This commit is contained in:
Zachary Gramana 2013-06-05 11:27:30 -04:00
Родитель 9f50b38a6d
Коммит f14ab871db
77 изменённых файлов: 10837 добавлений и 2 удалений

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Build Folders (you can keep bin if you'd like, to store dlls and pdbs) # Build Folders (you can keep bin if you'd like, to store dlls and pdbs)
[Bb]in/ [Bb]in/*Xamarin*
[Oo]bj/ [Oo]bj/
# mstest test results # mstest test results
@ -88,8 +88,10 @@ csx
# Windows Store app package directory # Windows Store app package directory
AppPackages/ AppPackages/
# OS X
# Others # Others
[Oo]bj [Oo]bj
sql sql
TestResults TestResults

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Framework.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Framework.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.AvoidAssemblyVersionMismatchRule">
This rule checks that the <c>[AssemblyVersion]</c> matches the <c>[AssemblyFileVersion]</c>
when both are present inside an assembly. Having different version numbers in both
attributes can be confusing once the application is deployed.
Bad example:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion ("")]
Good example:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion ("")]
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.AvoidCallingProblematicMethodsRule">
This rule warns about methods that calls into potentially dangerous API of the .NET
framework. If possible try to avoid the API (there are generally safer ways to do the
same) or at least make sure your code can be safely called from others.
<list type="bullet"><item><description><c>System.GC::Collect()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Threading.Thread::Suspend()</c> and <c>Resume()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle::DangerousGetHandle()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Reflection.Assembly::LoadFrom()</c>, <c>LoadFile()</c> and
<c>LoadWithPartialName()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Type::InvokeMember()</c> when used with
Bad example:
public void Load (string filename)
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile (filename);
// ...
Good example:
public void Load (string filename)
AssemblyName aname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (filename);
// ensure it's the assembly you expect (e.g. public key, version...)
Assembly a = Assembly.Load (aname);
// ...
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.AvoidNullCheckWithAsOperatorRule">
The rule will detect if a null check is done before using the <c>as</c> operator.
This null check is not needed, a <c>null</c> instance will return <c>null</c>,
and the code will need to deal with <c>as</c> returning a null value anyway.
Bad example:
public string AsString (object obj)
return (o == null) ? null : o as string;
Good example:
public string AsString (object obj)
return (o as string);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.AvoidVisibleConstantFieldRule">
This rule looks for constant fields which are visible outside the current assembly.
Such fields, if used outside the assemblies, will have their value (not the field
reference) copied into the other assembly. Changing the field's value requires that all
assemblies which use the field to be recompiled. Declaring the field
as <c>static readonly</c>, on the other hand, allows the value to be changed
without requiring that client assemblies be recompiled.
Bad example:
// if this fields is used inside another assembly then
// the integer 42, not the field, will be baked into it
public const int MagicNumber = 42;
Good example:
// if this field is used inside another assembly then
// that assembly will reference the field instead of
// embedding the value
static public readonly int MagicNumber = 42;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.CheckNewExceptionWithoutThrowingRule">
This rule checks for exception objects which are created but not thrown, not returned,
and not passed to another method as an argument.
Bad example:
void MissingThrow (object arg)
if (arg == null) {
new ArgumentNullException ("arg");
DoWork (arg);
Good examples:
void Throw (object arg)
if (arg == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("arg");
DoWork (arg);
Exception CreateException ()
return new Exception ();
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.CheckNewThreadWithoutStartRule">
This rule checks for threads which are created but not started, or returned or passed
to another method as an argument.
Bad example:
void UnusedThread ()
Thread thread = new Thread (threadStart);
thread.Name = "Thread 1";
Good examples:
void Start ()
Thread thread = new Thread (threadStart);
thread.Name = "Thread 1";
thread.Start ();
Thread InitializeThread ()
Thread thread = new Thread (threadStart);
thread.Name = "Thread 1";
return thread;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.CloneMethodShouldNotReturnNullRule">
This rule checks for <c>Clone()</c> methods which return <c>null</c>.
Bad example:
public class MyClass : ICloneable {
public object Clone ()
MyClass myClass = new MyClass ();
// set some internals
return null;
Good example:
public class MyClass : ICloneable {
public object Clone ()
MyClass myClass = new MyClass ();
// set some internals
return myClass;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.ConstructorShouldNotCallVirtualMethodsRule">
This rule warns the developer if any virtual methods are called in the constructor
of a non-sealed type. The problem is that if a derived class overrides the method
then that method will be called before the derived constructor has had a chance
to run. This makes the code quite fragile.
Bad example:
class A {
public A ()
this.DoSomething ();
protected virtual void DoSomething ()
class B : A {
private int x;
public B ()
x = 10;
protected override void DoSomething ()
Console.WriteLine (x);
B b = new B (); // outputs 0 because B's constructor hasn't been called yet
Good example:
class A {
public void Run ()
this.DoSomething ();
protected virtual void DoSomething ()
class B : A {
private int x;
public B ()
x = 10;
protected override void DoSomething ()
Console.WriteLine (x);
B b = new B ();
b.Run (); // outputs 10 as intended
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.DisableDebuggingCodeRule">
This rule checks for non-console applications which contain calls to <c>Console.WriteLine</c>.
These are often used as debugging aids but such code should be removed or disabled in
the released version. If you don't want to remove it altogether you can place it inside a method
decorated with <c>[Conditional ("DEBUG")]</c>, use <c>Debug.WriteLine</c>, use
<c>Trace.WriteLine</c>, or use the preprocessor. But note that TRACE is often enabled
in release builds so if you do use that you'll probably want to use a config file to remove
the default trace listener.
Bad example:
private byte[] GenerateKey ()
byte[] key = new byte[16];
rng.GetBytes (key);
Console.WriteLine ("debug key = {0}", BitConverter.ToString (key));
return key;
Good example (removed):
private byte[] GenerateKey ()
byte[] key = new byte[16];
rng.GetBytes (key);
return key;
Good example (changed):
private byte[] GenerateKey ()
byte[] key = new byte[16];
rng.GetBytes (key);
Debug.WriteLine ("debug key = {0}", BitConverter.ToString (key));
return key;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.DoNotDecreaseVisibilityRule">
The rule detect when a method visibility is decreased in an inherited type.
Decreasing visibility does not prevent calling the base class method unless
the type is <c>sealed</c>. Note that some language (but not C#) will allow
you to seal, e.g. <c>final</c>, the method without an <c>override</c>.
Bad example:
public class Base {
public void Public ()
public class BadInheritor : Base {
private new void Public ()
Good example (do not hide):
public class Inheritor : Base {
Good example (sealed type):
public sealed class Inheritor : Base {
private new void Public ()
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.DoNotForgetNotImplementedMethodsRule">
This rule checks for short methods that throw a <c>System.NotImplementedException</c>
exception. It's likely a method that has not yet been implemented and should not be
forgotten by the developer before a release.
Bad example:
private void Save ()
throw new NotImplementedException ("pending final format");
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.DoNotUseEnumIsAssignableFromRule">
This rule checks for calls to <c>typeof (Enum).IsAssignableFrom (type)</c> that
can be simplified to <c>type.IsEnum</c>.
Bad example:
if (typeof (Enum).IsAssignableFrom (type)) {
// then the type is an enum
Good example:
if (type.IsEnum) {
// then the type is an enum.
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.DoNotUseGetInterfaceToCheckAssignabilityRule">
This rule checks for calls to <c>Type.GetInterface</c> that look like they query if
a type is supported, i.e. the result is only used to compare against <c>null</c>.
The problem is that only assembly qualified names uniquely identify a type so if
you just use the interface name or even just the name and namespace you may
get unexpected results.
Bad example:
if (type.GetInterface ("IConvertible") != null) {
// then the type can be assigned to IConvertible
// but what if there is another IConvertible in there ?!?
Good example:
if (typeof (IConvertible).IsAssignableFrom (type)) {
// then the type can be assigned to IConvertible
// without a doubt!
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.EqualsShouldHandleNullArgRule">
This rule ensures that <c>Equals(object)</c> methods return <c>false</c> when the
object parameter is <c>null</c>.
Bad example:
public bool Equals (object obj)
// this would throw a NullReferenceException instead of returning false
return ToString ().Equals (obj.ToString ());
Good example:
public override bool Equals (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
return false;
return ToString ().Equals (obj.ToString ());
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.GetEntryAssemblyMayReturnNullRule">
This rule warns when an assembly without an entry point (i.e. a dll or library) calls
<c>Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ()</c>. This call is problematic since it will always
return <c>null</c> when called from outside the root (main) application domain. This may
become a problem inside libraries that can be used, for example, inside ASP.NET
Bad example:
// this will throw a NullReferenceException from an ASP.NET page
Response.WriteLine (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ().CodeBase);
Good example:
public class MainClass {
static void Main ()
Console.WriteLine (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ().CodeBase);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.ObsoleteMessagesShouldNotBeEmptyRule">
This rule warns if any type (including classes, structs, enums, interfaces and
delegates), field, property, events, method and constructor are decorated with
an empty <c>[Obsolete]</c> attribute because the attribute is much more helpful
if it includes advice on how to deal with the situation (e.g. the new recommended
API to use).
Bad example:
public byte[] Key {
get {
return (byte[]) key.Clone ();
Good example:
[Obsolete ("Use the new GetKey() method since properties should not return arrays.")]
public byte[] Key {
get {
return (byte[]) key.Clone ();
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.OnlyUseDisposeForIDisposableTypesRule">
To avoid confusing developers methods named Dispose should be
reserved for types that implement IDisposable.
Bad example:
internal sealed class Worker
// This class uses one or more temporary files to do its work.
private List&lt;string&gt; files = new List&lt;string&gt; ();
// This is confusing: developers will think they can do things
// like use the instance with a using statement.
public void Dispose ()
foreach (string path in files) {
File.Delete (path);
files.Clear ();
Good example:
internal sealed class Worker
// This class uses one or more temporary files to do its work.
private List&lt;string&gt; files = new List&lt;string&gt; ();
public void Reset ()
foreach (string path in files) {
File.Delete (path);
files.Clear ();
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.PreferEmptyInstanceOverNullRule">
This rule checks that all methods and properties which return a string, an array,
a collection, or an enumerable do not return <c>null</c>.
It is usually better to return an empty instance, as this allows
the caller to use the result without having to perform a null-check first.
Bad example (string):
public string DisplayName {
get {
if (IsAnonymous) {
return null;
return name;
Good example (string):
public string DisplayName {
get {
if (IsAnonymous) {
return string.Empty;
return name;
Bad example (array):
public int [] GetOffsets ()
if (!store.HasOffsets) {
return null;
store.LoadOffsets ();
return store.Offsets;
Good example (array):
static const int [] Empty = new int [0];
public int [] GetOffsets ()
if (!store.HasOffsets) {
return Empty;
store.LoadOffsets ();
return store.Offsets.ToArray ();
Bad example (enumerable):
public IEnumerable&lt;int&gt; GetOffsets ()
if (!store.HasOffsets) {
return null;
store.LoadOffsets ();
return store.Offsets;
Good example (enumerable):
public IEnumerable&lt;int&gt; GetOffsets ()
if (!store.HasOffsets) {
yield break;
store.LoadOffsets ();
foreach (int offset in store.Offsets) {
yield return offset;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.PreferParamsArrayForVariableArgumentsRule">
The rule warns for any method that use the (semi-documented) <c>vararg</c>
calling convention (e.g. <c>__arglist</c> in C#) and that is not used for
interoperability (i.e. pinvoke to unmanaged code).
Using <c>params</c> (C#) can to achieve the same objective while <c>vararg</c>
is not CLS compliant. The later will limit the usability of the method to CLS
compliant language (e.g. Visual Basic does not support <c>vararg</c>.
Bad example:
public void ShowItems_Bad (string header, __arglist)
Console.WriteLine (header);
ArgIterator args = new ArgIterator (__arglist);
for (int i = 0; i &lt; args.GetRemainingCount (); i++) {
Console.WriteLine (__refvalue (args.GetNextArg (), string));
Good example:
public void ShowItems (string header, params string [] items)
Console.WriteLine (header);
for (int i = 0; i &lt; items.Length; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (items [i]);
Good example (interoperability):
[DllImport ("libc.dll")]
static extern int printf (string format, __arglist);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.8</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.PreferTryParseRule">
This rule will warn you if a method use a <c>Parse</c> method when an
alternative <c>TryParse</c> method is available. A <c>Parser</c> method,
when using correctly, requires you to deal with multiple exceptions (a
complete list likely not easily available) or catching all exceptions (bad).
Also the throwing/catching of exceptions can kill performance.
The <c>TryParse</c> method allow simpler code without the performance penality.
Bad example (no validation):
bool ParseLine (string line)
string values = line.Split (',');
if (values.Length == 3) {
id = Int32.Parse (values [0]);
timestamp = DateTime.Parse (values [1]);
msg = values [2];
return true;
} else {
return false;
Bad example (validation):
bool ParseLine (string line)
string values = line.Split (',');
if (values.Length == 3) {
try {
id = Int32.Parse (values [0]);
timestamp = DateTime.Parse (values [1]);
msg = values [2];
return true;
catch {
// catching all exception is bad
return false;
} else {
return false;
Good example:
bool ParseLine (string line)
string values = line.Split (',');
if (values.Length == 3) {
if (!Int32.TryParse (values [0], out id))
return false;
if (!DateTime.TryParse (values [1], out timestamp))
return false;
msg = values [2];
return true;
} else {
return false;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.8</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.PreferSafeHandleRule">
In general it is best to interop with native code using
<c>System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle</c> instead of
<c>System.IntPtr</c> or <c>System.UIntPtr</c> because:
<list type="bullet"><item><description>SafeHandles are type safe.</description></item><item><description>SafeHandles are guaranteed to be disposed of during
exceptional conditions like a thread aborting unexpectedly or a stack
overflow.</description></item><item><description>SafeHandles are not vulnerable to reycle attacks.</description></item><item><description>You don't need to write a finalizer which can be tricky
to do because they execute within their own thread, may execute on
partially constructed objects, and normally tear down the application
if you allow an exception to escape from them.</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
// If cleaning up the native resource in a timely manner is important you can
// implement IDisposable.
public sealed class Database {
~Database ()
// This will execute even if the ctor throws so it is important to check
// to see if the fields are initialized.
if (m_database != IntPtr.Zero) {
NativeMethods.sqlite3_close (m_database);
public Database (string path)
NativeMethods.OpenFlags flags = NativeMethods.OpenFlags.READWRITE | NativeMethods.OpenFlags.CREATE;
int err = NativeMethods.sqlite3_open_v2 (path, out m_database, flags, IntPtr.Zero);
// handle errors
// exec and query methods would go here
private static class NativeMethods {
public enum OpenFlags : int {
READONLY = 0x00000001,
READWRITE = 0x00000002,
CREATE = 0x00000004,
// ...
[DllImport ("sqlite3")]
public static extern int sqlite3_close (IntPtr db);
[DllImport ("sqlite3")]
public static extern int sqlite3_open_v2 (string fileName, out IntPtr db, OpenFlags flags, IntPtr module);
private IntPtr m_database;
Good example:
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
// If cleaning up the native resource in a timely manner is important you can
// implement IDisposable, but you do not need to implement a finalizer because
// SafeHandle will take care of the cleanup.
internal sealed class Database {
public Database (string path)
NativeMethods.OpenFlags flags = NativeMethods.OpenFlags.READWRITE | NativeMethods.OpenFlags.CREATE;
m_database = new SqlitePtr (path, flags);
// exec and query methods would go here
