@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
drawChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig) {
var chartType = chartConfig.type;
var chartToDraw = chartType + 'Chart';
if(chartType === 'pie' || chartType === 'donut') chartToDraw = 'pieDonutChart';
helper[chartToDraw](component, helper, chartConfig);
lineChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig){
var divContainer = d3.select(component.find(chartConfig.containerAuraId).getElement());
var chartWidth = helper.getWidth(chartConfig.containerWidth);
var chartHeight = helper.getHeight(chartWidth);
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'title', chartConfig.title, chartWidth);
var svg = divContainer.append('svg')
.attr('width', chartConfig.containerWidth)
.attr('height', helper.getHeight(chartConfig.containerWidth));
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'subtitle', chartConfig.subtitle, chartWidth);
var xDomain = helper.addDomain(chartConfig.data, 'x');
var yDomain = helper.addDomain(chartConfig.data, 'y');
var xAxisDataType = chartConfig.xAxisDataType;
var yAxisDataType = chartConfig.yAxisDataType;
var xScale = xAxisDataType === 'number' ? d3.scaleLinear() : d3.scaleTime();
xScale = xScale.range([0, chartWidth]).domain(xDomain);
var yScale = yAxisDataType === 'number' ? d3.scaleLinear() : d3.scaleTime();
yScale = yScale.range([chartHeight, 0]).domain(yDomain);
var numberValuesFormatFunc = function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) };
var dateValuesFormatFunc = function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
var xAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'bottom', xScale, 0, xAxisDataType === 'number' ? numberValuesFormatFunc : dateValuesFormatFunc);
var yAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'left', yScale, 0, yAxisDataType === 'number' ? numberValuesFormatFunc : dateValuesFormatFunc);
var g = svg.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(' + (chartWidth * .2) + ', ' + (chartWidth * .07) + ')');
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + chartHeight + ')')
.attr('class', 'x sc-axis')
.attr('class', 'y sc-axis')
var shouldShowAxisLabels = helper.shouldShowAxisLabels(g, chartWidth);
if (shouldShowAxisLabels) {
helper.addLabel(g, 'x label', 0, chartWidth / 2, chartHeight * 1.2, chartWidth * .03,'middle', chartConfig.xAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
helper.addLabel(g, 'y label', -90, -(chartWidth * .34), -(chartHeight * .22), chartWidth * .03, 'middle', chartConfig.yAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
var line = d3.line()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(d.x); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.y); });
.attr('class', 'sc-line')
.attr('d', line);
var area = d3.area()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(d.x); })
.y0(function(d) { return yScale(d.y); })
.attr('class', 'sc-lc-area')
.attr('d', area);
var circles = g.selectAll('circles')
// Add outer circle.
helper.addCircle(circles, function(d) { return xScale(d.x); }, function(d) { return yScale(d.y); }, 20, '', 'transparent', 'transparent', 0)
helper.addCircle(circles, function(d) { return xScale(d.x); }, function(d) { return yScale(d.y); }, 5, '', 'white', '#00a1e0', 2)
var focus = g.append('g').style('display', 'none');
.attr('id', 'focusLineX')
.attr('class', 'sc-lc-focus-line');
.attr('id', 'focusLineY')
.attr('class', 'sc-lc-focus-line');
.attr('id', 'focusCircle')
.attr('r', 5)
.attr('class', 'sc-lc-focus-circle');
var tooltip = helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'tooltip', 'tooltip', 'label');
circles.on('mouseover', function(d) {
focus.style('display', null);
circles.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
focus.style('display', 'none');
circles.on('mousemove', function(d) {
var x = xScale(d.x);
var y = yScale(d.y);
.attr('cx', x)
.attr('cy', y);
.attr('x1', x).attr('y1', yScale(yDomain[0]))
.attr('x2', x).attr('y2', yScale(yDomain[1]));
.attr('x1', xScale(xDomain[0])).attr('y1', y)
.attr('x2', xScale(xDomain[1])).attr('y2', y);
var formatFirstLine = xAxisDataType === 'number' ? function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) } : function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
var formatSecondLine = yAxisDataType === 'number' ? function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) } : function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px').style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + chartConfig.xAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + formatFirstLine(d.x) + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + chartConfig.yAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + formatSecondLine(d.y) + '</span>'
