[Build] Generate the SkiaSharp Portable source at build time to prevent out-of-date assemblies
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.24720.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Binding", "Binding\Binding.shproj", "{9C502B9A-25D4-473F-89BD-5A13DDE16354}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SkiaSharp.Generic", "SkiaSharp.Generic\SkiaSharp.Generic.csproj", "{E81CA656-224A-4121-ADD9-1771E06E8A8F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{E81CA656-224A-4121-ADD9-1771E06E8A8F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E81CA656-224A-4121-ADD9-1771E06E8A8F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E81CA656-224A-4121-ADD9-1771E06E8A8F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E81CA656-224A-4121-ADD9-1771E06E8A8F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
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<Import Project="..\Binding\Binding.projitems" Label="Shared" Condition="Exists('..\Binding\Binding.projitems')" />
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<TargetFrameworkProfile />
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
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<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
<Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions" />
<Reference Include="Microsoft.CSharp" />
<Reference Include="System.Data" />
<Reference Include="System.Net.Http" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
namespace SkiaSharp {
public enum SKAlphaType {
Opaque = 0,
Premul = 1,
Unpremul = 2,
public enum SKBlurStyle {
Inner = 3,
Normal = 0,
Outer = 2,
Solid = 1,
public partial class SKCanvas {
internal SKCanvas() { }
public void Clear() { }
public void Clear (SKColor color) {}
public void ClipPath(SkiaSharp.SKPath path) { }
public void ClipRect(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect) { }
public void Concat(ref SkiaSharp.SKMatrix m) { }
public void DrawColor(SkiaSharp.SKColor color, SkiaSharp.SKXferMode mode=(SkiaSharp.SKXferMode)(1)) { }
public void DrawImage(SkiaSharp.SKPath path, SkiaSharp.SKImage image, float x, float y, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawImageScaled(SkiaSharp.SKPath path, SkiaSharp.SKImage image, SkiaSharp.SKRect dest, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawImageScaled(SkiaSharp.SKPath path, SkiaSharp.SKImage image, SkiaSharp.SKRect source, SkiaSharp.SKRect dest, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawOval(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPaint(SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPath(SkiaSharp.SKPath path, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPicture(SkiaSharp.SKPicture picture, ref SkiaSharp.SKMatrix matrix, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPicture(SkiaSharp.SKPicture picture, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SkiaSharp.SKColor color) { }
public void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawPoints(SkiaSharp.SKPointMode mode, SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] points, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawRect(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawText(string text, SkiaSharp.SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawText(string text, SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] points, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void DrawText(string text, float x, float y, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void Restore() { }
public void RotateDegrees(float degrees) { }
public void RotateRadians(float radians) { }
public void Save() { }
public void SaveLayer(SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void SaveLayer(SkiaSharp.SKRect limit, SkiaSharp.SKPaint paint) { }
public void Scale(float sx, float sy) { }
public void Scale(SKPoint size) { }
public void Skew(float sx, float sy) { }
public void Skew(SKPoint skew) { }
public void Translate(float dx, float dy) { }
public void Translate(SKPoint point) { }
public class SKAutoCanvasRestore : System.IDisposable
public SKAutoCanvasRestore (SKCanvas canvas, bool doSave) { }
public void Dispose () { }
public void Restore () { }
public enum SKClipType {
Difference = 1,
Intersect = 0,
public partial struct SKColor {
public SKColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public SKColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public SKColor WithAlpha (byte alpha) { return default(SKColor); }
public byte Alpha { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(byte); } }
public byte Blue { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(byte); } }
public byte Green { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(byte); } }
public byte Red { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(byte); } }
public override bool Equals(object other) { return default(bool); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return default(int); }
public override string ToString() { return default(string); }
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)]
public partial struct SKColors {
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor AliceBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor AntiqueWhite;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Aqua;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Aquamarine;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Azure;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Beige;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Bisque;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Black;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor BlanchedAlmond;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Blue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor BlueViolet;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Brown;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor BurlyWood;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor CadetBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Chartreuse;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Chocolate;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Coral;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor CornflowerBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Cornsilk;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Crimson;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Cyan;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkCyan;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkGoldenrod;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkKhaki;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkMagenta;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkOliveGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkOrange;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkOrchid;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkRed;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkSalmon;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkSeaGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkSlateBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkSlateGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkTurquoise;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DarkViolet;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DeepPink;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DeepSkyBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DimGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor DodgerBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Firebrick;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor FloralWhite;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor ForestGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Fuchsia;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Gainsboro;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor GhostWhite;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Gold;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Goldenrod;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Gray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Green;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor GreenYellow;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Honeydew;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor HotPink;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor IndianRed;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Indigo;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Ivory;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Khaki;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Lavender;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LavenderBlush;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LawnGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LemonChiffon;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightCoral;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightCyan;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightGoldenrodYellow;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightPink;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightSalmon;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightSeaGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightSkyBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightSlateGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightSteelBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LightYellow;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Lime;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor LimeGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Linen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Magenta;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Maroon;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumAquamarine;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumOrchid;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumPurple;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumSeaGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumSlateBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumSpringGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumTurquoise;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MediumVioletRed;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MidnightBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MintCream;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor MistyRose;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Moccasin;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor NavajoWhite;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Navy;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor OldLace;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Olive;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor OliveDrab;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Orange;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor OrangeRed;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Orchid;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PaleGoldenrod;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PaleGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PaleTurquoise;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PaleVioletRed;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PapayaWhip;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PeachPuff;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Peru;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Pink;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Plum;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor PowderBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Purple;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Red;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor RosyBrown;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor RoyalBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SaddleBrown;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Salmon;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SandyBrown;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SeaGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SeaShell;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Sienna;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Silver;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SkyBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SlateBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SlateGray;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Snow;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SpringGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor SteelBlue;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Tan;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Teal;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Thistle;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Tomato;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Transparent;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Turquoise;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Violet;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Wheat;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor White;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor WhiteSmoke;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Yellow;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor YellowGreen;
