# This file should be kept in sync across https://www.github.com/dotnet/wpf and dotnet-wpf-int repos.
# One-time setup for Wpf's custom toolset
function InitializeWpfCustomToolset() {
if (Test-Path variable:global:_WpfToolsetBuildProj) {
return $global:_WpfToolsetBuildProj
$nugetCache = GetNuGetPackageCachePath
# Get all sdks listed in repo's 'global.json' file
$msbuild_sdks = $GlobalJson.'msbuild-sdks'
# Determine if WpfArcadeSdk is present in this repo's 'global.json' file.
# The Arcade.Wpf.Sdk will only be present in 'global.json' if it is not available in the
# local repo (under repo_root/eng/wpfarcadesdk). The WpfArcadeSdk will be available
# in the internal WPF repo's 'global.json' only (dotnet-wpf-int), as it needs to resolve
# the location during build time from the NuGet cache. The public WPF GitHub repo has
# a local copy of the WPF Arcade SDK and a 'global.json' entry for the sdk is not required.
if ('Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Wpf.Sdk' -in $msbuild_sdks.PSobject.Properties.Name) {
# Get the version of the Wpf Arcade SDK for the toolset location file name
$wpfToolsetVersion = $GlobalJson.'msbuild-sdks'.'Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Wpf.Sdk'
$wpfToolsetLocationFile = Join-Path $ToolsetDir "$wpfToolsetVersion.txt"
# If toolset file already exists, one-time setup has already run
if (Test-Path $wpfToolsetLocationFile) {
$path = Get-Content $wpfToolsetLocationFile -TotalCount 1
if (Test-Path $path) {
return $global:_WpfToolsetBuildProj = $path
if (-not $restore) {
Write-Host "Wpf Toolset version $toolsetVersion has not been restored." -ForegroundColor Red
ExitWithExitCode 1
# Install WPF git hooks when WpfArcadeSdk is located in the NuGet cache (dotnet-wpf-int)
if (!$ci)
$installGitHooksProject = Join-Path $ToolsetDir "wpfInstallWPFPreCommitGitHook.proj"
'' | Set-Content $installGitHooksProject
$installGitHooksBinLog = if ($binaryLog) { "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "InstallGitHooks.binlog") } else { "" }
MSBuild $installGitHooksProject $installGitHooksBinlog /t:InstallWPFPreCommitGitHook /clp:ErrorsOnly`;NoSummary
# Write toolset location (e.g., dotnet-wpf-int\artifacts\toolset\4.8.0-preview7.19322.1.txt)
$proj = Join-Path $ToolsetDir "wpfRestore.proj"
$bl = if ($binaryLog) { "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "WpfToolsetRestore.binlog") } else { "" }
'' | Set-Content $proj
MSBuild $proj $bl /t:__WriteToolsetLocation /clp:ErrorsOnly`;NoSummary /p:__ToolsetLocationOutputFile=$wpfToolsetLocationFile
# Verify toolset file was successfully written
$path = Get-Content $wpfToolsetLocationFile -TotalCount 1
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
throw "Invalid toolset path: $path"
return $global:_WpfToolsetBuildProj = $path
# Installs custom WPF git hook to prevent modification of generated files
function InstallCustomWPFGitHooksFromLocalToolsPath {
# Install the githook using the inline task if WpfArcadeSdk is located in
# engineering root. This should only be the case for the public GitHub repo
# (e.g., dotnet-wpf/eng/wpfarcadesdk.)
$WPFArcadeSDKPath = Join-Path $EngRoot "wpfarcadesdk";
if (Test-Path $WPFArcadeSDKPath) {
# Install the githook using the script
$WPFPreCommitGitHookSource = Join-Path $EngRoot "wpfarcadesdk\tools\pre-commit.githook"
$WPFPreCommitGitHookDest = Join-Path $RepoRoot ".git\hooks\pre-commit"
if (-not (Test-Path $WPFPreCommitGitHookSource)) {
Write-Host "WPF PreCommit GitHook file is missing: $WPFPreCommitGitHookSource"
ExitWithExitCode 1
Write-Host "Detecting WPF Git hooks..."
if (-not (Test-Path $WPFPreCommitGitHookDest)) {
Write-Host "Installing WPF Git pre-commit hook..."
try {
Copy-Item -Path $WPFPreCommitGitHookSource -Destination $WPFPreCommitGitHookDest
catch {
Write-Host "Error: WPF Git pre-commit hook installation failed!"
Write-Host $_
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
ExitWithExitCode 1
else {
Write-Host "Detected existing WPF Git pre-commit hook."
Write-Host "InstallCustomWPFGitHooks: WpfArcadeSdk was not available in repo's engineering root.";
if (!$ci)
. $PsScriptRoot\common\init-tools-native.ps1 -InstallDirectory $PSScriptRoot\..\.tools\native -GlobalJsonFile $PSScriptRoot\..\global.json