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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Android.Content;
namespace Xamarin.Essentials
public static partial class FilePicker
static async Task<IEnumerable<FileResult>> PlatformPickAsync(PickOptions options, bool allowMultiple = false)
// Essentials supports >= API 19 where this action is available
var action = Intent.ActionOpenDocument;
var intent = new Intent(action);
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraAllowMultiple, allowMultiple);
var allowedTypes = options?.FileTypes?.Value?.ToArray();
if (allowedTypes?.Length > 0)
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraMimeTypes, allowedTypes);
var pickerIntent = Intent.CreateChooser(intent, options?.PickerTitle ?? "Select file");
var resultList = new List<FileResult>();
void OnResult(Intent intent)
// The uri returned is only temporary and only lives as long as the Activity that requested it,
// so this means that it will always be cleaned up by the time we need it because we are using
// an intermediate activity.
if (intent.ClipData == null)
var path = FileSystem.EnsurePhysicalPath(intent.Data);
resultList.Add(new FileResult(path));
for (var i = 0; i < intent.ClipData.ItemCount; i++)
var uri = intent.ClipData.GetItemAt(i).Uri;
var path = FileSystem.EnsurePhysicalPath(uri);
resultList.Add(new FileResult(path));
await IntermediateActivity.StartAsync(pickerIntent, Platform.requestCodeFilePicker, onResult: OnResult);
return resultList;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
return null;
public partial class FilePickerFileType
static FilePickerFileType PlatformImageFileType() =>
new FilePickerFileType(new Dictionary<DevicePlatform, IEnumerable<string>>
{ DevicePlatform.Android, new[] { FileSystem.MimeTypes.ImagePng, FileSystem.MimeTypes.ImageJpg } }
static FilePickerFileType PlatformPngFileType() =>
new FilePickerFileType(new Dictionary<DevicePlatform, IEnumerable<string>>
{ DevicePlatform.Android, new[] { FileSystem.MimeTypes.ImagePng } }
static FilePickerFileType PlatformJpegFileType() =>
new FilePickerFileType(new Dictionary<DevicePlatform, IEnumerable<string>>
{ DevicePlatform.Android, new[] { FileSystem.MimeTypes.ImageJpg } }
static FilePickerFileType PlatformVideoFileType() =>
new FilePickerFileType(new Dictionary<DevicePlatform, IEnumerable<string>>
{ DevicePlatform.Android, new[] { FileSystem.MimeTypes.VideoAll } }
static FilePickerFileType PlatformPdfFileType() =>
new FilePickerFileType(new Dictionary<DevicePlatform, IEnumerable<string>>
{ DevicePlatform.Android, new[] { FileSystem.MimeTypes.Pdf } }