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor Empty { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKColor); } }
public enum SKColorType {
Alpha_8 = 3,
Bgra_8888 = 2,
Rgba_8888 = 1,
Unknown = 0,
public partial class SKData : System.IDisposable {
public SKData() { }
public SKData(System.IntPtr bytes, ulong length) { }
public System.IntPtr Data { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(System.IntPtr); } }
public long Size { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(long); } }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKData() { }
public static SkiaSharp.SKData FromMallocMemory(System.IntPtr bytes, ulong length) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKData); }
public void SaveTo(System.IO.Stream target) { }
public SkiaSharp.SKData Subset(ulong offset, ulong length) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKData); }
public enum SKEncoding {
Utf16 = 1,
Utf32 = 2,
Utf8 = 0,
public enum SKTextEncoding {
GlyphId = 3,
Utf16 = 1,
Utf32 = 2,
Utf8 = 0,
public static partial class SkiaExtensions {
public static bool IsBgr(this SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry pg) { return default(bool); }
public static bool IsHorizontal(this SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry pg) { return default(bool); }
public static bool IsRgb(this SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry pg) { return default(bool); }
public static bool IsVertical(this SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry pg) { return default(bool); }
public partial class SKImage : System.IDisposable {
internal SKImage() { }
public int Height { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(int); } }
public uint UniqueId { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(uint); } }
public int Width { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(int); } }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
public SkiaSharp.SKData Encode() { return default(SkiaSharp.SKData); }
~SKImage() { }
public static SkiaSharp.SKImage FromData(SkiaSharp.SKData data, SkiaSharp.SKRectI subset) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKImage); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKImage FromPixels(SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, System.IntPtr pixels, int rowBytes) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKImage); }
public partial struct SKImageInfo {
public SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType AlphaType;
public SkiaSharp.SKColorType ColorType;
public int Height;
public int Width;
public SKImageInfo(int width, int height, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType alphaType) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public partial class SKMaskFilter : System.IDisposable {
public SKMaskFilter(SkiaSharp.SKBlurStyle blurStyle, float sigma) { }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKMaskFilter() { }
public partial struct SKMatrix {
public float Persp0;
public float Persp1;
public float Persp2;
public float ScaleX;
public float ScaleY;
public float SkewX;
public float SkewY;
public float TransX;
public float TransY;
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeIdentity() { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeRotation(float radians) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeScale(float sx, float sy) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeScale(float sx, float sy, float pivotX, float pivotY) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeSkew(float sx, float sy) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKMatrix MakeTranslation(float dx, float dy) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMatrix); }
public void SetScaleTranslate(float sx, float sy, float tx, float ty) { }
public partial class SKPaint : System.IDisposable {
public SKPaint() { }
public SkiaSharp.SKColor Color { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKColor); } set { } }
public bool IsAntialias { get { return default(bool); } set { } }
public bool IsStroke { get { return default(bool); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKMaskFilter MaskFilter { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKMaskFilter); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKShader Shader { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKStrokeCap StrokeCap { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKStrokeCap); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKStrokeJoin StrokeJoin { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKStrokeJoin); } set { } }
public float StrokeMiter { get { return default(float); } set { } }
public float StrokeWidth { get { return default(float); } set { } }
public float TextSize { get { return default(float); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKTypeface Typeface { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKXferMode XferMode { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKXferMode); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKTextAlign TextAlign { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTextAlign); } set { } }
public SkiaSharp.SKTextEncoding TextEncoding { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTextEncoding); } set { } }
public float TextScaleX { get { return default(float); } set { } }
public float TextSkewX { get { return default(float); } set { } }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKPaint() { }
public partial class SKPath : System.IDisposable {
public SKPath() { }
public void AddOval(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect, SkiaSharp.SKPathDirection direction) { }
public void AddRect(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect, SkiaSharp.SKPathDirection direction) { }