// This corresponds to a native sqlite3*.
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
private sealed class SqlitePtr : SafeHandle {
public SqlitePtr (string path, NativeMethods.OpenFlags flags) : base (IntPtr.Zero, true)
int err = NativeMethods.sqlite3_open_v2 (path, out handle, flags, IntPtr.Zero);
// handle errors
public override bool IsInvalid {
get {
return (handle == IntPtr.Zero);
// This will not be called if the handle is invalid. Note that this method should not throw.
[ReliabilityContract (Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
protected override bool ReleaseHandle ()
NativeMethods.sqlite3_close (this);
return true;
private static class NativeMethods {
public enum OpenFlags : int {
READONLY = 0x00000001,
READWRITE = 0x00000002,
CREATE = 0x00000004,
// ...
[DllImport ("sqlite3")]
public static extern int sqlite3_close (SqlitePtr db);
// Open must take an IntPtr but all other methods take a type safe SqlitePtr.
[DllImport ("sqlite3")]
public static extern int sqlite3_open_v2 (string fileName, out IntPtr db, OpenFlags flags, IntPtr module);
private SqlitePtr m_database;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.ReplaceIncompleteOddnessCheckRule">
This rule checks for problematic oddness checks. Often this is done by comparing
a value modulo two (% 2) with one (1). However this will not work if the value is
negative because negative one will be returned. A better (and faster) approach is
to check the least significant bit of the integer.
Bad example:
public bool IsOdd (int x)
// (x % 2) won't work for negative numbers (it returns -1)
return ((x % 2) == 1);
Good example:
public bool IsOdd (int x)
return ((x % 2) != 0);
Good example (faster):
public bool IsOdd (int x)
return ((x &amp; 1) == 1);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.ToStringShouldNotReturnNullRule">
This rule checks for overridden <c>ToString()</c> methods which return <c>null</c>.
An appropriately descriptive string, or <c>string.Empty</c>, should be returned
instead in order to make the value more useful (especially in debugging).
Bad example:
public override string ToString ()
return (count == 0) ? null : count.ToString ();
Good example:
public override string ToString ()
return count.ToString ();
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.4 this rule was named ToStringReturnsNull.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.UseFileOpenOnlyWithFileAccessRule">
This rule checks that when file open method is called with FileMode parameter
it is also called with FileAccess (or FileSystemRights) parameter. It is needed
because default behaviour of file open methods when they are called only with
FileMode is to require read-write access while it is commonly expected that they
will require only read access.
Bad example:
public void OpenFile ()
FileStream f = File.Open ("Filename.ext", FileMode.Open);
Good example:
public void OpenFile ()
FileStream f = File.Open ("Filename.ext", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DecorateThreadsRule">
This rule is designed to help you precisely specify the threading semantics supported
by your code. This is valuable because it forces you to think clearly about the semantics
required of the code, the semantics are explicitly visible in the code, and the rule verifies
that the specification remains consistent.
In order to do this the rule relies on an attribute which allows you to declare that your
code can only run under the main thread, that it can run under an arbitrary thread,
that it can run under multiple threads if the execution is serialized, or that the code
is fully concurrent.
The rule enforces the following constraints:
<list><item>Thread entry points cannot be main thread.</item><item>MainThread code can call everything, AllowEveryCaller code can be called by
everything, SingleThread can call SingleThread/Serializable/Concurrent, and Serializable/
Concurrent can call Serializable/Concurrent.</item><item>Delegates must be able to call the methods they are bound to.</item><item>An override of a base method or an implementation of an interface method must
use the same threading model as the original method.</item><item>A delegate used with a threaded event must use the same threading model as the
event.</item><item>Serializable cannot be applied to static methods and static methods of serializeable
types do not inherit it from their types. (The rationale here is that there is normally nothing
that can be used to serialize access to static methods other than the type which is a bad
idea, see []).</item></list>
When adding the attributes to a non-trivial amount of threaded code it seems best to focus
on one thread at a time so that it is easier to understand how the methods interact and which
threading model needs to be used by them. While doing this the defects for the other threads
can be temporarily suppressed using gendarme's --ignore switch.
Bad example:
internal sealed class Wrapper : IDisposable
// Finalizers execute from a worker thread so the rule will complain
// if they are main thread.
~Wrapper ()
Dispose (false);
public void Dispose ()
Dispose (true);
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
private void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (!Disposed) {
Disposed = true;
private bool Disposed { get; set; }
Good example:
public enum ThreadModel {
// The code may run safely only under the main thread (this is the
// default for code in the assemblies being checked).
MainThread = 0x0000,
// The code may run under a single arbitrary thread.
SingleThread = 0x0001,
// The code may run under multiple threads, but only if the
// execution is serialized (e.g. by user level locking).
Serializable = 0x0002,
// The code may run under multiple threads concurrently without user
// locking (this is the default for code in the System/Mono namespaces).
Concurrent = 0x0003,
// Or this with the above for the rare cases where the code cannot be
// shown to be correct using a static analysis.
AllowEveryCaller = 0x0008,
// This is used to precisely specify the threading semantics of code. Note
// that Gendarme's DecorateThreadsRule will catch problematic code which
// uses these attributes (such as concurrent code calling main thread code).
[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct |
AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate |
AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Property,
AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class ThreadModelAttribute : Attribute {
public ThreadModelAttribute (ThreadModel model)
Model = model;
public ThreadModel Model { get; set; }
internal sealed class Wrapper : IDisposable
[ThreadModel (ThreadModel.SingleThread)]
~Wrapper ()
Dispose (false);
public void Dispose ()
Dispose (true);
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
// This is called from both the finalizer thread and the main thread
// so it must be decorated. But it only executes under one thread
// at a time so we can use SingleThread instead of Concurrent.
[ThreadModel (ThreadModel.SingleThread)]
private void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (!Disposed) {
Disposed = true;
// This is called from a threaded method so it must also be
// threaded.
[ThreadModel (ThreadModel.SingleThread)]
private bool Disposed { get; set; }
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoNotLockOnThisOrTypesRule">
This rule checks if you're using <c>lock</c> on the current instance (<c>this</c>) or
on a <c>Type</c>. This can cause
problems because anyone can acquire a lock on the instance or type. And if another
thread does acquire a lock then deadlocks become a very real possibility. The preferred way to
handle this is to create a private <c>System.Object</c> instance field and <c>lock</c> that. This
greatly reduces the scope of the code which may acquire the lock which makes it much easier
to ensure that the locking is done correctly.
Bad example (this):
public void MethodLockingOnThis ()
lock (this) {
Bad example (type):
public void MethodLockingOnType ()
lock (this.GetType ()) {
Good example:
class ClassWithALocker {
object locker = new object ();
int producer = 0;
public void MethodLockingLocker ()
lock (locker) {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoNotLockOnWeakIdentityObjectsRule">
This rule ensures there are no locks on objects with weak identity.
An object with weak identity is one that can be directly accessed across
different application domains. Because these objects can be accessed
by different application domains it is very difficult to ensure that the
locking is done correctly so problems such as deadlocks are much more likely.
The following types have a weak identities:
<list type="bullet"><item><description><c>System.MarshalByRefObject</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.OutOfMemoryException</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Reflection.MemberInfo</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Reflection.ParameterInfo</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.ExecutionEngineException</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.StackOverflowException</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.String</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Threading.Thread</c></description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
public void WeakIdLocked ()
lock ("CustomString") {
// ...
Good example:
public void WeakIdNotLocked ()
Phone phone = new Phone ();
lock (phone) {
// ...
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoNotUseMethodImplOptionsSynchronizedRule">
This rule fires if a method is decorated with <c>[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]</c>.
The runtime synchronizes those methods automatically using a <c>lock(this)</c> for
instance methods or a <c>lock(typeof(X))</c> for static methods. This can cause
problems because anyone can acquire a lock on the instance or type. And if another
thread does acquire a lock then deadlocks become a very real possibility. The preferred way to
handle this is to create a private <c>System.Object</c> instance field and <c>lock</c> that. This
greatly reduces the scope of the code which may acquire the lock which makes it much easier
to ensure that the locking is done correctly.
Bad example:
[MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
public void SychronizedMethod ()
Good example:
public class ClassWithALocker {
object locker = new object ();
int producer = 0;
public void MethodLockingLocker ()
lock (locker) {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoNotUseThreadStaticWithInstanceFieldsRule">
This rule will fire if an instance field is decorated with a <c>[ThreadStatic]</c> attribute.
This is an error because the attribute will only work with static fields.
Bad example:
// the field isn't static so this will do nothing
private List&lt;object&gt; items;
public void Add (object item)
// If the field was thread safe this would ensure that each thread had
// its own copy of the list.
if (items == null) {
items = new List&lt;object&gt; ();
items.Add (item);
Good example:
private List&lt;object&gt; items = new List&lt;object&gt; ();
private object mutex = new object ();
// Typically some form of locking such as the code below is used to
// serialize access to instance fields. However you can also use
// Threading.Thread.Thread::AllocateNamedDataSlot or AllocateDataSlot.
public void Add (object item)
lock (mutex) {
items.Add (item);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoNotUseLockedRegionOutsideMethodRule">
This rule will fire if a method calls <c>System.Threading.Monitor.Enter</c>,
but not <c>System.Threading.Monitor.Exit</c>. This is a bad idea for public
methods because the callers must (indirectly) manage a lock which they do not
own. This increases the potential for problems such as dead locks because
locking/unlocking may not be done together, the callers must do the unlocking
even in the presence of exceptions, and it may not be completely clear that
the public method is acquiring a lock without releasing it.
This is less of a problem for private methods because the lock is managed by
code that owns the lock. So, it's relatively easy to analyze the class to ensure
that the lock is locked and unlocked correctly and that any invariants are
preserved when the lock is acquired and after it is released. However it is
usually simpler and more maintainable if methods unlock whatever they lock.
Bad example:
class BadExample {
int producer = 0;
object lock = new object();
// This class is meant to be thread safe, but in the interests of
// performance it requires clients to manage its lock. This allows
// clients to grab the lock, batch up edits, and release the lock
// when they are done. But this means that the clients must
// now (implicitly) manage the lock which is problematic, especially
// if this object is shared across threads.
public void BeginEdits ()
Monitor.Enter (lock);
public void AddProducer ()
// Real code would either assert or throw if the lock is not held.
public void EndEdits ()
Monitor.Exit (lock);
Good example:
class GoodExample {
int producer = 0;
object mutex = new object();
public void AddProducer ()
// We need a try block in case the assembly is compiled with
// checked arithmetic.
Monitor.Enter (mutex);
try {
finally {
Monitor.Exit (mutex);
public void AddProducer2 ()
// Same as the above, but with C# sugar.
lock (mutex) {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.DoubleCheckLockingRule">
This rule is used to check for the double-check pattern, often used when implementing
the singleton pattern (1), and warns of potential incorrect usage.
The original CLR (1.x) could not guarantee that a double-check would work correctly
in multithreaded applications. However the technique does work on the x86 architecture,
the most common architecture, so the problem is seldom seen (e.g. IA64).
The CLR 2 and later introduce a strong memory model (2) where a double check for a
<c>lock</c> is correct (as long as you assign to a <c>volatile</c> variable). This
rule won't report a defect for assemblies targetting the 2.0 (and later) runtime.
<list><item><term>1. Implementing Singleton in C#</term><description></description></item><item><term>2. Understand the Impact of Low-Lock Techniques in Multithreaded Apps</term><description></description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
public class Singleton {
private static Singleton instance;
private static object syncRoot = new object ();
public static Singleton Instance {
get {
if (instance == null) {
lock (syncRoot) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Singleton ();
return instance;
Good example (for 1.x code avoid using double check):
public class Singleton {
private static Singleton instance;
private static object syncRoot = new object ();
public static Singleton Instance {
get {
// do not check instance before the lock
// this will work on all CLRs but will affect
// performance since the lock is always acquired
lock (syncRoot) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Singleton ();
return instance;
Good example (for 2.x and later):
public class Singleton {
// by using 'volatile' the double check will work under CLR 2.x
private static volatile Singleton instance;
private static object syncRoot = new object ();
public static Singleton Instance {
get {
if (instance == null) {
lock (syncRoot) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Singleton ();
return instance;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.NonConstantStaticFieldsShouldNotBeVisibleRule">
This rule warns if a non-constant public static field is found.
In a multi-threaded environment access to those fields must be synchronized.
Bad example:
class HasPublicStaticField {
public static ComplexObject Field;
Good example:
class FieldIsReadonly {
public readonly static ComplexObject Field = new ComplexObject();
class UseThreadStatic {
public static ComplexObject Field;
public static InitializeThread ()
if (Field == null)
Field = new ComplexObject ();
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.ProtectCallToEventDelegatesRule">
This rule checks that event invocations are safely implemented. In particular,
the event must be copied into a local to avoid race conditions and it must be
checked for null before it is used (events will normally be null until a delegate is added
to them).
Bad example (no check):
public event EventHandler Loading;
protected void OnLoading (EventArgs e)
// Loading field could be null, throwing a NullReferenceException
Loading (this, e);
Bad example (race condition):
public event EventHandler Loading;
protected void OnLoading (EventArgs e)
// Loading could be non-null here
if (Loading != null) {
// but be null once we get here :(
Loading (this, e);
Good example:
public event EventHandler Loading;
protected void OnLoading (EventArgs e)
EventHandler handler = Loading;
// handler is either null or non-null
if (handler != null) {
// and won't change (i.e. safe from a NullReferenceException)
handler (this, e);
// however it is still possible, like the original code, that
// the Loading method will be removed before, or during its
// execution. Your code should be safe against such occurance.
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.ReviewLockUsedOnlyForOperationsOnVariablesRule">
This rule checks if a lock is used only to perform operations on locals
or fields.
If the only purpose of that critical section is to make sure the variables
are modified atomatically then the methods provided by
System.Threading.Interlocked class will be more efficient.
Bad example:
lock (_lockObject) {
Good example:
Bad example:
lock (_lockObject) {
_someSharedObject = anotherObject;
Good example:
Interlocked.Exchange(_someSharedObject, anotherObject);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.WriteStaticFieldFromInstanceMethodRule">
This rule is used to check for instance methods which write values to static fields.
This may cause problems if multiple instances of the type exist and are used in
multithreaded applications.
Bad example:
static int default_value;
public int Value {
get {
if (default_value == 0) {
default_value = -1;
return (value &gt; default_value) ? value : 0;
Good example:
static int default_value = -1;
public int Value {
get {
return (value &gt; default_value) ? value : 0;

