88 строки
2.8 KiB
88 строки
2.8 KiB
version 5.226.0
# dependencies used for retrieving FAKE and its modules
group fakebuild
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
framework: netstandard2.0
storage: none
clitool dotnet-fake
nuget Fake.Api.GitHub
nuget Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes
nuget Fake.Core.Target
nuget Fake.Core.Xml
nuget Fake.DotNet.Cli
nuget Fake.DotNet.MSBuild
nuget Fake.Dotnet.NuGet
nuget Fake.DotNet.Paket
nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem
nuget Newtonsoft.Json
# dependencies used when compiling and running the library and neutral parts of samples
group neutral
framework: netstandard2.0
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master src/ProjectCracker.fs
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master src/CodeModel.fs
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master src/Interpreter.fs
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master src/FromCompilerService.fs
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master src/ProcessCommandLine.fs
github fsprojects/FSharp.Compiler.PortaCode:master tests/PortaCodeTests.fs
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Uno.UI 2.0.512-dev.3874
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Xamarin.Forms.Maps
nuget SkiaSharp
nuget SkiaSharp.Views.Forms
nuget OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms 1.0.0
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
# Dependencies used when compiling and running Android samples. We can normally use the latest FSharp.Core and
# latest Xamarin.Forms though we pin them for now.
group androidapp
framework: monoandroid90
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Xamarin.Android.FSharp.ResourceProvider
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
nuget FSharp.Data 3.0.0
nuget Xamarin.Essentials 1.3.1
# Dependencies used when compiling and running iOS samples. We can normally use the latest FSharp.Core and
# latest Xamarin.Forms though we pin them for now.
group iosapp
framework: monotouch
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
nuget FSharp.Data 3.0.0
nuget Xamarin.Essentials 1.3.1
group macosapp
framework: xamarinmac20
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
nuget FSharp.Data 3.0.0
group wpfapp
framework: net472
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
nuget FSharp.Data 3.0.0
group gtkapp
framework: net471
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
nuget FSharp.Core 4.6.2
nuget Xamarin.Forms
nuget Xamarin.Forms.Platform.GTK
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
nuget FSharp.Data 3.0.0 |