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
helper.addThreshold(chartConfig.thresholdValue, chartConfig.thresholdLabel, chartWidth, yDomain, g, 0, chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 'end', chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 0);
bubbleChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig){
var data = chartConfig.data;
var divContainer = d3.select(component.find(chartConfig.containerAuraId).getElement());
var chartWidth = helper.getWidth(chartConfig.containerWidth);
var chartHeight = helper.getHeight(chartWidth);
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'title', chartConfig.title, chartWidth);
var svg = divContainer.append('svg')
.attr('width', chartConfig.containerWidth)
.attr('height', helper.getHeight(chartConfig.containerWidth));
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'subtitle', chartConfig.subtitle, chartWidth);
// Circles Calculations
var xAxisMin = d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.x; });
var xAxisMax = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.x; });
var yAxisMin = d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.y; });
var yAxisMax = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; });
var sizeMin = 5;
var sizeMax = Math.max(Math.min(chartWidth, chartHeight) * .05, sizeMin);
var dataSizeMax = 1,
dataSizeMin = 0,
dataXMax = 1,
dataXMin = 0,
dataYMax = 1,
dataYMin = 0;
if (data.length > 0) {
// make sure the smaller circles don't get covered up
data.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.size < b.size;
dataSizeMax = data[0].size;
dataSizeMin = data[0].size;
dataXMax = data[0].x;
dataXMin = data[0].x;
dataYMax = data[0].y;
dataYMin = data[0].y;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
dataSizeMax = Math.max(dataSizeMax, data[i].size);
dataSizeMin = Math.min(dataSizeMin, data[i].size);
dataXMax = Math.max(dataXMax, data[i].x);
dataXMin = Math.min(dataXMin, data[i].x);
dataYMax = Math.max(dataYMax, data[i].y);
dataYMin = Math.min(dataYMin, data[i].y);
dataXMax = xAxisMax;
dataXMin = xAxisMin;
dataYMax = yAxisMax;
dataYMin = yAxisMin;
dataSizeMax = dataSizeMin == dataSizeMax ? dataSizeMax + 1 : dataSizeMax;
dataXMax = dataXMin == dataXMax ? dataXMax + 1 : dataXMax;
dataYMax = dataYMin == dataYMax ? dataYMax + 1 : dataYMax;
var xScaleSizeBuffer = function() {
return Math.abs(sizeMax / chartWidth * (dataXMax - dataXMin));
var yScaleSizeBuffer = function() {
return Math.abs(sizeMax / chartHeight * (dataYMax - dataYMin));
var xDomain = [xAxisMin - xScaleSizeBuffer() * 1.2, xAxisMax];
var yDomain = [yAxisMin - yScaleSizeBuffer() * 1.2, yAxisMax];
var xAxisDataType = chartConfig.xAxisDataType;
var yAxisDataType = chartConfig.yAxisDataType;
var xScale = xAxisDataType === 'number' ? d3.scaleLinear() : d3.scaleTime();
xScale = xScale.range([0, chartWidth]).domain(xDomain);
var yScale = yAxisDataType === 'number' ? d3.scaleLinear() : d3.scaleTime();
yScale = yScale.range([chartHeight, 0]).domain(yDomain);
var numberValuesFormatFunc = function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) };
var dateValuesFormatFunc = function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
var xAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'bottom', xScale, 0, xAxisDataType === 'number' ? numberValuesFormatFunc : dateValuesFormatFunc);
var yAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'left', yScale, 0, yAxisDataType === 'number' ? numberValuesFormatFunc : dateValuesFormatFunc);
var g = svg.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(' + (chartWidth * .2) + ', ' + (chartWidth * .07) + ')');
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + chartHeight + ')')
.attr('class', 'x sc-axis')
.attr('class', 'y sc-axis')
var shouldShowAxisLabels = helper.shouldShowAxisLabels(g, chartWidth);
if (shouldShowAxisLabels) {
helper.addLabel(g, 'x label', 0, chartWidth / 2, chartHeight * 1.2, chartWidth * .03,'middle', chartConfig.xAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
helper.addLabel(g, 'y label', -90, -(chartWidth * .34), -(chartHeight * .22), chartWidth * .03, 'middle', chartConfig.yAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
var sizeScale = function(size) {
return Math.abs(((size - dataSizeMin) / (dataSizeMax - dataSizeMin) * (sizeMax - sizeMin)) + sizeMin);
