
62 строки
1.9 KiB

#addin nuget:?package=Xamarin.Nuget.Validator&version=1.1.1
using Xamarin.Nuget.Validator;
// SECTION: Arguments and Settings
var ROOT_DIR = (DirectoryPath)Argument ("root", ".");
var ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR = ROOT_DIR.Combine ("output");
var PACKAGE_NAMESPACES = Argument ("n", Argument ("namespaces", ""))
.Split (new [] { ",", ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.ToList ();
// SECTION: Main Script
Information ("");
Information ("Script Arguments:");
Information (" Root directory: {0}", MakeAbsolute (ROOT_DIR));
Information (" Root output directory: {0}", ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR);
Information (" Valid package namespaces: {0}", string.Join (", ", PACKAGE_NAMESPACES));
Information ("");
// SECTION: Validate Output
var options = new NugetValidatorOptions {
Copyright = "© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
Author = "Microsoft",
Owner = "", // Was "Microsoft", but this is no longer supported in nuspec:
NeedsProjectUrl = true,
NeedsLicenseUrl = true,
ValidateRequireLicenseAcceptance = true,
ValidPackageNamespace = PACKAGE_NAMESPACES.ToArray (),
var nupkgFiles = GetFiles (ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "/**/*.nupkg");
Information ("Found {0} NuGet packages to validate.", nupkgFiles.Count);
var hasErrors = false;
foreach (var nupkgFile in nupkgFiles) {
Information ("Verifying NuGet metadata of {0}...", nupkgFile);
var result = NugetValidator.Validate (nupkgFile.FullPath, options);
if (result.Success) {
Information ("NuGet metadata validation passed.");
} else {
Error ($"NuGet metadata validation failed for {nupkgFile}:");
Error (string.Join (Environment.NewLine + " ", result.ErrorMessages));
hasErrors = true;
// Update DevOps
Warning ($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]NuGet metadata validation failed for {nupkgFile}.");
if (hasErrors)
throw new Exception ($"Invalid NuGet metadata found.");