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2018-08-14 07:32:24 +03:00
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Xamarin.Build&version=4.0.1
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.FileHelpers&version=3.0.0
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Yaml&version=2.1.0
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Json&version=3.0.1
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.XCode&version=4.0.0
#addin nuget:?package=Newtonsoft.Json&version=9.0.1
#addin nuget:?package=YamlDotNet&version=4.2.1
var TARGET = Argument ("target", Argument ("t", Argument ("Target", "build")));
var GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT = EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT") ?? Argument ("gitpreviouscommit", "");
2018-08-14 07:32:24 +03:00
var GIT_COMMIT = EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_COMMIT") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH") ?? Argument("gitcommit", "");
var GIT_BRANCH = EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_BRANCH") ?? EnvironmentVariable ("BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH") ?? "origin/master";
var GIT_PATH = EnvironmentVariable ("GIT_EXE") ?? (IsRunningOnWindows () ? "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe" : "git");
var BUILD_GROUPS = DeserializeYamlFromFile<List<BuildGroup>> ("./manifest.yaml");
var BUILD_NAMES = Argument ("names", Argument ("name", Argument ("n", "")))
.Split (new [] { ",", ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var BUILD_TARGETS = Argument ("targets", Argument ("build-targets", Argument ("build-targets", Argument ("build", ""))))
.Split (new [] { ",", ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var FORCE_BUILD = Argument ("force", Argument ("forcebuild", Argument ("force-build", "false"))).ToLower ().Equals ("true");
var POD_REPO_UPDATE = Argument ("update", Argument ("repo-update", Argument ("pod-repo-update", false)));
// Print out environment variables to console
var ENV_VARS = EnvironmentVariables ();
Information ("Environment Variables: {0}", "");
foreach (var ev in ENV_VARS)
Information ("\t{0} = {1}", ev.Key, ev.Value);
CakeStealer.CakeContext = Context;
// From Cake.Xamarin.Build, dumps out versions of things
LogSystemInfo ();
// Print out git commit info
Information ("Git Path: {0}", GIT_PATH);
Information ("Git Previous Commit: {0}", GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT);
Information ("Git Commit: {0}", GIT_COMMIT);
Information ("Force Build: {0}", FORCE_BUILD);
public enum PodRepoUpdate {
public class CakeStealer
static public ICakeContext CakeContext { get; set; }
FilePath GetCakeToolPath ()
var possibleExe = GetFiles ("./**/tools/Cake/Cake.exe").FirstOrDefault ();
if (possibleExe != null)
return possibleExe;
var p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess ();
return new FilePath (p.Modules[0].FileName);
void BuildSingleGroup (BuildGroup buildGroup)
foreach (var target in buildGroup.BuildTargets) {
// TODO: Actually build this thing
var cakeSettings = new CakeSettings {
ToolPath = GetCakeToolPath (),
Arguments = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "target", target } },
Verbosity = Verbosity.Diagnostic
// Run the script from the subfolder
CakeExecuteScript (buildGroup.BuildScript, cakeSettings);
IEnumerable<string> ExecuteProcess (string file, string args)
IEnumerable<string> stdout;
StartProcess (file, new ProcessSettings {
Arguments = args,
RedirectStandardOutput = true },
out stdout);
return stdout;
void BuildGroups (List<BuildGroup> buildGroups, List<string> names, List<string> buildTargets, string gitPath, string gitBranch, string gitPreviousCommit, string gitCommit, bool forceBuild, PodRepoUpdate podRepoUpdate)
bool runningOnMac = IsRunningOnUnix ();
bool runningOnWin = IsRunningOnWindows ();
var groupsToBuild = new List<BuildGroup> ();
if (!forceBuild) {
// If neither commit hash was found, we can't detect changes
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (gitPreviousCommit) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (gitCommit))
throw new CakeException ("GIT Commit/Previous Commit hashes were invalid, can't find affected files");
// Get all the changed files in this commit
IEnumerable<string> changedFiles = new List<string> ();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (gitPreviousCommit)) {
// We have both commit hashes (previous and current) so do a diff on them
changedFiles = ExecuteProcess (gitPath, "--no-pager diff --name-only " + gitPreviousCommit + " " + gitCommit);
// // TODO: This should be fixed in cake 0.7.0, right now it may hang on output
// StartProcess (gitPath, new ProcessSettings {
// Arguments = "--no-pager diff --name-only " + gitPreviousCommit + " " + gitCommit,
// RedirectStandardOutput = true,
// }, out changedFiles);
} else {
// We only have the current commit hash, so list files for this commit only
changedFiles = ExecuteProcess (gitPath, "--no-pager show --pretty=\"format:\" --name-only " + gitCommit);
// // TODO: This should be fixed in cake 0.7.0, right now it may hang on output
// StartProcess (gitPath, new ProcessSettings {
// Arguments = "--no-pager show --pretty=\"format:\" --name-only " + gitCommit,
// RedirectStandardOutput = true,
// }, out changedFiles);
Information ("Changed Files:");
foreach (var file in changedFiles) {
Information ("\t{0}", file);
if (podRepoUpdate == PodRepoUpdate.NotRequired && file.EndsWith ("Podfile"))
podRepoUpdate = PodRepoUpdate.Required;