var circles = g.selectAll('circles')
.attr('cx', function(d) { return xScale(d.x); })
.attr('cy', function(d) { return yScale(d.y); })
.attr('r', function(d) {
return sizeScale(d.size);
.style('fill', function(d, i) {
return d.color ? d.color : color(i);
.style('stroke', function(d, i) {
return d.color ? d.color : color(i);
.style('stroke-width', 2)
var focus = g.append('g').style('display', 'none');
var tooltip = helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'tooltip', 'tooltip', 'label');
circles.on('mouseover', function(d) {
focus.style('display', null);
circles.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
focus.style('display', 'none');
circles.on('mousemove', function(d) {
var x = xScale(d.x);
var y = yScale(d.y);
var formatFirstLine = xAxisDataType === 'number' ? function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) } : function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
var formatSecondLine = yAxisDataType === 'number' ? function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) } : function (d) { return d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) };
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px').style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + chartConfig.xAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + formatFirstLine(d.x) + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + chartConfig.yAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + formatSecondLine(d.y) + '</span>'
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
helper.addThreshold(chartConfig.thresholdValue, chartConfig.thresholdLabel, chartWidth, yDomain, g, 0, chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 'end', chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 0);
barChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig){
var isVertical = chartConfig.orientation === 'vertical';
var xAxisLabel = isVertical ? chartConfig.xAxisLabel : chartConfig.yAxisLabel;
var yAxisLabel = isVertical ? chartConfig.yAxisLabel : chartConfig.xAxisLabel;
var divContainer = d3.select(component.find(chartConfig.containerAuraId).getElement());
var chartWidth = helper.getWidth(chartConfig.containerWidth);
var chartHeight = helper.getHeight(chartWidth);
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'title', chartConfig.title, chartWidth);
var svg = divContainer.append('svg')
.attr('width', chartConfig.containerWidth)
.attr('height', helper.getHeight(chartConfig.containerWidth));
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'subtitle', chartConfig.subtitle, chartWidth);
var xDomain = helper.addDomain(chartConfig.data, 'label');
var yDomain = helper.addDomain(chartConfig.data, 'value');
var horizontalXScale = d3.scaleBand().range([chartHeight, 0]).padding(0.1).domain(chartConfig.data.map(function(d) { return d.label; }));
var horizontalYScale = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, chartWidth]).domain([d3.min(chartConfig.data, function(d) { return d.value; }) * (-1.01), d3.max(chartConfig.data, function(d) { return d.value; })]);
var verticalXScale = d3.scaleBand().range([0, chartWidth]).padding(0.1).domain(chartConfig.data.map(function(d) { return d.label; }));
var verticalYScale = d3.scaleLinear().range([chartHeight, 0]).domain([d3.min(chartConfig.data, function(d) { return d.value; }) * (-1.01), d3.max(chartConfig.data, function(d) { return d.value; })]);
var xScale = isVertical ? verticalXScale : horizontalYScale;
var yScale = isVertical ? verticalYScale : horizontalXScale;
var valueFormatFunc = function (d) {
var isDateOrNumber = (d instanceof Date) || (!isNaN(parseFloat(d)) && isFinite(d));
return isDateOrNumber ? d3.timeFormat('%b %d')(d) : d;
var labelFormatFunc = function (d) { return helper.abbreviateNumber(d) };
var horizontalXAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'bottom', xScale, 0, labelFormatFunc);
var horizontalYAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'left', yScale, 0, valueFormatFunc);
var verticalXAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'bottom', xScale, 0, valueFormatFunc);
var verticalYAxis = helper.addAxis(helper, 'left', yScale, 0, labelFormatFunc);
var xAxis = isVertical ? verticalXAxis : horizontalXAxis;
var yAxis = isVertical ? verticalYAxis : horizontalYAxis;
var g = svg.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(' + (chartWidth * .2) + ', ' + (chartWidth * .05) + ')');
var barX = isVertical ? function(d) { return xScale(d.label); } : function(d) { return yScale(d.value); };
