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40 строки
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.DotNet.Helix.Sdk" DefaultTargets="Test">
<Import Project="$(WpfArcadeSdkToolsDir)DrtsToRun.props" />
Ideally we could use $(MicrosoftNetCoreAppVersion) for DotNetCliVersion and 'runtime' for DotNetCliPackageType.
However, we need a full install on the Helix machine that includes the WindowsDesktop SDK since QV is dependent on it.
Once we move it into the open we can put these back to how they should be. See https://github.com/dotnet/wpf/issues/816
for any more details.
Right now, we set it to match global.json.tools.dotnet set by pre-build.ps1. Both of these can be removed once the above
issue is fixed.
<!-- Semi-colon delimited list of commands that are executed before every test.-->
<HelixCorrelationPayload Include="$(ArtifactsDir)\test\$(Configuration)\$(Platform)" />
<HelixWorkItem Include="@(DRT)">
<Command>call %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\runtests.cmd /Area=%(Area) -ci</Command>