public void Close() { }
public void ConicTo(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float w) { }
public void CubicTo(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKPath() { }
public bool GetBounds(out SkiaSharp.SKRect rect) { rect = default(SkiaSharp.SKRect); return default(bool); }
public void LineTo(float x, float y) { }
public void MoveTo(float x, float y) { }
public void QuadTo(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { }
public enum SKPathDirection {
Clockwise = 0,
CounterClockwise = 1,
public partial class SKPicture : System.IDisposable {
internal SKPicture() { }
public SkiaSharp.SKRect Bounds { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKRect); } }
public uint UniqueId { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(uint); } }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKPicture() { }
public partial class SKPictureRecorder : System.IDisposable {
public SKPictureRecorder() { }
public SkiaSharp.SKCanvas BeginRecording(SkiaSharp.SKRect rect) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKCanvas); }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
public SkiaSharp.SKPicture EndRecording() { return default(SkiaSharp.SKPicture); }
~SKPictureRecorder() { }
public enum SKPixelGeometry {
BgrHorizontal = 2,
BgrVertical = 4,
RgbHorizontal = 1,
RgbVertical = 3,
Unknown = 0,
public partial struct SKPoint {
public float X;
public float Y;
public SKPoint(float x, float y) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public enum SKPointMode {
Lines = 1,
Points = 0,
Polygon = 2,
public partial struct SKRect {
public float Bottom;
public float Left;
public float Right;
public float Top;
public SKRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public static SKRect Create (float width, float height) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public static SKRect Create (float x, float y, float width, float height) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public partial struct SKRectI {
public int Bottom;
public int Left;
public int Right;
public int Top;
public SKRectI(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public static SKRectI Create (int width, int height) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public static SKRectI Create (int x, int y, int width, int height) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public partial class SKShader : System.IDisposable {
internal SKShader() { }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateLinearGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint start, SkiaSharp.SKPoint end, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateLinearGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint start, SkiaSharp.SKPoint end, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode, SkiaSharp.SKMatrix localMatrix) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateRadialGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint center, float radius, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateRadialGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint center, float radius, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode, SkiaSharp.SKMatrix localMatrix) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateSweepGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint center, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateSweepGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint center, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKMatrix localMatrix) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateTwoPointConicalGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint start, float startRadius, SkiaSharp.SKPoint end, float endRadius, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKShader CreateTwoPointConicalGradient(SkiaSharp.SKPoint start, float startRadius, SkiaSharp.SKPoint end, float endRadius, SkiaSharp.SKColor[] colors, System.Single[] colorPos, SkiaSharp.SKShaderTileMode mode, SkiaSharp.SKMatrix localMatrix) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKShader); }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKShader() { }
public enum SKShaderTileMode {
Clamp = 0,
Mirror = 2,
Repeat = 1,
public enum SKStrokeCap {
Butt = 0,
Round = 1,
Square = 2,
public enum SKStrokeJoin {
Bevel = 2,
Mitter = 0,
Round = 1,
public enum SKTextAlign {
Left = 0,
Center = 1,
Right = 2,
public partial class SKSurface : System.IDisposable {
internal SKSurface() { }
public SkiaSharp.SKCanvas Canvas { get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKCanvas); } }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, SkiaSharp.SKSurfaceProps props) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, System.IntPtr pixels, int rowBytes) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, System.IntPtr pixels, int rowBytes, SkiaSharp.SKSurfaceProps props) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(int width, int height, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType alphaType) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(int width, int height, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType alphaType, SkiaSharp.SKSurfaceProps props) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(int width, int height, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType alphaType, System.IntPtr pixels, int rowBytes) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKSurface Create(int width, int height, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType alphaType, System.IntPtr pixels, int rowBytes, SkiaSharp.SKSurfaceProps props) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKSurface); }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKSurface() { }
public SkiaSharp.SKImage Snapshot() { return default(SkiaSharp.SKImage); }
public partial struct SKSurfaceProps {
public SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry PixelGeometry { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { return default(SkiaSharp.SKPixelGeometry); } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
public partial class SKTypeface : System.IDisposable {
internal SKTypeface() { }
public int CharsToGlyphs(System.IntPtr str, int strlen, SkiaSharp.SKEncoding encoding, out System.UInt16[] glyphs) { glyphs = default(System.UInt16[]); return default(int); }