foreach (var buildGroup in buildGroups) {
// If ignore triggers for the platform this is running on, do not add the group even if the trigger is matched
if ((buildGroup.IgnoreTriggersOnMac && runningOnMac) || (buildGroup.IgnoreTriggersOnWindows && runningOnWin))
foreach (var triggerPath in buildGroup.TriggerPaths) {
if (file.StartsWith (triggerPath.ToString ())) {
Information ("\t\tMatched: {0}", triggerPath);
if (!groupsToBuild.Contains (buildGroup))
groupsToBuild.Add (buildGroup);
foreach (var triggerFile in buildGroup.TriggerFiles) {
if (file.Equals (triggerFile.ToString ())) {
Information ("\t\tMatched: {0}", triggerFile);
if (!groupsToBuild.Contains (buildGroup))
groupsToBuild.Add (buildGroup);
} else {
podRepoUpdate = PodRepoUpdate.Forced;
Information ("Groups To Build: {0}", string.Join (", ", buildGroups));
groupsToBuild.AddRange (buildGroups);
// If a filter was specified use it
if (names != null && names.Any (n => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (n))) {
Information ("Only building groups: {0}", string.Join (",", names));
groupsToBuild = groupsToBuild.Where (bg => names.Any (n => n.ToLower ().Trim () == bg.Name.ToLower ().Trim ())).ToList ();
if (groupsToBuild.Any ()) {
// Logging about the jobs and what platforms they can run on
Information ("Running On: Mac? {0} Win? {1}", runningOnMac, runningOnWin);
foreach (var gtb in groupsToBuild)
Information ("{0} Build on: Mac? {1} Win? {2}", gtb.Name, gtb.BuildOnMac, gtb.BuildOnWindows);
groupsToBuild = groupsToBuild.Where (bg => (bg.BuildOnMac && runningOnMac) || (bg.BuildOnWindows && runningOnWin)).ToList ();
// Replace build targets with custom specified build targets if any were specified
if (buildTargets != null && buildTargets.Any (bt => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (bt))) {
foreach (var buildGroup in groupsToBuild) {
buildGroup.BuildTargets.Clear ();
buildGroup.BuildTargets.AddRange (buildTargets);
if (podRepoUpdate != PodRepoUpdate.NotRequired) {
string message = string.Empty;
if (podRepoUpdate == PodRepoUpdate.Forced)
message = "Forcing Cocoapods repo update...";
message = "A modified Podfile was found...";
Information ("////////////////////////////////////////");
Information ("// Pods Repo Update Started //");
Information ("////////////////////////////////////////");
Information ($"{message}\nUpdating Cocoapods repo...");
CocoaPodRepoUpdate ();
Information ("////////////////////////////////////////");
Information ("// Pods Repo Update Ended //");
Information ("////////////////////////////////////////");
if (!DirectoryExists ("./output/"))
CreateDirectory ("./output/");
// Write out some build information
SerializeJsonToFile ("./output/buildinfo.json", new BuildInfo {
BuiltGroups = groupsToBuild,
ManifestGroups = buildGroups
var groupsNameList = string.Join (", ", from gtb in groupsToBuild select gtb.Name);
if (groupsNameList.Length > 100)
groupsNameList = groupsNameList.Substring (0, 97) + "...";
var branchInfo = "";
if (gitBranch != "origin/master")
branchInfo = " (" + gitBranch + ")";
Information ("[BUILD_DESC]{0}{1}[/BUILD_DESC]", groupsNameList, branchInfo);
foreach (var buildGroup in groupsToBuild) {
Information ("Building {0} with Targets {1}", buildGroup.Name, string.Join (",", buildGroup.BuildTargets));
BuildSingleGroup (buildGroup);
} else {
Information ("No changed files affected any of the paths from the manifest.yaml! {0}", "Skipping Builds");
var artifacts = GetFiles ("./**/output/**/*");
Information ("Found Artifacts ({0})", artifacts.Count ());
foreach (var a in artifacts)
Information ("{0}", a);
var dlls = GetFiles ("./**/*.dll");
Information ("Found DLL's ({0})", dlls.Count ());
foreach (var d in dlls)
Information ("{0}", d);
public class BuildInfo
public List<BuildGroup> ManifestGroups { get; set; }
public List<BuildGroup> BuiltGroups { get; set; }
public class BuildGroup
public BuildGroup ()
Name = string.Empty;
TriggerPaths = new List<string> ();
TriggerFiles = new List<string> ();
WindowsBuildTargets = new List<string> ();
MacBuildTargets = new List<string> ();
IgnoreTriggersOnMac = false;
IgnoreTriggersOnWindows = false;
public string Name { get; set; }
public string BuildScript { get; set; }
public List<string> TriggerPaths { get; set; }
public List<string> TriggerFiles { get; set; }
public bool IgnoreTriggersOnMac { get; set; }
public bool IgnoreTriggersOnWindows { get; set; }
public List<string> WindowsBuildTargets { get; set; }
public List<string> MacBuildTargets { get; set; }
public bool BuildOnWindows { get { return WindowsBuildTargets != null && WindowsBuildTargets.Any (); } }
public bool BuildOnMac { get { return MacBuildTargets != null && MacBuildTargets.Any (); } }
public List<string> BuildTargets {
get {
return CakeStealer.CakeContext.IsRunningOnWindows () ? WindowsBuildTargets : MacBuildTargets;
public override string ToString ()
return Name;
Task ("build").Does (() =>
var buildTargets = new List<string> ();
if (BUILD_TARGETS != null && BUILD_TARGETS.Any ())
buildTargets.AddRange (BUILD_TARGETS);
if (FileExists ("./output/buildinfo.json") && FORCE_BUILD) {
Information ("Found {0} from Upstream project, overriding build group names...", "./output/buildinfo.json");
var buildInfo = DeserializeJsonFromFile<BuildInfo> ("./output/buildinfo.json");
BUILD_NAMES = (from bg in buildInfo.BuiltGroups select bg.Name).ToArray ();
Information ("Overriding build group names to: {0}", string.Join (", ", BUILD_NAMES));
PodRepoUpdate podRepoUpdate = POD_REPO_UPDATE ? PodRepoUpdate.Forced : PodRepoUpdate.NotRequired;
RunTarget (TARGET);