177 строки
7.9 KiB
177 строки
7.9 KiB
void CreateSamplesDirectory(DirectoryPath samplesDirPath, DirectoryPath outputDirPath, string versionSuffix = "")
samplesDirPath = MakeAbsolute(samplesDirPath);
outputDirPath = MakeAbsolute(outputDirPath);
var solutionProjectRegex = new Regex(@",\s*""(.*?\.\w{2}proj)"", ""(\{.*?\})""");
var ignoreBinObj = new GlobberSettings {
Predicate = fileSystemInfo => {
var segments = fileSystemInfo.Path.Segments;
var keep = segments.All(s =>
!s.Equals("bin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!s.Equals("obj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!s.Equals("AppPackages", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!s.Equals(".vs", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
return keep;
var files = GetFiles($"{samplesDirPath}/**/*", ignoreBinObj);
foreach (var file in files) {
var rel = samplesDirPath.GetRelativePath(file);
var dest = outputDirPath.CombineWithFilePath(rel);
var ext = file.GetExtension() ?? "";
if (ext.Equals(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
var lines = FileReadLines(file.FullPath).ToList();
var guids = new List<string>();
// remove projects that aren't samples
for(var i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
var line = lines [i];
var m = solutionProjectRegex.Match(line);
if (!m.Success)
// get the path of the project relative to the samples directory
var relProjectPath = (FilePath) m.Groups [1].Value;
var absProjectPath = GetFullPath(file, relProjectPath);
var relSamplesPath = samplesDirPath.GetRelativePath(absProjectPath);
if (!relSamplesPath.FullPath.StartsWith(".."))
Debug($"Removing the project '{relProjectPath}' for solution '{rel}'.");
// skip the next line as it is the "EndProject" line
guids.Add(m.Groups [2].Value.ToLower());
// remove all the other references to this guid
if (guids.Count > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
var line = lines [i];
foreach (var guid in guids) {
if (line.ToLower().Contains(guid)) {
// save the solution
FileWriteLines(dest, lines.ToArray());
} else if (ext.Equals(".csproj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
var xdoc = XDocument.Load(file.FullPath);
// process all the files and project references
var projItems = xdoc.Root
.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "ItemGroup")
.Elements().Where(e => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Attribute("Include")?.Value))
foreach (var projItem in projItems) {
var suffix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionSuffix) ? "" : $"-{versionSuffix}";
// update the <PackageReference> versions
if (projItem.Name.LocalName == "PackageReference") {
var packageId = projItem.Attribute("Include").Value;
var version = GetVersion(packageId);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version)) {
// only add the suffix for our nugets
if (packageId.StartsWith("SkiaSharp") || packageId.StartsWith("HarfBuzzSharp")) {
version += suffix;
Debug($"Substituting package version {packageId} for {version}.");
projItem.Attribute("Version").Value = version;
} else if (packageId.StartsWith("SkiaSharp") || packageId.StartsWith("HarfBuzzSharp")) {
Warning($"Unable to find version information for package '{packageId}'.");
// get files in the include
var relFilePath = (FilePath) projItem.Attribute("Include").Value;
var absFilePath = GetFullPath(file, relFilePath);
// ignore files in the samples directory
var relSamplesPath = samplesDirPath.GetRelativePath(absFilePath);
if (!relSamplesPath.FullPath.StartsWith(".."))
// substitute <ProjectReference> with <PackageReference>
if (projItem.Name.LocalName == "ProjectReference" && FileExists(absFilePath)) {
var xReference = XDocument.Load(absFilePath.FullPath);
var packagingGroup = xReference.Root
.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "PropertyGroup")
.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "PackagingGroup")
var version = GetVersion(packagingGroup);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version)) {
Debug($"Substituting project reference {relFilePath} for project {rel}.");
var name = projItem.Name.Namespace + "PackageReference";
// only add the suffix for our nugets
if (packagingGroup.StartsWith("SkiaSharp") || packagingGroup.StartsWith("HarfBuzzSharp")) {
version += suffix;
projItem.AddAfterSelf(new XElement(name, new object[] {
new XAttribute("Include", packagingGroup),
new XAttribute("Version", version),
} else {
Warning($"Unable to find version information for package '{packagingGroup}'.");
} else {
Debug($"Removing the file '{relFilePath}' for project '{rel}'.");
// remove files that are outside
// process all the imports
var imports = xdoc.Root
.Elements().Where(e =>
e.Name.LocalName == "Import" &&
foreach (var import in imports) {
var project = import.Attribute("Project").Value;
// skip files inside the samples directory or do not exist
var absProject = GetFullPath(file, project);
var relSamplesPath = samplesDirPath.GetRelativePath(absProject);
if (!relSamplesPath.FullPath.StartsWith(".."))
Debug($"Removing import '{project}' for project '{rel}'.");
// not inside the samples directory, so needs to be removed
// save the project
} else {
CopyFile(file, dest);
MoveFile($"{outputDirPath}/README.zip.md", $"{outputDirPath}/README.md");
FilePath GetFullPath(FilePath root, FilePath path)
path = path.FullPath.Replace("*", "_");
path = root.GetDirectory().CombineWithFilePath(path);
return (FilePath) System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(path.FullPath);