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Correctness.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Correctness.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.AvoidDeclaringCustomDelegatesRule">
This rule will fire if custom delegates are defined when either pre-defined <code>System.Action</code>,
<code>Action&lt;T[,...]&gt;</code> or <code>Func&lt;[Tx,...]TResult&gt;</code> could have been used.
Bad example (without return value):
delegate void MyCustomDelegate (int a);
private MyCustomDelegate custom_delegate;
Good example (without return value):
private Action&lt;int&gt; action_delegate;
Bad example (with return value):
delegate int MyCustomDelegate (int a, string s);
private MyCustomDelegate custom_delegate;
Good example (with return value):
private Func&lt;int,string,int&gt; func_delegate;
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.AvoidExcessiveParametersOnGenericTypesRule">
A visible type should not have more than two generic parameters. This makes it
hard for consumers to remember what each parameter is required for.
Bad example:
public class BadClass&lt;A, B, C&gt; {
Good example:
public class GoodClass&lt;A, B&gt; {
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.AvoidMethodWithUnusedGenericTypeRule">
This method will fire if a generic method does not use all of its generic type parameters
in the formal parameter list. This usually means that either the type parameter is not used at
all in which case it should be removed or that it's used only for the return type which
is problematic because that prevents the compiler from inferring the generic type
when the method is called which is confusing to many developers.
Bad example:
public class Bad {
public string ToString&lt;T&gt; ()
return typeof (T).ToString ();
static void Main ()
// the compiler can't infer int so we need to supply it ourselves
Console.WriteLine (ToString&lt;int&gt; ());
Good example:
public class Good {
public string ToString&lt;T&gt; (T obj)
return obj.GetType ().ToString ();
static void Main ()
Console.WriteLine (ToString (2));
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.DoNotDeclareStaticMembersOnGenericTypesRule">
This rule checks for generic types that contain static members. Such members requires the type argument
to be specified when consumed, leading to harder to use or confusing API.
Bad example:
public class BadClass&lt;T&gt; {
public static string Member () {
Good example:
public class GoodClass&lt;T&gt; {
public string Member () {
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.DoNotExposeGenericListsRule">
A type has an externally visible member that is, returns or has a signature containing a
Bad example:
public class BadClass {
public List&lt;string&gt; member { get; set; };
Good example:
public class GoodClass {
public Collection&lt;string&gt; member { get; set; };
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.DoNotExposeNestedGenericSignaturesRule">
This rule will fire if an externally visible method has a parameter or return type
whose type is a generic type which contains a generic type. For example,
<c>List&lt;List&lt;int&gt;&gt;</c>. Such types are hard to construct and should
be avoided because simpler alternatives generally exist.
Since some language, like C#, have direct support for nullable types, i.e.
<c>System.Nullable&lt;T&gt;</c> this specific case is ignored by the rule.
Bad example:
public class Generic&lt;T&gt; {
public void Process (KeyValuePair&lt;T, ICollection&lt;int&gt;&gt; value)
Good example:
public class Generic&lt;T&gt; {
public void Process (KeyValuePair&lt;T, int[]&gt; value)
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.ImplementGenericCollectionInterfacesRule">
This rule checks for types which implement the non-generic <code>System.IEnumerable</code> interface but
not the <code>System.IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;</code> interface. Implementing the generic version
of <code>System.IEnumerable</code> avoids casts, and possibly boxing, when iterating the collection.
Bad example:
public class IntEnumerable : IEnumerable {
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
Good example:
public class IntEnumerable : IEnumerable&lt;int&gt; {
public IEnumerator&lt;int&gt; GetEnumerator ()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.PreferGenericsOverRefObjectRule">
This rule fires if a method has a reference argument (<c>ref</c> or
<c>out</c> in C#) to <c>System.Object</c>. These methods can generally be
rewritten in .NET 2.0 using generics which provides type safety, eliminates
casts, and makes the API easier to consume.
Bad example:
// common before 2.0 but we can do better now
public bool TryGetValue (string key, ref object value)
// ...
Good example:
public bool TryGetValue&lt;T&gt; (string key, ref T value)
// ...
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.UseGenericEventHandlerRule">
This rule fires if an assembly defines a delegate which can be
replaced by <c>System.EventHandler&lt;TEventArgs&gt;</c>.
Bad example:
public delegate void AuthenticityHandler (object sender, AuthenticityEventArgs e);
public event AuthenticityHandler CheckingAuthenticity;
public event AuthenticityHandler CheckedAuthenticity;
Good example:
public event EventHandler&lt;AuthenticityEventArgs&gt; CheckingAuthenticity;
public event EventHandler&lt;AuthenticityEventArgs&gt; CheckedAuthenticity;
<remarks>This rule applies only to assemblies targeting .NET 2.0 and later.</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.AvoidExtensionMethodOnSystemObjectRule">
Extension methods should not be used to extend <c>System.Object</c>.
Such extension methods cannot be consumed by some languages, like VB.NET,
which use late-binding on <c>System.Object</c> instances.
Bad example:
public static class Extensions {
public static string ToDebugString (this object self)
return String.Format ("'{0}', type '{1}', hashcode: {2}",
self.ToString (), self.GetType (), self.GetHashCode ());
Good example:
public static class Extensions {
public static string ToDebugString (this DateTime self)
return String.Format ("'{0}', type '{1}', hashcode: {2}",
self.ToString (), self.GetType (), self.GetHashCode ());
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Design.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.AvoidArgumentExceptionDefaultConstructorRule">
This rule checks that every <c>System.ArgumentException</c>,
<c>System.ArgumentNullException</c>, <c>System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException</c>, or
<c>System.DuplicateWaitObjectException</c> exception created is provided with some
useful information about the exception being thrown, minimally the parameter name.
Bad example:
public void Add (object key, object value)
if ((obj == null) || (key == null)) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
Inner.Add (key, value);
Good example:
public void Add (object key, object value)
if (key == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
if (obj == value) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
Inner.Add (key, value);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.AvoidThrowingBasicExceptionsRule">
This rule checks for methods that create basic exceptions like <c>System.Exception</c>,
<c>System.ApplicationException</c> or <c>System.SystemException</c>. Those exceptions
do not provide enough information about the error to be helpful to the consumer
of the library.
Bad example:
public void Add (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
throw new Exception ();
Inner.Add (obj);
Good example:
public void Add (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("obj");
Inner.Add (obj);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.DoNotDestroyStackTraceRule">
This rule will fire if a catch handler throws the exception it caught. What it should
do instead is rethrow the original exception (e.g. use <c>throw</c> instead of
<c>throw ex</c>). This is helpful because rethrow preserves the stacktrace of the
original exception.
Bad example:
try {
Int32.Parse ("Broken!");
catch (Exception ex) {
Assert.IsNotNull (ex);
throw ex;
Good example:
try {
Int32.Parse ("Broken!");
catch (Exception ex) {
Assert.IsNotNull (ex);
<remarks>Prior to Gendarme 2.0 this rule was named DontDestroyStackTraceRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.DoNotThrowInNonCatchClausesRule">
This rule detects exceptions that are throw in <c>fault</c>, <c>filter</c> or
<c>finally</c> clauses. Such exceptions will make it much harder to debug your
applications since it will hide the original exception.
Bad example:
int err = 0;
try {
err = Initialize ();
finally {
Cleanup ();
if (err != 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
Good example:
try {
if (Initialize () != 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
finally {
Cleanup ();
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.DoNotThrowInUnexpectedLocationRule">
There are a number of methods which have constraints on the exceptions
which they may throw. This rule checks the following methods:
<list type="bullet"><item><description>Property getters - properties should work very much
like fields: they should execute very quickly and, in general, should
not throw exceptions. However they may throw System.InvalidOperationException,
System.NotSupportedException, or an exception derived from these.
Indexed getters may also throw System.ArgumentException or
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException.</description></item><item><description>Event accessors - in general events should not throw
when adding or removing a handler. However they may throw
System.InvalidOperationException, System.NotSupportedException,
System.ArgumentException, or an exception derived from these.</description></item><item><description>Object.Equals and IEqualityComparer&lt;T&gt;.Equals - should
not throw. In particular they should do something sensible when passed
null arguments or unexpected types.</description></item><item><description>Object.GetHashCode - should not throw or the object
will not work properly with dictionaries and hash sets.</description></item><item><description>IEqualityComparer&lt;T&gt;.GetHashCode - may throw
System.ArgumentException.</description></item><item><description>Object.ToString - these are called by the debugger to display
objects and are also often used with printf style debugging so they should
not change the object's state and should not throw.</description></item><item><description>static constructors - should very rarely throw. If they
do throw then the type will not be useable within that application
domain.</description></item><item><description>finalizers - should not throw. If they do (as of .NET 2.0)
the process will be torn down.</description></item><item><description>IDisposable.Dispose - should not throw. If they do
it's much harder to guarantee that objects clean up properly.</description></item><item><description>Dispose (bool) - should not throw because that makes
it very difficult to clean up objects and because they are often
called from a finalizer.</description></item><item><description>operator== and operator!= - should not throw. In particular
they should do something sensible when passed null arguments or
unexpected types.</description></item><item><description>implicit cast operators - should not throw. These methods
are called implicitly so it tends to be quite surprising if they throw
exceptions.</description></item><item><description><c>TryParse</c> methods - should not throw. These methods
are designed to be executed without having to catch multiple exceptions
(unlike the <c>Parse</c> methods).</description></item></list>
Note that the rule does not complain if a method throws
System.NotImplementedException because
DoNotForgetNotImplementedMethodsRule will flag them. Also the rule
may fire with anonymous types with gmcs versions prior to 2.2, see
[] for more details.
Bad example:
public override bool Equals (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
return false;
Customer rhs = (Customer) obj; // throws if obj is not a Customer
return name ==;
Good example:
public override bool Equals (object obj)
Customer rhs = obj as Customer;
if (rhs == null) {
return false;
return name ==;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.DoNotThrowReservedExceptionRule">
This rule will fire if an <c>System.ExecutionEngineException</c>, <c>System.IndexOutOfRangeException</c>,
<c>NullReferenceException</c>, or <c>System.OutOfMemoryException</c> class is
instantiated. These exceptions are for use by the runtime and should not be thrown by
user code.
Bad example:
public void Add (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
throw new NullReferenceException ("obj");
Inner.Add (obj);
Good example:
public void Add (object obj)
if (obj == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("obj");
Inner.Add (obj);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.DoNotSwallowErrorsCatchingNonSpecificExceptionsRule">
This rule will fire if a catch block catches <c>System.Exception</c> or
<c>System.SystemException</c> but does not rethrow the original
exception. This is problematic because you don't know what went wrong
so it's difficult to know that the error was handled correctly. It is better
to catch a more specific set of exceptions so that you do know what went
wrong and do know that it is handled correctly.
Bad example:
try {
File.Open ("foo.txt", FileMode.Open);
catch (Exception) {
//Ooops what's failed ??? UnauthorizedException, FileNotFoundException ???
Good example (catch a specific exception):
try {
File.Open ("foo.txt", FileMode.Open);
catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
//I know that the system can't find the file.
Good example (catch all and rethrow):
try {
File.Open ("foo.txt", FileMode.Open);
catch {
Console.WriteLine ("An error has happened.");
throw; // You don't swallow the error, because you rethrow the original exception.
<remarks>Prior to Gendarme 2.0 this rule was named DontSwallowErrorsCatchingNonspecificExceptionsRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.ExceptionShouldBeVisibleRule">
This rule checks for non-visible exceptions which derive directly from
the most basic exceptions: <c>System.Exception</c>, <c>System.ApplicationException</c>
or <c>System.SystemException</c>. Those basic exceptions, being visible, will be the
only information available to the API consumer - but do not contain enough data to be
Bad example:
internal class GeneralException : Exception {
Good example (visibility):
public class GeneralException : Exception {
Good example (base class):
internal class GeneralException : ArgumentException {
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule">
This rule will fire if the arguments to the <c>System.ArgumentException</c>,
<c>System.ArgumentNullException</c>, <c>System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException</c>,
and <c>System.DuplicateWaitObjectException</c> constructors are used incorrectly.
This is a common mistake because the position of the <c>parameterName</c> argument
is not consistent across these types.
Bad example:
public void Show (string s)
if (s == null) {
// the first argument should be the parameter name
throw new ArgumentNullException ("string is null", "s");
if (s.Length == 0) {
// the second argument should be the parameter name
return new ArgumentException ("s", "string is empty");
Console.WriteLine (s);
Good example:
public void Show (string s)
if (s == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("s", "string is null");
if (s.Length == 0) {
return new ArgumentException ("string is empty", "s");
Console.WriteLine (s);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.MissingExceptionConstructorsRule">
This rule will fire if an exception class is missing one or more of the following
<list><item><description><c>public E ()</c> is required for XML serialization. Public access is required
in case the assembly uses CAS to prevent reflection on non-public members.</description></item><item><description><c>public E (string message)</c> is a .NET convention.</description></item><item><description><c>public E (string message, ..., Exception inner)</c> is a .NET convention.</description></item><item><description><c>(non)public E (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)</c> is required for binary serialization.</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
public class GeneralException : Exception {
// access should be public
private GeneralException ()
Good example:
public class GeneralException : Exception {
public GeneralException ()
public GeneralException (string message) : base (message)
public GeneralException (string message, Exception inner) : base (message, inner)
protected GeneralException (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base (info, context)
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.UseObjectDisposedExceptionRule">
It's usually a very bad idea to attempt to use an object after it has been
disposed. Doing so may lead to crashes in native code or any number of
other problems. In order to prevent this, and to report the problem in
a clear way, classes should throw System.ObjectDisposedException from
public methods if the object has been disposed.
Note that there are some methods which should not throw ObjectDisposedException.
This includes constructors, finalizers, Equals, GetHashCode, ToString, and Dispose.
Bad example:
internal sealed class WriteStuff : IDisposable
public WriteStuff (TextWriter writer)
this.writer = writer;
// Objects are generally not in a useable state after being disposed so
// their public methods should throw ObjectDisposedException.
public void Write (string message)
writer.Write (message);
public void Dispose ()
if (!disposed) {
writer.Dispose ();
disposed = true;
private bool disposed;
private TextWriter writer;
Good example:
internal sealed class WriteStuff : IDisposable
public WriteStuff (TextWriter writer)
this.writer = writer;
// In general all public methods should throw ObjectDisposedException
// if Dispose has been called.
public void Write (string message)
if (disposed) {
throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().Name);
writer.Write (message);
public void Dispose ()
if (!disposed) {
writer.Dispose ();
disposed = true;
private bool disposed;
private TextWriter writer;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.DefectsMustBeReportedRule">
This rule checks if at least one method in types implementing
IRule is calling Runner.Report.
Bad example:
public class BadRule : Rule, ITypeRule
public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
return RuleResult.Failure;
Good example:
public class BadRule : Rule, ITypeRule
public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
Runner.Report(type, Severity.Low, Confidence.Total);
return RuleResult.Failure;
This rule checks if Runner.Report is called directly anywhere in rules' methods but it does not
check if it being called in the base type or somewhere else, so some false positives are possible.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.DoNotThrowExceptionRule">
This rule finds Gendarme rules that throw exceptions because runner's behavior
in case of rule throwing an exception is undefined.
Bad example:
public class ExampleRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
public RuleResult CheckMethod (MethodDefinition method)
if (method == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("method");
// other rule logic
Good example:
public class ExampleRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
public RuleResult CheckMethod (MethodDefinition method)
// method is not null by contract
return RuleResult.Success;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.MissingEngineDependencyRule">
Rules should not use engines' features without subscribing to them
using EngineDependency attribute because it will not work unless
another rule has subscribed to the same engine.
Bad example:
class BadRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
public RuleResult CheckMethod (MethodDefinition method)
if (!OpCodeBitmask.Calls.Intersect (OpCodeEngine.GetBitmask (method)))
return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
// rule code
Good example:
[EngineDependency (typeof (OpCodeEngine))]
class BadRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
public RuleResult CheckMethod (MethodDefinition method)
if (!OpCodeBitmask.Calls.Intersect (OpCodeEngine.GetBitmask (method)))
return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
// rule code
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.ReviewAttributesOnRulesRule">
This rule checks if attribute usage match the following rules:
<list><item><term>[Problem] and [Solution] attributes</term><description>should be used on rules only, every concrete rule must have both
attributes (or inherit them), and their arguments cannot be null or empty
</description></item><item><term>[FxCopCompatibility] attribute</term><description>should be used on rules only, its arguments cannot be null or empty,
and second argument should match this format: AB1234:FxCopRuleName</description></item><item><term>[EngineDependency] attribute</term><description>should be used on rules only, its argument cannot be null or empty,
and its argument should inherit from Gendarme.Framework.Engine</description></item><item><term>[DocumentationUri] attribute</term><description>should be used on rules only</description></item><item><term>[Description] and [DefaultValue] attributes</term><description>should be used on rules' public properties only,
Description attribute argument cannot be null or empty</description></item></list></summary>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.UseCorrectSuffixRule">
Types implementing IRule should have the "Rule" suffix, while other types
are not allowed to have this suffix.
Bad example (rule type does not have a suffix):
public class ReviewSomething : Rule, IMethodRule {
// rule code
Bad example (non-rule type has a suffix):
public class SomeRule {
// class code
Good example:
public class ReviewSomethingRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
// rule code