var barY = isVertical ? function(d) { return yScale(d.value); } : function(d) { return yScale(d.label); };
var barWidth = isVertical ? xScale.bandwidth() : function(d) { return xScale(d.value); };
var barHeight = isVertical ? function(d) { return chartHeight - yScale(d.value); } : yScale.bandwidth();
var bars = g.selectAll('.sc-bc-bar')
.attr('class', 'sc-bc-bar')
.attr('x', barX)
.attr('width', barWidth)
.attr('y', barY)
.attr('height', barHeight);
var tooltip = helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'tooltip', 'tooltip', 'label');
bars.on('mouseover', function(d) {
var xAxisValue = isVertical ? valueFormatFunc(d.label) : labelFormatFunc(d.value);
var yAxisValue = isVertical ? labelFormatFunc(d.value) : valueFormatFunc(d.label);
formatHtml(xAxisLabel, xAxisValue, yAxisLabel, yAxisValue);
function formatHtml(xAxisLabel, xAxisValue, yAxisLabel, yAxisValue){
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + xAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + xAxisValue + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + yAxisLabel + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + yAxisValue + '</span>'
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
bars.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
bars.on('mousemove', function(d) {
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px')
.style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
helper.addThreshold(chartConfig.thresholdValue, chartConfig.thresholdLabel, chartWidth, yDomain, g, 0, chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue),
yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 'end', chartWidth, yScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 0);
} else {
helper.addThreshold(chartConfig.thresholdValue, chartConfig.thresholdLabel, chartWidth, yDomain, g, xScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), xScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue),
0, chartHeight, 'start', xScale(chartConfig.thresholdValue), 0, 90);
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + chartHeight + ')')
.attr('class', 'x sc-axis')
.attr('class', 'y sc-axis')
var shouldShowAxisLabels = helper.shouldShowAxisLabels(g, chartWidth);
if (shouldShowAxisLabels) {
helper.addLabel(g, 'x label', 0, chartWidth / 2, chartHeight * 1.2, chartWidth * .03,'middle', chartConfig.xAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
helper.addLabel(g, 'y label', -90, -(chartWidth * .34), -(chartHeight * .22), chartWidth * .03, 'middle', chartConfig.yAxisLabel, '#8b8b8b');
pieDonutChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig){
var isDonut = chartConfig.type === 'donut';
var total = d3.sum(chartConfig.data.map(function(d) {
return d.value;
var size = chartConfig.containerWidth * .6;
var radius = size / 2;
var colors = d3.scaleOrdinal().range(['#00a4e3', '#16325c', '#76ded9', '#08a69e', '#e2cd81',
'#e49e24', '#c03a38', '#fdb665', '#63b07f', '#0d716a']);
var divContainer = d3.select(component.find(chartConfig.containerAuraId).getElement());
var chartWidth = helper.getWidth(chartConfig.containerWidth);
var chartHeight = helper.getHeight(chartWidth);
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'title', chartConfig.title, chartWidth);
var svg = divContainer.append('svg')
.attr('width', chartConfig.containerWidth)
.attr('height', helper.getHeight(chartConfig.containerWidth))
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + (size * .55) + ',' + (size * .55) + ')');
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'subtitle', chartConfig.subtitle, chartWidth);
var donutWidth = size * .2;
var arc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(isDonut ? radius - donutWidth : 0)
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.value; })
var tooltip = helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'tooltip', 'tooltip', 'label');
var path = svg.selectAll('g')
.attr('class', 'sc-section')
.attr('d', arc)
.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
return colors(d.data.label);
path.on('mouseover', function(d) {
var percent = Math.round(1000 * d.data.value / total) / 10;
'<span class="sc-axis-label">Territory: </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + d.data.label + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + 'Sales' + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + helper.abbreviateNumber(d.data.value) + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-pdc-section-percent">' + percent + '% of ' + helper.abbreviateNumber(total) + '</span>');
