
235 строки
7.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CppAst;
namespace SkiaSharpGenerator
public abstract class BaseTool
protected readonly Dictionary<string, TypeMapping> typeMappings = new Dictionary<string, TypeMapping>();
protected readonly Dictionary<string, FunctionMapping> functionMappings = new Dictionary<string, FunctionMapping>();
protected readonly Dictionary<string, bool> skiaTypes = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
protected readonly List<string> excludedFiles = new List<string>();
protected readonly List<string> excludedTypes = new List<string>();
protected CppCompilation compilation = new CppCompilation();
protected Config config = new Config();
protected BaseTool(string skiaRoot, string configFile)
SkiaRoot = skiaRoot ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(skiaRoot));
ConfigFile = configFile ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configFile));
public ILogger? Log { get; set; }
public string SkiaRoot { get; }
public string ConfigFile { get; }
public bool HasErrors =>
compilation?.Diagnostics?.HasErrors ?? false;
public IEnumerable<CppDiagnosticMessage> Messages =>
compilation?.Diagnostics?.Messages ?? Array.Empty<CppDiagnosticMessage>();
protected void ParseSkiaHeaders()
Log?.LogVerbose("Parsing skia headers...");
var options = new CppParserOptions();
foreach (var header in config.IncludeDirs)
var path = Path.Combine(SkiaRoot, header);
var headers = new List<string>();
foreach (var header in config.Headers)
var path = Path.Combine(SkiaRoot, header.Key);
foreach (var filter in header.Value)
headers.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, filter));
foreach (var filter in config.Exclude.Files)
excludedFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(SkiaRoot, filter));
foreach (var filter in config.Exclude.Types)
excludedTypes.Add(filter + "*");
excludedTypes.Add(filter + "**");
foreach (var f in excludedFiles)
Log?.LogVerbose("Skipping everything in: " + f);
compilation = CppParser.ParseFiles(headers, options);
if (compilation == null || compilation.HasErrors)
Log?.LogError("Parsing headers failed.");
throw new Exception("Parsing headers failed.");
protected void LoadStandardMappings()
Log?.LogVerbose("Loading standard types...");
var standardMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>
// stdint.h types:
{ "uint8_t", nameof(Byte) },
{ "uint16_t", nameof(UInt16) },
{ "uint32_t", nameof(UInt32) },
{ "uint64_t", nameof(UInt64) },
{ "usize_t" , "/* usize_t */ " + nameof(UIntPtr) },
{ "uintptr_t" , nameof(UIntPtr) },
{ "int8_t", nameof(SByte) },
{ "int16_t", nameof(Int16) },
{ "int32_t", nameof(Int32) },
{ "int64_t", nameof(Int64) },
{ "size_t" , "/* size_t */ " + nameof(IntPtr) },
{ "intptr_t" , nameof(IntPtr) },
// standard types:
{ "bool", nameof(Byte) },
{ "char", "/* char */ void" },
{ "unsigned char", "/* unsigned char */ void" },
{ "signed char", "/* signed char */ void" },
{ "short", nameof(Int16) },
{ "short int", nameof(Int16) },
{ "signed short", nameof(Int16) },
{ "signed short int", nameof(Int16) },
{ "unsigned short", nameof(UInt16) },
{ "unsigned short int", nameof(UInt16) },
{ "int", nameof(Int32) },
{ "signed", nameof(Int32) },
{ "signed int", nameof(Int32) },
{ "unsigned", nameof(UInt32) },
{ "unsigned int", nameof(UInt32) },
{ "long", nameof(Int64) },
{ "long int", nameof(Int64) },
{ "long long", nameof(Int64) },
{ "long long int", nameof(Int64) },
{ "signed long", nameof(Int64) },
{ "signed long int", nameof(Int64) },
{ "unsigned long", nameof(UInt64) },
{ "unsigned long int", nameof(UInt64) },
{ "float", nameof(Single) },
{ "double", nameof(Double) },
// TODO: long double, wchar_t ?
{ "void", "void" },
foreach (var mapping in standardMappings)
var map = new TypeMapping { CsType = mapping.Value };
typeMappings[mapping.Key] = map;
protected void UpdatingMappings()
// load all the classes/structs
var typedefs = compilation.Classes;
foreach (var klass in typedefs)
typeMappings[klass.GetDisplayName()] = new TypeMapping();
// load all the enums
var enums = compilation.Enums;
foreach (var enm in enums)
typeMappings[enm.GetDisplayName()] = new TypeMapping();
// load the mapping file
foreach (var mapping in config.Mappings.Types)
typeMappings[mapping.Key] = mapping.Value;
foreach (var mapping in config.Mappings.Functions)
functionMappings[mapping.Key] = mapping.Value;
protected async Task<Config> LoadConfigAsync(string configPath)
Log?.LogVerbose("Loading configuration...");
using var configJson = File.OpenRead(configPath);
return await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<Config>(configJson, new JsonSerializerOptions
AllowTrailingCommas = true,
ReadCommentHandling = JsonCommentHandling.Skip,
protected string GetType(CppType type)
var typeName = GetCppType(type);
// split the type from the pointers
var pointerIndex = typeName.IndexOf("*");
var pointers = pointerIndex == -1 ? "" : typeName.Substring(pointerIndex);
var noPointers = pointerIndex == -1 ? typeName : typeName.Substring(0, pointerIndex);
if (skiaTypes.TryGetValue(noPointers, out var isStruct))
if (!isStruct)
return noPointers + pointers.Substring(1);
if (typeMappings.TryGetValue(noPointers, out var map))
return (map.CsType ?? Utils.CleanName(noPointers)) + pointers;
if (typeMappings.TryGetValue(typeName, out var map))
return map.CsType ?? Utils.CleanName(typeName);
if (typeMappings.TryGetValue(noPointers, out map))
return (map.CsType ?? Utils.CleanName(noPointers)) + pointers;
if (functionMappings.TryGetValue(typeName, out var funcMap))
return funcMap.CsType ?? Utils.CleanName(typeName);
if (functionMappings.TryGetValue(noPointers, out funcMap))
return (funcMap.CsType ?? Utils.CleanName(noPointers)) + pointers;
return Utils.CleanName(typeName);
protected static string GetCppType(CppType type)
var typeName = type.GetDisplayName();
// remove the const
typeName = typeName.Replace("const ", "");
// replace the [] with a *
int start;
while ((start = typeName.IndexOf("[")) != -1)
var end = typeName.IndexOf("]");
typeName = typeName.Substring(0, start) + "*" + typeName.Substring(end + 1);
return typeName;