const cli = require('heroku-cli-util') const co = require('co') const api = require('../../lib/heroku-api') const git = require('../../lib/git') const source = require('../../lib/source') const TestRun = require('../../lib/test-run') const Utils = require('../../lib/utils') const PipelineCompletion = require('../../lib/completions') function* run (context, heroku) { const pipeline = yield Utils.getPipeline(context, heroku) const commit = yield git.readCommit('HEAD') const sourceBlobUrl = yield cli.action('Preparing source', co(function* () { return yield source.createSourceBlob(commit.ref, context, heroku) })) const pipelineRepository = yield api.pipelineRepository(heroku, const organization = pipelineRepository.organization && const testRun = yield cli.action('Starting test run', co(function* () { return yield api.createTestRun(heroku, { commit_branch: commit.branch, commit_message: commit.message, commit_sha: commit.ref, pipeline:, organization, source_blob_url: sourceBlobUrl }) })) return yield TestRun.displayAndExit(pipeline, testRun.number, { heroku }) } module.exports = { topic: 'ci', command: 'run', wantsApp: true, needsAuth: true, description: 'run tests against current directory', flags: [ { name: 'pipeline', char: 'p', hasValue: true, description: 'pipeline', completion: PipelineCompletion } ], run: cli.command(co.wrap(run)), help: `uploads the contents of the current directory to Heroku and runs the tests Example: $ heroku ci:run --app murmuring-headland-14719` }