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
path.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
path.on('mousemove', function(d) {
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px').style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
var legendCircleRadius = size * .027;
var legendSpacing = size * .02;
var legend = svg.selectAll('.sc-pdc-legend')
.attr('class', 'sc-pdc-legend')
.attr('transform', function(d, i) {
var legendRectHeight = 2 * legendCircleRadius + legendSpacing;
var vert = (i * legendRectHeight) - 180;
var offset = legendRectHeight * 6 / 2;
var horz = -2 * (2 * legendCircleRadius);
var vert = i * legendRectHeight - (offset * .555);
return 'translate(' + (size * .6) + ',' + vert + ')';
helper.addCircle(legend, size * .44, -size * .2, legendCircleRadius, '', function(d) { return colors(d.data.label); }, '', 0);
helper.addLabel(legend, '', 0, size * .37, -size * .187, size * .04, 'end', function(d) { return d.data.label; })
legend.on('mouseover', function(d) {
var percent = Math.round(1000 * d.data.value / total) / 10;
'<span class="sc-axis-label">Territory: </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + d.data.label + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-axis-label">' + 'Sales' + ': </span><span class="sc-axis-value">' + helper.abbreviateNumber(d.data.value) + '</span><br/>' +
'<span class="sc-pdc-section-percent">' + percent + '% of ' + helper.abbreviateNumber(total) + '</span>');
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
legend.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
legend.on('mousemove', function(d) {
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px').style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
if (isDonut) helper.addLabel(svg, '', 0, 0, (size * .07) / 2, size * .07, 'middle', helper.abbreviateNumber(total));
gaugeChart: function(component, helper, chartConfig){
var data = chartConfig.data[0];
var minValue = data.minValue;
var maxValue = data.maxValue;
if(minValue >= maxValue){
var error = helper.throwError('minValue should be lower than maxValue');
var size = chartConfig.containerWidth * .9;
var minAngle = -90;
var maxAngle = 90;
var range = maxAngle - minAngle;
var arcWidth = size * .04;
var arcInset = size * .05;
var radius = size / 2;
var pointerHeadLength = Math.round(radius * .65);
var pointerWidth = size * .013;
var pointerTailLength = size * .013;
var arcColors = d3.scaleOrdinal().range(['#c23934', '#ffb75d', '#00716b']);
var divContainer = d3.select(component.find(chartConfig.containerAuraId).getElement());
var chartWidth = helper.getWidth(chartConfig.containerWidth);
var chartHeight = helper.getHeight(chartWidth);
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'title', chartConfig.title, chartWidth);
var svg = divContainer.append('svg')
.attr('class', 'gaugeChartSVG')
.attr('width', chartConfig.containerWidth) // push it to the right
.attr('height', helper.getHeight(chartConfig.containerWidth))
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + (size * .0575) + ',' + (size * .04) + ')');
helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'subtitle', chartConfig.subtitle, chartWidth);
function deg2rad(deg) {
return deg * Math.PI / 180;
function centerTranslation() {
return 'translate('+ radius + ',' + radius + ')';
// a linear scale that maps domain values to a percent from minValue to maxValue
var scale = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, 1]).domain([minValue, maxValue]);
var sections = {
0: chartConfig.lowLabel,
1: chartConfig.midLabel,
2: chartConfig.highLabel
var numberOfSections = Object.keys(sections).length;
function percentToRange(percent, min, max) {
var ret = ((max - min) * percent + min);
return Math.round(ret * 100) / 100;
var ticks = [
percentToRange(.33, minValue, maxValue).toFixed(2),
percentToRange(.66, minValue, maxValue).toFixed(2),
var tickData = d3.range(numberOfSections).map(function() { return 1 / numberOfSections; });
var arc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(radius - arcWidth - arcInset)
.outerRadius(radius - arcInset)
.startAngle(function(d, i) {
var ratio = d * i;
return deg2rad(minAngle + (ratio * range));
.endAngle(function(d, i) {
var ratio = d * (i+1);
return deg2rad(minAngle + (ratio * range));
var arcs = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'arc')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
var path = arcs.selectAll('path')
.attr('class', 'sc-section')
.attr('fill', function(d, i) {
return arcColors(d * i);
.attr('d', arc);