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.AvoidUnusedInternalResourceRule">
This rule will check for internally visible resources (resx) which are never called.
You should remove unused internal resources to avoid useless translations.
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.PreferIFormatProviderOverrideRule">
This rule detects calls to method that could be changed to call an <c>override</c> accepting an
extra <c>System.IFormatProvider</c> or <c>System.Globalization.CultureInfo</c> parameter (the
later implements <c>System.IFormatProvider</c>).
Generally data displayed to the end user should be using
<c>System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture</c> while other data (e.g. used internally,
stored in files/databases) should use <c>System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture</c>.
The rule will ignore the following special methods:
Bad example:
public bool Confirm (double amount)
string msg = String.Format ("Accept payment of {0} ?", amount);
Transaction.Log ("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now, amount);
return Prompt (msg);
Good example:
public bool Confirm (double amount)
string msg = String.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Accept payment of {0} ?", amount);
Transaction.Log (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1}", DateTime.Now, amount);
return Prompt (msg);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.PreferStringComparisonOverrideRule">
This rule detects calls to method that could be changed to call an <c>override</c> accepting an
extra <c>System.StringComparison</c> parameter. Using the <c>override</c> makes the code easier
to maintain since it makes the intent clear on how the string needs to be compared.
It is even more important since the default string comparison rules have changed between
.NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0.
Bad example:
public bool Check (string name)
// it's not clear if the string comparison should be culture sensitive or not
return (String.Compare (name, "Software") == 0);
Good example:
public bool Check (string name)
return (String.Compare (name, "Software", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) == 0);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.SatelliteResourceMismatchRule">
A satellite assembly have a resource which does not match with a main assembly resource.
Either :
* The resource doesn't exist in the main assembly and should be removed from the satellite assembly.
* The resource is not of the same type in the main and satellite assembly. The satellite one should be fixed.
* The satellite string resource does not have the same string.Format parameters than the main assembly. The satellite one should be fixed.
The satellites assemblies are searched in the subdirectories of the main assembly location.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.AutoLayoutTypesShouldNotBeComVisibleRule">
This rule checks for <c>[System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible]</c> decorated value
types which have <c>[System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout]</c> attribute set to
<c>System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind</c>.<c>Auto</c> because auto layout can
change between Mono and .NET or even between releases of the .NET/Mono frameworks.
Note that this does not affect <c>System.Enum</c>-based types.
Bad example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Auto)]
public struct Good {
ushort a;
ushort b;
Good example
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public struct Good {
ushort a;
ushort b;
Rule applies only when the containing assembly has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to false
and the type has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to true.
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.AvoidInt64ArgumentsInComVisibleMethodsRule">
This rule checks that ComVisible methods do not take System.Int64 arguments
because Visual Basic 6 clients do not support it.
Bad example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Bad {
public void DoBadThings (long a)
// doing bad things
Good example (type changed):
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Good {
public void DoGoodThings (int a)
// doing good things
Good example (method is not visible from COM):
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Good {
[ComVisible (false)]
public void DoGoodThings (long a)
// doing good things
Rule applies only when the containing assembly has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to false
and the type has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to true.
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.AvoidNonPublicFieldsInComVisibleValueTypesRule">
This rule checks for ComVisible value types which contain fields that are non-public.
Bad example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public struct BadStruct {
internal int SomeValue;
Good example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public struct BadStruct {
public int SomeValue;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.AvoidOverloadsInComVisibleInterfacesRule">
This rule checks for ComVisible interface which contains overloaded methods.
Bad example:
public interface Bad {
void SomeMethod();
void SomeMethod(int SomeValue);
Good example:
public interface Good {
void SomeMethod();
void SomeMethodWithValue(int SomeValue);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.AvoidStaticMembersInComVisibleTypesRule">
COM visible types should not contain static methods because they are
not supported by COM
Bad example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Bad {
public static void BadMethod ()
// do something
Good example:
[assembly: ComVisible (false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Good {
[ComVisiblte (false)]
public static void GoodMethod ()
// do something
This rule ignores methods marked with ComRegisterFunctionAttribute or ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute attributes.
Rule applies only when the containing assembly has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to false
and the type has ComVisible attribute explicitly set to true.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.ComVisibleShouldInheritFromComVisibleRule">
This rule checks that the base type of COM visible types is also
visible from COM. This is needed reduce the chance of breaking
COM clients as COM invisible types do not have to follow COM versioning rules.
Bad example:
[assemply: ComVisible(false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (false)]
public class Base {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Derived : Base {
Good example:
[assemply: ComVisible(false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Base {
[ComVisible (true)]
public class Derived : Base {
Good example (both types are invisible because of the assembly attribute):
[assemply: ComVisible(false)]
namespace InteropLibrary {
public class Base {
public class Derived : Base {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.ComVisibleTypesShouldBeCreatableRule">
This rule checks for ComVisible reference types which have a public parameterized constructor,
but lack a default public constructor.
Bad example:
[ComVisible (true)]
public class BadClass {
public BadClass (int param) {
Good example:
[ComVisible (true)]
public class GoodClass {
public GoodClass () {
public GoodClass (int param) {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.DoNotUseAutoDualClassInterfaceTypeRule">
Classes should not use ClassInterfaceAttribute with the value of
ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual because this may break COM clients
if the class layout changes.
Bad example:
[ComVisible (true)]
[ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)]
class Bad {
// do something
Good example (ClassInterfaceType.None):
[ComVisible (true)]
[ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.None)]
class Good : ICloneable {
public object Clone ()
return new object ();
Good example (no ClassInterface attribute, equal to ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch):
[ComVisible (true)]
class Good {
// do something
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.MarkComSourceInterfacesAsIDispatchRule">
When a type is marked with the ComSourceInterfacesAttribute, every specified interface must
be marked with a InterfaceTypeAttribute set to ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch.
Bad example:
interface IBadInterface { }
class TestClass { }
Good example:
interface IGoodInterface { }
class TestClass { }
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.ReviewComRegistrationMethodsRule">
This rule checks the correctness of COM register and unregister methods,
i.e. they should not be externally visible and they should be matched
(both or none of them should exist ).
Bad example (public methods):
[ComVisible (true)
class Bad {
public void Register ()
public void Unregister ()
Bad example (only one of the methods exist)
[ComVisible (true)]
class Bad {
public void Register ()
Good example:
[ComVisible (true)]
class Good {
private void Register ()
private void Unregister ()
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.ComRocks">
ComRocks contains extensions methods for COM-related methods.
<member name="M:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.ComRocks.IsComVisible(Mono.Cecil.ICustomAttributeProvider)">
Check if the type is explicitly declared to be ComVisible.
<param name="self">The ICustomAttributeProvider (e.g. AssemblyDefinition, TypeReference, MethodReference,
FieldReference...) on which the extension method can be called.</param>
<code>null</code> no ComVisible attribute is present, <code>true</code> if ComVisible is set to true, <code>false</code> otherwise.</returns>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.CentralizePInvokesIntoNativeMethodsTypeRule">
This rule will warn you if p/invoke declarations are found outside some
specially named types. The convention makes it easier to know which type
of security checks are done (at runtime) and how critical is a security
audit for them. In all cases the type should not be visible (i.e. <c>internal</c>
in C#) outside the assembly.
Note that the type naming itself has no influence on security (either with
Code Access Security or with CoreCLR for Silverlight). The naming convention
includes the presence or absence of the <c>[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]</c>
security attribute based on the type name.
<list><item><description><c>NativeMethods</c> should not be decorated with a
<c>[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]</c>. This will let CAS do a stackwalk to
ensure the code can be...</description></item><item><description><c>SafeNativeMethods</c> should be decorated with a
<c>[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] attribute</c>. The attribute means that no
stackwalk will occurs.</description></item><item><description><c>UnsafeNativeMethods</c> should be decorated with a
<c>[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] attribute</c>. The attribute means that no
stackwalk will occurs. However since the p/invoke methods are named unsafe then
the rule will warn an audit-level defect to review the code.</description></item></list></summary>
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.8</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.DelegatesPassedToNativeCodeMustIncludeExceptionHandlingRule">
This rule checks for delegates which are created for methods which don't
have exception handling and then passed to native code.
Every delegate which is passed to native code must include an exception
block which spans the entire method and has a catch all block.
Bad example:
delegate void Callback ();
[DllImport ("mylibrary.dll")]
static extern void RegisterCallback (Callback callback);
public void RegisterManagedCallback ()
RegisterCallback (ManagedCallback);
public void ManagedCallback ()
// This will cause the process to crash if native code calls this method.
throw new NotImplementedException ();
Good example:
delegate void Callback ();
[DllImport ("mylibrary.dll")]
static extern void RegisterCallback (Callback callback);
public void RegisterManagedCallback ()
RegisterCallback (ManagedCallback);
public void ManagedCallback ()
try {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
catch {
// This way the exception won't "leak" to native code
try {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
catch (System.Exception ex) {
// This is also safe - the runtime will process this catch clause,
// even if it is technically possible (by writing assemblies in managed
// C++ or IL) to throw an exception that doesn't inherit from
// System.Exception.
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.DoNotAssumeIntPtrSizeRule">
This rule checks for code which casts an <code>IntPtr</code> or <code>UIntPtr</code> into a
32-bit (or smaller) value. It will also check if memory read with the <c>Marshal.ReadInt32</c>
and <c>Marshal.ReadInt64</c> methods is being cast into an <code>IntPtr</code> or
<code>UIntPtr</code>. <code>IntPtr</code> is generally used to reference a memory
location and downcasting them to 32-bits will make the code fail on 64-bit CPUs.
Bad example (cast):
int ptr = dest.ToInt32 ();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 16; i++) {
Marshal.StructureToPtr (this, (IntPtr)ptr, false);
ptr += 4;
Bad example (Marshal.Read*):
// that won't work on 64 bits platforms
IntPtr p = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32 (p);
Good example (cast):
long ptr = dest.ToInt64 ();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 16; i++) {
Marshal.StructureToPtr (this, (IntPtr) ptr, false);
ptr += IntPtr.Size;
Good example (Marshal.Read*):
IntPtr p = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadIntPtr (p);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0 but was named DoNotCastIntPtrToInt32Rule before 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.GetLastErrorMustBeCalledRightAfterPInvokeRule">
This rule will fire if <code>Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()</code> is called, but is
not called immediately after a P/Invoke. This is a problem because other methods,
even managed methods, may overwrite the error code.
Bad example:
public void DestroyError ()
MessageBeep (2);
Console.WriteLine ("Beep");
int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ();
Good example:
public void GetError ()
MessageBeep (2);
int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ();
Console.WriteLine ("Beep");
public void DontUseGetLastError ()
MessageBeep (2);
Console.WriteLine ("Beep");
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.MarshalBooleansInPInvokeDeclarationsRule">
This rule warns the developer if a <code>[MarshalAs]</code> attribute has not been
specified for boolean parameters of a P/Invoke method. The size of boolean types varies
across language (e.g. the C++ <c>bool</c> type is four bytes on some platforms and
one byte on others). By default the CLR will marshal <b>System.Boolean</b> as a 32 bit value
(<c>UnmanagedType.Bool</c>) like the Win32 API <b>BOOL</b> uses. But, for clarity,
you should always specify the correct value.
Bad example:
// bad assuming the last parameter is a single byte being mapped to a bool
[DllImport ("liberty")]
private static extern bool Bad (bool b1, ref bool b2);
Good example:
[DllImport ("liberty")]
[return: MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool Good ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool b1, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U1)] ref bool b2);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.MarshalStringsInPInvokeDeclarationsRule">
This rule will fire if a P/Invoke method has System.String or System.Text.StringBuilder
arguments, and the DllImportAttribute does not specify the <code>CharSet</code>,
and the string arguments are not decorated with <code>[MarshalAs]</code>.
This is important because the defaults are different on the various platforms.
On Mono the default is to always use utf-8. On .NET the default is to use the ANSI
CharSet which is the native encoding and will typically be some variant of ASCII or
something like Shift-JIS. On Compact .NET the default is utf-16.
Bad example:
[DllImport ("coredll")]
static extern int SHCreateShortcut (StringBuilder szShortcut, StringBuilder szTarget);
Good examples:
[DllImport ("coredll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int SHCreateShortcut (StringBuilder szShortcut, StringBuilder szTarget);
[DllImport ("coredll")]
static extern int SHCreateShortcut ([MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder szShortcut,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder szTarget);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.PInvokeShouldNotBeVisibleRule">
This rule checks for PInvoke declaration methods that are visible outside their assembly.
Bad example:
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
public static extern bool MessageBeep (UInt32 beepType);
Good example:
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
internal static extern bool MessageBeep (UInt32 beepType);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.UseManagedAlternativesToPInvokeRule">
This rule will fire if an external (P/Invoke) method is called but a managed
alternative is provided by the .NET framework.
Bad example:
[DllImport ("kernel32.dll")]
static extern void Sleep (uint dwMilliseconds);
public void WaitTwoSeconds ()
Sleep (2000);
Good example:
public void WaitTwoSeconds ()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (2000);

