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# Publishing a Platform Event from AWS Lambda
# Before you start
Make sure you have the following:
* Administrator access to a Salesforce org
* A Platform Event defined on this org
* An AWS account with access to the Lambda service
* A computer with node 6.10 and npm 3.10 installed
# The complete process
We are going to secure communications between AWS Lambda and Salesforce using OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer flow. This will be done in 3 stages
# Stage 1 - Create a Private Key and SSL Certificate
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON-based security token encoding mechanism that enables identity and security information to be shared across security domains. In this scenario, the AWS Lambda service will use a private key to load Platform Events into Salesforce as a trusted user. On the other side, Salesforce will use a Self-Signed X50 certificate, built from the AWS private key, to verify and establish the trust between AWS Lambda and Salesforce
A simple way to create a private key and matching SSL certificate is to open a Terminal session (Mac/Unix) and run the following command
`openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout private.pem -out server.cert`
You will be prompted to enter the following info
* Country Name (2-char)
* State or Province
* Locality Name
* Organization Name
* Organizational Unit Name (fully qualified name)
* Common Name
* Email
At this point you should have 2 new files
* **private.pem** (Private Key) - This should look like this
* **server.crt **(SSL Certificate) - This should look like this
You will use the **private key **and **server certificate** in the next 2 stages
# Stage 2 - Set up Salesforce Security
As a Salesforce Administrator to the org, complete the following tasks:
1. Create a locked-down **“AWS Lambda Integration User”** Profile.
1. This profile should only allow
1. **Create** and **Read** permission to the relevant **Platform Event(s)**
2. API Enabled = true
2. Create a AWS API User and assign it to the **AWS Lambda Integration User Profile**
1. For this exercise, let's name it : **[awsapiuser@gadgets.com](mailto:awsapiuser@gadgets.com)**
3. Create a New Connected App. Use the following values as a guide
1. Connected App name = **AWSLambdaApp**
2. Contact Email = Your email
3. Enable OAuth Settings = Checked
1. Callback URL = https://www.salesforce.com/callback
4. Use digital signatures = Checked
1. Click on Choose file to upload the **server.crt **created in the previous section
5. Available OAuth Scopes - Add the following
1. Access and Manage your data (API)
2. Perform Requests on your behalf at any time
6. Require secret for Web Server Flow = Unchecked
4. Make a note of the** Consumer Key **as you will need it in your AWS Lambda Function
5. Go Back to App Manager and Choose **“Manage”**
* Click **“Edit Policies”**
* Set Permitted Users = **“Admin Approved users are pre-authorized”**
* **Under Managed Profiles**
* Add the **“AWS Lambda Integration User”** Profile
# Stage 3 - Create the AWS Lambda Function
Finally, you will create a Lambda function that uses the private key (created in section 1) to publish a Platform Event into your salesforce org. The AWS Lambda function will impersonate the AWS api user (created in section 2)
This stage consists of 2 sets of steps
* Create and package the function source code and
* Create the AWS Lambda function
## Create and Package the function source code
Complete the following steps
* Create a new folder (name it **myfunction**)
* Open a Terminal and navigate to this folder
* Run the following command
npm init
* Accept all default entries by hitting **<ENTER>**
* At this point you should have a **package.json **file under your** **myfunction**** folder
* Install the following npm packages
`npm i` ```new-salesforce-jwt --save
`npm i` ```jsforce --save``
* Create index.js (under your **myfunction** folder)
touch index.js
* Edit index.js and paste the following Javascript code
'use strict'
var jwtflow = require('new-salesforce-jwt');
var jsforce = require('jsforce');
function reBuildPrivateKey() {
var beginPk = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
var endPk = "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
return( beginPk + process.env.privateKey.split(' ').concat().join('\n') + endPk);
exports.**handler** = function (event, context, callback) {
var consumerKey = process.env.consumerKey; // This is the connected app consumerKey
var awsApiUser = process.env.awsApiUser; // This is the api user used by aws to connect to sfdc
var privateKey = reBuildPrivateKey(); //This is the private Key linked to the public SSL cert
var sandbox = (process.env.isSandbox == 'true'); //Set to true, if publishing PE to a sandbox org
var instanceUrl = process.env.instanceUrl;
var platformEventAPIName = process.env.platformEventAPIName; //Set to PE API name (e.g 'Robot_State__e')
//Get AccessToken using JWT OAuth2 flow
jwtflow.getToken(consumerKey, privateKey, awsApiUser, sandbox, function(err, accessToken) {
if (err) {
callback(err,null); // Error in JWT Flow
//With the OAuth access token, connect to Salesforce
if (accessToken) {
var sfConnection = new jsforce.Connection();
instanceUrl: instanceUrl,
accessToken: accessToken
if (sfConnection) {
//Publish a Robot_State__e Platform Event
sfConnection.sobject(platformEventAPIName).create(event).then (
function (result) { callback(null,result);},
function (err) { callback(err,null);}
* Create **myfunction.zip** - A zip file containing, at its root, the myFunction folder and all of its contents
Now that you have the source code packaged in a zip file, the final step is to create the AWS Lambda function
## Create the AWS Lambda Function
* Logon to the AWS Console and Access the Lambda Service
* Click on **Create Function**
* Select “Author From Scratch”
* Enter Name = **myawsfunction**
* Runtime = Node.js 6.10
* Role → Create custom role
* Select lambda_basic_execution
* Click **Allow**
* Click **Create Function**
Your new function is now created. The screen should look like this
* Scroll down and create the following Environment Variables
* **consumerKey** = The consumer key from the Connected App created at Stage 2
* **awsApiUser** = The salesforce user name that AWS will impersonate ( e.g **[awsapiuser@gadgets.com](mailto:awsapiuser@gadgets.com)) **
* **instanceUrl** = You can get this from the browser URL when connected to your org (e.g. [https://eu12.salesforce.com](https://eu12.salesforce.com/))
* **platformEventAPIName** = Robot_State__e (this Platform Event must exist in your org)
* **isSandbox** = false (set to **false** for Developer Edition or Production orgs)
* **privateKey** = Enter the contents of the Private key created in stage one, **EXCEPT THE 1ST AND LAST LINES!**
* Create a Test Event for your Lambda Function
* Click **Configure Test event**
* Note the Test Event data fields must correspond to a Platform Event (in this case **“Robot_State__e”) previosuly defined on Salesforce **
* Upload the Packaged Source code (Zip file)
* Under the Function Code section, choose
* Upload a .Zip file (Choose your **myFunction.zip**)
* Runtime = Node.js 6.10
* Handler = myFunction/index.handler (This is the location of the handler function within the zip file)
* Click **Save**
## Test your AWS Lambda Function
Click **Test** and check that the output is similar to that shown on the screen below.
# References
* [Create a simple Lambda Function](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/get-started-create-function.html)
* [Lambda Environment Variable Encryption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/env_variables.html#env_encrypt)
* [Create a Lambda function using Environment variables to store sensitive information](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/tutorial-env_console.html)
* [Digging deeper into OAuth 2.0 in Salesforce](https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=remoteaccess_authenticate_overview.htm)
* [OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow](https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=remoteaccess_oauth_jwt_flow.htm&type=5)
* NPM module new-salesforce-jwt: [Salesforce Auth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow Implementation](https://www.npmjs.com/package/new-salesforce-jwt)
* NPM module jsforce: [Salesforce API Library for JavaScript applications (both on web browser and Node.js)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsforce)
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