var labelInset = size * .02;
var labels = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'label')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('font-size', size * .04)
.attr('transform', function(d) {
var ratio = scale(d);
var newAngle = minAngle + (ratio * range);
return 'rotate(' + newAngle +') translate(0,' + (labelInset - radius) +')';
.text(function(d){ return helper.abbreviateNumber(d)});
var whiteTicks = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'whiteTicks')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
var whiteTicksData = ticks.map(function(tick){ return tick; });
whiteTicksData.shift(); // Remove first item
whiteTicksData.pop(); // Remove last item
function whiteTicksTransformFunc(d) {
var ratio = scale(d);
var newAngle = minAngle + (ratio * range) + .5;
return 'rotate(' + newAngle +') translate(0,' + ( - radius + arcInset) +')';
helper.addTicks(helper, whiteTicks, 'rect', whiteTicksData, arcWidth * .2, arcWidth * 1.15, 'white', whiteTicksTransformFunc);
var innerArcWidth = size * .08;
var innerArcInset = size * .095;
var innerArc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(radius - innerArcWidth - innerArcInset)
.outerRadius(radius - innerArcInset)
var innerArcs = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'arc777')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
.attr('fill', '#F4F6F9')
.attr('d', innerArc);
var smallTicks = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'smallTicks')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
var numOfSmallTicks = 12;
var partition = (maxValue - minValue) / numOfSmallTicks;
var smallTicksData = [];
for (var i=0; i<=numOfSmallTicks; i++) {
smallTicksData.push(minValue + partition * i);
function smallTicksTransformFunc(d){
var ratio = scale(d);
var newAngle = minAngle + (ratio * range) - .5;
return 'rotate(' + newAngle +') translate(0,' + (-radius * .81) +')';
helper.addTicks(helper, smallTicks, 'rect', smallTicksData, innerArcWidth * .078, innerArcWidth / 2, 'lightgray', smallTicksTransformFunc);
var lineData = [
[pointerWidth / 2, 0],
[0, -pointerHeadLength],
[-(pointerWidth / 2), 0],
[0, pointerTailLength],
[pointerWidth / 2, 0]
helper.addCircle(svg, radius, radius, size * .04, '', '#F4F6F9', '#E2E7EF', size * .0055);
helper.addCircle(svg, radius, radius, size * .02, '', 'black', '', 0);
var pointerLine = d3.line().curve(d3.curveMonotoneX);
var pg = svg.append('g').data([lineData])
.attr('class', 'pointer')
.attr('transform', centerTranslation);
var pointer = pg.append('path')
.attr('d', pointerLine ) //function(d) { return pointerLine(d) +'Z';}
.attr('transform', 'rotate(' + minAngle +')');
var tooltip = helper.addDiv(component, chartConfig.containerAuraId, 'tooltip', 'tooltip', 'label');
path.on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
tooltip.select('.label').html('<span class="axisValue">' + sections[i] + '</span>');
tooltip.style('display', 'block');
path.on('mouseout', function(d) {
tooltip.style('display', 'none');
path.on('mousemove', function(d) {
tooltip.style('top', (d3.event.layerY + 10) + 'px')
.style('left', (d3.event.layerX + 10) + 'px');
var valueLabel = helper.addLabel(svg, 'label valueLabel', 0, radius, radius + size * .11, size * .05, 'middle', '');
var rangeLabel = helper.addLabel(svg, 'label valueLabel', 0, radius, radius + size * .155, size * .035, 'middle', '');
var valueRanges = [];
ticks.forEach(function(item, index) {
if (!$A.util.isEmpty(ticks[index]) && !$A.util.isEmpty(ticks[index + 1])) {
var tempArray = [];
tempArray.push(Number(item), Number(ticks[index + 1]));
}, 1500);
function moveTheNeedle(value, newConfiguration){
function getValueProperties(value) {
var rangeProperties = {};
valueRanges.forEach(function(valueRange, index){
if(valueRange[0] <= value && value <= valueRange[1]) {
rangeProperties.value = '(' + helper.abbreviateNumber(valueRange[0]) + ' to ' + helper.abbreviateNumber(valueRange[1]) + ')';
rangeProperties.color = arcColors((1 / valueRanges.length) * index);
return rangeProperties;
var rangeProperties = getValueProperties(value);
.attr('fill', rangeProperties.color);
.attr('fill', rangeProperties.color);
var ratio = scale(value);
var angle = minAngle + (ratio * range);
function tween(d, i, a) {
return d3.interpolateString('rotate(' + minAngle + ', 0, 0)', 'rotate(' + angle + ', 0, 0)');
var transitionMs = 4000;
.attrTween('transform', tween);
getWidth: function(basedOnWidth){
return basedOnWidth * .75;
getHeight: function(basedOnWidth){
return basedOnWidth * .66;
shouldShowAxisLabels: function(parent, chartWidth){