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidAlwaysNullFieldRule">
A type has a private field whose value is always null.
Bad example:
internal sealed class Bad {
private List&lt;int&gt; values;
public List&lt;int&gt; Values {
get {
return values;
Good example:
internal sealed class Good {
private List&lt;int&gt; values = new List&lt;int&gt;();
public List&lt;int&gt; Values {
get {
return values;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidComplexMethodsRule">
This rule computes the cyclomatic complexity (CC) for every method and reports any method
with a CC over 25 (this limit is configurable). Large CC value often indicate complex
code that is hard to understand and maintain. It's likely that breaking the
method into several methods will help readability. This rule won't report any defects
on code generated by the compiler or by tools.
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidComplexMethodsRule.SuccessThreshold">
<summary>The cyclomatic complexity at which defects begin to be reported.</summary>
<remarks>This defaults to 25 and larger values will mean fewer reported defects.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidComplexMethodsRule.LowThreshold">
<summary>Methods with cyclomatic complexity less than this will be reported as low severity.</summary>
<remarks>If left as zero then the rule will initialize it to 2*SuccessThreshold.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidComplexMethodsRule.MediumThreshold">
<summary>Methods with cyclomatic complexity less than this (but higher than LowThreshold) will be reported as medium severity.</summary>
<remarks>If left as zero then the rule will initialize it to 3*SuccessThreshold.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidComplexMethodsRule.HighThreshold">
<summary>Methods with cyclomatic complexity less than this (but higher than MediumThreshold) will be reported as high severity.</summary>
<remarks>Methods with cyclomatic complexity greater than this will be reported as critical severity.
If left as zero then the rule will initialize it to 4*SuccessThreshold.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidDeepInheritanceTreeRule">
This rule will fire if a type has (by default) more than four base classes defined
within the assembly set being analyzed. Optionally it will also count base
classes defined outside the assembly set being analyzed.
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidDeepInheritanceTreeRule.MaximumDepth">
<summary>Classes with more base classes than this will result in a defect.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 4.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidDeepInheritanceTreeRule.CountExternalDepth">
<summary>If true the rule will count base classes defined outside the assemblies being analyzed.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to false.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule">
This rule checks every type for lack of cohesion between the fields and the methods. Low cohesion is often
a sign that a type is doing too many, different and unrelated things. The cohesion score is given for each defect
(higher is better).
Automatic properties (e.g. available in C# 3) are considered as fields since their 'backing field' cannot be
directly used and the getter/setter is only used to update a single field.
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule.SuccessLowerLimit">
<summary>Cohesion values lower than this will result in a defect.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 0.5.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule.LowSeverityLowerLimit">
<summary>Defects with cohesion values greater than this will be reported at low severity.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 0.4.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule.MediumSeverityLowerLimit">
<summary>Defects with cohesion values greater than (but less than LowSeverityLowerLimit) this will be reported at medium severity.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 0.2.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule.MinimumMethodCount">
<summary>The minimum number of methods a class must have to be checked.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 2.</remarks>
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidLackOfCohesionOfMethodsRule.MinimumFieldCount">
<summary>The minimum number of fields a class must have to be checked.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 1.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.AvoidUnnecessarySpecializationRule">
This rule checks methods for over specialized parameters - i.e. parameter types
that are unnecessarily specialized with respect to what the method needs to
perform its job. This often impairs the reusability of the method. If a problem
is found the rule will suggest the most general type, or interface, required for the
method to work.
Bad example:
public class DefaultEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer {
public int GetHashCode (object obj)
return o.GetHashCode ();
public int Bad (DefaultEqualityComparer ec, object o)
return ec.GetHashCode (o);
Good example:
public class DefaultEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer {
public int GetHashCode (object obj)
return o.GetHashCode ();
public int Good (IEqualityComparer ec, object o)
return ec.GetHashCode (o);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.ConsiderUsingStopwatchRule">
This rule checks methods for cases where a <c>System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch</c> could be
used instead of using <c>System.DateTime</c> to compute the time required for an action.
Stopwatch is preferred because it better expresses the intent of the code and because (on
some platforms at least) StopWatch is accurate to roughly the microsecond whereas
DateTime.Now is only accurate to 16 milliseconds or so. This rule only applies to assemblies
compiled with the .NET framework version 2.0 (or later).
Bad example:
public TimeSpan DoLongOperation ()
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
DownloadNewOpenSuseDvdIso ();
return DateTime.Now - start;
Good example:
public TimeSpan DoLongOperation ()
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
DownloadNewOpenSuseDvdIso ();
return watch.Elapsed;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.PreferStringIsNullOrEmptyRule">
This rule checks methods for cases where <c>String.IsNullOrEmpty</c> could be
used instead of doing separate null and length checks. This does not affect
execution nor performance (much) but it does improve source code readability.
This rule only applies to assemblies compiled with .NET 2.0 (or later).
Bad example:
public bool SendMessage (string message)
if ((message == null) || (message.Length == 0)) {
return false;
return SendMessage (Encode (message));
Good example:
public bool SendMessage (string message)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (message)) {
return false;
return SendMessage (Encode (message));
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.RemoveDependenceOnObsoleteCodeRule">
This rule will warn you if your code depends on (e.g. inherit, implement, call...)
code that is decorated with the <c>[Obsolete]</c> attribute.
Note that the rule does not report <c>[Obsolete]</c> types, methods...
but only their use by your code.
Bad example:
[Obsolete ("Limited to In32.MaxValue, use new Int64 ReportAll method")]
abstract int Report (IList list);
abstract long ReportAll (IList list);
public int GetCount ()
// this method is not ok since it use an obsolete method
return Report (list);
Good example (dependency removed):
[Obsolete ("Limited to In32.MaxValue, use new Int64 ReportAll method")]
abstract int Report (IList list);
abstract long ReportAll (IList list);
// this method is correct but this changed the public API
public long GetCount ()
return ReportAll (list);
Good example (decorated as [Obsolete]):
[Obsolete ("Limited to In32.MaxValue, use new Int64 ReportAll method")]
abstract int Report (IList list);
abstract long ReportAll (IList list);
[Obsolete ("Limited to In32.MaxValue, use new Int64 GetLongCount method")]
public int GetCount ()
// this method is now correct since it is decorated with [Obsolete]
return Report (list);
public long GetLongCount ()
return ReportAll (list);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.8</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.ReviewMisleadingFieldNamesRule">
This rule checks for fields which have misleading names, e.g. instance fields beginning with "s_"
or static fields beginning with "m_", since they can be confusing when reading source code.
Bad example:
public class Bad {
int s_value;
static int m_other_value;
Good example:
public class Good {
int value;
static int other_value;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNamesRule">
This rule checks for local variables or parameters whose names match (case sensitive) an instance field name.
Note that variable names can only be verified when debugging symbols (pdb or mdb) are available.
Bad example:
public class Bad {
public int value;
public void DoSomething (int value)
// without 'this.' the field will never be set
this.value = value;
Good example:
public class Good {
public int value;
public void DoSomething (int integralValue)
value = integralValue;

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.NUnitRocks">
NUnitRocks contains extensions methods for NUnit-related methods and types.
<member name="M:Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.NUnitRocks.IsTest(Mono.Cecil.ICustomAttributeProvider)">
Checks if the method is a valid unit test (has corresponding attribute).
<param name="self">The ICustomAttributeProvider on which the extension method can be called.</param>
<returns>True if method is a unit test, false otherwise.</returns>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.ProvideMessageOnAssertCallsRule">
This rule checks that all Assert.* methods are calling with 'message'
parameter, which helps to easily identify failing test.
Bad example:
public void TestThings ()
Assert.AreEqual(10, 20);
Assert.AreEqual(30, 40);
Good example:
public void TestThings ()
Assert.AreEqual(10, 20, "10 equal to 20 test");
Assert.AreEqual(30, 40, "30 equal to 40 test");
This rule will not report any problems if only one Assert.* call was made
inside a method, because it's easy to identify failing test in this case.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.TestMethodsMustBePublicRule">
Test method (a method, marked with either TestAttribute, TestCaseAttribute
or TestCaseSourceAttribute) is not public. Most NUnit test runners won't
execute non-public unit tests.
Bad example:
private void TestMethod ()
Assert.AreEqual (10, 20);
Good example:
public void TestMethod ()
Assert.AreEqual (10, 20);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.UnitTestsMissingTestFixtureRule">
This rule checks that all types which have methods with TestAttribute, TestCaseAttribute
or TestCaseSourceAttribute are marked with the TestFixtureAttribute. NUnit &lt; 2.5 will not run
tests located in types without TestFixtureAttribute.
Bad example:
class Test {
public void TestMethod ()
Assert.AreEqual (0, 0);
Good example:
class Test {
public void TestMethod ()
Assert.AreEqual (0, 0);

