# Touch.Unit _because I like my code public and my mistakes private_ ## History [I searched, but I did not find.](http://stackoverflow.com/q/7065071/220643) [So I made](http://spouliot.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/unit-testing-and-monotouch/) [and shared.](https://github.com/spouliot/Touch.Unit) ## How To 1. Clone all the required code from github.com ```shell $ git clone git://github.com/spouliot/NUnitLite.git ... $ git clone git://github.com/spouliot/Touch.Unit.git ... ``` note: make sure to pull from all of them to get the latest fixes 2. Launch Xamarin Studio (4.0 or later) 3. Open the "Touch.Unit.sln" solution 4. Run / Debug / Add Tests / Enjoy ## Documentation * [NUnitLite](http://www.nunitlite.org/) web site ## Todo List * Track changes in [iOS](http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action), [Xamarin.iOS](http://ios.xamarin.com), [NUnitLite](http://www.nunitlite.org/index.php?p=roadmap) and [MonoTouch.Dialog](https://github.com/migueldeicaza/MonoTouch.Dialog) * otherwise KISS - want something more, fork it :-)