your DatePicker) and "timePickerDialogTheme" (the style for your TimePicker), and a new Style with the MaterialPrimary Color as AccentColor (see our example code below)
2.2 From your Android project head go to YourProject.Droid/Resources/values create a file called "colors.xml", inside include your "Light" theme colors.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2.3 From your Android project head go to YourProject.Droid/Resources create a folder called "values-night", inside the folder add a file called "colors.xml", and inside the file include your "Dark" theme colors.