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Naming.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidDeepNamespaceHierarchyRule">
This rule checks for deeply nested namespaces within an assembly. It will
warn if the depth is greater than four (default value) unless the fifth (or the
next) part is one of the specialized name that the framework recommends or a
name like an internal namespace (something not meant to be seen outside the assembly).
<list><item><term>Design</term><description>Namespace that provides design-time
support for its base namespace.</description></item><item><term>Interop</term><description>Namespace that provides all interoperability
code (e.g. p./invokes) for its base namespace.</description></item><item><term>Permissions</term><description>Namespace that provides all custom
permissions for its base namespace.</description></item><item><term>Internal</term><description>Namespace that provides non visible (outside
the assembly) helper code for its base namespace. <c>Impl</c> while allowed by the
rule is not encouraged.
Bad example:
namespace One.Two.Three.Four.Five {
internal class Helper {
Good example:
namespace One.Two.Three.Four {
internal class FiveHelper {
Good example (exception for some namespace specialization):
namespace One.Two.Three.Four.Internal {
internal class Helper {
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidDeepNamespaceHierarchyRule.MaxDepth">
<summary>The depth at which namespaces may be nested without triggering a defect.</summary>
<remarks>Defaults to 4.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidRedundancyInMethodNameRule">
This rule will fire if a method name embeds the type name of its first parameter.
Usually, removing that type name makes the API less
verbose, easier to learn, and more future-proof.
Bad example:
class PostOffice {
public void SendLetter (Letter letter) {
public void SendPackage (Package package) {
Good example:
class PostOffice {
public void Send (Letter letter) {
public void Send (Package package) {
Bad example:
class PostOffice {
public static bool IsPackageValid (Package package) {
return package.HasAddress &amp;&amp; package.HasStamp;
Good example:
class Package {
public bool IsValid {
get {
return HasAddress &amp;&amp; HasStamp;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidRedundancyInTypeNameRule">
This rule will fire if a type is prefixed with the last component of its namespace.
Using prefixes like this makes type names more verbose than they need to be
and makes them harder to use with tools like auto-complete. Note that an
exception is made if removal of the prefix would cause an ambiguity with another
type. If this is the case the rule will not report a defect.
Bad example:
namespace Foo.Lang.Compiler {
public class CompilerContext {
using Foo.Lang;
Compiler.CompilerContext context = new Compiler.CompilerContext ();
using Foo.Lang.Compiler;
CompilerContext context = new CompilerContext ();
Good example:
namespace Foo.Lang.Compiler {
public class Context {
using Foo.Lang;
Compiler.Context context = new Compiler.Context ();
using Foo.Lang.Compiler;
Context context = new Context ();
Another good example (more meaningful term in the context of the namespace):
namespace Foo.Lang.Compiler {
public class CompilationContext {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidTypeInterfaceInconsistencyRule">
This rule will fire if an assembly has a namespace which contains an interface IFoo
and a type Foo, but the type does not implement the interface. If an interface and
a type name differ only by the <c>I</c> prefix (of the interface) then we can
logically expect the type to implement this interface.
Bad example:
public interface IMember {
string Name {
public class Member {
public string Name {
get {
return String.Empty;
Good example:
public interface IMember {
string Name {
public class Member : IMember {
public string Name {
get {
return String.Empty;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.AvoidNonAlphanumericIdentifierRule">
This rule ensures that identifiers like assembly names, namespaces, types and
members names don't have any non-alphanumerical characters inside them. The rule
will ignore interfaces used for COM interoperability - i.e. decorated with both
<c>[InterfaceType]</c> and <c>[Guid]</c> attributes.
Bad example:
namespace New_Namespace {
public class My_Custom_Class {
public int My_Field;
public void My_Method (string my_string)
Good example:
namespace NewNamespace {
public class MyCustomClass {
public int MyField;
public void MyMethod (string myString)
<remarks>Prior to Gendarme 2.2 this rule was named DetectNonAlphanumericInTypeNamesRule</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.DoNotPrefixEventsWithAfterOrBeforeRule">
This rule ensures that event names are not prefixed with <c>After</c> or <c>Before</c>.
The .NET naming conventions recommend using a verb in the present and in
the past tense.
Bad example:
public class Bad {
public event ResolveEventHandler BeforeResolve;
public event ResolveEventHandler AfterResolve;
Good example:
public class Good {
public event ResolveEventHandler Resolving; // present
public event ResolveEventHandler Resolved; // past
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.DoNotPrefixValuesWithEnumNameRule">
This rule checks for <c>enum</c> values that are prefixed with the enumeration type
name. This is typical in C/C++ application but unneeded in .NET since the <c>enum</c>
type name must be specified anyway when used.
Bad example:
public enum Answer {
Good example:
public enum Answer {
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.DoNotUseReservedInEnumValueNamesRule">
This rule checks for enumerations that contain values named <c>reserved</c>. This
practice, often seen in C/C++ sources, is not needed in .NET since adding new
values will not normally break binary compatibility. However renaming a <c>reserved</c>
enum value can since there is no way to prevent people from using the old value.
Bad example:
public enum Answer {
// ^ renaming this to 'Maybe' would be a breaking change
Good example:
public enum Answer {
// we can add Maybe here without causing a breaking change
// (but note that we may break code if we change the values of
// existing enumerations)
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.ParameterNamesShouldMatchOverriddenMethodRule">
This rule warns if an overriden method's parameter names does not match those of the
base class or those of the implemented interface. This can be confusing because it may
not always be clear that it is an override or implementation of an interface method. It
also makes it more difficult to use the method with languages that support named
parameters (like C# 4.0).
Bad example:
public class Base {
public abstract void Write (string text);
public class SubType : Base {
public override void Write (string output)
Good example:
public class Base {
public abstract void Write (string text);
class SubType : Base {
public override void Write (string text)
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UseCorrectCasingRule">
This rule ensures that identifiers are correctly cased. In particular:
<list><item><description>namespace names are PascalCased</description></item><item><description>type names are PascalCased</description></item><item><description>method names are PascalCased</description></item><item><description>parameter names are camelCased</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
namespace A {
abstract public class myClass {
abstract public int thisMethod (int ThatParameter);
Good example:
namespace Company.Product.Technology {
abstract public class MyClass {
abstract public int ThisMethod (int thatParameter);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UseCorrectPrefixRule">
This rule ensures that types are prefixed correctly. Interfaces should always be prefixed
with a <c>I</c>, types should never be prefixed with a <c>C</c> (reminder for MFC folks)
and generic parameters should be a single, uppercased letter or be prefixed with <c>T</c>.
Bad examples:
public interface Phone {
// ...
public class CPhone : Phone {
// ...
public class Call&lt;Mechanism&gt; {
// ...
Good examples:
public interface IPhone {
// ...
public class Phone : IPhone {
// ...
public class Call&lt;TMechanism&gt; {
// ...
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UseCorrectSuffixRule">
This rule ensure that types that inherit from certain types or implement certain interfaces
have a specific suffix. It also ensures that no other
types are using those suffixes without inheriting/implementing the types/interfaces. E.g.
<list><item><description><c>System.Attribute</c> should end with <c>Attribute</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.EventArgs</c> should end with <c>EventArgs</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Exception</c> should end with <c>Exception</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Collections.Queue</c> should end with <c>Collection</c> or <c>Queue</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Collections.Stack</c> should end with <c>Collection</c> or <c>Stack</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Data.DataSet</c> should end with <c>DataSet</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Data.DataTable</c> should end with <c>DataTable</c> or <c>Collection</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.IO.Stream</c> should end with <c>Stream</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Security.IPermission</c> should end with <c>Permission</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition</c> should end with <c>Condition</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Collections.IDictionary</c> or <c>System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary</c> should end with <c>Dictionary</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Collections.ICollection</c>, <c>System.Collections.Generic.ICollection</c> or <c>System.Collections.IEnumerable</c> should end with <c>Collection</c></description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
public sealed class SpecialCode : Attribute {
// ...
Good example:
public sealed class SpecialCodeAttribute : Attribute {
// ...
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UsePluralNameInEnumFlagsRule">
This rule ensures that the name of enumerations decorated with FlagsAttribute are
in plural form.
Bad example:
public enum MyCustomValue {
AllValues = Foo | Bar
Good example:
public enum MyCustomValues {
AllValues = Foo | Bar
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UsePreferredTermsRule">
This rule ensures that identifiers such as assemblies, namespaces, types, and members,
use the terms suggested by the .NET framework guidelines so that they are consistent
with other class libraries.
<list><item><description><c>Arent</c> should be replaced with <c>AreNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Cancelled</c> should be replaced with <c>Canceled</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Cant</c> should be replaced with <c>Cannot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>ComPlus</c> should be replaced with <c>EnterpriseServices</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Couldnt</c> should be replaced with <c>CouldNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Didnt</c> should be replaced with <c>DidNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Doesnt</c> should be replaced with <c>DoesNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Dont</c> should be replaced with <c>DoNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Hadnt</c> should be replaced with <c>HadNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Hasnt</c> should be replaced with <c>HasNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Havent</c> should be replaced with <c>HaveNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Indices</c> should be replaced with <c>Indexes</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Isnt</c> should be replaced with <c>IsNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>LogIn</c> should be replaced with <c>LogOn</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>LogOut</c> should be replaced with <c>LogOff</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Shouldnt</c> should be replaced with <c>ShouldNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>SignOn</c> should be replaced with <c>SignIn</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>SignOff</c> should be replaced with <c>SignOut</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Wasnt</c> should be replaced with <c>WasNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Werent</c> should be replaced with <c>WereNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Wont</c> should be replaced with <c>WillNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Wouldnt</c> should be replaced with <c>WouldNot</c>;</description></item><item><description><c>Writeable</c> should be replaced with <c>Writable</c>;</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
abstract public class ComPlusSecurity {
abstract public void LogIn ();
abstract public void LogOut ();
Good example:
abstract public class EnterpriseServicesSecurity {
abstract public void LogOn ();
abstract public void LogOff ();
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Naming.UseSingularNameInEnumsUnlessAreFlagsRule">
The rule is used for ensure that the name of enumerations are in singular form unless
the enumeration is used as flags, i.e. decorated with the <c>[Flags]</c> attribute.
Bad example:
public enum MyCustomValues {
Good example (singular):
public enum MyCustomValue {
Good example (flags):
public enum MyCustomValues {
AllValues = Foo | Bar

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Naming.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Performance.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Performance.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.DoNotHardcodePathsRule">
This rule checks for strings that contain valid paths, either under Unix or
Windows file systems. Path literals are often not portable across
operating systems (e.g. different path separators). To ensure correct cross-platform
functionality they should be replaced by calls to <c>Path.Combine</c> and/or
Bad example:
void ReadConfig ()
using (FileStream fs = File.Open ("~/.local/share/myapp/user.config")) {
// read configuration
Good example:
void ReadConfig ()
string config_file = Environment.GetFolderPath (SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
config_file = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (config_file, "myapp"), "user.config");
using (FileStream fs = File.Open (config_file)) {
// read configuration
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.ExitCodeIsLimitedOnUnixRule">
This rule applies to all executable (i.e. EXE) assemblies. Something that many Windows
developers might not be aware of is that on Unix systems, process exit code must be
between zero and 255, unlike in Windows where it can be any valid integer value.
This rule warns if the returned value might be out of range either by:
<list type="bullet"><item><description>returning an unknown value from <c>int Main()</c>;</description></item><item><description>setting the <c>Environment.ExitCode</c> property; or</description></item><item><description>calling <c>Environment.Exit(exitCode)</c> method.</description></item></list>
An error is reported in case a number which is definitely out of range is returned
as an exit code.
Bad example:
class MainClass {
static int Main ()
Environment.ExitCode = 1000;
Environment.Exit (512);
return -1;
Good example:
class MainClass {
static int Main ()
Environment.ExitCode = 42;
Environment.Exit (100);
return 1;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.FeatureRequiresRootPrivilegeOnUnixRule">
This rule fires if a feature is used which is, by default, restricted under Unix.
<list type="bullet"><item><description><c>System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping</c>: This type can only be used
by root on Unix systems. As an alternative you can execute the ping command and
parse its result.</description></item><item><description><c>System.Diagnostics.Process</c>: The PriorityClass property can only
be set to <c>Normal</c> by non-root users. To avoid this problem you can do a
platform check before assigning a priority.</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
process.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal;
process.Start ();
Good example:
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix) {
process.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal;
process.Start ();
<member name="T:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.#ctor">
<remarks />
<member name="E:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.SubmitResultsCompleted">
<remarks />
<member name="E:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionCompleted">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.SubmitResults(System.String)">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.SubmitResultsAsync(System.String)">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.SubmitResultsAsync(System.String,System.Object)">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.GetLatestDefinitionsVersion">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionAsync">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionAsync(System.Object)">
<remarks />
<member name="M:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.MoMASubmit.CancelAsync(System.Object)">
<remarks />
<member name="T:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.SubmitResultsCompletedEventHandler">
<remarks />
<member name="T:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.SubmitResultsCompletedEventArgs">
<remarks />
<member name="P:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.SubmitResultsCompletedEventArgs.Result">
<remarks />
<member name="T:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionCompletedEventHandler">
<remarks />
<member name="T:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionCompletedEventArgs">
<remarks />
<member name="P:MoMA.Analyzer.MoMAWebService.GetLatestDefinitionsVersionCompletedEventArgs.Result">
<remarks />
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.MonoCompatibilityReviewRule">
This rule will fire if one of the assemblies being checked contains a call to a .NET
method which is either not implemented on Mono or partially implemented. It does
this by downloading a MoMA definitions file under <c>~/.local/share/Gendarme/</c> (on UNIX)
or <c>C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Application Data\Gendarme</c>
(on Windows) and checking for calls to the methods therein. The rule will work without
MoMA but if it does fire it may be useful to download and run MoMA.
By default the rule will use the latest local version available. This can be overriden to use a
specific, local, version if you want to review compatibility against a specific Mono version.
You can also manually remove them, now and then, to ensure you are using the latest version.
Also upgrading Gendarme will try to download a newer version of the definitions files.
<member name="P:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.MonoCompatibilityReviewRule.Version">
The version of Mono against which you wish to review compatibility.
You need to have this version of the definitions file downloaded in order to use it.
This is useful if you want to upgrade Gendarme but still want to test compatibility
against an older version of Mono.
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Portability.NewLineLiteralRule">
This rule warns if methods, including properties, are using the literal
<c>\r</c> and/or <c>\n</c> for new lines. This isn't portable across operating systems.
To ensure correct cross-platform functionality they should be replaced by
Bad example:
Console.WriteLine ("Hello,\nYou should be using Gendarme!");
Good example:
Console.WriteLine ("Hello,{0}You must be using Gendarme!", Environment.NewLine);

