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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CoreGraphics;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UIKit;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.UnitTests
internal static class AssertionExtensions
public static string CreateColorAtPointError(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor, int x, int y)
var data = bitmap.AsPNG();
var imageAsString = data.GetBase64EncodedString(Foundation.NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.None);
return $"Expected {expectedColor} at point {x},{y} in renderered view. This is what it looked like:<img>{imageAsString}</img>";
public static string CreateColorError(this UIImage bitmap, string message)
var data = bitmap.AsPNG();
var imageAsString = data.GetBase64EncodedString(Foundation.NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.None);
return $"{message}. This is what it looked like:<img>{imageAsString}</img>";
public static UIImage ToBitmap(this UIView view)
var imageRect = new CGRect(0, 0, view.Frame.Width, view.Frame.Height);
var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
var image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
public static UIColor ColorAtPoint(this UIImage bitmap, int x, int y)
var pixel = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
// Returned pixel data is B, G, R, A (ARGB little endian byte order)
var color = new UIColor(pixel[2] / 255.0f, pixel[1] / 255.0f, pixel[0] / 255.0f, pixel[3] / 255.0f);
return color;
public static byte[] GetPixel(this UIImage bitmap, int x, int y)
var cgImage = bitmap.CGImage.WithColorSpace(CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB());
// Grab the raw image data
var nsData = cgImage.DataProvider.CopyData();
// Copy the data into a buffer
var dataBytes = new byte[nsData.Length];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(nsData.Bytes, dataBytes, 0, (int)nsData.Length);
// Figure out where the pixel we care about is
var pixelLocation = (cgImage.BytesPerRow * y) + (4 * x);
var pixel = new byte[4]
dataBytes[pixelLocation + 1],
dataBytes[pixelLocation + 2],
dataBytes[pixelLocation + 3],
return pixel;
public static UIImage AssertColorAtPoint(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor, int x, int y)
var cap = bitmap.ColorAtPoint(x, y);
if (!ColorComparison.ARGBEquivalent(cap, expectedColor))
Assert.That(cap, Is.EqualTo(expectedColor).Using<UIColor>(ColorComparison.ARGBEquivalent),
() => bitmap.CreateColorAtPointError(expectedColor, x, y));
return bitmap;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public static UIImage AssertColorAtCenter(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
AssertColorAtPoint(bitmap, expectedColor, (int)bitmap.Size.Width / 2, (int)bitmap.Size.Height / 2);
return bitmap;
public static UIImage AssertColorAtBottomLeft(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
return bitmap.AssertColorAtPoint(expectedColor, 0, 0);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtBottomRight(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
return bitmap.AssertColorAtPoint(expectedColor, (int)bitmap.Size.Width - 1, 0);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtTopLeft(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
return bitmap.AssertColorAtPoint(expectedColor, 0, (int)bitmap.Size.Height - 1);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtTopRight(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
return bitmap.AssertColorAtPoint(expectedColor, (int)bitmap.Size.Width - 1, (int)bitmap.Size.Height - 1);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtPoint(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor, int x, int y)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtPoint(expectedColor, x, y);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtCenter(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtCenter(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtBottomLeft(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtBottomLeft(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtBottomRight(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtBottomRight(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtTopLeft(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtTopLeft(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertColorAtTopRight(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
var bitmap = view.ToBitmap();
return bitmap.AssertColorAtTopRight(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertContainsColor(this UIView view, UIColor expectedColor)
return view.ToBitmap().AssertContainsColor(expectedColor);
public static UIImage AssertContainsColor(this UIImage bitmap, UIColor expectedColor)
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Size.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Size.Height; y++)
if (ColorComparison.ARGBEquivalent(bitmap.ColorAtPoint(x, y), expectedColor))
return bitmap;
Assert.Fail(CreateColorError(bitmap, $"Color {expectedColor} not found."));
return bitmap;
public static async Task AssertEqualsAsync(this UIImage expectedBitmap, UIImage actualBitmap)
string failureMessage = null;
await Device.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() =>
var view = new UIView();
UIImageView actualView = new UIImageView() { Image = actualBitmap };
UIImageView expectedView = new UIImageView() { Image = expectedBitmap };
actualView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, actualBitmap.Size.Width, actualBitmap.Size.Height);
expectedView.Frame = new CGRect(0, actualBitmap.Size.Height + 40, expectedBitmap.Size.Width, expectedBitmap.Size.Height);
view.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0,
actualView.Frame.Width + expectedView.Frame.Width,
actualView.Frame.Height + expectedView.Frame.Height);
view.AddSubviews(actualView, expectedView);
failureMessage = CreateColorError(view.ToBitmap(), "Actual (top) vs Expected (bottom)");