removed the mdoc update commands

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Leibowitz 2016-10-19 00:46:12 +02:00
Родитель a3b0b9c5ce
Коммит 17d8576214
1 изменённых файлов: 3 добавлений и 72 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ DirectoryPath ROOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(Directory("."));
DirectoryPath DEPOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("externals/depot_tools"));
DirectoryPath SKIA_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("externals/skia"));
DirectoryPath ANGLE_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("externals/angle"));
DirectoryPath DOCS_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("docs/en"));
#load "cake/UtilsManaged.cake"
#load "cake/UtilsMSBuild.cake"
@ -233,83 +234,13 @@ Task ("samples")
Task ("docs")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.Does (() =>
var DocsDir = "./docs/en/";
// we can only update the docs on the platform machines
// becuase each requires platform features for the views
if (TARGET != "CI") {
// the reference folders to locate assemblies
var refs = new DirectoryPath [] {
// you never know
.Union (GetDirectories ("./source/packages/Xamarin.Forms.*/lib/portable*"))
.Union (GetDirectories ("./source/packages/OpenTK.*/lib/net40*"));
// add windows-specific references
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
// Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract is a winmd, so fake the dll
// types aren't needed here
DotNetBuild ("./externals/Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract/Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract.csproj", c => {
c.Verbosity = Verbosity.Quiet;
refs = refs.Union (new DirectoryPath [] {
// add mac-specific references
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
refs = refs.Union (new DirectoryPath [] {
// the assemblies to generate docs for
var assemblies = new FilePath [] {
// add windows-specific assemblies
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
assemblies = assemblies.Union (new FilePath [] {
}).ToArray ();
// add mac-specific assemblies
if (IsRunningOnUnix ()) {
assemblies = assemblies.Union (new FilePath [] {
}).ToArray ();
// print out the assemblies
foreach (var r in refs) {
Information ("Reference Directory: {0}", r);
foreach (var a in assemblies) {
Information ("Processing {0}...", a);
// generate doc files
RunMdocUpdate (assemblies, DocsDir, refs.ToArray ());
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/docs/msxml/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/docs/msxml/");
RunMdocMSXml (DocsDir, "./output/docs/msxml/");
RunMdocMSXml (DOCS_PATH, "./output/docs/msxml/");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/docs/mdoc/")) CreateDirectory ("./output/docs/mdoc/");
RunMdocAssemble (DocsDir, "./output/docs/mdoc/SkiaSharp");
RunMdocAssemble (DOCS_PATH, "./output/docs/mdoc/SkiaSharp");