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.AddMissingTypeInheritanceDemandRule">
The rule checks for types that are not <c>sealed</c> but have a <c>LinkDemand</c>.
In this case the type should also have an <c>InheritanceDemand</c> for the same
permissions. An alternative is to seal the type.
Bad example:
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public class Bad {
Good example (InheritanceDemand):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public class Correct {
Good example (sealed):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public sealed class Correct {
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security and named TypeLinkDemandRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.DoNotExposeFieldsInSecuredTypeRule">
The rule checks for types that are secured by <c>Demand</c> or <c>LinkDemand</c>
but also expose visible fields. Access to these fields is not covered by the
declarative demands, opening potential security holes.
Bad example:
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public class Bad {
Good example (InheritanceDemand):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public class Correct {
Good example (sealed):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlThread = true)]
public sealed class Correct {
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security and named TypeExposeFieldsRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.DoNotExposeMethodsProtectedByLinkDemandRule">
This rule checks for visible methods that are less protected (i.e. lower security
requirements) than the method they call. If the called methods are protected by a
<c>LinkDemand</c> then the caller can be used to bypass security checks.
Bad example:
public class BaseClass {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public virtual void VirtualMethod ()
public class Class : BaseClass {
// bad since a caller with only ControlAppDomain will be able to call the base method
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true)]
public override void VirtualMethod ()
base.VirtualMethod ();
Good example (InheritanceDemand):
public class BaseClass {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlAppDomain = true)]
public virtual void VirtualMethod ()
public class Class : BaseClass {
// ok since this permission cover the base class permission
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public override void VirtualMethod ()
base.VirtualMethod ();
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security and named MethodCallWithSubsetLinkDemandRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.DoNotReduceTypeSecurityOnMethodsRule">
This rule checks for types that have declarative security permission which aren't a
subset of the security permission of some of their methods.
Bad example:
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, ControlThread = true)]
public class NotSubset {
[EnvironmentPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
public void Method ()
Good example:
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, ControlThread = true)]
public class Subset {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
public void Method ()
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security and named TypeIsNotSubsetOfMethodSecurityRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.ReviewSealedTypeWithInheritanceDemandRule">
This rule checks for sealed types that have <c>InheritanceDemand</c> declarative
security applied to them. Since those types cannot be inherited from the
<c>InheritanceDemand</c> will never be executed by the runtime. Check if the permission
is required and, if so, change the <c>SecurityAction</c> to the correct one. Otherwise
remove the permission.
Bad example:
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public sealed class Bad {
Good example (non sealed):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public class Good {
Good example (LinkDemand):
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public sealed class Good {
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security and named SealedTypeWithInheritanceDemandRule.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsageRule">
This rule fires if a type or method is decorated with the <c>[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]</c>
attribute. This attribute reduces the security checks done when executing unmanaged code and its
usage should be reviewed to confirm that no exploitable security holes are present.
public class Safe {
[DllImport ("User32.dll")]
static extern Boolean MessageBeep (UInt32 beepType);
<remarks>This is an Audit rule. As such it does not check for valid or invalid patterns but warns about a specific problem that needs to be reviewed by someone.</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.SecureGetObjectDataOverridesRule">
This rule fires if a type implements <c>System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable</c>
but the <c>GetObjectData</c> method is not protected with a <c>Demand</c> or
<c>LinkDemand</c> for <c>SerializationFormatter</c>.
Bad example:
public class Bad : ISerializable {
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Good example:
public class Good : ISerializable {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
<remarks>Before Gendarme 2.2 this rule was part of Gendarme.Rules.Security.</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Security.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.ArrayFieldsShouldNotBeReadOnlyRule">
This rule warns if a type declares a public <c>readonly</c> array field.
Marking a field <c>readonly</c> only prevents the field from being assigned
a different value, the object itself can still be changed. This means, that
the elements inside the array can still be changed.
Bad example:
class Bad {
public readonly string[] Array = new string[] { "A", "B" };
HasPublicReadonlyArray obj = HasPublicReadonlyArray ();
obj.Array[0] = "B"; // valid
Good example:
class Good {
private readonly string[] array = new string[] { "A", "B" };
public string[] GetArray ()
return (string []) array.Clone();
string[] obj = new HasPublicReadonlyArray ().GetArray ();
obj [0] = "B"; // valid, but has no effect on other users
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.DoNotShortCircuitCertificateCheckRule">
This rule checks for methods that implements pass-through certificate checks.
I.e. methods that override the framework decision about a certificate validity
without checking anything specific about the supplied certificate or error code.
Protocols like TLS/SSL are only secure if the certificates are used correctly.
Bad example (ICertificatePolicy):
public class AcceptEverythingCertificatePolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult (ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem)
// this accepts everything making it easy for MITM
// (Man-in-the-middle) attacks
return true;
Good example (ICertificatePolicy):
public class AllowSpecificCertificatePolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult (ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem)
// this accept only a specific certificate, even if others would be ok
return (certificate.GetCertHashString () == "D62F48D013EE7FB58B79074512670D9C5B3A5DA9");
Bad example (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback):
public bool CertificateValidationCallback (object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
// this accepts everything making it easy for MITM
// (Man-in-the-middle) attacks
return true;
SslStream ssl = new SslStream (stream, false, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback (CertificateValidationCallback), null);
Good example (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback):
public bool CertificateValidationCallback (object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
// this accept only a specific certificate, even if others would be ok
return (certificate.GetCertHashString () == "D62F48D013EE7FB58B79074512670D9C5B3A5DA9");
SslStream ssl = new SslStream (stream, false, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback (CertificateValidationCallback), null);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.NativeFieldsShouldNotBeVisibleRule">
This rule checks if a class exposes native fields. Native fields should not
be public because you lose control over their lifetime (other code could free
the memory or use it after it has been freed).
Bad example:
public class HasPublicNativeField {
public IntPtr NativeField;
Good example (hide):
class HasPrivateNativeField {
private IntPtr NativeField;
public void DoSomethingWithNativeField ();
Good example (read-only):
class HasReadOnlyNativeField {
public readonly IntPtr NativeField;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Security.StaticConstructorsShouldBePrivateRule">
This rule will fire if a type's static constructor is not private. This is a problem
because the static constructor is meant to be called by the runtime but if it is
not private then other code may call it as well which may lead to security
vulnerabilities. Note that C# and VB.NET enforce this rule.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Security.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.CallBaseMethodsOnISerializableTypesRule">
This rule checks types that implement the <c>System.ISerializable</c> interface
and fires if either the serialization constructor or the <c>GetObjectData</c>
method does not call it's <c>base</c> type, potentially breaking the serialization
Bad example:
public class Base : ISerializable {
// ...
public class Bad : Base {
int value;
protected BadDerived (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
value = info.GetInt32 ("value");
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("value", value);
Good example:
public class Base : ISerializable {
// ...
public class Good : Base {
int value;
protected BadDerived (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base (info, context)
value = info.GetInt32 ("value");
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("value", value);
base.GetObjectData (info, context);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.DeserializeOptionalFieldRule">
This rule will fire if a type has fields marked with <c>[OptionalField]</c>, but does
not have methods decorated with the <c>[OnDeserialized]</c> or <c>[OnDeserializing]</c>
attributes. This is a problem because the binary deserializer does not actually construct
objects (it uses <c>System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject</c>
instead). So, if binary deserialization is used the optional field(s) will be zeroed instead
of properly initialized.
This rule only applies to assemblies compiled with the .NET framework version 2.0
(or later).
Bad example:
public class ClassWithOptionalField {
private int optional;
Good example:
public class ClassWithOptionalField {
// Normally the (compiler generated) default constructor will
// initialize this. The default constructor will be called by the
// XML and Soap deserializers, but not the binary serializer.
private int optional = 1;
// This will be called immediately after the object is
// deserialized.
private void OnDeserializing (StreamingContext context)
optional = 1;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.ImplementISerializableCorrectlyRule">
This rule checks for types that implement <c>ISerializable</c>. Such types
serialize their data by implementing <c>GetObjectData</c>. This
rule verifies that every instance field, not decorated with the <c>[NonSerialized]</c>
attribute is serialized by the <c>GetObjectData</c> method. This rule will also warn
if the type is unsealed and the <c>GetObjectData</c> is not <c>virtual</c>.
Bad example:
public class Bad : ISerializable {
int foo;
string bar;
protected Bad (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
foo = info.GetInt32 ("foo");
// extensibility is limited since GetObjectData is not virtual:
// any type inheriting won't be able to serialized additional fields
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("foo", foo);
// 'bar' is not serialized, if not needed then the field should
// be decorated with [NotSerialized]
Good example (virtual and not serialized):
public class Good : ISerializable {
int foo;
string bar;
protected Good (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
foo = info.GetInt32 ("foo");
public virtual void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("foo", foo);
Good example (sealed type and serialized):
public sealed class Good : ISerializable {
int foo;
string bar;
protected Good (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
foo = info.GetInt32 ("foo");
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("foo", foo);
info.AddValue ("bar", bar);
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.MarkAllNonSerializableFieldsRule">
This rule checks for serializable types, i.e. decorated with the <c>[Serializable]</c>
attribute, and checks to see if all its fields are serializable as well. If not the rule will
fire unless the field is decorated with the <c>[NonSerialized]</c> attribute.
The rule will also warn if the field type is an interface as it is not possible,
before execution time, to know for certain if the type can be serialized or not.
Bad example:
class NonSerializableClass {
class SerializableClass {
NonSerializableClass field;
Good example:
class NonSerializableClass {
class SerializableClass {
NonSerializableClass field;
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.MarkEnumerationsAsSerializableRule">
This rule warns when it founds an <c>enum</c> that is not decorated with
a <c>[Serializable]</c> attribute. Enums, even without the attribute,
are always serializable. Marking them as such makes the source code more readable.
Bad example:
public enum Colors {
Good example:
public enum Colors {
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.MissingSerializableAttributeOnISerializableTypeRule">
This rule checks for types that implement <c>System.ISerializable</c> but are
not decorated with the <c>[Serializable]</c> attribute. Implementing
<c>System.ISerializable</c> is not enough to make a class serializable as this
interface only gives you more control over the basic serialization process.
In order for the runtime to know your type is serializable it must have the
<c>[Serializable]</c> attribute.
Bad example:
// this type cannot be serialized by the runtime
public class Bad : ISerializable {
Good example:
public class Good : ISerializable {
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.MissingSerializationConstructorRule">
This rule checks for types that implement <c>System.ISerializable</c> but don't provide a
serialization constructor. The constructor is required in order to make the type
serializeable but cannot be enforced by the interface.
The serialization constructor should be <c>private</c> for <c>sealed</c> types and
<c>protected</c> for unsealed types.
Bad example:
public class Bad : ISerializable {
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Good example (sealed):
public sealed class Good : ISerializable {
private ClassWithConstructor (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
Good example:
public class Good : ISerializable {
protected ClassWithConstructor (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.UseCorrectSignatureForSerializationMethodsRule">
This rule checks for methods which use the serialization attributes:
<c>[OnSerializing, OnDeserializing, OnSerialized, OnDeserialized]</c>. You must
ensure that these methods have the correct signature. They should be <c>private</c>,
return <c>void</c> and have a single parameter of type <c>StreamingContext</c>.
Failure to have the right signature can, in some circumstances, make your assembly
unusable at runtime.
Bad example:
public class Bad {
public bool Serializing (StreamingContext context)
Good example:
public class BadClass {
private void Serializing (StreamingContext context)
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Smells.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidCodeDuplicatedInSameClassRule">
This rule checks for duplicated code in the same class.
Bad example:
public class MyClass {
private IList myList;
public MyClass () {
myList = new ArrayList ();
myList.Add ("Foo");
myList.Add ("Bar");
myList.Add ("Baz");
public void MakeStuff () {
foreach (string value in myList) {
Console.WriteLine (value);
myList.Add ("FooReplied");
public void MakeMoreStuff () {
foreach (string value in myList) {
Console.WriteLine (value);
myList.Remove ("FooReplied");
Good example:
public class MyClass {
private IList myList;
public MyClass () {
myList = new ArrayList ();
myList.Add ("Foo");
myList.Add ("Bar");
myList.Add ("Baz");
private void PrintValuesInList () {
foreach (string value in myList) {
Console.WriteLine (value);
public void MakeStuff () {
PrintValuesInList ();
myList.Add ("FooReplied");
public void MakeMoreStuff () {
PrintValuesInList ();
myList.Remove ("FooReplied");
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidCodeDuplicatedInSiblingClassesRule">
This rule looks for code duplicated in sibling subclasses.
Bad example:
public class BaseClassWithCodeDuplicated {
protected IList list;
public class OverriderClassWithCodeDuplicated : BaseClassWithCodeDuplicated {
public void CodeDuplicated ()
foreach (int i in list) {
Console.WriteLine (i);
list.Add (1);
public class OtherOverriderWithCodeDuplicated : BaseClassWithCodeDuplicated {
public void OtherMethod ()
foreach (int i in list) {
Console.WriteLine (i);
list.Remove (1);
Good example:
public class BaseClassWithoutCodeDuplicated {
protected IList list;
protected void PrintValuesInList ()
foreach (int i in list) {
Console.WriteLine (i);
public class OverriderClassWithoutCodeDuplicated : BaseClassWithoutCodeDuplicated {
public void SomeCode ()
PrintValuesInList ();
list.Add (1);
public class OtherOverriderWithoutCodeDuplicated : BaseClassWithoutCodeDuplicated {
public void MoreCode ()
PrintValuesInList ();
list.Remove (1);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidLargeClassesRule">
This rule allows developers to measure the classes size. When a
class is trying to doing a lot of work, then you probabily have
the Large Class smell.
This rule will fire if a type contains too many fields (over 25 by default) or
has fields with common prefixes. If the rule does fire then the type should
be reviewed to see if new classes should be extracted from it.
Bad example:
public class MyClass {
int x, x1, x2, x3;
string s, s1, s2, s3;
DateTime bar, bar1, bar2;
string[] strings, strings1;
Good example:
public class MyClass {
int x;
string s;
DateTime bar;
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidLongMethodsRule">
This rule allows developers to measure the method size. The short sized
methods allows you to maintain your code better, if you have long sized
methods perhaps you have the Long Method smell.
The rule will skip some well known methods, because they are autogenerated:
<list type="bullet"><item><description><c>Gtk.Bin::Build ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>Gtk.Window::Build ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>Gtk.Dialog::Build ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Windows.Forms::InitializeComponents ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Workflow.Activities.StateMachineWorkflowActivity::InitializeComponents ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Workflow.Activities.SequentialWorkflowActivity::InitializeComponents ()</c></description></item><item><description><c>System.Windows.Controls.UserControl::InitializeComponents ()</c></description></item></list>
This will work for classes that extend those types.
If debugging symbols (e.g. Mono .mdb or MS .pdb) are available then the rule
will compute the number of logical source line of code (SLOC). This number
represent the lines where 'SequencePoint' are present in the code. By
default the maximum SLOC is defined to 40 lines.
Otherwise the rule falls back onto an IL-SLOC approximation. It's quite
hard to determine how many SLOC exists based on the IL (e.g. LINQ). The metric
being used is based on a screen (1024 x 768) full of source code where the
number of IL instructions were counted. By default the maximum number of IL
instructions is defined to be 165.
Bad example:
public void LongMethod ()
Console.WriteLine ("I'm writting a test, and I will fill a screen with some useless code");
IList list = new ArrayList ();
list.Add ("Foo");
list.Add (4);
list.Add (6);
IEnumerator listEnumerator = list.GetEnumerator ();
while (listEnumerator.MoveNext ()) {
Console.WriteLine (listEnumerator.Current);
try {
list.Add ("Bar");
list.Add ('a');
catch (NotSupportedException exception) {
Console.WriteLine (exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine (exception);
foreach (object value in list) {
Console.Write (value);
Console.Write (Environment.NewLine);
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 100; i++) {
Console.WriteLine (x);
string useless = "Useless String";
if (useless.Equals ("Other useless")) {
useless = String.Empty;
Console.WriteLine ("Other useless string");
useless = String.Concat (useless," 1");
for (int j = 0; j &lt; useless.Length; j++) {
if (useless[j] == 'u') {
Console.WriteLine ("I have detected an u char");
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("I have detected an useless char");
try {
foreach (string environmentVariable in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables ().Keys) {
Console.WriteLine (environmentVariable);
catch (System.Security.SecurityException exception) {
Console.WriteLine (exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine (exception);
Console.WriteLine ("I will add more useless code !!");
try {
if (!(File.Exists ("foo.txt"))) {
File.Create ("foo.txt");
File.Delete ("foo.txt");
catch (IOException exception) {
Console.WriteLine (exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine (exception);
Good example:
public void ShortMethod ()
try {
foreach (string environmentVariable in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables ().Keys) {
Console.WriteLine (environmentVariable);
catch (System.Security.SecurityException exception) {
Console.WriteLine (exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine (exception);
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidLongParameterListsRule">
This rule allows developers to measure the parameter list size in a method.
If you have methods with a lot of parameters, perhaps you have a Long
Parameter List smell.
This rule counts the method's parameters, and compares it against a maximum value.
If you have an overloaded method, then the rule will get the shortest overload
and compare the shortest overload against the maximum value.
Other time, it's quite hard determine a long parameter list. By default,
a method with 6 or more arguments will be flagged as a defect.
Bad example:
public void MethodWithLongParameterList (int x, char c, object obj, bool j, string f,
float z, double u, short s, int v, string[] array)
// Method body ...
Good example:
public void MethodWithoutLongParameterList (int x, object obj)
// Method body....
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidMessageChainsRule">
This rule checks for the Message Chain smell. This can cause problems because it
means that your code is heavily coupled to the navigation structure.
Bad example:
public void Method (Person person)
person.GetPhone ().GetAreaCode ().GetCountry ().Language.ToFrench ("Hello world");
Good example:
public void Method (Language language)
language.ToFrench ("Hello world");
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidSpeculativeGeneralityRule">
This rule allows developers to avoid the Speculative Generality smell.
Be careful if you are developing a new framework or a new library,
because this rule only inspects the assembly, then if you provide an
abstract base class for extend by third party people, then the rule
can warn you. You can ignore the message in this special case.
We detect this smell by looking for:
<list type="bullet"><item><description>Abstract classes without responsibility</description></item><item><description>Unnecessary delegation.</description></item><item><description>Unused parameters.</description></item></list></summary>
Bad example:
// An abstract class with only one subclass.
public abstract class AbstractClass {
public abstract void MakeStuff ();
public class OverriderClass : AbstractClass {
public override void MakeStuff ()
If you use Telephone class only in one client, perhaps you don't need this kind of delegation.
public class Person {
int age;
string name;
Telephone phone;
public class Telephone {
int areaCode;
int phone;
Good example:
public abstract class OtherAbstractClass{
public abstract void MakeStuff ();
public class OtherOverriderClass : OtherAbstractClass {
public override void MakeStuff ()
public class YetAnotherOverriderClass : OtherAbstractClass {
public override void MakeStuff ()
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.Smells.AvoidSwitchStatementsRule">
This rule checks for the Switch Statements smell. This can
lead to code duplication, because the same switch could
be repeated in various places in your program. Also, if
need to do a little change, you may have to change every switch
statement. The preferred way to do this is with virtual methods and polymorphism.
Bad example:
int balance = 0;
foreach (Movie movie in movies) {
switch (movie.GetTypeCode ()) {
case MovieType.OldMovie: {
balance += movie.DaysRented * movie.Price / 2;
case MovieType.ChildMovie: {
//its an special bargain !!
balance += movie.Price;
case MovieType.NewMovie: {
balance += (movie.DaysRented + 1) * movie.Price;
Good example:
abstract class Movie {
abstract int GetPrice ();
class OldMovie : Movie {
public override int GetPrice ()
return DaysRented * Price / 2;
class ChildMovie : Movie {
public override int GetPrice ()
return movie.Price;
class NewMovie : Movie {
public override int GetPrice ()
return (DaysRented + 1) * Price;
int balance = 0;
foreach (Movie movie in movies) {
balance += movie.GetPrice ()
<remarks>This rule is available since Gendarme 2.4</remarks>

