Improved CI logic to handle signing issues
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#addin "Cake.Xamarin"
#addin "Cake.XCode"
#addin "Cake.FileHelpers"
#addin "Cake.StrongNameTool"
#load "cake/Utils.cake"
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
@ -30,9 +32,14 @@ var VERSION_PACKAGES = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "SkiaSharp.Extended", "1.56.2-beta" },
var CI_TARGETS = new string[] { "CI", "WINDOWS-CI", "LINUX-CI", "MAC-CI" };
var IS_ON_CI = CI_TARGETS.Contains (TARGET.ToUpper ());
var IS_ON_FINAL_CI = TARGET.ToUpper () == "CI";
string ANDROID_HOME = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_HOME") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("HOME") + "/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx";
string ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT") ?? ANDROID_HOME;
string ANDROID_NDK_HOME = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_NDK_HOME") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("HOME") + "/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-ndk";
string SN_EXE = EnvironmentVariable ("SN_EXE") ?? (IsRunningOnWindows () ? null : "/usr/lib/mono/4.5/sn.exe");
DirectoryPath ROOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(Directory("."));
DirectoryPath DEPOT_PATH = MakeAbsolute(ROOT_PATH.Combine("externals/depot_tools"));
@ -198,24 +205,30 @@ Task ("libs")
CopyFileToDirectory ("./source/SkiaSharp.Extended/SkiaSharp.Extended/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.Extended.dll", "./output/portable/");
// TODO: remove this nonsense !!!
// Assembly signing is not supported on non-Windows ???, so we MUST NOT use the output
// See:
var CopyNetStandardOutput = true;
if (IS_ON_CI && !IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
CopyNetStandardOutput = false;
// .NET Standard / .NET Core
// build
RunDotNetCoreRestore ("binding/SkiaSharp.NetStandard.sln");
DotNetCoreBuild ("binding/SkiaSharp.NetStandard.sln", new DotNetCoreBuildSettings {
Configuration = "Release",
// copy build output
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.NetStandard/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/netstandard/");
if (CopyNetStandardOutput) {
// copy build output
CopyFileToDirectory ("./binding/SkiaSharp.NetStandard/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.dll", "./output/netstandard/");
// build other source
RunDotNetCoreRestore ("source/SkiaSharpSource.NetStandard.sln");
DotNetCoreBuild ("./source/SkiaSharpSource.NetStandard.sln", new DotNetCoreBuildSettings {
Configuration = "Release",
// TODO: move out for all builds
// Assembly signing is not supported on non-Windows, so we can't really use the output
// See:
if (IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
if (CopyNetStandardOutput) {
// copy SVG
CopyFileToDirectory ("./source/SkiaSharp.Svg/SkiaSharp.Svg.NetStandard/bin/Release/SkiaSharp.Svg.dll", "./output/netstandard/");
// copy Extended
@ -304,7 +317,7 @@ Task ("samples")
CleanDirectories ("./samples/*/packages/SkiaSharp.*");
// zip the samples for the GitHub release notes
if (TARGET == "CI") {
if (IS_ON_CI) {
Zip ("./samples", "./output/");
@ -534,8 +547,22 @@ Task ("nuget")
.IsDependentOn ("docs")
.Does (() =>
// Because some platforms don't support signing,
// we must make sure the final package only contains signed assemblies
// And, we want to make sure all is well on Windows too
if (IS_ON_FINAL_CI || IsRunningOnWindows ()) {
var assemblies = GetFiles("./output/*/*.dll");
foreach(var f in assemblies) {
Information("Making sure that '{0}' is signed.", f);
StrongNameVerify(assemblies, new StrongNameToolSettings {
ForceVerification = true,
ToolPath = SN_EXE
// we can only build the combined package on CI
if (TARGET == "CI") {
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.nuspec", "./output/");
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.Views.nuspec", "./output/");
PackageNuGet ("./nuget/SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.nuspec", "./output/");
@ -718,34 +745,31 @@ Task ("CI")
.IsDependentOn ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("samples");
Task ("Mac-CI")
.IsDependentOn ("CI");
Task ("Windows-CI")
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.IsDependentOn ("docs")
.IsDependentOn ("nuget")
.IsDependentOn ("component")
.IsDependentOn ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("samples");
.IsDependentOn ("CI");
Task ("Linux-CI")
.IsDependentOn ("externals")
.IsDependentOn ("libs")
.IsDependentOn ("docs")
.IsDependentOn ("nuget")
.IsDependentOn ("component")
.IsDependentOn ("tests")
.IsDependentOn ("samples");
.IsDependentOn ("CI");
Information ("Cake.exe ToolPath: {0}", CakeToolPath);
Information ("Cake.exe NUnitConsoleToolPath: {0}", NUnitConsoleToolPath);
Information ("NUnitConsole ToolPath: {0}", NUnitConsoleToolPath);
Information ("NuGet.exe ToolPath: {0}", NugetToolPath);
Information ("Xamarin-Component.exe ToolPath: {0}", XamarinComponentToolPath);
Information ("genapi.exe ToolPath: {0}", GenApiToolPath);
if (IS_ON_CI) {
Information ("Detected that we are building on CI, {0}.", IS_ON_FINAL_CI ? "and on FINAL CI" : "but NOT on final CI");
} else {
Information ("Detected that we are {0} on CI.", "NOT");
ListEnvironmentVariables ();
RunTarget (TARGET);
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