public int CharsToGlyphs(string chars, out System.UInt16[] glyphs) { glyphs = default(System.UInt16[]); return default(int); }
public int CountGlyphs(System.IntPtr str, int strLen, SkiaSharp.SKEncoding encoding) { return default(int); }
public int CountGlyphs(string str) { return default(int); }
public void Dispose() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
~SKTypeface() { }
public static SkiaSharp.SKTypeface FromFamilyName(string familyName, SkiaSharp.SKTypefaceStyle style=(SkiaSharp.SKTypefaceStyle)(0)) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKTypeface FromTypeface(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface typeface, SkiaSharp.SKTypefaceStyle style=(SkiaSharp.SKTypefaceStyle)(0)) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKTypeface FromFile(string path, int index = 0) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface); }
public static SkiaSharp.SKTypeface FromStream(SkiaSharp.SKStreamAsset stream, int index = 0) { return default(SkiaSharp.SKTypeface); }
public abstract class SKStream : System.IDisposable
internal SKStream (System.IntPtr handle, bool owns) { }
public void Dispose () { }
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) { }
~SKStream () { }
public bool IsAtEnd { get { return default(bool); } }
public System.SByte ReadSByte () { return 0; }
public System.Int16 ReadInt16 () { return 0; }
public System.Int32 ReadInt32 () { return 0; }
public System.Byte ReadByte () { return 0; }
public System.UInt16 ReadUInt16 () { return 0; }
public System.UInt32 ReadUInt32 () { return 0; }
public abstract class SKStreamRewindable : SKStream
internal SKStreamRewindable (System.IntPtr handle, bool owns) : base (handle, owns) { }
public abstract class SKStreamSeekable : SKStreamRewindable
internal SKStreamSeekable (System.IntPtr handle, bool owns) : base (handle, owns) { }
public abstract class SKStreamAsset : SKStreamSeekable
internal SKStreamAsset (System.IntPtr handle, bool owns) : base (handle, owns) { }
public abstract class SKStreamMemory : SKStreamAsset
internal SKStreamMemory (System.IntPtr handle, bool owns) : base (handle, owns) { }
public class SKFileStream : SKStreamAsset
public SKFileStream (string path) : base (default(System.IntPtr), default(bool)) { }
public class SKMemoryStream : SKStreamMemory
public SKMemoryStream () : base (default(System.IntPtr), default(bool)) { }
public SKMemoryStream (long length) : base (default(System.IntPtr), default(bool)) { }
public SKMemoryStream (SKData data) : base (default(System.IntPtr), default(bool)) { }
public SKMemoryStream (byte[] data) : this () { }
public void SetMemory (byte[] data) { }
public class SKManagedStream : SKStreamAsset
public SKManagedStream (System.IO.Stream managedStream) : base (default(System.IntPtr), default(bool)) { }
public enum SKTypefaceStyle {
Bold = 1,
BoldItalic = 3,
Italic = 2,
Normal = 0,
public enum SKXferMode {
Clear = 0,
Color = 27,
ColorBurn = 19,
ColorDodge = 18,
Darken = 16,
Difference = 22,
Dst = 2,
DstATop = 10,
DstIn = 6,
DstOut = 8,
DstOver = 4,
Exclusion = 23,
HardLight = 20,
Hue = 25,
Lighten = 17,
Luminosity = 28,
Modulate = 13,
Multiply = 24,
Overlay = 15,
Plus = 12,
Saturation = 26,
Screen = 14,
SoftLight = 21,
Src = 1,
SrcATop = 9,
SrcIn = 5,
SrcOut = 7,
SrcOver = 3,
Xor = 11,
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ var AppendEnvironmentVariable = new Action<string, string> ((name, value) => {
CakeSpec.Libs = new ISolutionBuilder [] {
new IOSSolutionBuilder {
SolutionPath = "binding/SkiaSharp.sln",
SolutionPath = "binding/SkiaSharp.Mac.sln",
IsWindowsCompatible = false,
IsMacCompatible = true,
OutputFiles = new [] {
@ -119,6 +119,24 @@ Task ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("externals-android")
.Does (() =>
var generic = new DefaultSolutionBuilder {
SolutionPath = "binding/SkiaSharp.Generic.sln",
IsWindowsCompatible = true,
IsMacCompatible = true,
generic.BuildSolution ();
FilePath input = "binding/SkiaSharp.Generic/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll";
var libPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5/,.";
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
StartProcess ("mono", new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = string.Format("\"{0}\" -libPath:{3} -out \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", CakeStealer.GenApiToolPath, input.GetFilename () + ".cs", input.GetFilename (), libPath),
WorkingDirectory = input.GetDirectory ().FullPath,
} else {
throw new Exception ("TODO: Generate PCL source for Windows.");
CopyFile ("binding/SkiaSharp.Generic/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll.cs", "binding/SkiaSharp.Portable/SkiaPortable.cs");
Task ("externals-windows")
@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ FilePath GetXamarinComponentToolPath ()
return GetFiles ("../../../**/xamarin-component.exe").FirstOrDefault ();
FilePath GetGenApiToolPath ()
var appRoot = Context.Environment.GetApplicationRoot();
var nugetPath = appRoot.Combine ("../").CombineWithFilePath ("genapi.exe");
if (FileExists (nugetPath))
return nugetPath;
return GetFiles ("../../../**/genapi.exe").FirstOrDefault ();
void CopyDirectory (DirectoryPath sourceDir, DirectoryPath destDir, bool overwrite = true, bool copySubDirs = true)
var sourceDirName = MakeAbsolute(sourceDir).FullPath;
@ -85,10 +97,12 @@ CakeStealer.NuGetSources = NUGET_RESTORE_SOURCES;
CakeStealer.NugetToolPath = GetNugetToolPath ();
CakeStealer.XamarinComponentToolPath = GetXamarinComponentToolPath ();
CakeStealer.CakeToolPath = GetCakeToolPath ();
CakeStealer.GenApiToolPath = GetGenApiToolPath ();
Information ("Cake.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeStealer.CakeToolPath);
Information ("NuGet.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeStealer.NugetToolPath);
Information ("Xamarin-Component.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeStealer.XamarinComponentToolPath);
Information ("genapi.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeStealer.GenApiToolPath);
void ListEnvironmentVariables ()
@ -106,6 +120,7 @@ public class CakeStealer
static public FilePath NugetToolPath { get;set; }
static public FilePath XamarinComponentToolPath { get; set; }
static public FilePath CakeToolPath { get;set; }
static public FilePath GenApiToolPath { get;set; }
public interface ISolutionBuilder
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Ссылка в новой задаче