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Smells.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Ui.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.UI.AddMatchingArrangeMeasureOverrideRule">
An object that inherits from System.Windows.FrameworkElement and provides either
an ArrangeOverride or MeasureOverride method should also provide the other.
Bad example:
class BadClass : System.Windows.FrameworkElement {
protected override Size MeasureOverride (Size availableSize)
Good example:
class GoodClass : System.Windows.FrameworkElement {
protected override Size MeasureOverride (Size availableSize)
protected override Size ArrangeOverride (Size finalSize)
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.UI.GtkSharpExecutableTargetRule">
An executable assembly, i.e. an .exe, refers to the gtk-sharp assembly but isn't
compiled using <c>-target:winexe</c>. A console window will be created and shown
under Windows (MS runtime) when the application is executed.
Bad example:
<c>gmcs gtk.cs -pkg:gtk-sharp</c></example>
Good example:
<c>gmcs gtk.cs -pkg:gtk-sharp -target:winexe</c></example>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.UI.SystemWindowsFormsExecutableTargetRule">
An executable assembly, i.e. an .exe, refers to the System.Windows.Forms assembly
but isn't compiled using <c>-target:winexe</c>. A console window will be created
and shown under Windows (MS runtime) when the application is executed which is
probably not desirable for a winforms application.
Bad example:
<c>gmcs swf.cs -pkg:dotnet</c></example>
Good example:
<c>gmcs swf.cs -pkg:dotnet -target:winexe</c></example>
<member name="T:Gendarme.Rules.UI.UseSTAThreadAttributeOnSWFEntryPointsRule">
This rule checks executable assemblies, i.e. *.exe's, that reference
System.Windows.Forms to
ensure that their entry point is decorated with <c>[System.STAThread]</c> attribute
and is not decorated with <c>[System.MTAThread]</c> attribute to ensure that Windows
Forms work properly.
Bad example #1 (no attributes):
public class WindowsFormsEntryPoint {
static void Main ()
Bad example #2 (MTAThread)
public class WindowsFormsEntryPoint {
static void Main ()
Good example #1 (STAThread):
public class WindowsFormsEntryPoint {
static void Main ()
Good example #2 (not Windows Forms):
public class ConsoleAppEntryPoint {
static void Main ()

Двоичные данные
bin/Gendarme.Rules.Ui.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Mono.Cecil.dll Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/Mono.Cecil.dll.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/gendarme.exe Executable file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Двоичные данные
bin/gendarme.exe.mdb Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

bin/rules.xml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
<ruleset name="default">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Correctness.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Naming.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Performance.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Ui.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.dll"/>
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.NUnit is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Smells is included in this set -->
<ruleset name="xamarin">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin.dll"/>
<ruleset name="component-store">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Correctness.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Naming.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Performance.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.dll" />
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin.dll"/>
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.NUnit is included in this set -->
<!-- no rule from Gendarme.Rules.Smells is included in this set -->
<ruleset name="mono-bcl">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll"/>
<rules include="*" exclude="AvoidConstructorsInStaticTypesRule | MethodCanBeMadeStaticRule | NullDerefRule"
<!-- no rule from Design is included in this set -->
<rules include="DontDestroyStackTraceRule" from="Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll"/>
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll"/>
<!-- no rule from Naming is included in this set -->
<rules include="IDisposableWithDesctuctorWithoutSupressFinalizeRule | DontIgnoreMethodResultRule |
UseStringEmptyRule | AvoidToStringOnStringsRule | UsingStringLengthInsteadOfCheckingEmptyStringRule"
<rules include="*" exclude="MonoCompatibilityReviewRule" from="Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll"/>
<rules include="*" exclude="ArrayFieldsShouldNotBeReadOnlyRule | NativeFieldsShouldNotBeVisibleRule"
<!-- no rule from Ui is included in this set -->
<ruleset name="concurrency">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Concurrency.dll" />
<ruleset name="correctness">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Correctness.dll" />
<ruleset name="security">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.dll" />
<ruleset name="security-cas">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Security.Cas.dll" />
<ruleset name="performance">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Performance.dll" />
<ruleset name="portability">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Portability.dll" />
<ruleset name="exceptions">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions.dll" />
<ruleset name="ui">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Ui.dll" />
<ruleset name="naming">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Naming.dll"/>
<ruleset name="unit-test">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.NUnit.dll"/>
<ruleset name="smells">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Smells.dll"/>
<ruleset name="badpractice">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.dll"/>
<ruleset name="design">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.dll"/>
<ruleset name="design-generic">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Generic.dll"/>
<ruleset name="design-linq">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll"/>
<ruleset name="interoperability">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.dll"/>
<ruleset name="interop-com">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.Com.dll"/>
<ruleset name="serialization">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Serialization.dll"/>
<ruleset name="maintainability">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Maintainability.dll"/>
<ruleset name="gendarme">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Gendarme.dll"/>
<ruleset name="globalization">
<rules include="*" from="Gendarme.Rules.Globalization.dll"/>

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="3.5" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="mscorlib" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="Gendarme.Framework">
<Reference Include="Mono.Cecil">
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="TargetsPrereleaseXamarinIOS.cs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<None Include="..\bin\rules.xml">

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin", "Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin.csproj", "{6C4585A1-E675-4ABF-8D99-456EFDB1B8E8}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{6C4585A1-E675-4ABF-8D99-456EFDB1B8E8}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{6C4585A1-E675-4ABF-8D99-456EFDB1B8E8}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{6C4585A1-E675-4ABF-8D99-456EFDB1B8E8}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{6C4585A1-E675-4ABF-8D99-456EFDB1B8E8}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preSolution
StartupItem = Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin.csproj

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<MonoDevelop.Ide.Workspace ActiveConfiguration="Debug" />
<MonoDevelop.Ide.Workbench ActiveDocument="TargetsPrereleaseXamarinIOS.cs">
<File FileName="TargetsPrereleaseXamarinIOS.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<Pad Id="ProjectPad">
<State expanded="True">
<Node name="Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin" expanded="True" selected="True">
<Node name="Properties" expanded="True" />
<Pad Id="ClassPad">
<State expanded="True" selected="True" />
<Pad Id="MonoDevelop.Debugger.WatchPad">
<BreakpointStore />
<MonoDevelop.Ide.DebuggingService.PinnedWatches />

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
// Change them to the values specific to your project.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Static analysis rules for Xamarin.iOS.")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Xamarin")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Xamarin")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
// The assembly version has the format "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{Revision}".
// The form "{Major}.{Minor}.*" will automatically update the build and revision,
// and "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.*" will update just the revision.
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.1.*")]
// The following attributes are used to specify the signing key for the assembly,
// if desired. See the Mono documentation for more information about signing.
//[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Gendarme.Framework;
namespace Gendarme.Rules.Xamarin
[Problem ("A Xamarin.iOS assembly was built with a pre-release version, instead of the latest stable release.")]
[Solution ("Rebuild the assemby using Xamarin.iOS 6.2.x.")]
public sealed class TargetsPrereleaseXamarinIOS : Rule, IAssemblyRule
public RuleResult CheckAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
// Look for the TargetPlatform attribute, which indicates
// .NET 4.0 support. This is only available in XI 6.3+.
// e.g. TargetFramework ("MonoTouch,Version=v4.0", DisplayName = "MonoTouch")
var result = assembly.CustomAttributes.Any (attrib =>
attrib.AttributeType.Name == "TargetFrameworkAttribute"
&& attrib.ConstructorArguments.Any (carg => carg.Value.Equals("MonoTouch,Version=v4.0"))
// Now we attempt to detect the use of type/members that were not available in MonoTouch 6.2.x.
// There's no point in checking if we already know we have a violation.
if (!result && TargetsPrereleaseXamarinIOS.CheckForMT2002 (assembly))
result = true;
if (result)
Runner.Report (assembly, Severity.Critical, Confidence.High, "This assembly was not compiled using Xamarin.iOS Stable.");
return result ? RuleResult.Failure : RuleResult.Success;
/// <summary>
/// Checks for the conditions that result in MT2002.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// error MT2002: Failed to resolve "System.Boolean System.Type::op_Equality(System.Type,System.Type)" reference from "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e"
/// </remarks>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if the module references the equality operator overload on System.Type, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="assembly">Assembly.</param>
static bool CheckForMT2002 (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
var result = false;
// We need to see if this module's member references table
// has an entry to a method that we know was not implemented
// in Stable, but was implemented in Beta or Alpha.
var refs = assembly.MainModule.GetMemberReferences ();
var badRef = refs.SingleOrDefault (m => m.FullName == "System.Boolean System.Type::op_Equality(System.Type,System.Type)");
if (badRef != null)
result = true;
return result;