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2009-11-11 02:08:09 +03:00
// Controls sample in C#
using System;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using System.Drawing;
public partial class ControlsViewController : UITableViewController {
// This datasource describes how the UITableView should render the
// contents. We have a number of sections determined by the
// samples in our container class, and 2 rows per section:
// Row 0: the actual styled button
// Row 1: the text information about the button
class DataSource : UITableViewDataSource {
ControlsViewController cvc;
static NSString kDisplayCell_ID = new NSString ("DisplayCellID");
static NSString kSourceCell_ID = new NSString ("SourceCellID");
public DataSource (ControlsViewController cvc)
this.cvc = cvc;
public override int NumberOfSections (UITableView tableView)
return cvc.samples.Length;
public override string TitleForHeader (UITableView tableView, int section)
return cvc.samples [section].Title;
public override int RowsInSection (UITableView tableView, int section)
return 2;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
UITableViewCell cell;
if (indexPath.Row == 0){
cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (kDisplayCell_ID);
if (cell == null){
cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, kDisplayCell_ID);
cell.SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;
} else {
// The cell is being recycled, remove the old content
UIView viewToRemove = cell.ContentView.ViewWithTag (kViewTag);
if (viewToRemove != null)
viewToRemove.RemoveFromSuperview ();
cell.TextLabel.Text = cvc.samples [indexPath.Section].Label;
cell.ContentView.AddSubview (cvc.samples [indexPath.Section].Control);
} else {
cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (kSourceCell_ID);
if (cell == null){
// Construct the cell with reusability (the second argument is not null)
cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, kSourceCell_ID);
cell.SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;
var label = cell.TextLabel;
label.Opaque = false;
label.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
label.TextColor = UIColor.Gray;
label.Lines = 2;
label.HighlightedTextColor = UIColor.Black;
label.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (12f);
cell.TextLabel.Text = cvc.samples [indexPath.Section].Source;
return cell;
class TableDelegate : UITableViewDelegate {
public override float GetHeightForRow (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
// First row is always 50 pixes, second row 38
return indexPath.Row == 0 ? 50f : 38f;
// Load our definition from the NIB file
public ControlsViewController () : base ("ControlsViewController", null)
// For tagging our embedded controls at cell recylce time.
const int kViewTag = 1;
UIControl SwitchControl ()
var sw = new UISwitch (new RectangleF (198f, 12f, 94f, 27f)){
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear,
Tag = kViewTag
sw.ValueChanged += delegate {
// The enum variant causes a full-aot crash
Console.WriteLine ("New state: {0}", (int) sw.State);
return sw;
UIControl SliderControl ()
var slider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (174f, 12f, 120f, 7f)){
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear,
MinValue = 0f,
MaxValue = 100f,
Continuous = true,
Value = 50f,
Tag = kViewTag
slider.ValueChanged += delegate {
Console.WriteLine ("New value {0}", slider.Value);
return slider;
UIControl CustomSliderControl ()
var cslider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (174f, 12f, 120f, 7f)){
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear,
MinValue = 0f,
MaxValue = 100f,
Continuous = true,
Value = 50f,
Tag = kViewTag
var left = UIImage.FromFile ("orangeslide.png");
left = left.StretchableImage (10, 0);
var right = UIImage.FromFile ("yellowslide.png");
right = right.StretchableImage (10, 0);
cslider.SetThumbImage (UIImage.FromFile ("slider_ball.png"), UIControlState.Normal);
cslider.SetMinTrackImage (left, UIControlState.Normal);
cslider.SetMaxTrackImage (right, UIControlState.Normal);
cslider.ValueChanged += delegate {
Console.WriteLine ("New value {0}", cslider.Value);
return cslider;
UIControl PageControl ()
var page = new UIPageControl (new RectangleF (120f, 14f, 178f, 20f)){
BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray,
Pages = 10,
Tag = kViewTag
page.TouchUpInside += delegate {
Console.WriteLine ("Current page: {0}", page.CurrentPage);
return page;
UIView ProgressIndicator ()
var pind = new UIActivityIndicatorView (new RectangleF (265f, 12f, 40f, 40f)){
ActivityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.Gray,
AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin |
UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin |
UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin |
Tag = kViewTag
pind.StartAnimating ();
pind.SizeToFit ();
return pind;
UIView ProgressBar ()
return new UIProgressView (new RectangleF (126f, 20f, 160f, 24f)){
Style = UIProgressViewStyle.Default,
Progress = 0.5f,
Tag = kViewTag
struct ControlSample {
public string Title, Label, Source;
public UIView Control;
public ControlSample (string t, string l, string s, UIView c)
Title = t;
Label = l;
Source = s;
Control = c;
ControlSample [] samples;
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
Title = "Controls";
samples = new ControlSample [] {
new ControlSample ("UISwitch", "Standard Switch", "controls.cs: SwitchControl ()", SwitchControl ()),
new ControlSample ("UISlider", "Standard Slider", "controls.cs: SliderControl ()", SliderControl ()),
new ControlSample ("UISlider", "Customized Slider", "controls.cs: CustomSliderControl ()", CustomSliderControl ()),
new ControlSample ("UIPageControl", "Ten Pages", "controls.cs: PageControl ()", PageControl ()),
new ControlSample ("UIActivityIndicatorView", "Style Gray", "controls.cs: ProgressIndicator ()", ProgressIndicator ()),
new ControlSample ("UIProgressView", "Style Default", "controls.cs: ProgressBar ()", ProgressBar ()),
TableView.DataSource = new DataSource (this);
TableView.Delegate = new TableDelegate ();