
73 строки
2.4 KiB

// SECTION: Arguments and Settings
var ROOT_DIR = MakeAbsolute((DirectoryPath)Argument("root", "."));
var ARTIFACTS_DIR = MakeAbsolute((DirectoryPath)Argument("artifacts", ROOT_DIR.Combine("output").FullPath));
var CACHE_DIR = MakeAbsolute((DirectoryPath)Argument("cache", ROOT_DIR.Combine("externals/api-diff").FullPath));
var OUTPUT_DIR = MakeAbsolute((DirectoryPath)Argument("output", ROOT_DIR.Combine("output/api-diff").FullPath));
// SECTION: Main Script
Information("Script Arguments:");
Information(" Root directory: {0}", ROOT_DIR);
Information(" Artifacts directory: {0}", ARTIFACTS_DIR);
Information(" Cache directory: {0}", CACHE_DIR);
Information(" Output directory: {0}", OUTPUT_DIR);
// SECTION: Diff NuGets
if (!GetFiles($"{ARTIFACTS_DIR}/**/*.nupkg").Any()) {
Warning($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]No NuGet packages were found.");
} else {
var exitCode = StartProcess("api-tools", new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = new ProcessArgumentBuilder()
.AppendSwitchQuoted("--output", OUTPUT_DIR.FullPath)
.AppendSwitchQuoted("--cache", CACHE_DIR.Combine("package-cache").FullPath)
if (exitCode != 0)
throw new Exception ($"api-tools exited with error code {exitCode}.");
// SECTION: Upload Diffs
var diffs = GetFiles($"{OUTPUT_DIR}/**/*.md");
if (!diffs.Any()) {
Warning($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]No NuGet diffs were found.");
} else {
var temp = CACHE_DIR.Combine("md-files");
foreach (var diff in diffs) {
var segments = diff.Segments.Reverse().ToArray();
var nugetId = segments[2];
var platform = segments[1];
var assembly = ((FilePath)segments[0]).GetFilenameWithoutExtension().GetFilenameWithoutExtension();
var breaking = segments[0].EndsWith("");
// using non-breaking spaces
var newName = breaking ? "[BREAKING] " : "";
newName += $"{nugetId} {assembly} ({platform}).md";
var newPath = temp.CombineWithFilePath(newName);
CopyFile(diff, newPath);
// for github PR summary (markdown files are not accepted, so copy to text files)
CopyFile(diff, $"{diff}.txt");
var temps = GetFiles($"{temp}/**/*.md");
foreach (var t in temps.OrderBy(x => x.FullPath)) {