var xAxisLabels = d3.selectAll('g .x text');
var numberOfXAxisTicks = xAxisLabels.size();
var widestXAxisLabel = 0;
xAxisLabels.each(function() {
widestXAxisLabel = Math.max(widestXAxisLabel, this.clientWidth);
var shouldRotateXAxisLabels = ((widestXAxisLabel + 8) * numberOfXAxisTicks) > chartWidth;
parent.selectAll('.x text')
.style('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('dx', '-.8em')
.attr('dy', '-.55em')
.attr('transform', function(){
return 'translate(' + (0) + ',' + (0) +') ' + 'rotate(-90)';
var yAxisLabels = d3.selectAll('g .y text');
var widestYAxisLabel = 0;
yAxisLabels.each(function() {
widestYAxisLabel = Math.max(widestYAxisLabel, this.clientWidth);
var shouldHideYAxisLabels = widestYAxisLabel > chartWidth * .1;
return (chartWidth > 280 && (!shouldRotateXAxisLabels && !shouldHideYAxisLabels))
addCircle: function(parent, circleX, circleY, radius, cssClass, fill, stroke, strokeWidth){
.attr('cx', circleX)
.attr('cy', circleY)
.attr('r', radius)
.attr('class', cssClass)
.style('fill', fill)
.style('stroke', stroke)
.style('stroke-width', strokeWidth);
addTicks: function(helper, ticks, shape, data, chartWidth, chartHeight, fill, transformFunc){
.attr('width', chartWidth)
.attr('height', chartHeight)
.style('fill', fill)
.attr('transform', transformFunc)
.text(function(d){ return helper.abbreviateNumber(d)});
addLabel: function(parent, cssClass, rotation, x, y, fontSize, textAnchor, label, fill){
var label = parent.append('text')
.attr('class', cssClass)
.attr('text-anchor', textAnchor)
.attr('transform', 'rotate(' + rotation + ')')
.attr('x', x)
.attr('y', y)
.attr('font-size', fontSize)
.attr('dy', '0em')
if(fill !== undefined) label.attr('fill', fill);
return label;
addDiv: function(component, containerAuraId, type, label, chartWidth){
var div = d3.select(component.find(containerAuraId).getElement()).append('div');
if(type === 'tooltip'){
div.attr('class', 'sc-tooltip')
div.append('div').attr('class', 'label');
} else if (type === 'title'){
div.attr('class', 'slds-p-bottom--small slds-text-align--left slds-text-body--small slds-p-left--small')
.style('font-size', chartWidth * .0376 + 'px')
} else if(type === 'subtitle'){
div.attr('class', 'slds-p-top--small slds-text-align--right slds-text-body--small slds-p-right--small')
.style('font-size', chartWidth * .0376 + 'px')
return div;
addThreshold: function(thresholdValue, thresholdLabel, chartWidth, domain, parent, lineX1, lineX2, lineY1, lineY2, textAnchor, textX, textY, rotateAngle){
if(thresholdValue && domain[0] <= thresholdValue && domain[1] >= thresholdValue) {
.attr('x1', lineX1)
.attr('y1', lineY1)
.attr('x2', lineX2)
.attr('y2', lineY2)
.attr('class', 'sc-threshold-line');
.attr('dy', '-.4em')
.attr('text-anchor', textAnchor)
.attr('font-size', chartWidth * .025)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + textX + ', ' + textY + ') rotate(' + rotateAngle + ')')
.attr('class', 'sc-threshold-text')
addDomain: function(data, axis) {
return d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[axis]; })
addAxis: function(helper, orientation, scale, tickSizeOuter, tickFormat) {
if(orientation === 'bottom'){
return d3.axisBottom().scale(scale).tickSizeOuter(tickSizeOuter).tickFormat(tickFormat);
} else if(orientation === 'left'){
return d3.axisLeft().scale(scale).tickSizeOuter(tickSizeOuter).tickFormat(tickFormat);
abbreviateNumber: function(amount){
amount = Number(amount);
if ((Math.abs(amount) / Math.pow(10, 12)) >= 1) {
return parseFloat((amount / Math.pow(10, 12)).toFixed(1)) + 'T';
} else if ((Math.abs(amount) / Math.pow(10, 9)) >= 1) {
return parseFloat((amount / Math.pow(10, 9)).toFixed(1)) + 'B';
} else if ((Math.abs(amount) / Math.pow(10, 6)) >= 1) {
return parseFloat((amount / Math.pow(10, 6)).toFixed(1)) + 'M';
} else if ((Math.abs(amount) / Math.pow(10, 3)) >= 1) {
return parseFloat((amount / Math.pow(10, 3)).toFixed(2)) + 'K';
return parseFloat(amount.toFixed(2));
throwError: function(errorMessage){
function ErrorMessage() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments);
temp.name = this.name = 'Error Message';
this.message = temp.message;
if(Object.defineProperty) {
/*this.stack = */Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', {
get: function() {
return temp.stack
configurable: true
} else {
this.stack = temp.stack
//inherit prototype using ECMAScript 5 (IE 9+)
ErrorMessage.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: ErrorMessage,
writable: true,
configurable: true
return new ErrorMessage(errorMessage);